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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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herod said:
Why has the 'significantly' more powerful from the OP become 'barely or not at all' in the thread? Something I've missed?

Some sources have said "on par with" some have said "significantly more powerful than" and some have said "It might be less powerful or it might be more powerful". That is to say, the rumors are all over the place.


herod said:
Why has the 'significantly' more powerful from the OP become 'barely or not at all' in the thread? Something I've missed?
Game informer in their honestly quite poor podcast jumped back and forth on power saying their sources conflicted on that detail. Meanwhile other sites are reporting their sources saying much more powerful
gofreak said:
I recall that AMD guy and his chatter about a console client. They may have gone AMD for both CPU/GPU. People seemed to think that Microsoft might have been the client, but Nintendo would fit too.

I could see Nintendo going for a combined CPU/GPU. That would save on power and space, right?

Another thing I'm wondering if it's been one source, or if a couple of sources have spilled the beans after one source did so.


Has problems recognising girls
herod said:
Why has the 'significantly' more powerful from the OP become 'barely or not at all' in the thread? Something I've missed?
It's simply PR talk for articles. No one knows the true specs for this. I'd take the three most viable reasonings; possibly be at E3, it will be using HD specifications (as Nintendo have previously stated when the Wii was announced), and the controller has a touch screen.
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
I could see Nintendo going for a combined CPU/GPU. That would save on power and space, right?

All the cool kids were speculating about AMD/ATi combined chipset last year. And yes, it seems highly probable.
speedpop said:
Well their R&D expenditures were increasing rapidly year on year after the 2008 fiscal report...

It wasn't hard to see a new Nintendo console being unveiled within the near future because no handheld would ever need that amount of funding.

I honestly believed that the 3DS was accounting for a lot of that expenditure, but given that they seem to have used an almost off-the-shelf GPU and 3D screen, and the 3DS is more of an evolution of the DS, it does seem like most of it must have been going towards their next home console.
Now they are talking about an HD touch screen controller on top of everything else? The only thing on my mind is what the price is going to be.

And holy shit at this thread hitting 68 pages already.


i don't think There is any need for a knee-jerk reaction form Sony and MS over this.
There is no way that this thing gonna have the games (early on/
or ever ;)
) to make Uncharted, Killzone, GT, Gears, Forza or God of War look "outdated" ... especially not the stuff that will come from Nintendo.
As for multi-platform games, i don't see any priority shifting there either... there Is just too much money to be made with PS3&360. so they will continue being the lead platforms no matter what.
Imagine a new HD Metroid / Metroid Prime / new Retro Studios title... HD Zelda... big, HD monolithsoft RPGs, maybe Dragon Quest X?


The graphical fidelity didn't bother me so much on Wii, but some of the things it couldn't do -- procedural animation, sheer number of things on screen, complex AI / physics... I mean, stuff like Assassins Creed, or the combat in Batman Arkham Asylum just wasn't possible.

I've really enjoyed all of the first party games on the Wii, and some of the better third party games -- the likes of Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Metroid Prime 3, Other M, GoldenEye and quite a few more easily hold their own for me against PS3/360 offerings... but there's no denying, it's exciting to imagine what Nintendo games will be like on a new console...

BRING IT ON! Can't wait for E3 :)


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
I could see Nintendo going for a combined CPU/GPU. That would save on power and space, right?
The Quad Core Llano Fusion chip could fit the bill but I am not sure how well the integrated GPU would be


Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.
Vinterbird said:
It won't be end of 2012. It will be this year (what I'm believing) or early 2012 (Q1).

Plus, if the next generation from MS and Sony won't lanuch until 2014/2015, it still gives Nintendo plenty of time to be in the market, and get consumer attention.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around a launch this year. Granted, 3DS games so far have been helped along by outside devs, but we know important studios, like EAD Tokyo and Sora and EAD whatever-number-makes-Mario-Kart, are all on 3DS right now.

And does Nintendo really believe that the handheld and console markets are that divergent that they won't eat each others' sales? I mean, 3DS just came out this year, and while doing well, it's not lighting the charts on fire. It needs a holiday season as the hot item.


lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.

Damn, has it been 20 years already since Gamecube?
lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

20 years? So, the N64 wasn't on par with the PS1 or the Saturn? The GameCube wasn't on par with the PS2 or Xbox? Hell, your 20 years takes us back to the SNES/Megadrive. What a ridiculous post.


lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.

N64 and Gamecube say WTF.

The Gamecube was basically identical to the Xbox and more powerful than the PS2 and the N64 was superior to the PS1 but held back by skipping CDs.

Their handheld strategy has always been very different to their console strategy


lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.

Gamecube could produce better graphics than PS2 :/


Vinterbird said:
It won't be end of 2012. It will be this year (what I'm believing) or early 2012 (Q1).

Plus, if the next generation from MS and Sony won't lanuch until 2014/2015, it still gives Nintendo plenty of time to be in the market, and get consumer attention.

I think it's impossible they will release it so soon with zero advertisement/hype so far.Sources are saying end of 2012 which i think is more logical.
And i bet by 2013 the new Sony/MS consoles will arrive anyway.
lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.


Freezie KO said:
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around a launch this year. Granted, 3DS games so far have been helped along by outside devs, but we know important studios, like EAD Tokyo and Sora and EAD whatever-number-makes-Mario-Kart, are all on 3DS right now.

And does Nintendo really believe that the handheld and console markets are that divergent that they won't eat each others' sales? I mean, 3DS just came out this year, and while doing well, it's not lighting the charts on fire. It needs a holiday season as the hot item.

Wii and DS lived happily together in the market. There's no reason for them not to do it.

And we honestly don't know the structure of Nintendo and their studios. We don't know in concrete detail who works on what, apart from a few select mentions Nintendo have made.

Launching this year will make sense since devs have seen the machine in 08, and originally Nintendo wanted to launch the 3DS last year, and presumably they wanna run with the same structure for their next home console (reveal and launch in the same calendar year)

sublimit said:
I think it's impossible they will release it so soon with zero advertisement/hype so far.Sources are saying end of 2012 which i think is more logical.
And i bet by 2013 the new Sony/MS consoles will arrive anyway.

I don't think its that far out to think it will launch this year, and I highly doubt we will have new home consoles from MS and Sony by 2013. 14 at the earliest.

And Nintendos hype machine can work wonders in 30 days and less. And if you look at Nintendos new way of doing marketing, they work in 6-8 months bursts rather then year long periods with no info and a screenshot a year for four years.

Remember, the 3DS was originally planned to launch the same year as they announced it. It's not far fetched to believe they would pull the same thing with their home console (and I would be insanely surprised if MS did not also pull such a stunt when their time comes).
lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

Gamecube was 2001 mang... maybe not as powerful as Xbox, but certainly a more efficient and elegant design than it, and clearly more powerful than PS2 as evidenced in certain games (RE4 / Beyond Good and Evil etc)

I would argue that being prudent / conservative this generation, and essentially reusing the Gecko / Flipper architecture in an upgraded form (Hollywood / Broadway) for the Wii - was a shrewd business move. It meant that Nintendo were able to both engender support from small development houses and make ludicrous profits while the others had to face serious risks before returning to profitability. Nintendo are in a better position than ever to invest in new technology.

I don't think they'll go crazy, but I do think people underestimate their capability.
lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.



Vinterbird said:
It won't be end of 2012. It will be this year (what I'm believing) or early 2012 (Q1).

Plus, if the next generation from MS and Sony won't lanuch until 2014/2015, it still gives Nintendo plenty of time to be in the market, and get consumer attention.

No way, Nintendo's software development resources could support a console launch in late 2012 but it couldn't support any more hardware this year than what Nintendo already have on the market.


I can't see them having a true "HD" screen on the controller.

I'd imagine a basic 640 x 480 resolution screen at best (or maybe 800 x 480 like the 3DS ..but 2D)...if not lower.

They'll want something that looks decent but doesn't cost much.

That's if ANY of this is even remotely true.


antonz said:
Game informer in their honestly quite poor podcast jumped back and forth on power saying their sources conflicted on that detail. Meanwhile other sites are reporting their sources saying much more powerful

Yeah, they acted like the Classic Controller didn't exist and that console history started with the N64. I wouldn't put too much stock in their reporting.
Vinterbird said:
Wii and DS lived happily together in the market. There's no reason for them not to do it.

And we honestly don't know the structure of Nintendo and their studios. We don't know in concrete detail who works on what, apart from a few select mentions Nintendo have made.

Launching this year will make sense since devs have seen the machine in 08, and originally Nintendo wanted to launch the 3DS last year, and presumably they wanna run with the same structure for their next home console (reveal and launch in the same calendar year)

You're right about the studios. We don't know the exact structure. But Wii and DS did not launch together. DS already had its momentum by the time Wii came around. 3DS is like the cat.gif, just taking its first steps.


gofreak, i have no doubt Nintendo will use AMD for a complete solution (meaning an CPU/GPU), now let's hope they will use a Llano solution... which i'm afraid they won't. :/
lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

I think they went through that whole competing with PS3 thing in 2006, but I'll assume you're joking.


Maturity, bitches.
Ickman3400 said:
Speak for yourself. Any chance to ditch that crap I hope Nintendo takes it (they won't). Or at least offer the option to play with a regular controller somehow, which they'll have to do if they're going to get ports of AAA 3rd party games.
Been slowly reading this thread backwards one page at a time and came across this.

Surprised that pointer controls could be considered crap. I can understand not liking motion, but pointer controls are brilliant. On screen keyboard; piece of cake. Selection of options; just jump straight to the one I need. Going back to old games and having to scroll everywhere can be a real pain.

If Nintendo keeps one thing of the Wii, I hope it is pointer controls.

Then again the quoted poster clearly shows his lack of knowledge by not knowing what the classic controller is.


What I love most about the upcoming consoles is that we cannot actually make even an educated guess about what they will be like. Nintendo with went power, power and then bang the Wii. Sony went from modest, modest to PS3 so again that was not expected, Nintendo could come this E3 with a console that was huge raw power compared to even PS4/XBOX next and I won't be shocked one bit. Any guess is good at this point, mine being that Nintendo will have some new gimmick but they will also pack their new console with a lot of horse power.

Also can't see this new console releasing fore less than $350 no matter what it is, the 3DS is a modest handheld however Nintendo have given it a hefty price.
Ok now the rumors are just getting silly.

An HD screen in the controller? YEah, good luck with selling a controller at 100 bucks each.

The more I hear about these speculations the more it seems like a huge Aprils fools joke to me. Albeit a bit late, but still.


lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.

Man, what a fail.
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Some sources have said "on par with" some have said "significantly more powerful than" and some have said "It might be less powerful or it might be more powerful". That is to say, the rumors are all over the place.

That's because most (if not all) of them are bullshit.

There's no way we can tell which one is real and people are believing any old bullshit rumour that comes out since it's that time just before E3.

Hell, there's no reason to even believe that this initial rumour that started this sensationalist thread is even real...

Oh and LOL @ people's predictions with the hardware specs, like this joke of a poster here...

lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.

Either you people started gaming with the PS360 or you have the memory span of a goldfish. Nintendo have only ever released an underpowered console once, in fact every other console they have released has always been the most powerful of its generation (even the GCN was arguably as powerful or more so than the Xbox)

And that shtick about the 3DS is complete troll material, it is not underpowered in any sense of the word. In fact, it's much more powerful than any of Nintendo's handhelds relative to their respective time of release and is not a whole generation behind the NGP at all (considering that it runs the same MT Framework engine as the NGP).

The pure stupidity on display in this thread is amazing.


RaijinFY said:
gofreak, i have no doubt Nintendo will use AMD for a complete solution (meaning an CPU/GPU), now let's hope they will use a Llano solution... which i'm afraid they won't. :/

The Quad Core Llano are expected in the right time frame for this. Seems to be a lot of confusion on just how powerful its GPU is though. 5570 seems to be the low end estimate

boris feinbrand said:
Ok now the rumors are just getting silly.

An HD screen in the controller? YEah, good luck with selling a controller at 100 bucks each.

The more I hear about these speculations the more it seems like a huge Aprils fools joke to me. Albeit a bit late, but still.
HD does not have to mean High Definition. It can also mean High Density which would just mean the overall pixel density would be quite high. Numerous Mobile devices use such "HD" screens.


Maturity, bitches.
Nuclear Muffin said:
Hell, there's no reason to even believe that this initial rumour that started this sensationalist thread is even real...
Only aspect at the moment I'm willing to believe is that Nintendo may release a few hints (probably the codename) by the end of the month and that, since it quite obvious, it will have a graphical leap.

THe rest is just run and games. I just hope the codename will cause as much speculation as Revolution did.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
2GHz dual core means it's substantially less powerful, CPU wise, than either PS3 or 360.

Well, I was thinking along the lines of an Intel processor. The 360 uses a Power PC processor and the PS3 is something custom which would be hard to really compare to other processors. I should have stated as much from the beginning.
if nintendo's new console ditches motion controls and goes back to having a traditional controller i will literally
poop my pants due to uncontrolled excitement


Nuclear Muffin said:
And that shtick about the 3DS is complete troll material, it is not underpowered in any sense of the word.
It actually is underpowered for a $250 handheld releasing in 2011. It would have been closer had they stuck to their originally planned price.

Nuclear Muffin said:
In fact, it's much more powerful than any of Nintendo's handhelds relative to their respective time of release and is not a whole generation behind the NGP at all (considering that it runs the same MT Framework engine as the NGP).
That's not a very convincing argument. My PC runs Unreal Engine 3, and so does the iPhone. Does that mean that the former is not a generation ahead of the latter?

EDarkness said:
The 360 uses a Power PC processor and the PS3 is something custom which would be hard to really compare to other processors. I should have stated as much from the beginning.
It's not really that hard to compare, as long as you differentiate workloads. We have been comparing a far more diverse set of architectures in HPC for decades.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
MadOdorMachine said:
If the Nintendo console is only as powerful as PS3 and 360 how do you figure that? Sony and Microsoft will blow them out of the water if their system isn't powerful enough. If it is powerful, it may force their hand although I have to say, I always figured Nintendo would release first in 2012 and the others would release no sooner than 2013.

Again, you're taking the sales data we have from this generation of consoles and throwing it out the window for no reason. Both the 360 and PS3 DID blow the Wii out of the water with graphics and yet the Wii crushed them for years.

You then used the argument, "Well, at the end of their lifespan, the opponents eat up the sales." So what? If I was a businessman, I'd gladly take 4 years of crushing competitors and then 1 of lagging behind before bringing out another console that will crush competitors again.
Wolves Evolve said:

The controller is a little touchscreen tablet with no buttons.
The. No buy

Anyone who thinks Nintendo will ditch motion controls/IR pointer is more delusional than those who think he Wii2 will be HD. Jesus Christ people

jax (old)

Nuclear Muffin said:
That's because most (if not all) of them are bullshit.

There's no way we can tell which one is real and people are believing any old bullshit rumour that comes out since it's that time just before E3.

Hell, there's no reason to even believe that this initial rumour that started this sensationalist thread is even real...

Oh and LOL @ people's predictions with the hardware specs, like this joke of a poster here...

Either you people started gaming with the PS360 or you have the memory span of a goldfish. Nintendo have only ever released an underpowered console once, in fact every other console they have released has always been the most powerful of its generation (even the GCN was arguably as powerful or more so than the Xbox)

And that shtick about the 3DS is complete troll material, it is not underpowered in any sense of the word. In fact, it's much more powerful than any of Nintendo's handhelds relative to their respective time of release and is not a whole generation behind the NGP at all (considering that it runs the same MT Framework engine as the NGP).

The pure stupidity on display in this thread is amazing.

For someone who also really doesn't know anything, your sweeping statement that the discussion here is pure stupidity is quite laughable.

It's speculation for speculation sake. Ill believe it when I see it


I just hope this doesnt force MS and Sony to move their consoles out more quickly. Both the 360 and PS3 are bringing in healthy money as well as selling well.

More importantly, current-gen development costs have stabilised, so its the best time for creativity, especially since Japanese developers are making more HD titles.


From The Dust said:
The. No buy

Anyone who thinks Nintendo will ditch motion controls/IR pointer is more delusional than those who think he Wii2 will be HD. Jesus Christ people
Wii2 won't be HD?
BGBW said:
Been slowly reading this thread backwards one page at a time and came across this.

Surprised that pointer controls could be considered crap. I can understand not liking motion, but pointer controls are brilliant. On screen keyboard; piece of cake. Selection of options; just jump straight to the one I need. Going back to old games and having to scroll everywhere can be a real pain.

If Nintendo keeps one thing of the Wii, I hope it is pointer controls.

Then again the quoted poster clearly shows his lack of knowledge by not knowing what the classic controller is.

This, this, this. Nintendo, please keep pointer controls. I like motion in some games, not in others. Red Steel 2, Madworld = good. Donkey Kong Country Returns = bad.

But pointer controls are great. The best FPS control scheme. New ways to innovate platforming. Good option for inventories and menus. So many applications. Just throw a few more buttons on the remote, and I'm good.
lawblob said:
Remember, this is Nintendo. They haven't launched a system on graphical par with competitors in almost 20 years. IMO, it will be closer to on par with PS3, rather than more powerful than PS3.

3DS is not very powerful compared to NGP and modern cellphones, so I would assume they are taking the same route with Wii2.

I sympathise with the barrage of angry replies you'll receive for this post, but dude, this is just bad.
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