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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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maniac-kun said:
Its still DirectX 10 hardware - no modern effects at all. Same problems as before.
Direct3D 10.1, actually. And since no Nintendo console will ever use D3D, it doesn't even matter.
gofreak said:
In light of the info reported by multiple other outlets about a screen on the controller etc. I don't think anything they've said is so implausible. Yes, how any of that jives with 'no gimmick' is a debatable matter...

My main bone of contention is the idea of a 6" single-touch (resistive?) touchscreen on a Nintendo console controller. It's too big - we're talking Kindle size screen there - probably as big as the draw area on the uDraw tablet for Wii. Let's say for arguments sake you believe that aspect of the rumor... do you believe it would be resistive as their article implies? Resistive screens are just barely acceptable on 3DS, and that is largely because the system and its predecessor use stylus' for input. I just don't think a 6" resistive screen makes sense on something that is supposedly that size.

Nintendo have spent the last 10-15 years making very simple, very ergonomic and user friendly controllers -- they're whacky enough that I can imagine them doing a button-free controller someday, but not one that's essentially an out-of-date tablet.

Ultimately, the main reason I find that unfeasible is because even as a weak tablet, it would still be much more expensive to create, mass-produce and sell than a more realistic controller. And yes, it doesn't fit in with the other quotes we've had about this not being a "gimmick".

Other posters have alluded to the problems with the R700 line and the age of it, I can believe devkits possibly using some sort of R700 derivative as placeholder parts, but I think the system is more likely to have something that is derivative of a newer GPU solution. As for the Power PC claims, I can see something like the A2 other users have suggested being possible, but ultimately are we just expecting PPC because of backwards compatability? Surely any updated architecture is going to be at odds with an antiquated design of Gecko / Flipper lineage... there's going to be a custom chip solution there or some degree of emulation.
If the Revolution has taught us anything, it's that Nintendo keeps the controller's secrets very tightly. I find it hard to believe we know anything about the controller so soon.


Cosmonaut X said:
I trust Edge to have solid industry contacts who they can reach out to in this case, and to have done their legwork and got multiple sources to verify what they're reporting.

This is foolish. Edge-online is no more reputable or reliable than any other blog, and is in just as much of a war for clicks as any other blog.


Cow Mengde said:
If the Revolution has taught us anything, it's that Nintendo keeps the controller's secrets very tightly. I find it hard to believe we know anything about the controller so soon.

Wasn't there an interview in which Miyamoto or some other Nintendo rep said that there next system would be really strange or bizarre in some fashion? I mean, the current rumors about the controller sound ridiculous, but I'm almost curious if something along those lines is what Nintendo may have been referring to.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
ryan-ts said:
Just remember, that 01net info is not gospel. If I see any of you using that information like it's fact I will find you and eat you.
NeoGAF. It'll be quoted as fact, cited, sourced, and have its own FAQ long before we actually know anything.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
stilgar said:
Like this?



If IGN's soruces are correct, we only know about it because they need to know to make games for it.

This would reinforce the Dev kit theory that yesterday was when the devkits went out and with so many people across several studios working on it, it would be impossible to keep the story under wraps.

All the junk about what the controller really is, is probably speculation. We had some very detailed leakes so a faker has a lot to work with. I note for example the last few pages has been more or less discussion about details supplied by an unknown French site that falls within the parameters of the original leak, but fills it in with greater resolution.


whats with origin games lol who gives a shit about rayman... yeah please tell me how he ended up having floating hands that NEEDS to be explained


GAF's Bob Woodward
radioheadrule83 said:
My main bone of contention is the idea of a 6" single-touch (resistive?) touchscreen on a Nintendo console controller. It's too big - we're talking Kindle size screen there - probably as big as the draw area on the uDraw tablet for Wii.

Depends. Were they told it'll be a 6" screen, or that it'll be a tablet?

The area of the Wiimote is, afterall, 6" diagonal. So you could have a 6" screen in a number of different forms that don't necessarily mean 'tablet'. I'd like to know if 'tablet' is their supposition - because like everyone here they think in terms of kindles etc. when they here that - or if it's part of the info they were told.

radioheadrule83 said:
Other posters have alluded to the problems with the R700 line and the age of it, I can believe devkits possibly using some sort of R700 derivative as placeholder parts, but I think the system is more likely to have something that is derivative of a newer GPU solution. As for the Power PC claims, I can see something like the A2 other users have suggested being possible, but ultimately are we just expecting PPC because of backwards compatability? Surely any updated architecture is going to be at odds with an antiquated design of Gecko / Flipper lineage... there's going to be a custom chip solution there or some degree of emulation.

A new architecture doesn't have to necessarily emulate if it supports the same instruction set. As for spec in general though, I think anything is believable when it comes to Nintendo. That's partially problematic when weighing the credibility of rumours, but it is the situation we're in after the machines they've produced in the past.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
ryan-ts said:
Just remember, that 01net info is not gospel. If I see any of you using that information like it's fact I will find you and eat you.
To me, it's unlikely at best.

Jive Turkey said:
NeoGAF. It'll be quoted as fact, cited, sourced, and have its own FAQ long before we actually know anything.
It already is. Check the last few pages.
Jive Turkey said:
NeoGAF. It'll be quoted as fact, cited, sourced, and have its own FAQ long before we actually know anything.

If the thing actually gets released, and the controller is shaped like a banana that you wear on your head, people here will probably still claim its an R700 powered Amazon Kindle with each user burdened by a million friend codes.


Black Canada Mafia
A touch screen as a controller seems cool at first, but immediately I can see the limitations. Hopefully like some people have said, it's not exclusively controlled by the touch screen.
gofreak said:
As I've said exhaustively now, it doesn't make them right on this info. But it is annoying to see people try and write off their NGP story now because they're trying to discredit this story. It's impossible, IMO, to write off the NGP story as a fluke. That's all I'm sayin'...

They trying to write it off cause they don't like what they see , i am not saying they right or wrong .
It's just funny to see now Wii HD might just be a small upgrade people want to write off the site when they allot info on NGP.
swerve said:
This is foolish. Edge-online is no more reputable or reliable than any other blog, and is in just as much of a war for clicks as any other blog.

Woah - back up a second. Edge-online is the official blog for Edge magazine, so I'd rate them a bit higher than most other blogs out there.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Eversynth said:
Unless the Wii2 IS a tablet (what a twist), it won't happen, lol... no worries.
I also doubt the 6" touch part.
If there is some truth to it (big IF), it could be a little screen for some kind of customizable buttons/interface, but it doesn't make a lot of sense for a home console.
I was thinking maybe the console is a tablet with wireless HDMI out to a lower powered base station. I feel like that news would be out already if true but you never know, there weren't even viable rumors that anything existed two days ago and now we have rumored specs. If it was true it would make the Wii2 an ipad and a souped up DS/DSi on your TV with the touchscreen being the touchscreen part and the TV replacing the main screen.
Idle speculation I know but it would be a unique idea, and I have been thinking that at some point the lines between portable and console might start to become blurred. The main reasons that I would imagine this would be unlikely would be the price and the need for two different types of games for the device in its two uses, tablet or touchpad for TV.


Zeliard said:
I think they also mentioned in that podcast it wouldn't be notably more powerful than current gen systems, so there could be something to it.
Maybe the rumors on that french website is true after all...

edit: Well at the 2:14 mark they said it will be "in the neighborhood" of current systems.


I don't believe the story about it being a tablet or having a 6 inch screen.

If there is a screen I think it'll be something simple like this-


I suppose a nice extra would be if you could turn it on it's side to play NES games.
Cosmonaut X said:
The first time since when? The SNES was easily on par with the Genesis (weaker in some areas, better in others), the N64 mopped the floor with the competition in several areas, even if it had a couple of fatal flaws, and the GCN was a little beast that easily competed with the PS2 and Xbox.

But, oh, the Wii changed everything...

To be fair, the SNES released two years after the Genesis, so being "on par" would hardly qualify it as a muscle console. In fact, that's pretty lame, from a hardware perspective. The N64 also released after the competition and, technically, had slightly superior hardware ("mopping the floor" seems a bit hyperbolic), and the GCN may have competed with the Xbox, but you're high if you think it was capable of more. Elegantly designed? Yes. More powerful? Hardly.

And then you have the Gameboy and DS, their most successful product lines, which have been clearly eclipsed by the competition in terms of raw power.

So, yes, Nintendo does not have a history of focusing on powerful hardware, even when those hardware comparisons should be clearly biased in their favor (e.g., the SNES vs. the two-year old Genesis).

Nintendo has good games. That's their M.O. Always will be. If you want advanced hardware, look elsewhere.
My initial speculation (I love this): They'll keep the basic WiiMote/nunchuck config. Being able to play one-handed is too good a feature to backpeddle on.

Using the current WiiMote as a reference point, above the A/Win button, the controller will expand out into a roughly 3.5 inch touch screen. Imagine being able to scan objects and see the info or an xray view on the touch screen.

Instead of the 1 and 2 buttons on the Wiimote, this is where the dpad will rest. You'd still be able to turn the controller sideways for NES style play, but the touch screen will emulate the role of the face buttons, and offer a flexible layout.

Works for me...

Someone feel free to make a mock up. :)


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Jive Turkey said:
It even has a lone "win" button.
I apologize for not making it star-shaped.

Zeliard said:
That's absolutely ridiculous. Nintendo would never release a black system as the first model out.
They announce one and then wait years before releasing it.


Run with this instead:

Nintendo Wii2
- PowerPC 800mhz
- R300 GPU
- 64MB RAM
- controller buttons are backlit
- controller has no buttons
- controller has a trackball
- comes in green pinkish blue
- more secrets to be unveiled at a later date


swerve said:
This is foolish. Edge-online is no more reputable or reliable than any other blog, and is in just as much of a war for clicks as any other blog.

No, it exists to sell the magazine, that's why the only post choice reviews and bits of information.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Taker666 said:
I don't believe the story about it being a tablet or having a 6 inch screen.

If there is a screen I think it'll be something simple like this-


I suppose a nice extra would be if you could turn it on it's side to play NES games.

This is basically what I'm picturing. There is no way this thing will lose the remote shape or the face buttons.
Taker666 said:
I don't believe the story about it being a tablet or 6 inch screen.

If there is a screen I think it'll be something simple like this-


I suppose a nice extra would be if you could turn it on it's side to play NES games.

This seems like the most realistic idea so far. Reminds me of the iPod Nano.

I still think they will include a classic controller as well just to further appease the third parties. There is little point creating a console powerful enough to compete with PS3/360 but not supply a similar input method.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The N64 is in fact quite a bit more powerful than the Saturn or PSX.

It's got some dumb design decisions though that hurts that image, but it could definitely do quite a bit more than those two systems when it comes to 3D games.

Hell at the point of release the N64 was better than PCs at doing 3D. It didn't last long though.
Taker666 said:
I don't believe the story about it being a tablet or having a 6 inch screen.

If there is a screen I think it'll be something simple like this-

I suppose a nice extra would be if you could turn it on it's side to play NES games.

Nice idea at first glance, but wouldn't your hand get in the way of the touch screen?

Take a look at my idea a few posts above, and let me know what you think.
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