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RuPaul's Drag Race All-Stars Season 2 |OT| Let's Get All-Started!

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What disappoints me is that Alaska didn't stand up in her choice like Alyssa did.

Alyssa went against the play the girls decided on in the beginning, but she had constructed reasoning and went with her convictions

Alaska is just...Tati you're great and you got so much to give but Roxxxy lent me this shirt tee hee! But then she tried to act like it was some difficult decision.

Gurl...a member of your clique was in the bottom and you saw an opportunity to get rid of some competition. Own it.
I'm not sad my Lasky won. And, like, I would have sent home Roxxy, but whatever. I've been "Meh" on Tatianna. Which, I know I'm in the minority on that. I'm also meh on Roxxy, but I thought Roxxy had the better video. I loved Tatianna's look on the runway, though. Loved it.
We're thinking this was the wrong choice based on performance, but if you think about the game, she eliminated the strongest competitor. That's the only thing that makes sense, which has been mentioned by a lot of people.
I almost want Phi Phi back so she could just hound Alaska.
"why did you change the game Alaska "
"this isn't what we agreed on"


This was also the episode to get more drama from rolaskatox, because the two deserved bottoms were Roxxxy and Detox, that garbage bin thing was abysmal, and Alaska winning and having to choose one would've made compelling TV while keeping someone entertaining like Tatianna around.

Everything was just so wrong this episode.
My wayward two-cents:

1. Considering there's always one "shocker" elimination this late in the season I was expecting either Tati or Alyssa to go, but not under those circumstances. There's been a genuine excitement about Tatianna this season and her little moments of brilliance make us want more. It's sad that her commercial sucked though. She did have the worst product of them all, even though her commercial was maaaaybe marginally better than Roxxxy's.

2. Roxxxy Andrews' presence is going to fuck up the next episode. Next week is a
challenge, which I have a feeling she's going to excel in. I don't think her winning next week will change the fact that she needs to go home ASAP, and that'll be frustrating to watch. She'll likely win and send
home which, again, will be incredibly frustrating. Every season there's that one bitch who sticks around too long and I guess that's Roxxxy this time.

3. Alaska winning three times (technically four) is a classic case of producer favoritism. Her performance in the challenges have been brilliant, and she deserved to be the top all three times. Considering that the lipsyncers are suddenly allowed to change and/or wear flats is a red flag to me though. I'd probably declare Alaska the worst lip syncer of the ten queens based mostly on the fact that she can't move all that well in heels. Hard to dispute some rule bending this season to help give her an advantage.

4. Katya should have won (since she did better) and sent Roxxxy home. That would have been a really satisfying result that would both elevate Katya in the competition and leave the best 5 queens of the group.
I think Alaska's image is already suffering because of all the producers' shenanigans. She's getting way too much hate for something that's kindda out of her control.

She deserves to win, of course, but at this point I don't know if that would be the best for her career.

And yeah Katya won that lipsync, Ru Paul done fucked up.

Alaska definitely made the wrong choice. I can't believe it. Roxy is only still there because she's her friend, nothing else makes sense. In the bottom four times. Tati was top two twice.


I could not be more disappointed about who went home this week. That runway look along should have kept them safe. To see someone else coast on their friendships is just sad.

go in queen
Hmm... This episode was a shocker but really and truly, I knew it was going to happen. To hold allegiance over a damn shirt is a terrible excuse and Roxxxy has been Soooo mediocre for pretty much the entire season. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Tati, I liked her commercial much better especially because she sells being a bitch. And her runway look was a straight ace. Alaska really fucked up and I'm not going to lie.... I wish Phi Phi was there to clock her for that, because AT LEAST Alyssa reasoning for cutting Ginger over Katya made sense and we've honestly seen that. Katya has grown to being really tough competition and I like that she wasn't afraid to keep her for that reason alone.

Alyssa reasoning for Katya being stronger competition was cute regardless of strategy and you can't convince me that Alaska leaving lessor competition is a smart strategy as a way to win... Because it's not. It's cowardice especially if this is from a queen that is known for dropping people for looks so come on.
Considering also that there is obvious favoritism (like Katya lip-sync was so much better than Alaska, it's a joke), Alaska getting rid of Tati over Roxxxy is just another example of that.. so.... All in all, this episode was trash and I will be upset if Alyssa goes next. Roxxxy and this coasting by shit is soo annoying.


needs 2 extra inches
I love Alaska, but that was the wrong fucking choice. Mediocrity prevailed over C.U.N.T. last night. Even Ru's face almost cracked.

Ugh, not happy about this at all. And bringing up the shirt she borrowed, even as a joke... Just put a bad taste in my mouth, and was disrespectful.

Tati's Saint Louis show was supposed to be last night, right after the episode... Had it not been postponed, the reactions would have been interesting.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
bullshit tbh
she shouldn't even have been in the bottom two, detox should have
what an awful concept a talking bin was, and she didnt sell it well. Tati's runway fucking slayed too

I will say the episodes energy was so much nicer without phi phi though
I expect it to come back down next week with a miserable roxxy

Does anyone else think that tati reminds them of robbie from prince charming? identical personalities I live
Rolaskatox is not in effect. *Activates Rolaskatox*

Man, so disappointed that Tati got sent home. Felt like she had so much more to show. Maybe she showed enough, but I just really wanted to see a whole lot more of her. Honestly my favorite contestant cause she strikes a good balance of being real, funny, charming, and bitchy when it's appropriate without relying on being quirky or always trying to be everyone's friend. Not to mention her talent. It's like when your favorite character gets killed off prematurely cause the actor is filming a movie trilogy.

I like Alaska a lot too, but she really didn't need another win nor did she really deserve it over Katya who had the better commercial, runway look, and lipsync. So...yeah.


needs 2 extra inches
Honestly my favorite contestant cause she strikes a good balance of being real, funny, charming, and bitchy when it's appropriate without relying on being quirky or always trying to be everyone's friend. Not to mention her talent.
Her confessionals were giving me life too. She was all around entertaining.
This is the first ep where I really disagreed with Rupaul. Katya should have won that lipsynch. she also had a better commercial. Detox should have been in the bottom with Roxxy going home.

Whelp, if it's any more obvious that Alaska is gonna win this thing.
The fact that someone like Tati who walked in as a relative unknown (for most of the fandom) is inspiring such a furor is really a testament to how successful she was in introducing herself to a new generation of viewers. From her looks to her charm to her being the only one to actually have a catchphrase stick this season, she hasn't missed a beat in my book.*

*Choosing a domestic terrorist for Snatch Game aside.
I think the worst thing about them pushing Alaska to win so hard is that she's barely in these episodes. She hardly has any talking heads, her preparation stages are pretty drama free and her lip syncs are just okay. Like if you're going to make her the winner, at least give us a reason to feel like she deserves it instead of just having her be a non entity during the episodes then sweeping in at the last moment to win the challenges.


I think the worst thing about them pushing Alaska to win so hard is that she's barely in these episodes. She hardly has any talking heads, her preparation stages are pretty drama free and her lip syncs are just okay. Like if you're going to make her the winner, at least give us a reason to feel like she deserves it instead of just having her be a non entity during the episodes then sweeping in at the last moment to win the challenges.

Seriously. Not even Chad Michael's victory in AS1 was this transparent.
Watched the episode last night, and me and my friends were just as disappointed as probably every other fan at that ending. I was really starting to root for Tati after her return, and her confessionals were the most interesting in the last episode so she was just great to have around. It was a really good comeback story killed way too early.

The good thing to come out of it I guess is that I really want to see her perform live now. This might have been the best outcome for her popularity after the show. Still, why Alaska whyyy??


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Glad to come online and see everyone else as angry as I was.

Also, how the fuck were Detox or Alyssa, who both looked worse and had equal to worse videos, not in the bottom? I was shocked Tati even went into the bottom after doing so well, let alone get sent home.

I mean Detox was straight up and literally trash this week. I've got nothing against her but she deserved to be called out on how bad her challenge and look were.

Watched the episode again. Yeah, Tati's commercial was definitely the worst. We liked it coz she's charming and cute but that ad was still a mess. It was the right top two but just not the right elimination choice. Annoyingly Roxxxy will probably stick around to the top 4. :(

Tron 2.0

Definitely agree Roxxxy should have gone home (and should have a while ago), but getting eliminated before her time will probably work out pretty well for Tatianna. Like Katya getting eliminated too early in Season 7, look how the fanbase is already rallying for her. And I'm glad, because Tatianna really impressed me this season.


I can't say I am into a lot of the backlash Alaska is getting. This isn't any different than Chad and Who? steamrolling Chad Stars Season 1.

She sent the wrong queen home, but a lot of the hate is overblown.


RuPaul just threw some shade on Instagram.

It's clearly about Rolaskatox, but I'm trying to figure out what she means...

Mama Ru's being cryptic.



irresponsible vagina leak
RuPaul just threw some shade on Instagram.

It's clearly about Rolaskatox, but I'm trying to figure out what she means...

Mama Ru's being cryptic.


"A chain is no stronger than its weakest link"-W. James



needs 2 extra inches
That may be true but it's just good acting on Ru's part. There is no way that Ru doesn't know in advance which Queen has which lipstick.
Ru probably knew the pick in advance, but she did not foresee Tati's runway, and she LIVED for it. So it must have hurt still.


I don't know why anyone is upset. Tati landed herself in the bottom with that ad and Ru put her there for possible elimination.

The motivation behind why Alaska eliminated her doesn't really matter, it was all within the rules of the game that Ru put in place.
I don't know why anyone is upset. Tati landed herself in the bottom with that ad and Ru put her there for possible elimination.

The motivation behind why Alaska eliminated her doesn't really matter, it was all within the rules of the game that Ru put in place.
Yes it was but that doesn't mean it's not still a bullshit decision? Tati wasn't the only one in the bottom two lmao.


Do you know which change I don't agree with? Changing outfits for the lipsync. Girl, if you chose that outfit, stand by it.


My jaw hit the floor as Alaska picked Tatianna.
Like. What. She kept mentioning that fucking top too like who cares?

Love Lasky but terrible choice. Oh well.
Do you know which change I don't agree with? Changing outfits for the lipsync. Girl, if you chose that outfit, stand by it.

I understand it for something like Katya's nearly immobilizing latex look but something like this week's gymnast thing there was no reason at all to change.

I don't know why anyone is upset. Tati landed herself in the bottom with that ad and Ru put her there for possible elimination.

The motivation behind why Alaska eliminated her doesn't really matter, it was all within the rules of the game that Ru put in place.
You REALLY can't understand?
We all agree that Tati didn't have the strongest video BUT that's not the point. Fact is Roxxxy has been mediocre week after week and has been in the bottom four goddamn times. It was her time to go and people are mad because Alaska chose the wrong person on the thinnest of reasoning.


Ya I feel bad for Tatianna.

She literally got eliminated the week after a win both times...

Win Elim Win Elim

While Roxxy..

Win Bot3 Safe Bot3 Bot2 Bot2.

How is she still here?

Can Tati come back for revenge a 2nd time?
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