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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 7 |OT| Did you not or did you not come for me today?

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No lies detected tbh.

In some interview I read she toned it down because her grandparents and nephews were going to watch.

Also watcha pakin' is the most bizarre thing ever is like Michelle becomes a completely different person, for the one with Max she even says she showed "variety", wth? After the critics on the show?
Right? What the hell was even happening there? Michelle was so beautiful and nice. And self-contradictory, it seems. Why didn't she support Max when it mattered? Or did the editors dickslap her runway critiques on top of shitbinning Max?

Her mom wrote a letter about that on MAX's Facebook. Her grandparents and little brother (11 years old) were going to watch the show.
Aww... That's sweet, but at the same time I'm outraged at his family's flagrant disrespect for quality manmeats.


Yes gawd.

Merle > Michelle

Seriously, she's increasingly relying on her own staunch conception of drag to critique. Of all the judges, she's the least open to considering a Queen's personal style. That and her attitude is just straight up shit these days. She has the worst interactions with the other judges and, OK, watching her roll her eyes at everything was cute the first few times, but when it's all she's doing when the camera pans to her? Girl, go home if you don't want to be here.

Having Ross as a judge this season has been a godsend and had only made me see how fucking rancid and foul Michelle is. Ross is fucking hilarious, has a genuine love for the show and drag, and of all the judges he puts the most effort into critiquing the girls based on how they performed in the challenge and in the context of the style of drag THEY do. He doesn't waste time on stupid/pointless/bias shit like the color of a girl's wig.

Michelle, go home.


needs 2 extra inches
While I completely understand the complaints against Michelle, she'd have to be 10 times worse to make me want Merle back. Thanks but no thanks.

Though sometimes I wonder if what we see are her real reactions or what the producers spliced together. That's generally how I feel about most reactions, and their handy work is no secret.

Now Ross is indeed the biggest surprise! he totally grew on me a since the beginning of the season. His comments and interactions with the judges have been mostly on point in recent episodes. Thank god, since I was afraid I might start missing Santiago.


Michelle is told to be the bitch judge basically since that is her role on the show. And she does it well. :x I like the combo of Michelle/Merle tbh.
Seriously, she's increasingly relying on her own staunch conception of drag to critique. Of all the judges, she's the least open to considering a Queen's personal style. That and her attitude is just straight up shit these days. She has the worst interactions with the other judges and, OK, watching her roll her eyes at everything was cute the first few times, but when it's all she's doing when the camera pans to her? Girl, go home if you don't want to be here.

Having Ross as a judge this season has been a godsend and had only made me see how fucking rancid and foul Michelle is. Ross is fucking hilarious, has a genuine love for the show and drag, and of all the judges he puts the most effort into critiquing the girls based on how they performed in the challenge and in the context of the style of drag THEY do. He doesn't waste time on stupid/pointless/bias shit like the color of a girl's wig.

Michelle, go home.

Merle has a level of intelligence, sophistication and wit that Michelle lacks. Michelle, as pointed out above, has a VERY narrow view of drag and subsequently misses nuance and completely misunderstands a good 50% of what's presented to her. Not the sharpest crayon in the box. Imo she brings Drag Race down where someone like Merle can elevate it.
Replace Michelle with the newly unemployed Kelly Osborne. She's a true fashionista, and is still Drag Race's GOAT guest judge.

Michelle doesn't even seem to have any chemistry with Ru anymore, and that was really the only thing I liked about having her on the panel. She's outlived her usefulness.


The editing is so freaking weird even for the judges, Michelle comes off as a completely different person in everything I've seen her except for Drag Race.


Replace Michelle with the newly unemployed Kelly Osborne. She's a true fashionista, and is still Drag Race's GOAT guest judge.

Michelle doesn't even seem to have any chemistry with Ru anymore, and that was really the only thing I liked about having her on the panel. She's outlived her usefulness.
This is a wonderful idea. She'd be a great fit for the show.

I like Michelle when she's not being ridiculous though. She seems like a cool person in real life. I have to wonder how much she's pressured to act differently on the show. Editor meddling obviously has something to do with the way she comes across on the judges panel.
When Kelly Osborne was on before all she did was say how much she loved every drag performer and they are all her heroes because anyone who can walk out of the house... blah, blah, blah. She'd be up there to judge not wipe their arses. Nice girl, but you do need someone who will always give an opposing opinion on these judge panels otherwise it's a little too anodyne. She'd probably give as good as she got against Michelle though.

The editing on Michelle is just as bad as it is on the contestants, half the time she's probably rolling her eyes at something completely different, they edit it that way as they know the audience expects her to have a stink face about everything - they liked her spats with Santino and now try to pull it off with her vs every judge..


Seriously, she's increasingly relying on her own staunch conception of drag to critique. Of all the judges, she's the least open to considering a Queen's personal style. That and her attitude is just straight up shit these days. She has the worst interactions with the other judges and, OK, watching her roll her eyes at everything was cute the first few times, but when it's all she's doing when the camera pans to her? Girl, go home if you don't want to be here.

Having Ross as a judge this season has been a godsend and had only made me see how fucking rancid and foul Michelle is. Ross is fucking hilarious, has a genuine love for the show and drag, and of all the judges he puts the most effort into critiquing the girls based on how they performed in the challenge and in the context of the style of drag THEY do. He doesn't waste time on stupid/pointless/bias shit like the color of a girl's wig.

Michelle, go home.

Wait at me actually agreeing with you

Michelle is so contradictory it's amazing


I really don't get the hate aimed at Michelle because she asked Max to change her hair colour. That's hardly asking someone to change their style. She was just talking about a hue. If she was asking Max to start dressing and painting more like Trixie, then I'd see it the complaints. Michelle usually has a great recognition of personal style. She just likes to see variety within it, and she likes to push people out of their comfort zone, which is what any good judge should do.


I really don't get the hate aimed at Michelle because she asked Max to change her hair colour. That's hardly asking someone to change their style. She was just talking about a hue. If she was asking Max to start dressing and painting more like Trixie, then I'd see it the complaints. Michelle usually has a great recognition of personal style. She just likes to see variety within it, and she likes to push people out of their comfort zone, which is what any good judge should do.

The problem is Michelle's critiques are incredibly inconsistent and old fashioned.

If variety is such a big deal to her, why has she NEVER critiqued the girls who come down the runway with nothing but blonde or brunette wigs? Guess those are the acceptable colors to spam? Why doesn't she say anything about Katya coming down the runway in literally that SAME DAMN FLATASS WIG almost every week?

Yeah, Max's gray is an usual color, but her wigs were always different and fun, and they were even different shades of gray. Some of the wigs were goofy, and some were super glam. She does not variety with her hair than half the bitches on this season But because gray is not one of the "traditional" colors, Michelle needs to see something different? Ch... More like the same shit we see every week.


Speaking of judges, what the heck happened to Carson? At the beginning of the season they made such a big deal about him and Ross being the two new judges, but he was gone after, what, three episodes?

That said, I'm tired of Michelle. Her critiques have been very strange this season and she has been nitpicking on the strangest things. Although, this is beginning to appear more and more like something being done by the editors as a means to foreshadow upcoming events. Her critiquing of Pearl felt earnest and hopeful, and then we saw Pearl blossom into a fierce as queen (and is now my favorite for the title), while her critiquing of Max felt banal and pointed, always like she was just willing him to leave the show, and then, boom, he's gone.

Beyond that, though, her banter just isn't nearly as fun or funny as previous seasons. Her interactions with Ru and the guest judges oftentimes feel very hostile (remember when Leah Remini was guest judge? Yikes). For what it's worth, I am sooooooo glad Santino is gone. Bye, bitch.


Ru's interactions with Michelle are basically the same as they were with Santino in his last season. She just reads the shit out of her if she says anything to her at all
Beyond that, though, her banter just isn't nearly as fun or funny as previous seasons. Her interactions with Ru and the guest judges oftentimes feel very hostile (remember when Leah Remini was guest judge? Yikes). For what it's worth, I am sooooooo glad Santino is gone. Bye, bitch.
I think it's largely in the editing. Leah Remini was on the podcast with Ru & Michelle and it sounds like they're good friends, just the kind of friends you can have that sisterly banter with. On the show I guess it looked harsh because it wasn't apparent they were friends.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
god the ginger pit crew is so damn hot


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Michelle is doing an AMA today on reddit
not sure where shes doing it but I think its soon
edit; LINKS


needs 2 extra inches
Michelle is doing an AMA today on reddit
not sure where shes doing it but I think its soon
edit; LINKS
There's some good material in there, buried underneath the predictable Q/A.

Fan: Hi Michelle! What is an aspect of the show is that is often misunderstood by fans? What is something you wish we could see more of?

Michelle: One aspect that is misunderstood is the way that i judge, I think? Because i judge with an open mind and an open heart. But I'm also there to push these kids out of their comfort zones. Because what they don't realize is their run of the show is limited. And once it's over, what are they gonna do? My goal is to push them out of their comfort zone, so they can see they're so much more than what they think they are.
I think the fans get a pretty good balance on this show. They really do! They get to see their relationships - they have UNTUCKED - I don't get to see what's happening. You have to realize - I don't know anything about relationships, or personalities. All I know is what I'm seeing on the main stage. Like in the case of Violet - how am I supposed to know she's genderfluid, if she doesn't announce it? Or how would I know Monica is transitioning, if she doesn't announce it? So I don't know what these people are. All I'm doing is judging a look on the MainStage. But people will get that confused. Because people will fall in love with a backstory, and then they think I'm judging that, their persona or their being, instead of judging a drag look (simply put).

When did Violet reveal she's genderfluid? Did I miss something?


As much as I liked Fame, I agree, it was really her time to go, at least she had a memorable run

Also, I lived for Pearl's gothic lolita look, it wasn't ugly by any means, I've always wanted someone to do a Japanese fashion inspired look for drag race.


Yep... it was time. Fame had been struggling these past few weeks. Didn't have a ghost of a chance in that lipsync.

I'm not thrilled to see Kennedy and Ginger sticking around for so long. There's no denying they've excelled in the challenges, but Fame had a more endearing personality and better runway looks than either of them, so I was hoping they'd leave before she did. Kennedy, Ginger, and Trixie must go.

I miss Max. I'm still convinced it was a big mistake to kick him out for just one slip-up when he's far more interesting and entertaining and talented than over half the remaining cast.

RuPaul looked better this week.


Whoever came up with this huge mass of singing/acting/comedy challenges for S7 needs to not.

Lol @ Ginger's dress not really being too different from what she usually serves. Pearl looked amazing. o_o Reminded me a bit of Manila during All Stars for their mod runway.

The team of three had a major disadvantage IMO. Also I feel like the winner's edit is being pushed a little too hard down our throats at this point for Ginger... to the point where if it actually happens, there might be a lot of indifference. It feels a bit like Bianca's season where she was so clearly the one to beat but Bianca was actually likable.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I mean obviously everyone in the 3 did shit but honestly it was the least funny concept
and fucking christ what a terrible lip sync from the both, but I blame that on the shitty song and the shitty artist

Can't argue with the Ginger win, she did great, with Katya coming a close second
Trixie showing why it was a mistake to bring her back instead of Max, continuing with the trend of bland forgettable performances and looks

Unless they decide to drop all these acting challenges (and PLEASE GOD DO DROP THEM) I can't see the final three being anyone but Katya, Kennedy and Ginger

edit; I mean has there even been one challenge where they have to create a dress from scratch yet? The runway and the workroom lead up used to be my favourite bit but its been completely glossed over this season, aside from the first episode and even then everyone just wore bodysuits


irresponsible vagina leak
I wouldn't lip sync to Demi Lovato. No mam, no ham, no Pam, no cauliflower, no cornbread, no green beans etc.
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