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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 7 |OT| Did you not or did you not come for me today?

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I feel bad for Pearl. You can tell she's trying and that she wants to please, but her entire aura just seems super incompatible with the hyperactive, larger-than-life atmosphere this show trades in.

She has shades of Adore's sardonic attitude, but none of her frenzied charisma. I love her, but her days are numbered, and that saddens me :-( ...

...because Boy Pearl is pure eye candy :p

Nah. She is getting the Raven edit. She will go far.

I loved her lipsync. Channeling true punk attitude. Trixie lost because she was doing camp with a Blondie track.

But yeah none of them deserved the bottom 2 spot. Ru the producer and her fake ass strikes again.
But yeah none of them deserved the bottom 2 spot. Ru the producer and her fake ass strikes again.

Pearl and Trixie might not have shined brightly this week, but we're already four episodes in and Kandy Ho and Mrs. Kasha Davis have done zippo to inspire any ounce of interest from me. They're just so blah, and I have no idea why they're still here over Trixie.



Pearl and Trixie might not have shined brightly this week, but we're already four episodes in and Kandy Ho and Mrs. Kasha Davis have done zippo to inspire any ounce of interest from me. They're just so blah, and I have no idea why they're still here over Trixie.

Maybe Trixie comes back =______=;


I love the vibe she gives off [I know she isn't like this] like she doesn't really give a crap about what happens, lol.
Haha yeah.


Pearl and Trixie might not have shined brightly this week, but we're already four episodes in and Kandy Ho and Mrs. Kasha Davis have done zippo to inspire any ounce of interest from me. They're just so blah, and I have no idea why they're still here over Trixie.
They're both profoundly boring and bland. If they're not the next two queens to leave I won't be pleased. What do they bring to RPDR that their competitors don't? Nothing at all.
Episode 4 spoiler:

Now that I think about it and rewatching the LSFYL, Pearl really did bring it with that lipsynch. Trixie was great too, but Pearl brought it on with that punk attitude
I think the deciding factor against Trixie was that while Pearl's lip-sync wasn't immediately impactful, it actually embodied the song and (which I'm sure RuPaul noticed) the artist who originally sang it.

Trixie, on the other hand, went full-on kitsch zany on a track that really called for a "giving no shits" attitude.
I think the deciding factor against Trixie was that while Pearl's lip-sync wasn't immediately impactful, it actually embodied the song and (which I'm sure RuPaul noticed) the artist who originally sang it.

Trixie, on the other hand, went full-on kitsch zany on a track that really called for a "giving no shits" attitude.

I agree. At first Trixie's lip-sync seemed a lot better, but as it went on Pearl's take seemed way more appropriate.



Pearl and Trixie might not have shined brightly this week, but we're already four episodes in and Kandy Ho and Mrs. Kasha Davis have done zippo to inspire any ounce of interest from me. They're just so blah, and I have no idea why they're still here over Trixie.

Totally agree. I actually forgot Kandy was still in this competition until the judging. KD has that old fashioned kitsch humor about her that I like, but even I'll admit that she's nothing new.

To add to this list, I hope Kennedy goes soon. She is just not impressive at all.


irresponsible vagina leak
Yeah, this competition isn't really her scene. Unless she can break out of her super low key persona, she'll be gone soon. I just need couple more weeks' worth of Pearlface gifs. Give us that much at least, Ru.

I think she could exploit that awkwardness for comedic value if she knew what to say. I can see some Debbie downer comedic value that can come from it or great sarcasm too. It's all about learning how to work her personality to make it likable.
'Wake up, Pearl!' > LSFYL to Blondie's Dreaming

Trixie died so that Pearl's storyline could live, le sigh. Justification was whack af. Wasn't so fond of this episode even if the lipsync was the best yet, the challenge fell flat for me and so many of the runway looks were quite blah.

"Kandy you haven't stood out at all in the past few weeks, you faded into the background this week, your runway is meh... but you're safe because we need to light a fire under Pearl's ass. (Also we can get rid of you any time, if we don't pick Trixie off now she'll probably make it a lot further than we'd like.)"

Kennedy's win was questionable and JDF's Bianca was overrated, Katya was robbed. I'm guessing Kennedy's going to Darienne this season. She'll probably send Katya home, because that's how Drag Race works. Ru seems weirdly fond of her.

MKD, Kandy and Lame need to go so we can get into the main meat of the pack, I can't see them making it too much further given their edits/limited skillsets.




Except Max. I like Max.


I want Kennedy and Kandy gone personally, Kandy's claim to fame was being mean to Tempest and that was it, she hasn't done anything since.

I FUCKIN' love Max, I love how she cheers everyone up when they need it, she's just so sweet

Untucked spoilers
It was heartwarming how all those queens went to cheer up Pearl during untucked too
'Wake up, Pearl!' > LSFYL to Blondie's Dreaming

Trixie died so that Pearl's storyline could live, le sigh. Justification was whack af. Wasn't so fond of this episode even if the lipsync was the best yet, the challenge fell flat for me and so many of the runway looks were quite blah.

"Kandy you haven't stood out at all in the past few weeks, you faded into the background this week, your runway is meh... but you're safe because we need to light a fire under Pearl's ass. (Also we can get rid of you any time, if we don't pick Trixie off now she'll probably make it a lot further than we'd like.)"

Kennedy's win was questionable and JDF's Bianca was overrated, Katya was robbed. I'm guessing Kennedy's going to Darienne this season. She'll probably send Katya home, because that's how Drag Race works. Ru seems weirdly fond of her.

MKD, Kandy and Lame need to go so we can get into the main meat of the pack, I can't see them making it too much further given their edits/limited skillsets.
Agree with all this, all this. Kandy is definately past her sell by date and should've gone home.

Also hated Kasha Davis' runway look, so flat and boring, she has the same old lady style that the one who Mimi Imfurst threw over her shoulder in the lipsync had - old school but charmless.

I feel like Trixie is this season's Pandora, she's a comedy queen with limits, but I think just being on the show and getting positive feedback from the fans will propel her to finetune her character and comedy.


super sad that trixie left but she seems relatively open and engages with fans of the show so I think she'll have longevity. Pearl's "storyline" is so poor. if you're not spouting try hard catchphrases and saying "yes ma'am! yas GAWD!" every minute in confessional you're "not trying". lame.

ginger can go. the blatant winner edit she's getting, and her two faced ass are really grating me.

#teamviolet #teampearl #teamkatya


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Underwhelming runway and I thought everyone was pretty shit in the challenges
Kandy and Kennedykasha have completely flown under the radar for me, I even had to just go and check OP to realise which they were

Glad Pearl stayed, Trixxie has done nothing for me and that runway outfit was AWFUL
also watching untucked you can see the tape on Miss Fame's face. sloppy sloppy sloppy
I'm not sure Jaden is capable of wearing a nice outfit either

bad episode, still going through untucked though
cackling a bit at the courtney shade

edit; let me put ginger in my top 3 too
I'm honestly surprised Kandy's still in the competition; I don't expect the young inexperienced filler girls with frumpy runway looks and middling performances to stay this long.
Nothing against her though, she's really softened up since the beginning of the show. I'm definitely not actively waiting for her to get sent home...but I wouldn't miss her.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I'm honestly surprised Kandy's still in the competition; I don't expect the young inexperienced filler girls with frumpy runway looks and middling performances to stay this long.
Nothing against her though, she's really softened up since the beginning of the show. I'm definitely not actively waiting for her to get sent home...but I wouldn't miss her.

girl i didnt even recognise her out of drag when watching untucked

Pearl needs to bring it next week after sending trixxie home and saying all that good stuff about her


I kinda feel for Kandy; the producers are giving her no air time at all. Maybe this is just the producers' way of retaliating at PR queens gaming the system.
girl i didnt even recognise her out of drag when watching untucked

Pearl needs to bring it next week after sending trixxie home and saying all that good stuff about her

Tbqh, I sometimes don't even recognize the poor girl when she's in drag; she looks "generic" for the lack of a better word.
I mean...maybe I have a bad memory or something, but even most of the past filler queens had a signature look of some sort.
She really does fade into the background in a number of ways.


I kinda feel for Kandy; the producers are giving her no air time at all. Maybe this is just the producers' way of retaliating at PR queens gaming the system.
Kandy's not the only one getting this treatment. Max and Jaden have hardly any confessionals.


Kandy's not the only one getting this treatment. Max and Jaden have hardly any confessionals.

? Jaidynn gets a healthy amount of confessional time, or at least on screen time considering she spews about 5 half baked attempts at #catchphrases every time she's on screen. Kandy has had less than a handful of confessionals these last couple of episodes.

Max is kinda a tricky one cos she SERVES on the runway. Kandy just fades. Eh.
Kandy's not the only one getting this treatment. Max and Jaden have hardly any confessionals.

Well...despite how middling Max's performance as Courtney was she's actually a lot like her; She's a sweet "girl next door"-esque queen with a great eye for aesthetics/fashion...but AFAICT that doesn't really make for eyeball-gluing reality tv in WOW's eyes.
Which as Trinity would say...is unfortunate.
She's not wild enough or funny enough or bitchy enough to get a lot of screen time in the confessionals.
Luckily fashion is still a big part of the show, and it gives queens like Max and Courtney time to shine.


? Jaidynn gets a healthy amount of confessional time, or at least on screen time considering she spews about 5 half baked attempts at #catchphrases every time she's on screen. Kandy has had less than a handful of confessionals these last couple of episodes.

Max is kinda a tricky one cos she SERVES on the runway. Kandy just fades. Eh.

Jaden? Maybe I'm not paying attention when they happen. I just know that outside of her #catchphrases, I don't know anything about her.
It really was sad watching two of my favorites lip sync. At first I was like "Oh shit Trixie is killing it" then it veered into "OH MY GOD PEARL YAAS" but even though I do think Pearl won the lip sync just for the mug she was serving, Trixie definitely didn't deserve to be in the bottom two. Pearl should have sent Kandy home instead.

I adore Mrs Kasha Davis (she was in Austin a few weekends back and she's a delight) but I do worry that she'll be sent packing before we see her zany personality hit its stride. She has a lovable personality that isn't getting any airtime, but hopefully in this next challenge she gets the edit she deserves. Given the synopsis for the next challenge it's very possible, but we'll see.

Katya's still far and away the best contestant of the bunch. She has runway looks, charm, incredible wit, and her "character" as the Russian bisexual transvestite hookerrrrr is fully realized. She's definitely top 3 material.

My favorites are still:
1) Katya
2) Pearl
3) Violet
4) Max
5) Kasha


I think Katya and MAX are the only ones with the goods in the game at the moment. Hope they don't get Ben De La Creme'd though.

Jaidynn's runway dress was an atrocity.

All of her runways are similar to each other and ugly. From the first thing she walked in with in the first episode to the latest runway... boring.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I thin Katya and MAX are the only ones with the goods in the game at the moment. Hope they don't get Ben De La Creme'd though.


the great injustice
although Ive not seen a single thing about ben since he got off the show yet seen a fair bit about darienne so maybe it was the right decision


needs 2 extra inches
If this challenge proved anything it's that this may be the least versatile cast of RPDR since S2. The top 3 was mediocre at best, and the rest dragged after. Amateurs, the lot of them.

As much as I love Trixie and think she didn't deserve to be in the bottom 2, I have to agree that her camp shtick is undercooked. It feels like she's stuck between a couple of styles and won't fully commit yet.

And while Pearl's face and expressions are immaculate, she deserved to be criticized for everything else. Even my baby sisters have better catwalks and they're not even strutting for money (yet).

Crown Minj to save face then send them all home.


the great injustice
although Ive not seen a single thing about ben since he got off the show yet seen a fair bit about darienne so maybe it was the right decision

Ben had that stage show "Terminally Delightful" since the show and been on the RPDR Battle of the Seasons tours. I think she has a new show coming called "Cosmos" opening soon.
I could not for the life of me remember Kandy Ho's name in this episode. It wasn't either until they started recording the song or the video and she had a confessional that I finally remembered her name.

Anyways super disappointed that
Trixie went home.
Wanted to see more of her.


I could not for the life of me remember Kandy Ho's name in this episode. It wasn't either until they started recording the song or the video and she had a confessional that I finally remembered her name.

Anyways super disappointed that
Trixie went home.
Wanted to see more of her.

tbh, Kandy is probably one of the worst Puerto Rican queens the show has ever had. She tries to have neat sexy catchphrases but they're just creepy.


needs 2 extra inches
Miss Fame was a high fashion boy model (Kurtis Dam-Mikkelsen) before becoming Miss Fame ;D Definitely a different side of him in his boy look... some queens just look weird as boys but he looks fine.
Thanks to this little nugget I was able to observe Kurtis' flaccid, uncut pecker and his pre-op nose. :x


Im starting to hate Minj and I'll be pissed if she gets anywhere near the top 3.
Yeah, I'm hoping the producers don't force a BIG GIRL into the top 3 for diversity's sake. Ginger isn't as bitchy and unremarkable as Darienne, but I still find her annoying. Latrice was the only large queen on the show to ever be top 3 material.

The only way I'll accept Ginger in the top 3 is if Latrice bursts out of her skin like Shangela.



The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Anyone expecting someone called Ginger Minj
to be nice. :p

But I think she plays both sides well.
Kind of feeling over this season already after this episode.

Pearl has a great face in and out of drag but what started off seeming like a clever, fresh take on drag now feels lazy and borderline entitled. Sad to see Trixie go but her ideas felt half baked unfortunately.

I'm living for Katya more and more each episode though. She's a smart cookie who knows how to expertly calibrate a moment for maximum effect. Good stuff.

One more thing on Pearl. Since it popped into my head I can't unsee him as Hugh Acheson of Top Chef fame.




Anyone expecting someone called Ginger Minj
to be nice. :p

But I think she plays both sides well.

It's not really about being nice, it's that she is basically outdone in every aspect by someone else, hell even in the bitch department, she has nothing to do against Violet.

Yet we keep being overexposed to her for a reason beyond me. Her critics of Pearl's drag were incredibly lame, specially when her drag is so freaking boring.

And even in that department, she's outdone by Kandy. She has nothing special going on, why should we care about her?
I think Ginger Minj is a very very strong contender. Her fashions can be a bit safe for my taste, but nowhere near as safe as Bianca's for example. She also has a great deal of wit, and she's polished enough to back up whatever preconceived "shade" they're making her out to be saying maliciously. It seems like the rest of the cast likes her so the shadiness is just coming off that way on television.

There always seems to be a couple of general narrators each season who get the most talking heads, and it's either because they're interesting commentators, or they're going really far. Bianca and Adore had the most talking heads in season 6, and Detox and Roxxy had the most in 5. It seems this season that Ginger and maybe Katya have the most, so that's a good sign for them.

Given the editing so far I'm guessing the top three are Ginger, Katya and Pearl... I have a feeling that Kennedy might go farther than we like and that Fame might get cut earlier.
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