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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Eh alright...but if you're going to argue that Wii did catch the 'core gamer's' attention at the beginning of the system's life, their attention was diverted elsewhere pretty quickly and the games normally aimed at that segment followed.

And that aside, if Nintendo's first party branding was truly enough to break them into the core market, wouldn't the Gamecube have fared better? Wouldn't Wii not have struggled so hard to land at least decent third party support? I'm less than convinced by this analysts points, even if I do agree on the price point.


M74 said:

From what the IGN Wii crew said in their podcast, this is the closest mockup yet. Props to whoever made it.

That's Graphics Horse's first mock-up. Probably is the closest to matching whatever the credible speculation is, but his newer mock-up today was infinitely better. Unrealistic? Probably. But awesome.


Pie Lord said:
There's a difference?

to be specific, they are hearing this stuff from multiple sources that are actual people working at different game companies, and some of them are apparently not low on the totem pole either. Supposedly, it's only unconfirmed because Nintendo won't comment themselves.


Pie Lord said:
There's a difference?
From the (apparent) IGN lexicon:

Rumors are unsubstantiated. Unconfirmed information comes from a trusted source, but lacks public authentication.

As best I can figure.


as others have said, the mockup looks so damn uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time. something that sits directly in your palms like the 360's controller is ideal.


IIRC, Zelda Informer was completely off about the details of the Zelda reveal at E3 2010 and then acted all indignant when people called them out on it afterward. I don't trust them at all.

EDIT: I checked the archives and they did apologize, but the point remains.


Vinci said:
I don't even know why Nintendo bothers. They should just keep doing their own wacky thing. Forget traditional. Forget what Sony and MS are doing. Forget what 3rd parties want.

How do we know it will be traditional? Iwata called Apple the enemy of future, so I'm guessing their next system is going to be designed to attract everyone who are buying iOS devices. Waggle is out. Touch is in.


rekameohs said:
I'm thinking that instead of a wiimote-nunchuk two handed pointer style thing, we'll get a one handed pointer where enough buttons are on the pointer.

Who really knows though?

Nintendo needs to rethink the plus and minus buttons, put motion plus in the nunchuk and bigger rumble.


M74 said:

From what the IGN Wii crew said in their podcast, this is the closest mockup yet. Props to whoever made it.

Make the two wands detachable from the tablet so you can have proper motion/pointer controls.


Just like to remind people that it's still possible that the various devkits are somewhat contradictory to each other, and include controllers that aren't quite what they'll end up like.

I mean, re-assigning buttons much later on in the development process (once Nintendo is comfortable unveiling the real controller) wouldn't take that long, right?


agrajag said:
Make the two wands detachable from the tablet so you can have proper motion/pointer controls.
I had this thought, too. I wonder if they'll consider going that route.

The thing that strikes me as off about all these rumors, even from the more trustworthy sources, is that the Pointer controls are never mentioned. They do mention motion controls and the possibility of the new controller somehow acting as a sensor bar, but never the pointer mechanics specifically. Would Nintendo really backtrack like that? And like I stated pages ago, if they forfeit the single-handed controller design they not only lose the pointer, but also sword swinging mechanics.


Why would two wands need to be detachable? Not sure about anyone else, but 99% of the time, I rested my nunchuk in my lap or between my knees or whathaveyou. Conceivable a touchscreen could form part of this 'lazier' half, and still have motion controls with the wand half.


AniHawk said:
why do you keep putting the screen below the controls. why why why.

Because it would be a pain to hold it the other way, because of the weight of the screen.

It's not like your hands will block the screen.

M74 said:
I had this thought, too. I wonder if they'll consider going that route.

The thing that strikes me as off about all these rumors, even from the more trustworthy sources, is that the Pointer controls are never mentioned. They do mention motion controls and the possibility of the new controller somehow acting as a sensor bar, but never the pointer mechanics specifically. Would Nintendo really backtrack like that? And like I stated pages ago, if they forfeit the single-handed controller design they not only lose the pointer, but also sword swinging mechanics.

It would suck, but Nintendo did lose the analog triggers for the Gamecube when going to Wii, and they did lose buttons (including the trigger which later came back on Wii) when going from N64 to Gamecube.
M74 said:
I had this thought, too. I wonder if they'll consider going that route.

The thing that strikes me as off about all these rumors, even from the more trustworthy sources, is that the Pointer controls are never mentioned. They do mention motion controls and the possibility of the new controller somehow acting as a sensor bar, but never the pointer mechanics specifically. Would Nintendo really backtrack like that? And like I stated pages ago, if they forfeit the single-handed controller design they not only lose the pointer, but also sword swinging mechanics.
I hope they don't get rid of the pointer/two hand design.


Willy105 said:
Because it would be a pain to hold it the other way, because of the weight of the screen.

It's not like your hands will block the screen.

Actually, I think they would. I could see it happening quite a bit.

IMO the most comfortable looking designs have the buttons and sticks to the side of the screen instead of above or below it.


Krowley said:
Actually, I think they would. I could see it happening quite a bit.

IMO the most comfortable looking designs have the buttons and sticks to the side of the screen instead of above or below it.

Yep. Graphic's Horse first mockup looks the best one that is actually playable. The Virtual Boy one looks nice though.


Unconfirmed Member
Mrbob said:
How do we know it will be traditional? Iwata called Apple the enemy of future, so I'm guessing their next system is going to be designed to attract everyone who are buying iOS devices. Waggle is out. Touch is in.
Nintendo of all people should know that the appeal of touch is linked to the machine being entirely portable and the main action taking place between your hands. The pointer works just fine as a home console equivalent, as the Wii's sales demonstrate. Nintendo will not set the world on fire by borrowing from Apple's playbook here, because there's far more to the mass appeal of iOS gaming than a touch screen.

Honestly, they should drop the price, get a lot of cheap games on their store, and use the 3DS to fight off Apple. Expecting what works in the portable device world to automatically translate to console control is dumb.

BowieZ said:
Why would two wands need to be detachable? Not sure about anyone else, but 99% of the time, I rested my nunchuk in my lap or between my knees or whathaveyou. Conceivable a touchscreen could form part of this 'lazier' half, and still have motion controls with the wand half.
With a touch screen in there, one half would be bulky as hell.


I really hope the touch screen is multitouch, because with that kind of size it could be really useful as a control method.
BowieZ said:
Just like to remind people that it's still possible that the various devkits are somewhat contradictory to each other, and include controllers that aren't quite what they'll end up like.

I mean, re-assigning buttons much later on in the development process (once Nintendo is comfortable unveiling the real controller) wouldn't take that long, right?

Well, the dev units must be something like the final controller, for ergonomic and gameplay issues.

You don't want to be building a launch title only to find out halfway through that the platform-holder has switched the location of several buttons, or drastically changed the ergonomics of the thing.

The reason I suggested the screen as a possible placeholder earlier is that it seems like the one part of the unit that could be adjusted late on - as long as the devs know the resolution of the screen, surely the physical dimensions could be changed without much hassle even at a late stage?

Although, as Anihawk said, it's not clear why Nintendo would have a stock of 6" touchscreens to bodge together into a dev controller for the thing...
1-D_FTW said:
That's Graphics Horse's first mock-up. Probably is the closest to matching whatever the credible speculation is, but his newer mock-up today was infinitely better. Unrealistic? Probably. But awesome.

That MIGHT actually work better than his second design. For one, your hands wouldn't cover any part of the screen. Second, it would make possible my theory that you could store the pointer/stylus right in the middle of the controller and still have pointer functionality when playing traditional style. It's near perfect! All you lose is the option of landscape view.
Instro said:
I really hope the touch screen is multitouch, because with that kind of size it could be really useful as a control method.

Me too, I don't want a big ass tablet on my controller if it isn't multitouch. That would open a ton of different game capabilities.
StickSoldier said:
Me too, I don't want a big ass tablet on my controller if it isn't multitouch. That would open a ton of different game capabilities.

The fact that it isn't multitouch lends weight to the theory of there being a stylus.


From The Dust said:
would the screen really weigh that much?
not necessarily; the bulk of whatever processing it needs and perhaps a battery could be packed into a thicker, heavier handgrip area that counteracts any balance issues.
CoffeeJanitor said:
I hope they don't get rid of the pointer/two hand design.

Metroid Prime's pointer controls for the Wii Trilogy version are a key part of why I feel they are god tier games. I'd really hate to see Nintendo drop motion controls and pointer controls entirely. I just want them to be more responsible when using them. DKCR was not the appropriate type of game for motion controls.
Was this posted? Rumor about Retro making Eternal Darkness 2 for Project Cafe:

So, by word of mouth, we have been told Retro Studios next big title for Project Café is, in fact, Eternal Darkness 2. For those unaware, Eternal Darkness was one of the single best games ever created in the GameCube era, a survival horror game that always warranted a sequel... but never got one. To get this out of the way, our source (who shall remain unnamed) works for a very large gaming studio and happens to have a friend or two working for Nintendo in Retro Studios. Oftentimes friends from different studios will share small tidbits of information about upcoming titles, and even go as far as to get each other into beta testing for games. However, we don't have to just rely on this source to really provide weight behind this (I stress, this is a rumor, and not a fact). How is this even possible? What about Silicon Knights?



welp, Retro continues to work on properties that suck if that rumour is true

at least with Eternal Darkness maybe they'll get the gameplay right and won't sit around sucking off hilariously predictable sanity effects
vectorman06 said:
Was this posted? Rumor about Retro making Eternal Darkness 2 for Project Cafe:

It was, but the source is known to be shit.

Amir0x said:
welp, Retro continues to work on properties that suck if that rumour is true

at least with Eternal Darkness maybe they'll get the gameplay right and won't sit around sucking off hilariously predictable sanity effects

Nintendo could use a horror franchise done right though.


Fourth Storm said:
The fact that it isn't multitouch lends weight to the theory of there being a stylus.
Yeah, the screen is probably going to lend itself to character/item edits ala Animalxing...or taking photos with the buit in camera and uploading to GTA5 lol. There's going to be some clever usage for some games no doubt...as to what exactly?


Mortrialus said:
I just want them to be more responsible when using them. DKCR was not the appropriate type of game for motion controls.
I disagree; I felt shaking to roll was quite intuitive... it was just the hold down + shake to blow out flowers and lamps control that was going too far (insofar as easily causing mistaken actions) and was a simple mistake on the part of Retro/Nintendo. But not necessarily inappropriate.


Amir0x said:
welp, Retro continues to work on properties that suck if that rumour is true

at least with Eternal Darkness maybe they'll get the gameplay right and won't sit around sucking off hilariously predictable sanity effects
fortunately, it comes from people with less of a reputation than s pong


I can't imagine that Eternal Darkness is the game that "everyone wants them to do," as supposedly intimated by Retro earlier. I had no idea people were even clamoring for a sequel for that, let alone a sequel made by Retro Studios.

Besides, why ask for ED when you could get a StarTropics reboot instead?


Skiesofwonder said:


right the implication of my comments obviously being after they left Metroid they've worked on only shitty properties since if they went on to make Eternal Darkness...

let me stop you before you go on some Nintendo fanboy driven Donkey Kong Country rage. No I don't care that the game gave you fellatio, it sucked.


Yeah, I loved Eternal Darkness, but I can't imagine why anybody would want to make a sequel to it. It was an extremely marginal game in terms of popularity, and any substantial public demand for a sequel (if there was any) disappeared a long time ago. It hasn't even really managed to attain cult status exactly.
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