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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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The controller will be their attempt at bringing back the power glove.

-Glove on each hand this time
-Buttons on middle/ring fingertips
-Left/Right Pinky fingers act as microphones
-Left/Right Index fingers have coated fingertips for fluid movement on the touchscreen.
-Retina display touchscreen mounted on each face
-Speakers on the palm
-Start/Home button located on the left wrist while Select is on the right
-Clasping fingers together puts system in standby
-Waving either hand turns system on

That is the most disgusting thing I've heard in the last couple months of my life.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Cosmonaut X said:
You could integrate motion and touchscreen on a Wii Remote-type device, provided you were looking for more of a touchpad:

-- Camera/sensors/etc. for pointer functionality/position detection on the controller tip
-- Trigger under the tip of the controller where your index finger rests
-- Cluster of standard buttons on the face of the controller where your thumb rests
-- Mini-touchpad on the reverse of the controller where your other fingers grip
-- Gyro etc. built in to the body of the controller

The touchpad would also give you the equivalent of an analogue stick on the reverse of the controller for camera control, or at least as another button of sorts.

Couple that with an upgraded Nunchuk (gyros?) and you could easily have quite a sophisticated split-controller in the classic Remote form...

Problem is that there'd be no need for it to be a screen vs a pad...

I think a design that integrates a screen across the face of the remote could be an option. If the standard controller is not going to be some traditional controller, but an evolution of the wiimote, then a design that simply takes the buttons out altogether may in fact be an option.

That doesn't jive necessarily with comments about 'no gimmicks' but I guess they could put a classic controller in every box or something.


JackEtc said:
This system sounds like a giant clusterfuck of features to be honest.

The only thing that this system will be doing is forcing a new console cycle, which doesn't need to happen yet.

1. It's hardly a "cluster fuck of features". A powerful console is to be expected, and a screen on the controller isn't all that crazy.
2. Nintendo DOES need a new console. Support for the Wii is nonexistant and they need to get in good with third parties again.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I really hope Nintendo are not stupid enough to go against buttons in favour of a touch based controller. It would be so awful.
Ryuuga said:
The controller will be their attempt at bringing back the power glove.

-Glove on each hand this time
-Buttons on middle/ring fingertips
-Left/Right Pinky fingers act as microphones
-Left/Right Index fingers have coated fingertips for fluid movement on the touchscreen.
-Retina display touchscreen mounted on each face
-Speakers on the palm
-Start/Home button located on the left wrist while Select is on the right
-Clasping fingers together puts system in standby
-Waving either hand turns system on

Hope I'm not breaking any rules here.

You forgot the most important part: That is, if your entire hand is already plugged into the glove, automatic Vitality Sensor!


NegativeZero said:
Nintendo abandoned graphics and hardware power as a selling point after the N64.
Gamecube was a powerful console upon its release, it had graphics, processong power and the first time Nintendo broke away from cartridges


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Cosmonaut X said:
As for dev units having been in the hands of third parties for months - if they're targetting a late 2012 release date, they are definitely looking to bring third parties on board in force. No other reason for the typically-secretive Nintendo to be showing off hardware so early.

The news about third-parties having the dev kits for months is great. We were just having this debate in another thread a couple days ago and someone was adamant that a new console didn't exist because if devs had these kits it would have leaked already.


As long as the pointer is still there, I'm happy. But I'm not sure if I buy the HD screens if it also has motion...

We'll see. I wish it was E3 now.
I hope this points to the existing legacy of controllers not being worthless. Will be pretty annoying if its Wii Remote Plus is useless you need Wii Remote Plus one. But given these devkits are probably quite early on they surley wouldn't have a new controller ready yet?

Can higher level of precision be achieved only with an enhanced sensor bar and better software-side calculations? i.e. the camera in the remote and thus the remote itself and the data it sends are largely unchanged.

I'm sorry, its just I refuse to believe Wii Remote Plus was only made for the intention of it being chepaer to manufacture and more eccenomical to ship then Wii Remotes and Motion Plus seperately (which given it is Nintendo we're talking about is a good possibility) plus offering better value to the consumer so more appealing (shame about the Wii Party miss-timing).

BGBW said:
I'm pretty sure the power supply within the stand was the Official Magazine. Mostly because it lead to the magazine being the laughing stock on this board.
In any case its Future publishing so the same mill in any case. I remember when ONM did the Nights teaser for thier next month and then a month later they were like "Yeah it was Nights, erm...go read up about it in NGamer, we got a more important exclusive or something. Sorry".
EatChildren said:
I really hope Nintendo are not stupid enough to go against buttons in favour of a touch based controller. It would be so awful.

I'm thinking combo controller or just pure buttons. Motion controls either way, of course.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
EatChildren said:
I really hope Nintendo are not stupid enough to go against buttons in favour of a touch based controller. It would be so awful.

I think people are overreacting here--there's no way Nintendo releases a button-free controller for two reasons:

1) the comments from developers that they're trying to "reclaim the hardcore audience."
2) Their negative comments about the App-method of gaming.

I think it's quite clear that, if the rumor is true, the controller has a touchscreen on it--that's it.


Plinko said:
The news about third-parties having the dev kits for months is great. We were just having this debate in another thread a couple days ago and someone was adamant that a new console didn't exist because if devs had these kits it would have leaked already.
It seems that everyone kept their mouth shut untill Nintendo started to coordinate the reveal of the thing and more people got word of the system.


From The Dust said:
Gamecube never existed, dawg? Ok

He is right, NGC was never marketed as a graphical powerhouse, even though it could hold its own against the competition. Compare marketing for the SNES and N64 - big emphasis on Mode7/colours and '64 bits' respectively - to the NGC - emphasis on.. nothing in particular.
Ryuuga said:
The controller will be their attempt at bringing back the power glove.

-Glove on each hand this time
-Buttons on middle/ring fingertips
-Left/Right Pinky fingers act as microphones
-Left/Right Index fingers have coated fingertips for fluid movement on the touchscreen.
-Retina display touchscreen mounted on each face
-Speakers on the palm
-Start/Home button located on the left wrist while Select is on the right
-Clasping fingers together puts system in standby
-Waving either hand turns system on

Hope I'm not breaking any rules here.


EatChildren said:
I really hope Nintendo are not stupid enough to go against buttons in favour of a touch based controller. It would be so awful.

I doubt we'll see that. For one thing, one of the selling points of (most) Mario platformers is their precise control, and you'd lose a lot of that with some touchscreen interface.
Of course they aren't going to drop pointer control/motion (plus) sensing, this thing (according to the rumor in the OP) is BC with Wii games. That said, this controller is going to do more than function as a vitality sensor as well (since they already did that). Given that it's a touch screen also suggests that it would be actively used in games rather than a static display. Whatever Nintendo has in mind, it's is going to be something new, something as big as 3D is for the 3DS, or two screens/touch screen was for the DS, or motion control/pointing was for the Wii. You can count on that, as that's been Nintendo's MO since Iwata took over.


EatChildren said:
I really hope Nintendo are not stupid enough to go against buttons in favour of a touch based controller. It would be so awful.
Have you not seen the 3DS? I think that pretty clearly states what Nintendo's stance on physical inputs is.


AceBandage said:
1. It's hardly a "cluster fuck of features". A powerful console is to be expected, and a screen on the controller isn't all that crazy.
2. Nintendo DOES need a new console. Support for the Wii is nonexistant and they need to get in good with third parties again.
I'm more talking about the touch based control method which is what it's sounding like.

Microsoft and Sony don't need new consoles though, and if Nintendo is going after the hardcore market, it'll force MS and Sony into making new hardware.


DaMan121 said:
He is right, NGC was never marketed as a graphical powerhouse, even though it could hold its own against the competition. Compare marketing for the SNES and N64 - big emphasis on Mode7/colours and '64 bits' respectively - with the to the NGC - emphasis on.. nothing in particular.
The games they showcased spoke for themselves in graphics, no need to boast


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Kosma said:
This revisionist history is of Nintendo doing just enough is as annoying and irritating as all the other exaggerations. With the last 3 releases Nintendo has done this yes, gpu wise, there is a trend. But before this Nintendo consoles where always competitive.

There is no need to exaggerate to make a compelling argument.

I'm not trying to be revisionist--I made a mistake putting the word "always" in the post. For most of their history they've put out powerful machines.
Medalion said:
The games they showcased spoke for themselves in graphics, no need to boast

The graphics in Rogue Squadron sold the system to me.

I don't think the RS2/3 visuals were topped by more than one or two games on the platform ;_;


Medalion said:
The games they showcased spoke for themselves in graphics, no need to boast
I think the problem is Nintendo tried to grow up in an industry where growing up is a problem. Sega acted like a spoiled kid screaming and hollering about power so Nintendo responded likewise back in the day to shut Sega up.

Nintendo then decided it was time to grow up and act mature but the industry thrives on acting like spoiled assholes.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
ThoseDeafMutes said:
The graphics in Rogue Squadron sold the system to me.

I don't think the RS2/3 visuals were topped by more than one or two games on the platform ;_;

This and REmake are what sold me.


Medalion said:
The games they showcased spoke for themselves in graphics, no need to boast

Less is not more in marketing.

Edit: Remember showing a work mate RE4, and he was gob-smacked that this was on the NGC, even though he kept up with the console scene and went on to work in the industry.
JackEtc said:
I'm more talking about the touch based control method which is what it's sounding like.

Microsoft and Sony don't need new consoles though, and if Nintendo is going after the hardcore market, it'll force MS and Sony into making new hardware.

That's kind of MS/Sony's own fault, isn't it?
They thought that forcing the industry into super high end machines was a good idea, which it really wasn't at the time.
Oh well, live and learn.


Once And Future Member
Could this be a local multiplayer machine? Imagine 4 people playing Monster Hunter, Mario Kart, etc each on their own controller. Maybe you could even save small games to the controller and take it with you or something.
JackEtc said:
This system sounds like a giant clusterfuck of features to be honest.

The only thing that this system will be doing is forcing a new console cycle, which doesn't need to happen yet.
Why did you think epic showed its next gen Unreal Engine at this point? It will probably run on the new Nintendo / Sony / Microsoft console.


WTF. So this means the separate handed controller is dead? Obviously you're going to have to hold a single controller with two hands if you want to be able to hold and touch at the same time.

I really hope they have a biofeedback skin on the back, though.


GAF's Bob Woodward
More I think about it, the more I think a simple touchscreen only Wiimote may be on the money here.

It would be entirely keeping in Nintendo's design trend and ethos. They went from the Gamecube controller to the Wiimote - a radical simplification in itself, and one that took inspiration from non-game devices people were familiar with.

A move to a touchscreen wiimote would be another step on that road and in that same vein. Another fairly radical simplification, borrowing from the touch device trend that people are so familiar with, where screens take on whatever function is necessary for a particular application and where buttons are no longer strictly necessary.

Of course, for 'core' games they'll need another controller, but they've already shown their willingness to have different controllers for different games, and a 'classic' controller for such games.

The alternative is harder to consider - an all-in-one controller that serves all these different vectors elegantly? Maybe it is possible but it is harder to fathom.
The way sources are just spewing out leaks, this has to have been intentional.
There's no way it was anything else.
Guess we'll know in a little over a week...


im sorry but no way im going the nintendo way again next gen. keeping my ps3. And im sure my pc will def not be passed by new consoles. I mean a 8800 videocard can run games better than current gen consoles, and i have 2 6950's ( about to be 6970's )

I like the wii controller with display, but their third party support is lame. Waiting for the ps4.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Heh, bring back the Power Glove. I don't know why anyone thinks Nintendo would ever bring back a Mattel product. It would be like Microsoft brining back some SEGA motion controller that activates somehow.

JackEtc said:
This system sounds like a giant clusterfuck of features to be honest.

High Definition, 3D, online, downloadable games, motion control, cameras watching you... always watching you, pressure sensitive controls, multiple tasks in and out of games, music players, HD-DVD/Blu Ray/DVD playing, 3D Blu-Ray playing, movie rentals, television and music streaming,photograph hub, Facebook, Twitter, online browsing, vocal with or without video chat, portable storage units, exercise managers, diet managers, video editing software, video recording, Linux (for a while at least), 3D avatar chat worlds, weather channel, news, portable space heater (at least that's how I used my old Xbox 360 for a while).
We hit the "clusterfuck of features" at the start of the current generation.
Ryuuga said:
The controller will be their attempt at bringing back the power glove.

-Glove on each hand this time
-Buttons on middle/ring fingertips
-Left/Right Pinky fingers act as microphones
-Left/Right Index fingers have coated fingertips for fluid movement on the touchscreen.
-Retina display touchscreen mounted on each face
-Speakers on the palm
-Start/Home button located on the left wrist while Select is on the right
-Clasping fingers together puts system in standby
-Waving either hand turns system on

Hope I'm not breaking any rules here.

So when yo your in the corner rocking, hands over your ears, repeating "this cant be real" it can automatically play soothing music to calm you.


Omiee said:
im sorry but no way im going the nintendo way again next gen. keeping my ps3. And im sure my pc will def not be passed by new consoles. I mean a 8800 videocard can run games better than current gen consoles, and i have 2 6950's ( about to be 6970's )

I like the wii controller with display, but their third party support is lame. Waiting for the ps4.

I don't understand a single word of this post. Maybe the last sentence, which is offtopic.


gofreak said:
More I think about it, the more I think a simple touchscreen only Wiimote may be on the money here.

It would be entirely keeping in Nintendo's design trend and ethos. They went from the Gamecube controller to the Wiimote - a radical simplification in itself, and one that took inspiration from non-game devices people were familiar with.

A move to a touchscreen wiimote would be another step on that road and in that same vein. Another fairly radical simplification, borrowing from the touch device trend that people are so familiar with, where screens take on whatever function is necessary for a particular application and where buttons are no longer strictly necessary.

Of course, for 'core' games they'll need another controller, but they've already shown their willingness to have different controllers for different games, and a 'classic' controller for such games.

The alternative is harder to consider - an all-in-one controller that serves all these different vectors elegantly? Maybe it is possible but it is harder to fathom.

Maybe. But it seems ergonomically challenged. It would be so narrow, you wouldn't really use your other hand to touch. So you're going to do all the touching with your thumb? Sounds like an awful controller. And I can't see third parties being super excited about the system being "done right" this time if they've decided to declare war on buttons.

AceBandage said:
The way sources are just spewing out leaks, this has to have been intentional.
There's no way it was anything else.
Guess we'll know in a little over a week...

Dun-dun-dun. And on NPD day, too. Coincidence?
Omiee said:
im sorry but no way im going the nintendo way again next gen. keeping my ps3. And im sure my pc will def not be passed by new consoles. I mean a 8800 videocard can run games better than current gen consoles, and i have 2 6950's ( about to be 6970's )

I like the wii controller with display, but their third party support is lame. Waiting for the ps4.

Respectfully, I think you should wait until the systems are out to see what kind of games are getting released and the relative power of the platforms. You don't know what the PS4 will be or when it will come out, just like you don't know much of anything about the Wii's successor. Making blanket statements like "I'm never going Nintendo again" is foolish, because there is nothing gained by it. If the Super Wii is a great platform, then you should buy it. If the Super Wii is a bad platform, then you should not buy it. Dismissing it out of hand like that means you are either a fanboy or haven't thought it through very well.


Omiee said:
im sorry but no way im going the nintendo way again next gen. keeping my ps3. And im sure my pc will def not be passed by new consoles. I mean a 8800 videocard can run games better than current gen consoles, and i have 2 6950's ( about to be 6970's )

I like the wii controller with display, but their third party support is lame. Waiting for the ps4.

ThoseDeafMutes said:
Assuming they got Devkits in January, a 14 month dev cycle is about standard for shovelware launch titles as far as I know. If they launch November this year we'll probably end up with a worse launch lineup than the 3DS.

Given comparative power and required learning curve required to grasp the new hardware, they could just port their then current 360/PS3 multiplat lineup as launch titles for the Wii2 with an indeterminate amount of effort rather than release whole new games. Something like Bioshock Infinite as a launch title? Yes please.


AceBandage said:
That's kind of MS/Sony's own fault, isn't it?
They thought that forcing the industry into super high end machines was a good idea, which it really wasn't at the time.
Oh well, live and learn.
It's just going to be a shame when we all are paying $400-$500 for a new console.

Everything better be backwards compatible next gen (it won't be)....

maniac-kun said:
Why did you think epic showed its next gen Unreal Engine at this point? It will probably run on the new Nintendo / Sony / Microsoft console.
There is PC, to be fair.

KenOD said:
We hit the "clusterfuck of features" at the start of the current generation.
LOL, I guess you are right. I was speaking more about hardware stuff though. I wish Nintendo could just make a regular-ass console for once, without all this gimmicky motion/touch stuff. That's just my opinion though. Not enough games that aren't first party take advantage of the tech correctly.
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