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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Vinci said:
I don't even know why Nintendo bothers. They should just keep doing their own wacky thing. Forget traditional. Forget what Sony and MS are doing. Forget what 3rd parties want.
The problem is that 3rd parties mean sales and a bigge userbase. They need 3rd parties to expand.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Vinci said:
I don't even know why Nintendo bothers. They should just keep doing their own wacky thing. Forget traditional. Forget what Sony and MS are doing. Forget what 3rd parties want.

This all the way.

As I said, if this thing doesn't have a pointer, I'm holding every single dual analogue fucker responsible for that devolution.

"Nintendo sucks make a hardcore machine"
*makes hardcore machine*
"Nah dont want it already got a 360/PS3"
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Not sure but maybe they figured it was a better idea in theory than in practice and it won't see the light of day.

Having the company president show it off at the premiere trade show of the year to the world's gaming press seems a little unlikely if they weren't damn sure it had solid applications.


Maturity, bitches.
AceBandage said:
And have the game take 10 years and a billion dollars? Ehhhhh...
Just send in Miyamoto to upend some tables and then Denis Dyack can be all like "This cannot really be happening!"


AceBandage said:
The problem is that 3rd parties mean sales and a bigge userbase. They need 3rd parties to expand.

Yeah, except they won't get them. At least not really. Most of the 'hardcore' - funny name that - will simply go, "Oh? MS and Sony are waiting? I'm good." And they'll wait till those companeis bring out systems and leave Nintendo's well enough alone.

I mean, I can't be the only one who noticed the remarkable turnaround in opinion regarding a new console hitting from before and now that everyone has learned it's Nintendo doing it, am I?

Seriously, it's a waste of time and effort. Just like the GameCube was.
Cosmonaut X said:
Having the company president show it off at the premiere trade show of the year to the world's gaming press seems a little unlikely if they weren't damn sure it had solid applications.

But if they do release it, they will follow along their other onscure "add-ons" and likely not even get close to the best use out of it.

Heck, they don't even utilize Motion Plus worth a shit and that's not obscure.
onQ123 said:
that's what I was saying earlier a 4:3 6" screen isn't really that big

I guess for some it's harder to grasp when you have nothing to help visualize.

since I already have squares cut out, I might as well draw my own design


i'm glad they are going for a single controller design. i think they want it to more or less do everything the wiimote and nunchuck did, just unified. i hated the split controller design of wii.

also hoping dual analogs will become the standard again, but if so, i don't really know how the motion control is gonna be built in. possibly like the ps3's sixaxis, i guess.


You know, while I'm sure Nintendo's got some much more interesting and creative ideas in mind, I'll be happy with games using the controller screen to just display the HUD information. Have the nice looking HUD-less screen that games these days seem to be going for, without sacrificing knowing what the hell is going on.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Retro Studios / Tanabe doing Eternal Darkness 2 on Project Cafe? Count me excited as feck!!!!

But I can't honestly say i believe that source.
Why For? said:
Fake shots?


Yes fake
as big as the screens will be, streaming the game to those sizes (and at a potentiall small resolution) might hurt the image quality.



Hero of Legend said:
If there's no pointer, and the thing is just a regular controller with a screen, then why not just use the Wiimote when necessary?
The console bundle will become expensive with a LCD pad and a Wiimote...

That being said, I would be REALLY disappointed if the pointing device disappear. I love it, I even use it on my HTPC now. I wish I could ust it with any device in my living room. And that's even before gaming, which exhibit some interesting uses.
Lance Bone Path said:
Whatever happened to the vitality sensor? It seems like it's a little bit late for it to come out for the wii.

Maybe the vitality sensor will double as a pointing device.
I think its gonna be in there somewhere for the Wii 2.

Just hasn't leaked yet IMO.


EatChildren said:
This all the way.

As I said, if this thing doesn't have a pointer, I'm holding every single dual analogue fucker responsible for that devolution.

"Nintendo sucks make a hardcore machine"
*makes hardcore machine*
"Nah dont want it already got a 360/PS3"

No pointer, no buy!
for now


listen to the mad man
Guys, a little suggestion about posting rumours from non-major sites:


"But I have no way of knowing if they're real or fake" DON'T POST THEM
"It looks pretty convincing to me" TOO BAD DON'T POST IT
"But Go Nintendo ran it" TOO BAD DON'T POST IT
"This blog has broken a scoop before" TOO BAD DON'T POST IT
"I'm 99% sure it's real" TOO BAD DON'T POST IT
"But I'm pretty sure it could make for good discussion" TOO BAD DON'T POST IT

This isn't brain surgery. If you're not absolutely, positively, 100% sure that what you're posting is real, don't post it. People constantly ask us to ban stupid no-name blogs; no one would have to ban anything if people just used a few brain cells.

If you want to post an idea you have, feel free to do so. If you want to pass along someone else's speculation, feel free to do so. If you want to post something specifically because you know it's bullshit and you want to laugh at the rubes that are getting duped, feel free. Mark it clearly as such.

But if you're making or passing along a factual claim, even if you label it as a rumour, know that your reputation is on the line.

It's in the stickied thread:
"If you're reading a HUGE rumour ("Nintendo going third party") from some random Blog you've never heard of, use some common sense. If you don't believe the rumour yourself, don't post it. Posting something obviously crazy and calling it a rumour is not a defence."

"Don't post comedy news as real news, don't post rickrolls, don't post rumours as facts, don't post things you don't believe just because another site posted them, try to find legitimate sources."

It's in the TOS:
"If the forum administrators perceive you as ... making unsubstantiated comments in an attempt to provoke the community, actions may be taken by the administrators."


I don't know how a pointer would work on a two handed controller.

At the very least, we should be able to do the next best thing and use the controller touch screen like a touch pad.


M74 said:

From what the IGN Wii crew said in their podcast, this is the closest mockup yet. Props to whoever made it.

Thats interesting. Guess we have a vague direction to go in now in terms of mockups.


Instro said:
Thats interesting. Guess we have a vague direction to go in now in terms of mockups.
Per IGN:

"Dreamcast with an iPad in the middle."

"An iPad with handles."

Edit in response to above post: No, they aren't claiming to have seen it. They said the mock-up they posted days ago wasn't accurate based on what they were hearing, and then they made the above comments based on what their industry insiders have told them.

Allegedly. Hell, it's IGN. Who knows? But they made a big deal in the podcast about not calling this a "rumor", but rather "unconfirmed information" from multiple sources.


M74 said:

From what the IGN Wii crew said in their podcast, this is the closest mockup yet. Props to whoever made it.
I guess it has everything that the rumors have been bringing up, but I still can't imagine that being very comfortable to hold for longer than ten minutes at a time. It's intriguing in that it's the first time I've seen someone include a vertical-oriented screen though. The coffee cup button is a nice touch too, though I doubt the final name will have anything actually related to "Cafe" in the brand, not to mention what function would that button have when there's already a Home function?

...Unless it actually DOES include a coffeemaker.


rekameohs said:
I really like the idea of the pen stylus being used as the pointer. That could be done with a two handed controller.
It could...but then you'd need three hands to use the controller and the stylus at the same time. Or you'd need games that exclusively are controlled by the touch screen, because something like that doesn't look like you could hold very comfortably to try and use buttons and stylus at the same time.
analysis time!

"Any Wii successor - and trust me, its successors name will not include the word 'Wii' - will have to gain praise among the core video game market. With the strongest first-party brands in entertainment, I have no doubt that any Wii successor will gain the attention of the core video game community."

"I won’t even begin to guess [an RRP] as I know little of its components, but I will say that the $299 to $349 does seem to be the appropriate price range to entice the core community,"

- Jesse Divnich



Doorman said:
It could...but then you'd need three hands to use the controller and the stylus at the same time. Or you'd need games that exclusively are controlled by the touch screen, because something like that doesn't look like you could hold very comfortably to try and use buttons and stylus at the same time.
I'm thinking that instead of a wiimote-nunchuk two handed pointer style thing, we'll get a one handed pointer where enough buttons are on the pointer.

Who really knows though?
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