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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Azure J

GAF's leaving me all kinds of broken hearted tonight with all the "meh StarTropics" posts in here. :(

Edit: Actually, making this another post.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Shikamaru Ninja said:
Commando Killer: Black Ops? An original IP literally means nothing nowadays. Technically Retro Studios working on Star Tropics is literally an open canvas for them. But I have to admit I like the idea of them making Eternal Darkness.

I don't dislike the idea, but what's the point of tying up Retro when I'm sure silicon knights would jump at the opportunity to develop a sequel. Let them work on their baby.

And I see no point in developing a second one unless the vitality sensor is in play....


I think one of the best games Nintendo could launch with the N6 would be a new F-Zero game from Sega. Stunning visuals, eye-popping speeds @ 60fps and all in glorious 1080p. You can't get any more hardcore than that.
Lupin the Wolf said:
More like DK's Fun with Music for life, am I right?




Shikamaru Ninja said:
It isn't that easy. There are some huge problems with the Wii.

1. Traditional third-party games are not selling. Hell. No third party game is selling outside of 2-3 rare titles. One being UBI Soft's Just Dance. This severely limits the broadness of the userbase, and the amount Nintendo collects on licensee fees.

2. Nintendo themselves is shoe-horned into developing the same type of games. Wii Play clones and nostaltic 2.5d games. Anything else they try to develop there just isn't a viable market to support it.

3. The casual market isn't so dependable. Consumer trends have already disrupted the hand held market. Remember when Nintendo had those smash hits Brain Training? English Training? Electroplankton? Cooking Guide? Well the market for all those games have literally vanished. Satoru Iwata himself acknowledged that the Touch Generations brand of games is pretty much done with. Why? Because all these simple games are now available on a variety of smart phones for about a dollar.

4. Aside from the casual market not really having brand loyalty, they have also proven to purchase about 2 games a year. It kind of ruins Nintendo's forecast of having a successful full year of releases.

Nintendo needs a balanced system. One of the main objectives is going to be appeasing the traditional core market. Nintendo needs to sell games to both markets.
Most of the third party games are garbage though. I own a Wii and it's all very frustrating that there's all this shovelware and cash ins or gimmicks to try and draw in customers. I don't want anything like that I just want a game.

As for making rehashes, I don't know why the market eats that up, I got sick of that 5 years ago once I started working for myself.

Those "casual" games you listed were fun for about an hour or two. I wouldn't have paid full price for any of them.

No one has brand loyalty anymore on anything. If you ask me, the only loyalty I have is for the PC and the desire for all games to have a PC port so I never have to buy a console again.


AniHawk said:
well the only point of reviving star tropics would be to cash in on the name star tropics. maybe it'll work for kid icarus because people have been clamoring for it for years, but star tropics?
The point is, it would still give you at least a little bit of a familiar name to massage people into the idea, and the games themselves are old enough that they can take enough liberty with gameplay and design decisions for it to function as a "new" game. Either way you get a new franchise game and something that you can potentially expand on, but this route starts you off with a foot in the door as far as getting a customer's attention. It's a small step, but still one less job you have to do in the long run.
TAS said:
I think one of the best games Nintendo could launch with the N6 would be a new F-Zero game from Sega. Stunning visuals, eye-popping speeds @ 60fps and all in glorious 1080p. You can't get any more hardcore than that.

I think Monster should make it, since the team that made GX aren't really around anymore.
Give it good online and stable FPS and you have a winner.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Ridleyscott said:
1. Third party titles aren't selling because they aren't the type of games the market wants.

2. Why are 2.5D games nostalgic? Its as if you treat them as "not worthy". They are just as viable, fun, and high quality as any 3D game - I'd say more so.

3. Exactly, the prices of games are too expensive. The price needs to come down from $50 to about $30-$40 for bigger games and about $5-$10 for smaller ones.

4. Brand loyalty? WTF is this? This is irrelevant, no company should base their business model on brand loyalty. That is the mind-set of the current "Industry".

1. Yes. There aren't enough great high-quality third party games on the Wii. But the market forged itself through the success of the Wii Sports lines and the new control method. I'm sure a Japanese third party developer would rather make a game on the Wii because of the larger usebase, but something is telling them there game would sell better on 360. Quite frankly I would agree.

2. 2.5D games are nostaltic when they are called Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong Returns. Especially when they simile the past great franchise in theme.

3. Well retail wise we know you can't put a game out on the shelf for 5-10$. And then the question is how do you get grandma to buy a 3DS and go on the e-shop to buy Brain-Age 3.

4. Brand loyalty is absolutely taken into consideraton in this entertainment business. Think about Apple and SONY. There definitely is a following. Not that I am enforcing it on anyone.
BowieZ said:
Jesus Christ, stop feeding the troll.

Nothing worse than having to skip over boatloads of Amir0x's awful, awful opinions, especially when they are completely off topic.


Never seen anyone try so hard to make entire threads, no matter what the topic, about his own worthless opinions.
JCRedeems said:
If they really catered to 3rd parties and didn't do their own wacky thing their would have been a Gamecube 2 which would have been a failure sales wise. They definitely wouldn't have made the billions they made this gen.

It's not a binary hypothetical. Nintendo could almost certainly have given Wii specs that were much more competitive (though perhaps not on par) with the two HD consoles than what we got, and still turned a per-unit profit at $300. That might not have been enough to guarantee Wii versions of every PS360 title, let alone a flood of core-oriented exclusives, but it'd have at least fit somewhere in the HD development pipeline instead of falling completely outside it.


Ridleyscott said:
After reading some of these comments by analysts such as Divinich, I must say that all these rumors sound like the hopes of the "The Video Games Industry". Nintendo more or less abandoned the common goals of "The Industry" with the Wii - the idea of 'bigger is better'.

"$299 - $349 price tag" - complete nonsense, this would be financial suicide. We are currently in a recession in the US with worse times yet to come, same in Japan, same in many parts of Europe. No company in their right mind would do this to themselves.. I'm completely amazed that Nintendo released a $300 portable. Any potential new system from Nintendo, unless it includes VR will not exceed $300. $249 - $300.

"Nintendo will have to cater to the 'core' " - No they don't, the 'core' is not needed, this was proved by the Wii. This is the "right off Wii/motion-controls as a fad" mentality.

I feel like these guys are trying to force Nintendo's hand because of problems which are currently here and yet to come. They believe the way out is for Nintendo to shift focus away from "blue Ocean" to the bigger is better mentality. I do not believe Nintendo will go this route. Why? Because that route is dead, the video game landscape has changed and these companies don't like it because it will require them to do things that they don't want to do.

Hence the other rumors of returning back to dual analog - this fits the old mentality of the 'core' market, the days of old where everyone was comfortable. In part, Nintendo is being blamed for the current state as if the Wii made it happen. They want Nintendo to distance themselves from the philosophy of the Wii and are going as far as to say Nintendo can't use that name again, even though it is the name of the most successful console ever.

A good post, and I definitely agree with your points. Blue Ocean is obviously the money-maker, but Nintendo MAY indeed spend a little more time/money developing more "traditional" games.

Azure J

AceBandage said:
It's just kids that don't know what's good for them.

One thing that seriously needs to be mentioned here though, StarTropics potential isn't something that should be understated. To a large group of people, these games have never existed and a ST made today would for damn sure be a whole 'nother event than it was back in 1990 when fledgling Nintendo was trying to tap into the west. I think it has potential simply because it has the following:

- No real boundaries in terms of the universe. There wasn't anything established in the series other than interstellar shenanigans and tropics/tropical settings & superstitions. Building off that can result in a pretty awesome original setting and scenario coupled with the puzzle-platforming cavernous action stages that made up the bulk of the first two games. The latter could totally make for some interesting takes on progression and level design.
- Potential for gameplay that isn't really done by Nintendo currently (as much as I hate just referencing other games to make a point for this one, it really could be a variety of different things, the most prominent of which would be becoming the Nintendo Uncharted, except with a reason for the aliens :p)
- It'd give Retro complete jurisdiction over what they create since anything made now would pretty much be 99.9% brand new and have no need to tie into the past games beyond major characters and certain settings.
- It could actually show off some novel uses of motion controls if done right, even though just supporting motion more at this point shouldn't be the only reason for reviving something like this.

This is a topic for another thread however, so I'll end this with a "patiently waiting for next week/E3" and hope something good breaks even a few minutes before then.
Esiquio said:
A good post, and I definitely agree with your points. Blue Ocean is obviously the money-maker, but Nintendo MAY indeed spend a little more time/money developing more "traditional" games.

Except that Blue Ocean is no longer the BlueOcean.
The new BlueOcean needs to be found.
But at the same time, there's far less competition in the old Red Ocean, with Sony and MS focusing more on Move and Kinect.

AzureJericho said:
One thing that seriously needs to be mentioned here though, StarTropics potential isn't something that should be understated. To a large group of people, these games have never existed and a ST made today would for damn sure be a whole 'nother event than it was back in 1990 when fledgling Nintendo was trying to tap into the west. I think it has potential simply because it has the following:

- No real boundaries in terms of the universe. There wasn't anything established in the series other than interstellar shenanigans and tropics/tropical settings & superstitions. Building off that can result in a pretty awesome original setting and scenario coupled with the puzzle-platforming cavernous action stages that made up the bulk of the first two games. The latter could totally make for some interesting takes on progression and level design.
- Potential for gameplay that isn't really done by Nintendo currently (as much as I hate just referencing other games to make a point for this one, it really could be a variety of different things, the most prominent of which would be becoming the Nintendo Uncharted, except with a reason for the aliens :p)
- It'd give Retro complete jurisdiction over what they create since anything made now would pretty much be 99.9% brand new and have no need to tie into the past games beyond major characters and certain settings.
- It could actually show off some novel uses of motion controls if done right, even though just supporting motion more at this point shouldn't be the only reason for reviving something like this.

This is a topic for another thread however, so I'll end this with a "patiently waiting for next week/E3" and hope something good breaks even a few minutes before then.

Wonderfully stated.
Startropics would be a perfect "adventure" type game and could be a wonderful showcase for the system, in loo of Zelda. And it's more futuristic setting would have a bigger appeal as well.
Ugh, listening to podcasts speculate on Nintendo is just painful sometimes. You are worried that they dont know how to make games in HD? Are you fucking kidding me?


Gamer @ Heart said:
Ugh, listening to podcasts speculate on Nintendo is just painful sometimes. You are worried that they dont know how to make games in HD? Are you fucking kidding me?
There is a conspiracy theory that Nintendo has avoided HD for as long as possible because its internal development teams are not skilled enough ... or something.
BowieZ said:
There is a conspiracy theory that Nintendo has avoided HD for as long as possible because its internal development teams are not skilled enough ... or something.

Which is silly, considering how many of Nintendo's Wii games have textures that were already HD.
Dolphin proves this.


Father_Brain said:
It's not a binary hypothetical. Nintendo could almost certainly have given Wii specs that were much more competitive with the two HD consoles than what we got, and still turned a per-unit profit at $300. That might not have been enough to guarantee Wii versions of every PS360 title, but it'd have at least fit somewhere in the HD development pipeline instead of falling completely outside it.

It wouldn't have sold as many consoles if were $300 and 3rd parties wouldn't be as compelled to port their games over to a smaller install base. Remember the Gamecube? The Gamecube was on par with its competitors spec wise but still didn't get many of the big 3rd party games. Moreover Nintendo wouldn't have made much of a profit (if any at all) on every $300 Gamecube 2 sold.

I can see as a "core" gamer a Gamecube 2 would have been awesome but for Nintendo as a business going the Wii route was probably the smartest move in video game history.... business wise.


BowieZ said:
There is a conspiracy theory that Nintendo has avoided HD for as long as possible because its internal development teams are not skilled enough ... or something.

I'm sure it was because HDTV's were way too unpopular back in 2006 for their standards to justify rising the price of the system to get HD capability.

What would there be about HD development that would cause their development teams not be skilled enough? It's not like going from 2D to 3D (the reason Earthbound 64 (Mother 3) was cancelled).
Skiesofwonder said:
Speaking of which, a new endless ocean in HD would be spectacular.

3D would be nice as well. ;)

That would make a great online community game.
Not an MMO, but expand it to like 10 players or so.
And add in video chat via the controller and you have yourself an awesome social game.
JCRedeems said:
It wouldn't have sold as many consoles if were $300 and 3rd parties wouldn't be as compelled to port their games over to a smaller install base. Remember the Gamecube? The Gamecube was on par with its competitors spec wise but still didn't get many of the big 3rd party games. Moreover Nintendo wouldn't have made much of a profit (if any at all) on every $300 Gamecube 2 sold.

I can see as a "core" gamer a Gamecube 2 would have been awesome but for Nintendo as a business going the Wii route was probably the smartest move in video game history.... business wise.

The insane shortages/scalping Wii went through multiple times prior to its first price cut indicate that it would have sold just fine at $300; when demand is outstripping supply to that degree, that's a pretty good indicator that your product is underpriced (in market terms, not a subjective sense). Also, I edited my post to clarify that I meant specs that were more competitive with HD consoles, not necessarily on the same technical level.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Ugh, listening to podcasts speculate on Nintendo is just painful sometimes. You are worried that they dont know how to make games in HD? Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh thats nothing, listen to Giant Bomb this week...."why does Wii 2 and its controller exist? Wii sucks. The end".
Tried looking through search, meant to bookmark it. Someone said early in the thread there was no way this would hit 15000 posts and move this fast this long. Hahaha. I knew it would happen, wish I could find it.


LOL can you imagine an online Endless Ocean HD game where you play against nine other people and the person at the end of a 5 minute swimming session who is the most relaxed (via the controller's inbuilt vitality sensor) wins!
BowieZ said:
LOL can you imagine an online Endless Ocean HD game where you play against nine other people and the person at the end of a 5 minute swimming session who is the most relaxed (via the controller's inbuilt vitality sensor) wins!

It's all coming together...
Everything makes sense now...

HenryGale said:
Tried looking through search, meant to bookmark it. Someone said early in the thread there was no way this would hit 15000 posts and move this fast this long. Hahaha. I knew it would happen, wish I could find it.

It is weird that an HD successor to the Wii is moving faster than a 3D successor to the DS...
I guess people on GAF just really love HD Nintendo.
BowieZ said:
LOL can you imagine an online Endless Ocean HD game where you play against nine other people and the person at the end of a 5 minute swimming session who is the most relaxed (via the controller's inbuilt vitality sensor) wins!

you make it sound like Nintendo will have good online. lolololololol!


yoopoo said:
Oh thats nothing, listen to Giant Bomb this week...."why does Wii 2 and its controller exist? Wii sucks. The end".
And this is the sort of reaction that leads me to say that Nintendo shouldn't apply the Wii brand to the system itself. Continue to use it on some games and peripherals if you want, but there's too large a group of "core" gamers that mentally tune out the moment Wii is mentioned. That's not a reaction you want right out of the gate.

Fat Goron

Ok, if they do make another Endless Ocean, rule #1:

Just introduce me another awesome musical group like you did with Celtic Woman.
That was the best think about that game (and Hayley in the first one was also amazing, but I'd already known her back then).


Ridleyscott said:
I feel like these guys are trying to force Nintendo's hand because of problems which are currently here and yet to come. They believe the way out is for Nintendo to shift focus away from "blue Ocean" to the bigger is better mentality. I do not believe Nintendo will go this route. Why? Because that route is dead, the video game landscape has changed and these companies don't like it because it will require them to do things that they don't want to do.

I don't think you understand what the blue ocean is. It's creating a product to appeal to users that are not served in the current marketplace (the blue ocean) rather than overserved users already in the marketplace (red ocean). Casuals right now between Nintendo products, Kinect, facebook, iOS, etc., are, if anything, the overserved red ocean.

To boot, I don't understand your grandstanding about Nintendo abandoning the casuals. The rumors state that they are making nice with third parties and the hardware easy for ports so that good core third party games can appear, as opposed to the exclusive shit that appeared on the Wii (third party exclusives are dead, deal with it). But it's like you are ignoring the parts about "motion better than Move" and "controller with touchscreen than could have awesome applications."


What first party games would y'all like the "new Wii" (whatever you want to call it) launch with?

I'd like:

A flagship Mario title. No more planetoids, I want a Mario game with normal worlds, but with the same linear platforming gameplay of SMG series.

Star Fox.

Doorman said:
And this is the sort of reaction that leads me to say that Nintendo shouldn't apply the Wii brand to the system itself. Continue to use it on some games and peripherals if you want, but there's too large a group of "core" gamers that mentally tune out the moment Wii is mentioned. That's not a reaction you want right out of the gate.
I don't think it's the Wii brand, I think those people tune out the moment anything related to Nintendo at all is mentioned, since their games are, like, colorful and shit. I don't think Nintendo will ever appeal to people in that category no matter what they do.


Doorman said:
And this is the sort of reaction that leads me to say that Nintendo shouldn't apply the Wii brand to the system itself. Continue to use it on some games and peripherals if you want, but there's too large a group of "core" gamers that mentally tune out the moment Wii is mentioned. That's not a reaction you want right out of the gate.

Nintendo wants to keep its base of customers and get some "extra" core gamers along too. Getting rid of the Wii name is foolish unless Nintendo really has caught lightning in a bottle with this new gimmick andn can be sure that the women, kids, and old people who actually made them succesful are gonna show up for this next console. Nintendo will never have a succesful system by relying primarily on the same consumers that Sony and Microsoft rely on.
GC had the best triggers of any controller ever for me. The feel, the resistance, plus the click made it phenomenal to use in nearly every case imo.
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