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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Graphics Horse said:
A few of us have been suggesting that the wiimote could become the size of a thick pen with a few buttons, able to be used for both TV pointing and touch screen use. The pad controller likely has enough buttons on it to make the sideways-held wiimote useless, although once slotted inside the tablet it could lend its motion sensing functions I suppose.

For new motion games I could see either option working. The real problem lies in Wii BC. Neither of those would really work. Nintendo might not care though. We saw it with the Wii and GCN controls, they'll make it compatible and release a wiimote classic for people without the Wiimote.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Baiano19 said:
That looks like a freaking portable!!

Nintendo has to differentiate the controller from the 3DS or people will be confused as fuck...

That looks nothing like the 3DS. Nothing.
Graphics Horse said:
A few of us have been suggesting that the wiimote could become the size of a thick pen with a few buttons, able to be used for both TV pointing and touch screen use. The pad controller likely has enough buttons on it to make the sideways-held wiimote useless, although once slotted inside the tablet it could lend its motion sensing functions I suppose.

Issue I see with that is that any game that wants to use both touchscreen or face buttons along with pointer control will be very awkward with that brick of a Frankentroller.


all this talk keeps reminding me that Nintendo still has some very 'basic' issues to fix. For example, voice chat, they need to have that out at launch this time around. Imagine them getting the 'best' console version of Battlefield 3 without the scaled down maps but no proper headset.
[Nintex] said:
all this talk keeps reminding me that Nintendo still has some very 'basic' issues to fix. For example, voice chat, they need to have that out at launch this time around. Imagine them getting the 'best' console version of Battlefield 3 without the scaled down maps but no proper headset.

Maybe the controller will have a mic built in?


Tempy said:
You know, a Sixaxis controller and an iPhone (and a 3DS for that matter) still have motion controls. So when a rumor states the N6 still has motion controls, it can still be true and look like a small tablet with controls on the side. Obviously it's different motion controls than a Wiimote or Move controller - no "pointing", but it's still motion controls :p
The motion controls are said to vastly approved beyond even the moves capabilities. Sixaxis style controls that does not indicate


The Amiga Brotherhood
People should check out the Miyamoto interview thread where he says they are looking into connectivity uses for the 3DS and their new console.

If they are doing that, then it really throws all this controller talk out of the window. You wouldn't need to be looking into connectivity uses if your new controller could do all this.

The rumours most likely came from their intention to make use of the 3DS with the Wii 2, which considering it has Download Play and everything else was always the intention.


Lonewolf_92 said:
Issue I see with that is that any game that wants to use both touchscreen or face buttons along with pointer control will be very awkward with that brick of a Frankentroller.

If it's super thin, like the mock up above, I bet it would be very light. You could cradle it like a plate with one hand under it to balance it.
antonz said:
The motion controls are said to vastly approved beyond even the moves capabilities. Sixaxis style controls that does not indicate

Yep, and that was reported by Edge, probably the most reliable of any of these rumor sources.


DECK'ARD said:
People should check out the Miyamoto interview thread where he says they are looking into connectivity uses for the 3DS and their new console.

If they are doing that, then it really throws all this controller talk out of the window. You wouldn't need to be looking into connectivity uses if your new controller could do all this.

The rumours most likely came from their intention to make use of the 3DS with the Wii 2, which considering it has Download Play and everything else was always the intention.

I dunno. They tried the interconnectivity thing with the GBA and GameCube but it never caught on because it was too convoluted and expensive. If they want to try that again it would make sense to allow people to use their 3DS if they have one, but also provide a cheaper alternative for those that don't (i.e., a controller with a touch screen and key buttons and no meaningful processing power).
Andrex said:

The controller is not going to have any movable parts. It's not going to slide or transform or fold out.
Nintendo's new strategy is to make the controller more likely to shatter into pieces than your TV screen.


Time Traveler
Thunderbear said:
This is simply not true. Developers are struggling with the space on DVDs and how much they have to compress. It's a big deal for the majority of games. Game developers make do with what they get, but if you know much about game development you'll know that compression is a huge issue on pretty much all "big" releases.
So you prefer bigger loading times than compressed stuff?

Also, which games struggle to fit in a double layered DVD? The best PC games are released on DVD and EVERYTHING on them is better than the 360 or PS3 versions.

If you waste space with FMVs and hours of dialogue, then yes, you would have a problem, but the compression is very good, we are not talking here about the compression you had to make on N64 games (like when Capcom had to fit RE2, a 2 CDs game (or 1.4 GB of data) in a 64 MB cartridge).

There is absolutely no game on the market right now that can't be released on a DVD.


I just found this on Tinypic.

Project Café is simply the most develop friendly SDK the industry has ever seen. Deliver unparalleled next generation performance at current generation cos…it doesn’t get any easier than this.

Easy portability from PC, Xbox 360.

Anytime live update past release.

Integrated M-Live framework.



antonz said:

This controller seems to be rather simple looking, it's like a cross between a controller and a mini tablet. If Nintendo market this right they can make this controller appealing to casuals with simplistic touch controls like iPad. After seeing this mock up, I am starting to think that this rumour of a screen on controller could actually be true.

I also don't understand people who keep thinking how Nintendo will have motion as well, is it really hard to belive that Nintendo may just have this new controller and a WiiMote for the WiiHD, why do we need some sort of crazy hybrid, detachable controller.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Slime said:
I dunno. They tried the interconnectivity thing with the GBA and GameCube but it never caught on because it was too convoluted and expensive. If they want to try that again it would make sense to allow people to use their 3DS if they have one, but also provide a cheaper alternative for those that don't (i.e., a controller with a touch screen and key buttons and no meaningful processing power).

Your 'dumb' controller is still going to be a hell of a lot more expensive than every other controller they've done in their history. Not to mention more fragile, and with a worse battery life than it need to be.

All for the limited uses of connectivity? No, connectivity will remain a niche thing that is served by connecting a handheld wirelessly. Not by duplicating that functionality in a far more limited way by standard controllers, and all the downsides that come with it.

So far from Miyamoto you have:

"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
"We are looking into using the 3DS as a controller with our new console"

You also have from the Wii days:

"We looked into making a touchscreen the controller for the Wii but rejected it because it made the console experience the same as the handheld one"

Join the dots and you have the Internet rumour mill going out of control.


i'm standing my my initial predictions that the controller looks something like an NGP or DS/controller hybrid. I'm starting to think i'm right.


Lonewolf_92 said:
Yep, and that was reported by Edge, probably the most reliable of any of these rumor sources.
The dangerous thing with rumors is that we don't know what exactly their source said. He might have said "controls are better than Playstation 3", and EDGE simply assumed he meant Move based on the Wiimote, while the source actually meant "better than DualShock". Not saying that's what happened, but it's possible. It's also possible that Nintendo will offer a new and vastly improved WiiMote as an option, with Frankenpad being the new default.


antonz said:
01net is giving some more details on the controller. They seem to suggest screen resolution will fall into the 800 x 500 range. Such LCDs so exist in the 6" area. 800x 480 6" touchscreen is common for GPS devices.

They say their source says this is one of the closest MOCKUPS to the general design

I dont know about you guys, but im getting my "Fuck you Nintendo" jpgs ready


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
A.KU.MU said:
I just found this on Tinypic.


If true, that's very close to the b/w pictures on Escapist as well.

That's going to be huge for 3rd parties.

Probably not true, though.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Plinko said:
If true, that's very close to the b/w pictures on Escapist as well.

That's going to be huge for 3rd parties.

Probably not true, though.

The black/white pictures are fake. That is fake.

Stop posting these fake pictures.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
DECK'ARD said:
People should check out the Miyamoto interview thread where he says they are looking into connectivity uses for the 3DS and their new console.

If they are doing that, then it really throws all this controller talk out of the window. You wouldn't need to be looking into connectivity uses if your new controller could do all this.

The rumours most likely came from their intention to make use of the 3DS with the Wii 2, which considering it has Download Play and everything else was always the intention.

Except for the fact that both the French site and IGN are firmly standing by the controller information. I highly doubt both sites would mix up a new controller and the 3DS.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
A.KU.MU said:
And you know this how?

Someone confirmed the font for the Nintendo logo is not real. It's using the "Pretendo" font on the black/white images. Considering the color image is exactly the same and seems to pop up accompanying the black/white images every time.

Why would you believe it's real? Because you "found it on Tinypic!" Well I'm sold!


KAL2006 said:
This controller seems to be rather simple looking, it's like a cross between a controller and a mini tablet. If Nintendo market this right they can make this controller appealing to casuals with simplistic touch controls like iPad. After seeing this mock up, I am starting to think that this rumour of a screen on controller could actually be true.
I think that as well. A touchscreen is alway inviting, and the sheer size of the controller makes it look less crammed and complicated.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Plinko said:
Except for the fact that both the French site and IGN are firmly standing by the controller information. I highly doubt both sites would mix up a new controller and the 3DS.

I do for the amount of hits they are getting, and the disclaimer that "it all might change by launch"

Even more so when none of the rumours fit together in a way that is either a) compelling, b) feasible and c) without a multitude of downsides.

Also consider that nothing has leaked from Nintendo to this degree before, Miyamoto tells you not to believe everything you read, and by looking into connectivity with a 3DS it contradicts the entire basis of the rumours, and you come to the conclusion that: it's all bollocks.


A.KU.MU said:
And you know this how?
Devils in the details. Typeface is wrong, typographical errors, not to mention common sense dictating that blurry photos taken from weird angles, all point to fake.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
DECK'ARD said:
I do for the amount of hits they are getting, and the disclaimer that "it all might change by launch"

Even more so when none of the rumours fit together in a way that is either a) compelling, b) feasible and c) without a multitude of downsides.

Also consider that nothing has leaked from Nintendo to this degree before, Miyamoto tells you not to believe everything you read, and by looking into connectivity with a 3DS it contradicts the entire bases of the rumours, and you come to the conclusion that: it's all bollocks.

I respectfully disagree. The French site that nailed the NGP specs is even reporting screen resolution while size was the first thing we really knew. Could it change? Sure. But I don't buy the argument that they mixed up a 3DS and the controller for a second.


cacildo said:
I dont know about you guys, but im getting my "Fuck you Nintendo" jpgs ready

I see what they're going for. And I'm sure they've got a killer app or two lined up that'll make people really dig the concept. But I'm with you on this. If there's isn't some functional way to have pointer controls (Graphics Horse mock-up is killer), my enthusiasm for this system is going to take a significant hit. I don't care that they're pandering to the horse and buggy crowd that demand dual sticks, I want an acceptable way to play FPS games that don't involve crappy dual sticks and auto-aim to compensate for it.


DECK'ARD said:
I do for the amount of hits they are getting, and the disclaimer that "it all might change by launch"

Even more so when none of the rumours fit together in a way that is either a) compelling, b) feasible and c) without a multitude of downsides.

Also consider that nothing has leaked from Nintendo to this degree before, Miyamoto tells you not to believe everything you read, and by looking into connectivity with a 3DS it contradicts the entire bases of the rumours, and you come to the conclusion that: it's all bollocks.

Why does the 3ds connecting to the N6 in some way mean that the controller won't have a screen on it? If you look at the french interview he doesn't say the 3ds will be a controller, will act as a primary controller, or have anything to do with controls, all he talks about it connectivity. Nintendo have been working on handheld to console connectivity since the gamecube.

Also I just want to predict now that the 3ds will in no way act as the controller for Nintendo's next console.


DECK'ARD said:
I do for the amount of hits they are getting, and the disclaimer that "it all might change by launch"

Even more so when none of the rumours fit together in a way that is either a) compelling, b) feasible and c) without a multitude of downsides.

Also consider that nothing has leaked from Nintendo to this degree before, Miyamoto tells you not to believe everything you read, and by looking into connectivity with a 3DS it contradicts the entire basis of the rumours, and you come to the conclusion that: it's all bollocks.

this is all true, but the french website leak is reliable from getting NGP details right.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ

Michan said:
The images in the OP are fake. The proof is in the typography.

The Nintendo logo's kerning is completely messed up. Nintendo's logo has nice, even spacing between each letter. The author of this image has used the font "Pretendo", which isn't optimised for those letters being side-by-side.



Since the colored image sports the exact same design (and is also obviously fake to anyone with half a brain), it is fake too.

This needs to be in the OP.


The Amiga Brotherhood
artwalknoon said:
Why does the 3ds connecting to the N6 in some way mean that the controller won't have a screen on it? If you look at the french interview he doesn't say the 3ds will be a controller, will act as a primary controller, or have anything to do with controls, all he talks about it connectivity. Nintendo have been working on handheld to console connectivity since the gamecube.

Also I just want to predict now that the 3ds will in no way act as the controller for Nintendo's next console.

It's about redundancy.

If Nintendo are looking into the possibilities of using a 3DS for the limited applications of connectivity with their new console, which would be the use the screens, touch etc., then they wouldn't need to in the first place if the controller could already do that.

None of the rumours have added up so far, and the more little things that come from Nintendo the more cold water it pours on them all.


antonz said:
01net is giving some more details on the controller. They seem to suggest screen resolution will fall into the 800 x 500 range. Such LCDs so exist in the 6" area. 800x 480 6" touchscreen is common for GPS devices.

They say their source says this is one of the closest MOCKUPS to the general design

LOL why the fuck does the 3DS even exist if this turns out to be the case. If this device was their goal, they could have easily made a true console/portable hybrid. It would have been a bonafide "paradigm shift", on par with Wii. Instead we get a PSP controller and a 3D DSLite. What a disconnect, so much wasted potential.


1-D_FTW said:
I see what they're going for. And I'm sure they've got a killer app or two lined up that'll make people really dig the concept. But I'm with you on this. If there's isn't some functional way to have pointer controls (Graphics Horse mock-up is killer), my enthusiasm for this system is going to take a significant hit. I don't care that they're pandering to the horse and buggy crowd that demand dual sticks, I want an acceptable way to play FPS games that don't involve crappy dual sticks and auto-aim to compensate for it.

Just because they have this new controller does not mean they are going to abandon WiiMote. I would be surprised if the WiiMote was abandoned, I think the WiiMote and this new controller would be bundled with WiiHD.


don't ask me for codes
Reallink said:
LOL why the fuck does the 3DS even exist if this turns out to be the case. If this device was their goal, they could have easily made a true console/portable hybrid. It would have been a bonafide "paradigm shift", on par with Wii. Instead we get a PSP controller and a 3D DSLite. What a disconnect, so much wasted potential.

The final secret is that the N6 controller docks with the 3DS - Creating a TRIPLE SCREEN.
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