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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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abstract alien said:
Maybe its the lemon drops I just drank, but I don't get it.


Mithos said:
Not sure if the new mockups from Kotaku has been posted, but I kinda like em.


Urgh asymmetrical sticks. Nice otherwise those.


The main thing that I just can't get past is the notion that Nintendo would abandon the fundamental Wii Remote design - which is, almost inarguably, the primary reason for Wii's success - in favor of what sounds like a large, expensive, single-unit button-and-stick-heavy controller. I thought they were taking something of a risk with 3DS by adopting a design that so clearly deemphasizes the touch screen as a focus for gameplay, but this just sounds completely fucking nuts. Hopefully, the actual system will make a lot more sense at E3 than the current rumors do.
Father_Brain said:
The main thing that I just can't get past is the notion that Nintendo would abandon the fundamental Wii Remote design - which is, almost inarguably, the primary reason for Wii's success - in favor of what sounds like a large, expensive, single-unit button-and-stick-heavy controller. I thought they were taking something of a risk with 3DS by adopting a design that so clearly deemphasizes the touch screen as a focus for gameplay, but this just sounds completely fucking nuts. Hopefully, the actual system will make a lot more sense at E3 than the current rumors do.

It's simple.
The Cafe/Stream controller is there for the hardcore crowd (yes, it exists, don't be daft).
The WiiRemote is there for everyone else.
They'll do exactly what they're doing now and including controllers with games as bundles.


Some of those mockups look way to big for a controller. I think I'd get distracted on the screen on the controller and whats playing on the TV. Maybe you can turn it off when you are playing on the TV?

I REALLY hope the screen isn't on the console itself.
AceBandage said:
It's simple.
The Cafe/Stream controller is there for the hardcore crowd (yes, it exists, don't be daft).
The WiiRemote is there for everyone else.
They'll do exactly what they're doing now and including controllers with games as bundles.

I don't understand how anything I posted denied the existence of the "hardcore crowd." But anyway, making the system's main controller something that is actively designed to have (at best) significantly diminished appeal to the primary audience that bought your previous console doesn't seem like a smart move, on the face of it.

Which is exactly the problem, in my view: it's easy to say that Nintendo should simultaneously adopt two vastly different controllers as standards and segment the N6 audience accordingly, but I think that this overlooks the substantial marketing, branding, and software development challenges posed by such an approach.


RPGCrazied said:
Some of those mockups look way to big for a controller. I think I'd get distracted on the screen on the controller and whats playing on the TV. Maybe you can turn it off when you are playing on the TV?
the belief that it could be based off early devkits might be the most accurate one. 6" 4:3 screens would be easier to nab than having to make/produce your own 4-5" 16:9 screen, especially if the controller is still being revised.

the ds devkit was two mangled gbas controlled with a super famicom controller.
Father_Brain said:
I don't understand how anything I posted denied the existence of the "hardcore crowd." But making the system's main controller something that is actively designed not to have (at best) significantly diminished appeal to the primary audience that bought your previous console doesn't seem like a smart move, on the face of it.

Which is exactly the problem, in my view: it's easy to say that Nintendo should simultaneously adopt two vastly different controllers as standards and segment the N6 audience accordingly, but I think that this overlooks the substantial marketing, branding, and software development challenges posed by such an approach.

I honestly don't think that the same audience that went straight for the Wii is going to go straight for the Cafe, regardless.
It'll take some big software to make that happen, and just putting a new "Wii___" game on it won't do squat, not when they can get the same thing on the PS3/360 with their Wii knockoffs.
They needs to approach this console completely differently. And they are.
I haven't see one mockup that doesn't resemble a normal controller that could be comfortable to hold. The most recent one, how are you suppose to hold it with acess to the joysticks? Its too freaking wide.


I'm being serious but if you hold a 12 cage egg carton, take out all the eggs, it will give you a good idea of what it would be like to hold a 6.2 inch controller. You have to cut of the 6th row.
crazy monkey said:
Exactly. Ergonomically Wii remote makes sense. My hands are almost free when i am playing. They are apart and I can relax and play. Of course I am not talking about waggle games but COD or something like it is so much fun with wii remote. Same with PES.

Seriously. If we end up with an iPad instead of Wiiremote 3.0, I blame the "hardcore."


EmCeeGramr said:
Your lie got eviscerated in the other thread. I wouldn't bring it up here.

By the same people that claim they can see the difference. Sure.

I haven't come across a single person that can tell the difference unless they've read it somewhere beforehand.

As long as the graphics are great and the framerate doesn't drop, they can't tell the difference.
ReyVGM said:
By the same people that claim they can see the difference. Sure.

I haven't come across a single person that can tell the difference unless they've read it somewhere beforehand.

As long as the graphics are great and the framerate doesn't drop, they can't tell the difference.

Studies have proven it.


ReyVGM said:
By the same people that claim they can see the difference. Sure.

I don't know why you are trying so hard to flog this ridiculous notion. Go open up CS:S right now, flip max_fps between 30 and 60 and the difference is clear to see. You may have some sort of eye issue where you can't see the difference, but normal people can.
AceBandage said:
I honestly don't think that the same audience that went straight for the Wii is going to go straight for the Cafe, regardless.
It'll take some big software to make that happen, and just putting a new "Wii___" game on it won't do squat, not when they can get the same thing on the PS3/360 with their Wii knockoffs.
They needs to approach this console completely differently. And they are.

I agree that it'll take innovative, appealing software to sell N6 in major numbers to the Wii ___ audience, as opposed to a third Wii Sports installment. But what doesn't follow from that is the notion that Nintendo should abandon motion control as a defining feature of the system, and cede that market to Kinect and (to a much lesser degree) PS Move. Correct me if I'm misinterpreting you here.
breaking: infinity ward and every racing game and fighting game developer intentionally make their games' graphics worse for no reason, spending lots of development money trying to reach a framerate that apparently the human eye can't see as proven by mumble mumble mumble

also: it costs hundreds of dollars every few months to keep PCs up to date

Let me in

crazy monkey said:
Exactly. Ergonomically Wii remote makes sense. My hands are almost free when i am playing. They are apart and I can relax and play. Of course I am not talking about waggle games but COD or something like it is so much fun with wii remote. Same with PES.
Splitting the controller in half and adding a pointer was the natural evolution of the controller. It's perfect. Having analog in the left hand and buttons on the right is so much more comfortable than a standard controller.


LovingSteam said:
I haven't see one mockup that doesn't resemble a normal controller that could be comfortable to hold. The most recent one, how are you suppose to hold it with acess to the joysticks? Its too freaking wide.

I don't get this post. You can't access the joysticks because it's wide? That doesn't make sense.


I don't see the big deal about abandoning the Wii Remote design. Yeah, FPS games controlled amazingly well with the setup, but I honestly prefer the Gamecube or 360 pad.
Father_Brain said:
I agree that it'll take innovative, appealing software to sell N6 in major numbers to the Wii ___ audience, as opposed to a third Wii Sports installment. But what doesn't follow from that is the notion that Nintendo should abandon motion control as a defining feature of the system, and cede that market to Kinect and (to a much lesser degree) PS Move. Correct me if I'm misinterpreting you here.

I don't know if it's so much they're ceding it. More that they are trying to expand.
On the Wii, they had a hard time tapping into the userbase that regularly buys the Call of Duties and GTAs and Dead Spaces.
By making the controller and system more developer friendly, they can get that userbase a lot easier.
That doesn't mean they are abandoning motion controls. They can still make games that use the WiiRemote and motion controls.
Hell, maybe they can even use the Cafe controller for little tablet like games that are so popular.
Tens of millions already have WiiRemotes, so they don't need to pack that in. But no one has these Cafe controllers.


onken said:
I don't know why you are trying so hard to flog this ridiculous notion. Go open up CS:S right now, flip max_fps between 30 and 60 and the difference is clear to see. You may have some sort of eye issue where you can't see the difference, but normal people can.

60fps is the best. It's smooth as butter.
Fernando Rocker said:
If one of features is being able to remote play via online anywhere (with any N6 controller)... you guys know what this mean?

Account based system.

Or the controllers will be able to be tied directly to systems.
Actually, what they SHOULD do (outside of an account based system which doesn't seem to be happening), is allow you to transfer your 3DS FC and Friends List and eShop info to the Cafe and visa versa.
dvolovets said:
I don't see the big deal about abandoning the Wii Remote design. Yeah, FPS games controlled amazingly well with the setup, but I honestly prefer the Gamecube or 360 pad.

Well, I prefer the remote. Actually, it's more than "prefer." I cannot play FPS on dual analog. I just can't. So that's the big deal to me.

And beyond FPS, the potential just wasn't ever tapped. Sure, we got CoD, but it was missing content. If Cafe stuck with the remote, we could get all the full HD content as well as the best controls for an FPS. We never got that.

We never got a TPS with the controls of RE4Wii that was actually built from the ground up for it. Even though we passed the test. It looks like we're finally getting a pointer-based action title with Pandora's Tower, and that won't make it out of Japan. Nyxquest, a Wiiware title, was the game to probably exploit the pointer the best for platformers. But that's a tiny downloadable game.

There's just so much potential yet to be had for traditional "core" genres, but obstinate gamers and ignorant enthusiast media kept whining how the Wii was all waggle and couldn't work for conventional games.
AceBandage said:
I don't know if it's so much they're ceding it. More that they are trying to expand.
On the Wii, they had a hard time tapping into the userbase that regularly buys the Call of Duties and GTAs and Dead Spaces.
By making the controller and system more developer friendly, they can get that userbase a lot easier.
That doesn't mean they are abandoning motion controls. They can still make games that use the WiiRemote and motion controls.
Hell, maybe they can even use the Cafe controller for little tablet like games that are so popular.
Tens of millions already have WiiRemotes, so they don't need to pack that in. But no one has these Cafe controllers.

I'm pretty sure that the controller that's actually bundled with the console will be the one that defines the console. And since the Cafe/N6 controller, assuming the mockups are accurate, is clearly not suited to motion-controlled gaming...

This also overlooks the likelihood that Wii Remote Plus is going to grow stagnant - if Kinect and Move aren't enough competition right now, it'll at least look pretty damn dated when put next to whatever form of motion control is (inevitably) included with Sony and Microsoft's next consoles.
agrajag said:
I don't get this post. You can't access the joysticks because it's wide? That doesn't make sense.

It would be one thing if it were shaped like a normal controller then it doesn't matter how wide it is. What we're seeing is basically an IPad with a joystiq on it. Try holding a 6 inch square and using the joystiq while pressing the buttons.
Father_Brain said:
I'm pretty sure that the controller that's actually bundled with the console will be the one that defines the console. And since the Cafe/N6 controller, assuming the mockups are accurate, is clearly not suited to motion-controlled gaming...

This also overlooks the likelihood that Wii Remote Plus is going to grow stagnant - if Kinect and Move aren't enough competition right now, it'll at least look pretty damn dated when put next to whatever form of motion control is (inevitably) included with Sony and Microsoft's next consoles.

But that's just it, isn't it?
If Sony and MS are going to continue down this path that the Wii and Nintendo already paved, what's the use? Nintendo can't just keep doing the same thing, especially if everyone else is doing it as well.
They have to keep evolving and changing. And they apparently think that tablet controllers are what will hit big next.
They might be right, could be dead wrong. The only thing I know is that I trust Nintendo's judgement on this far more than most people are giving them credit for. They aren't a stupid company, they just make off choices.


Mithos said:

That as the system controller and supplemental if needed. CCPro and Wiimote as main game controllers.

Doesn't make sense, but then, neither does a controller that looks like an iPad with buttons/sticks on the side.


Anth0ny said:
2nd one resembles GC controller the most, and is therefore the best. 3rd isn't too bad either.

first is fucking brutal

Its not to scale. Thats at least a 9 inch screen going by the dpad, or a very small dpad.
Why the hell would they say it looks like that Wii tablet and then show a mockup that bares only the slightest resemblance?

Answer: There's gotta be a stylus. And it doubles as a pointer.
I'm surprised people still havent seen the DS dev kit.

Of the kotaku mockups, 2 is clearly the best. It's ergonomic, the screen isn't in a weird orientation, and has the standard button layout. It's perfect


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
From The Dust said:
I'm surprised people still havent seen the DS dev kit.

Of the kotaku mockups, 2 is clearly the best. It's ergonomic, the screen isn't in a weird orientation, and has the standard button layout. It's perfect

No pointer = shit, forever. Forever shit. Shitever.
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