needs 2 extra inches
This hate boner people has for Ginger is dumbfounding. Her? mean? Have you guys been watching this show since the beginning? She's absolutely harmless compared to past shady and malicious queens. She says a couple of catty things during interviews, gives a couple of stares, and complains about young queens. That's almost every old queen.
Also, her Adele was on point in look and hilariously performed. There was the accent, dunking donuts in whine, the spaced out diva moments, a lots more. She 100% committed to portraying a funny, fully realized version of Adele. And she didn't need to tread blurry lines by picking a male celebrity.
You say Kennedy took risks, I say she picked the one character she's absolutely comfortable with. That's been her M.O. so far conform the rules so she doesn't have to step out of her comfort zone.
Also, her Adele was on point in look and hilariously performed. There was the accent, dunking donuts in whine, the spaced out diva moments, a lots more. She 100% committed to portraying a funny, fully realized version of Adele. And she didn't need to tread blurry lines by picking a male celebrity.
You say Kennedy took risks, I say she picked the one character she's absolutely comfortable with. That's been her M.O. so far conform the rules so she doesn't have to step out of her comfort zone.