I know that Phi Phi 'needs to know when to shut up' but I hate some viewers more for taking her so seriously. Like, it's fine to 'booo' her, but I can imagine how much venom and death threats she's receiving and that's really sad.
Phi Phi, more than ever, has defined herself as a Rupaul's Drag Race All Star, and I feel that she should be celebrated for that. Unfortunately for her, she's a sensitive person who's unable to really embrace the pantomime villain role because SHE takes herself so seriously -- despite the 'riddle me this, riddle me that' stuff.
Still, only a really basic fan, or a 13 year old, would be unable to stand back and see her role in a wider context and not appreciate her legacy within the show.
PS. Season 4 Phi Phi: I hated her attitude towards Willam. I feel uncomfortable when watching Untucked because I hate seeing people be bullied/isolated, even if they're Willam and can handle themselves. STILL, she was perfect casting in that she tested and antagonised Willam's calculated schtick.