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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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So, did no one post this yet?

IGN's Wii2/Project Cafe Q&A Mailbag:

Some noteworthy stuff:
Q: Do you think Nintendo is ditching motion controls? - EvilTw1n

A: Nope. Project Cafe is backwards compatible with Wii games and, from what I understand, Wii Remotes. And the Cafe Remote is rumored to have some sort of gyroscope as well. I don't know if we'll see motion control that's exactly like Wii, but there will be something.

Q: Do you think Cafe will be the first of a next generation of consoles or will it merely match the 360 and the PS3. - LindandSamus4Ever

A: I've been told by reliable sources it's "significantly" more powerful than the current generation. How much is "significant" is a bit of a judgment call, so we'll see how that shakes out. I suspect we'll see a lot of Project Cafe software looking similar to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 software since most titles will simply port across all three platforms. We'll see how much Nintendo can stand out in those types of situations. Perhaps that's the idea though – have everything the competition has plus the massive, powerful library of Nintendo-owned characters. That certainly seems smart to me.

Q: Are we only getting half the picture with this built-in screen controller? What I mean to say is, is this 6" screen controller the main input device for the system or is it possible we're just hearing about the next gen version of the Classic Controller? – ZanetheWise

A: No, this is the primary controller we're hearing about. I'm a bit curious if it can somehow replicate all functionality of a GameCube and/or Wii controller on its own or if Nintendo wants us to keep buying all of those controllers for older games. My money would be on that strategy, but who knows.

Q: If the Wii 2 is really launching in late 2012 and is being announced this June, how will we survive the drought of games until the Wii 2's launch? - Secret_Tunnel

A: Two points on this. First, I'm hearing that Nintendo would love to launch in Q1 or Q2 2012 if at all possible. So late 2012 does seem a bit out of the picture… software development pending.
M74 said:
Giant Bomb is an abortion.

An abortion??

Also, IGN has a new mailbag up discussing the Wii 2 and it says pretty much everything we already know. A couple of interesting parts are a reiteration that the console is "significantly" more powerful than 360/PS3, that Nintendo would love to launch in Q1/Q2 2012, and that it is likely there is some kind of gyroscopic control in the controller.


EDIT: Beaten.


brochiller said:
An abortion??

Also, IGN has a new mailbag up discussing the Wii 2 and it says pretty much everything we already know. A couple of interesting parts are a reiteration that the console is "significantly" more powerful than 360/PS3, that Nintendo would love to launch in Q1/Q2 2012, and that it is likely there is some kind of gyroscopic control in the controller.


EDIT: Beaten.
Yeah I would say abortion is a fitting term for Supposedly professional gaming sites that when a New Console is on the horizon just basically say who gives a fuck.

Console launches are more exciting than announcing the 15th version of Dudebro shooter etc.
Vinci said:
So we're back to 'significantly' more powerful.

Okay. I'm bored. Need Monday to get here.

We won't get how powerful it is from there, sadly.
Probably a name, maybe what third parties are on board, a look at the controller maybe.


antonz said:
Yeah I would say abortion is a fitting term for Supposedly professional gaming sites that when a New Console is on the horizon just basically say who gives a fuck.

Console launches are more exciting than announcing the 15th version of Dudebro shooter etc.

Vinci said:
So we're back to 'significantly' more powerful.

Okay. I'm bored. Need Monday to get here.
At least they finally acknowledged just how subjective the word "significant" can be.
Vinci said:
So we're back to 'significantly' more powerful.

Okay. I'm bored. Need Monday to get here.

I wouldn't expect too much. When they announced the 3DS before E3 last year they told us the name of the system, that it displays a 3D image, and that it is backwards compatible. So hopefully we'll get one good bit of info akin to the announcement of 3D for the 3DS, but I wouldn't expect any info on power or anything like that.


PantherLotus said:
1. The Wii Remote is 5.83" long, right?
2. When someone says, 6 inch ipad, they're talking height, right?

16:9 aspect ratio: 5.2in wide, 2.9in tall
4:3 aspect ratio: 4.8in wide, 3.6in tall

the ipad uses a 4:3 aspect ratio


right here is a 6" screens tablet.

from what is reported controls would be on each side of the screen. The only mystery is what positioning of the screen vertical or horizontal


The monday thing will probably be a press release confirming it is a "powerful videogame system" with an "innovative touchscreen controller" or something like that. I suppose we will have this speculation until E3.
brochiller said:
I wouldn't expect too much. When they announced the 3DS before E3 last year they told us the name of the system, that it displays a 3D image, and that it is backwards compatible. So hopefully we'll get one good bit of info akin to the announcement of 3D for the 3DS, but I wouldn't expect any info on power or anything like that.

Right. The 3DS announcement was (paraphrased) "We're releasing it worldwide before March 31, 2011, it's called Nintendo 3DS, it allows games to be viewed in 3D without glasses, and it will be backward compatible with DS and DSi software." I expect the investor conference announcement to be similarly shy on details (don't want to spoil any E3 surprises). However, if they tell us more than a few bare-bones details...hooray!


The only real interesting thing I take out of that is the fact that they referred to a "Cafe Remote." That they used that word in particular, remote, rather than controller, which sounds like it would be more accurate for all the features it has and the mockups we've seen.

And yet later on they also admit that they've seen a "primary controller." The whole thing still seems weirdly contradictory.
Doorman said:
The only real interesting thing I take out of that is the fact that they referred to a "Cafe Remote." That they used that word in particular, remote, rather than controller, which sounds like it would be more accurate for all the features it has and the mockups we've seen.

And yet later on they also admit that they've seen a "primary controller." The whole thing still seems weirdly contradictory.

How so?
We call it the Wiimote, but it is a controller...
The words are pretty interchangeable.


Well, to me anyway use of the word "remote" implies a certain type of shape and form factor. Picturing a dual-analog iPad does not strike me as the sort of thing they would call a remote, that's all. Makes it sound like there's still a slimmer gyro-equipped remote in addition to the touchscreen controller. It's a lot to read into from a single word, admittedly.

The M.O.B

Nlroh said:
The monday thing will probably be a press release confirming it is a "powerful videogame system" with an "innovative touchscreen controller" or something like that. I suppose we will have this speculation until E3.

We should get confirmation on the main selling point of Cafe at least, for the 3DS it was 3D, for Cafe i'm guessing its the tablet-esque controller.
Doorman said:
The only real interesting thing I take out of that is the fact that they referred to a "Cafe Remote." That they used that word in particular, remote, rather than controller, which sounds like it would be more accurate for all the features it has and the mockups we've seen.

And yet later on they also admit that they've seen a "primary controller." The whole thing still seems weirdly contradictory.

I don't see where they said they'd seen a controller, only that they know they're hearing about said primary controller. They call it the "Cafe Remote," but based on their own "iPad within a Dreamcast controller" description and mock-ups, I seriously doubt they meant "Wii-Remote-like controller" by that.
evangd007 said:
I don't think you understand what the blue ocean is. It's creating a product to appeal to users that are not served in the current marketplace (the blue ocean) rather than overserved users already in the marketplace (red ocean). Casuals right now between Nintendo products, Kinect, facebook, iOS, etc., are, if anything, the overserved red ocean.

I understand the Blue Ocean and I don't think that they are being served by Move and Kinect, maybe facebook with some of those games, but there are plenty of genres not being explored there and can't be explored there. Just because Sony and MS are making crappy knock-offs of games that initially sold well for the Wii and attempting to mimic the motion control doesn't mean that they are meeting a demand or even competing for market share. There are many factors involved, this can be seen from the fact that Move and Kinect aren't selling like the Wii did... because those business models are flawed, they don't understand the "casual" market like Nintendo does/did and I'm not sure Nintendo has it entirely pinned-down yet either which I believe is evidenced by them placing a How-To DVD in with Mario Galaxy 2. The "casual" market isn't one that just buys some goofy mini-games... who bought NSMB Wii? "casuals" or "core"? Both, so how do you classify that title? That is what Sony and MS don't see... they've missed the boat entirely with this "casual" market.

To boot, I don't understand your grandstanding about Nintendo abandoning the casuals. The rumors state that they are making nice with third parties and the hardware easy for ports so that good core third party games can appear, as opposed to the exclusive shit that appeared on the Wii (third party exclusives are dead, deal with it). But it's like you are ignoring the parts about "motion better than Move" and "controller with touchscreen than could have awesome applications."

There aren't any casuals, that is the point. Casuals is an illusion created by Industry to separate their vision for gaming from everyone else's. Third parties are dead... Look at their financial statements, look at them closing their doors... They refuse to abandon their flawed business models and hope that if Nintendo changes course everything will turn around and they can continue down their deluded path.

Motion better than Move? I wasn't even aware that Move was any good, I've never heard anyone talk about it... The only motion controller that anyone knows anything about is Wii's - there is no other motion controller out right now as far as the market is concerned.

I agree that some slight changes need to be made to Wii... motion+ incorporated into both controllers, a better D-pad and larger buttons on the Wii-mote, etc. but I really believe that the problem is that games today are broken... there are huge pieces of what makes a game that are missing from most products today. I see an overuse of 3D...3D for the sake of 3D, a complete absence of any arcade-like qualities in games (i.e., too much load time, too many and too long cut-scenes rather than gameplay, overly redundant themes, themes too serious and realistic in nature, gameplay that is too serious and realistic, etc.) These are the reasons people aren't playing these games. "casuals" don't want this stuff in their games, it isn't what they are looking for - they aren't necessarily looking for WiiSports, WiiRace, WiiHealth, BrainGames, etc. They want to punch, shoot, and explore stuff just like most of us do, but not within the same context that most us want to - not within long, drawn-out introductions and movie plots.
Doorman said:
The only real interesting thing I take out of that is the fact that they referred to a "Cafe Remote." That they used that word in particular, remote, rather than controller, which sounds like it would be more accurate for all the features it has and the mockups we've seen.

And yet later on they also admit that they've seen a "primary controller." The whole thing still seems weirdly contradictory.

My God do we ever need some actual info to talk about.
Doorman said:
And this is the sort of reaction that leads me to say that Nintendo shouldn't apply the Wii brand to the system itself. Continue to use it on some games and peripherals if you want, but there's too large a group of "core" gamers that mentally tune out the moment Wii is mentioned. That's not a reaction you want right out of the gate.
But these idiot journalists don't matter. Nintendo does not give a shit about them.
AceBandage said:
I doubt it.
The channels set up is really good for a console.

It works great with the pointer, but if they're not going to go with the pointer I feel they should change it. I really think they should change it anyway. I'm hoping they're going to invest more in the online arena this time, and with that should come a new GUI for the system's menu.
brochiller said:
It works great with the pointer, but if they're not going to go with the pointer I feel they should change it. I really think they should change it anyway. I'm hoping they're going to invest more in the online arena this time, and with that should come a new GUI for the system's menu.

The 3DS's GUI is pretty good for online.
Not sure what else you could change on it to make it better.


brochiller said:
My God do we ever need some actual info to talk about.
I admitted that it's a big stretch, and I already told myself that I was going to stop with the useless speculation, but it's just so tempting! D: Console daydreaming is turning into a drug for me, I can't help it.

CoffeeJanitor said:
But these idiot journalists don't matter. Nintendo does not give a shit about them.
They give a shit insomuch as these journalists are out there and stirring up an anti-Nintendo opintion to their readers, aka potential customers. I do think that when Nintendo makes claims that they want to create games for everyone, they literally mean everyone, even if that's pretty idealistic.
Doorman said:
I admitted that it's a big stretch, and I already told myself that I was going to stop with the useless speculation, but it's just so tempting! D: Console daydreaming is turning into a drug for me, I can't help it.

I've been unhealthily addicted to this thread for the past week as well. I feel your pain.
CoffeeJanitor said:
But these idiot journalists don't matter. Nintendo does not give a shit about them.

Agreed. I think it is difficult for us to see beyond ourselves... we think we are the majority because we frequently chat with each other, but we aren't the majority. Journalists are saying stuff that they want, not necessarily what the market as a whole wants. And if Journalists have narrowed their discussion to only these few things, none of what they say really matters since it is not representative of the market as a whole.
Doorman said:
They give a shit insomuch as these journalists are out there and stirring up an anti-Nintendo opintion to their readers, aka potential customers. I do think that when Nintendo makes claims that they want to create games for everyone, they literally mean everyone, even if that's pretty idealistic.

Anti-Nintendo opinion to their readers who are not in any way the mass market that Nintendo is looking to capture. I don't think you realize how insignificant the "core" gamer is in the big picture.

We are the minority.


CoffeeJanitor said:
But these idiot journalists don't matter. Nintendo does not give a shit about them.

I won't argue about gaming journalism, but they're not the only ones who think this way about Nintendo. There are a lot of gamers who just don't see Nintendo as an actual part of gaming. Maybe they're too kiddy, not hardcore enough, whatever, they just don't care about Nintendo, or worse, actively hate the company. This isn't a new issue at all; I remember last-gen, when people would often refer to "current-gen consoles" but actually just mean "PS2 and Xbox". But it's only gotten even worse with the Wii and Nintendo's attempt to reach other markets.

Thing is, these gamers tend to spend lots of money on games, so of course Nintendo cares about them.


GodfatherX said:
wait theres some official announcement about this thing coming on monday?
the original rumor was that some announcement was coming before the end of the month. the annual investors meeting is monday, which matches the rumor, and makes sense as far as an announcment would go.
GodfatherX said:
wait theres some official announcement about this thing coming on monday?

Nintendo's Investor Meeting is on the 26th in Japan (25th in the states).
They'll likely reveal the system's existence there, but not get a lot of details.


dwu8991 said:
I thought the ign mailbag helped clarify what everyone knew about wii 2 and was certainty well worth a read.
Hmm... You've convinced me to buy stock in IGN! Thank you, impartial poster!


I think its actually happening on Tuesday for us. Financial site says its happening at 3 EST on the 26th. Its obviously not 3 PM as that would be 4 AM in tokyo so it has to be 3 AM on the 26th which would be 4 PM in Tokyo


Ridleyscott said:
Anti-Nintendo opinion to their readers who are not in any way the mass market that Nintendo is looking to capture. I don't think you realize how insignificant the "core" gamer is in the big picture.

We are the minority.
Nintendo's looking to capture anybody who has money to spend on their products. That is their market. Are there as many traditional gamers as there are casuals (or Nintendo's preferred term, the nongamer) out there? No, obviously. But calling that market "insignificant" is taking that sentiment too far. When you hook them, they're easier to retain, and customer retention is a huge issue that Nintendo has faced this generation. And yes, you need retention, because you can spread into all the blue oceans you want to, but that does you no long-term good if that same mainstream abandons you and acts unpredictably.


I just realized something: If LOLtaku is even close to being right about the Xbox3/PS3 not coming out until 2014, then Wii 2 may truly find itself in a Dreamcast-like position in both terms of hardware and timing.

We're entering dangerous territory.


antonz said:
I think its actually happening on Tuesday for us. Financial site says its happening at 3 EST on the 26th. Its obviously not 3 PM as that would be 4 AM in tokyo so it has to be 3 AM on the 26th which would be 4 PM in Tokyo
Yeah and Nintendo usually releases an english translation of the entire briefing a day or so after the event.
M74 said:
I just realized something: If LOLtaku is even close to being right about the Xbox3/PS3 not coming out until 2014, then Wii 2 may truly find itself in a Dreamcast-like position in both terms of hardware and timing.

We're entering dangerous territory.

With two key differences.
1. Nintendo software destroys Sega software in terms of appeal and sales.
2. Sony can't make retailers not carry Nintendo stock like they did with Sega.


AceBandage said:
With two key differences.
1. Nintendo software destroys Sega software in terms of appeal and sales.
2. Sony can't make retailers not carry Nintendo stock like they did with Sega.

3. Nintendoes have monies that Sega don't.
4. They're riding off the enormous sucess, market dominance and brand recognition from this generation.
5. Sony/MS doesn't have the market dominating beast of a console that Sony had with the PSX.
AceBandage said:
With two key differences.
1. Nintendo software destroys Sega software in terms of appeal and sales.
2. Sony can't make retailers not carry Nintendo stock like they did with Sega.

Yeah, launching early isn't the only thing that killed the Dreamcast. Also, Nintendo is coming off of arguably its biggest success of all time, and Sega was already on a downhill slide when it launched the Dreamcast.


agrajag said:
3. Nintendoes have monies that Sega don't.
4. They're riding off the enormous sucess, market dominance and brand recognition from this generation.
5. Sony/MS doesn't have the market dominating beast of a console that Sony had with the PSX.

6. big third parties won't abandon the system outright like ea did with sega.
7. nintendo doesn't spend $80 million to make one video game.


That and the same kotaku article talks about the fact the other guys are looking at profitability for a change. So if the article has any truth to it while they will certainly be more powerful in the long run its not going to be to the degree of leaving the Wii2 back in the stoneage. Considering the potential installbase a Wii2 would have with a 2 year gap it would very likely be a lead platform for multiplatform work
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