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Rupaul's Drag Race Season 8 [OT] No Tea, No Shade, No Pink Lemonade

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World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
"two in the pink, your outfit stinks"
fucking hell


Same thing happened to Max and she even won 2 times. Ru is ruthless when it comes to Snatch Game.

She also looks like she tried a different runway look after Michelle said something. You know that's the kiss of death when you actually do what Michelle wants you to do.
So a screenshot of the bottom 2 actually leaked...
Actual Episode 5 Bottom 2 + elimination spoilers:
It's Acid Betty and Naomi Smalls with Acid Betty leaving. Acid does a lot more than just stand there.

This is different than the tea I heard but it's still devastating. I know we didn't want to like Acid but she was top 3 material. Can't WAIT to see this played out. Can't believe Derrick is safe lol


Pretty disappointing episode, really.
I was expecting big drama based off the reactions of people that read spoilers

Although she was one of my faves, I can't really complain about Betty leaving. She was way off mark this episode. At least she left before her attitude got old.


That was one of the weakest Snatch Game episodes ever. And I had Betty pegged for the top 3, can't believe Naomi's basic ass sent her home. Womp.


Hands down the best Ru's ever looked. Hair & Makeup on poignant

Snatch Game was just okay.

Loved the Madonna looks, but it was disappointing hearing an 80s song after all the 90s looks.


What other thread are we going to discuss the episode in?

Just saying there's usually a window where people use spoilers to discuss the most recently aired episode, here and in other threads. Not saying no one should talk, just spoiler tag it immediately following the episode.


Just saying there's usually a window where people use spoilers to discuss the most recently aired episode, here and in other threads. Not saying no one should talk, just spoiler tag it immediately following the episode.
That's not how things work on this forum.
Just saying there's usually a window where people use spoilers to discuss the most recently aired episode, here and in other threads. Not saying no one should talk, just spoiler tag it immediately following the episode.
I'll do it if it bothers you, but I can't name a single thread that follows this practice.
When all those bitches came out in kimono's:

When Bob slayed the Snatch Game and left Thorgy P R E S S E D:

When Derrick took Ru's advice and slayed it:

When raggedy ass Naomi sent Betty packing:

When ChiChi started acting like a cat because Eartha Kitt was Catwoman once:

When Naomi turnT it in the lipsync:

When Bob clocked Derrick for the shady elephant she is:

When Michelle clocks Bob for being cocky:


Gender-swapped KJU just didn't work, but she survived B3 cause she was at least funny, unlike the 3 duds.

ChiChi was great.


Some alleged tea about the guest judges from Thorgy via reddit:

Chanel and Gigi were being such models and their answers didn't make Rupaul happy. He eventually lost it and threw his mic and stormed off screaming at the team

When RuPaul threw his mic, he went backstage and started yelling at the other two head honcho/producer types, and said why aren't these bitches prepped, do I have to do everything, and the other folks were like, well, you're the one who invited them, and it was super uncomfortable as all the girls just listened to this happening backstage, and then Ru came back out all smiles like nothing had happened, and then they got some PAs to basically tell the models what to write.


Madonna actually has two kimono looks. The first was in 1999 for the Nothing Really Matters video, the second was from 2001 for the Paradise (Not For Me) video interlude from the Drowned World Tour.

Thorgy Derrick and Naomi were channeling the first version, Kim Chi was channeling the second version.

I would have DIEDT if someone did this:


It would be hard to sell that as Madonna tho
So...how's the season so far??
I know we're not that far into it but the snatch game episodes usually signal a sort of...turning point in the various dynamics of the competition.

I mean...I don't mean to sound aloof or anything like that, but I haven't even bothered to watch past episode 1 yet.
I thought it was because I had a lot on my plate (school started back up) and would eventually get back to it, but Now I'm pretty sure it's because I follow drag/drag queens so heavily outside the series (without all the dumb drama, negative fan junk, "shady edits", etc.) that the show is just really uninteresting and little predictable to me now.
I'd appreciate knowing if it would be worth my time to catch up during my vacation.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
So...how's the season so far??
I know we're not that far into it but the snatch game episodes usually signal a sort of...turning point in the various dynamics of the competition.

I mean...I don't mean to sound aloof or anything like that, but I haven't even bothered to watch past episode 1 yet.
I thought it was because I had a lot on my plate (school started back up) and would eventually get back to it, but Now I'm pretty sure it's because I follow drag/drag queens so heavily outside the series (without all the dumb drama, negative fan junk, "shady edits", etc.) that the show is just really uninteresting and little predictable to me now.
I'd appreciate knowing if it would be worth my time to catch up during my vacation.
Sounds like you're taking this way too seriously.

The season has been pretty good so far.


So...how's the season so far??
I know we're not that far into it but the snatch game episodes usually signal a sort of...turning point in the various dynamics of the competition.

I mean...I don't mean to sound aloof or anything like that, but I haven't even bothered to watch past episode 1 yet.
I thought it was because I had a lot on my plate (school started back up) and would eventually get back to it, but Now I'm pretty sure it's because I follow drag/drag queens so heavily outside the series (without all the dumb drama, negative fan junk, "shady edits", etc.) that the show is just really uninteresting and little predictable to me now.
I'd appreciate knowing if it would be worth my time to catch up during my vacation.

It's a decent season, better than the last. Episode 2 was the best episode in drag race herstory though, so at least watch that!


needs 2 extra inches
I'm sad about the girl who left. But I can't argue with how terrible her snatch was. Also, she was definitely outperformed on the LSFYL.

Snatch game overall was okay. Thorgy wasn't that good. Derrick's Britney was second rate to Tatianna's (the irony). Chi Chi was funny, but I felt building the whole character around the Catwoman reference was... Weak. But girl shined compared to the mediocrity around her.

Kim Chi sucked. Robbie sucked. Naomi sucked. Betty sucked.

Bob was in a league of his own. But as crazy as it sounds, I wish he went as Carol Channing for the whole thing. Why? Because not only was it excellent, but in half the time it wiped the floor with Pandora Gawks' version. No tea no shade, Pandora's sucks more with each viewing. To be honest, I've stopped considering her a funny Queen a long time ago. Likez she's not funny. At all. She was the first, but that's all.

Phew. That was quite the tabgent. Lotta off my chest tho. But I digress.


I don't mind that the show only resembles an actual drag show for like 2 minutes an episode, but I do get frustrated that we don't really get to see what these queens are capable of on their on terms.
I don't know, but you seem to forget that at the end of the day this is just another silly reality show. :p

I feel like you're taking it a bit too seriously or something.

Relax, relax.
I get where you're coming from, and (trust me) I definitely understand that it's ultimately a goofy fluffy reality show. I just wanted to add a little background in my post to spice it up.

Believe it or not, at one point in time RPDR and even the short-lived Drag U were my best and only positive exposure to feminine/crossdressing queer men like myself.
Now that I can find that representation outside of drag race (and can even create it) I've lost a bit of interest in the show and the reality TV cliches/tropes are becoming harder to accept (which is making it less fun and exciting for me)
It also doesn't' help that season 7 was a bit disappointing upon reflection. I'm just a little hesitant to jump back in and wanted some sumarized opinions to see if I should look into catching up to the snatch game over spring break.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Wow that was on of the weakest Snatch Game episodes ever
Bob was the only one that could have been winner. Derrick was ok, Chi Chi made me laugh until she decided to do all that stupid cat shit and I don't get all the praise they had for thorgy on the show, unless the editing just didn't work for her.

I'm a little pressed at the lip sync. First of all for the rumour about Betty just standing there and refusing to lip not being true. But second of all because Betty didn't deserve to go home. Yes acid's snatch game wasn't funny but Naomi's was so dull with such a vibrant character I am almost offended. There are literally hundreds of dramatic moments that New York has been part of and she didn't get one of them.
I can't argue that Naomi won the lip sync but the record so far should have meant acid should have stayed.

Some alleged tea about the guest judges from Thorgy via reddit:

Oh really? I was coming in here to say I really enjoyed both their comments :rip


The problem with Acid Betty's dress for the lipsync was just a lack of foresight. None of her gowns were made for lipsyncs, she was counting on the fact that she wouldn't have to lipsync for her life anytime soon. There were queens that had awful gowns for lipsyncs, but they knew it was a possibility so that the gown could be adapted/revealed to a better option for dancing.


The problem with Acid Betty's dress for the lipsync was just a lack of foresight. None of her gowns were made for lipsyncs, she was counting on the fact that she wouldn't have to lipsync for her life anytime soon. There were queens that had awful gowns for lipsyncs, but they knew it was a possibility so that the gown could be adapted/revealed to a better option for dancing.

She should've had some real doves emerge from her snatch.


I wonder why nobody changed their kimono look when they saw other people were doing it. I know they get a list of looks they'll be doing and bring stuff from home, but Madonna has so many looks that I figured they could've cobbled something new together from stuff in the work room once they saw their look wasn't going to be very original.


I wonder why nobody changed their kimono look when they saw other people were doing it. I know they get a list of looks they'll be doing and bring stuff from home, but Madonna has so many looks that I figured they could've cobbled something new together from stuff in the work room once they saw their look wasn't going to be very original.
Production encouraged them to stick with them - they liked the trainwreck aspect.

Plus they would have had to make another look like ChiChi did, they almost certainly only brought one outfit specifically for this runway theme.


That was the worst snatch game ever, I think.

Only ChiChi, Thorgy, Derrick and Bob were vaguely acceptable. I was hoping for a 4-way lip-sync.


I guess my whole post is a massive spoiler so....

I hated Acid's bitter personality but lord she was talented. She was one of my top 3 start of season but the rumours swimming about (even though I didn't hear any) kind of locked in that she'd be going home.

Anyway, what is with the crazy rumours? Where'd they originate? I would've thought there'd be some truth to them? Disqualified? Stood there and didn't lip sync?

I thought that'd be a lot more shocking than it was but oh well. I'll be happy if any of Kim Chi, Chi Chi, Bob or Thorgy get into top 3. Here's hoping for some better episodes.
I can see Chi Chi, Kim, Bob, Naomi or Thorgy in the top 3. That's a lot of potential. Derrick and Robbie are definitely the weaker links right now.

That said, Acid was a lock for top three for me. She's abrasive for sure, and the rumors about her at home don't bode well, but you can't deny her massive talent.


Kim Chi falling over in untucked... Girl.....

RuPaul's smug ass face as she watched Acid leave the runway.....
Robbie scrapes through again.... just.

Betty was definately the worst on snatch game - it occured to me whilst watching if he was wearing an up do he could've passed for Carmella Soprano. (As an aside Bob in drag reminds me of Mica Paris a fair bit, but doubt anyone outside the UK knows who she is?)

This was a decent snatch game, but several characters were very US-specific (Naomi, Betty, possibly Robbie - sorry I know absolutely nothing about fashion), so half of them went over my head. But I guess maybe people like Eartha Kitt goes over the head of some of the younger viewers so it evens out. Thorgy's MJ was visually spot on and I think he walked the tightrope just about successfully given Ru is pals with La Toya, he could've cut a LOT closer to the bone to get his laughs but wisely didn't take it there.

Runway was pretty crappy imo. All the looks Madonna has had and 4 of them go for the kimono? Felt like we missed out on a real Madonna runway show. Chi Chi looked semi-busted imo, the bra seemed too low, not fitted and cheap. Betty and Bob were the most imaginative, with special mention to Robbie, although thinking aboiut it, it was going to be either A League Of Their Own or Dick Tracy for his look given his vintage leanings.

The problem with Acid Betty's dress for the lipsync was just a lack of foresight. None of her gowns were made for lipsyncs, she was counting on the fact that she wouldn't have to lipsync for her life anytime soon. There were queens that had awful gowns for lipsyncs, but they knew it was a possibility so that the gown could be adapted/revealed to a better option for dancing.
Absolutely. And she gets down on the floor pretending to give birth and..... nothing. This is season 8 bitch, I wanted to see a neon dwarf on stilts come out dressed as Lourdes or something ffs.


WTF, Acid Betty had a bit of a slump in this episode, but was that really enough to boot her off? This is Max all over again. Acid Betty's runways were so inventive. She clearly outclasses the likes of Robbie and Derrick. This is lame.

Rupaul should have saved the resurrection card for Acid instead of squandering it on Naysha of all people.

P.S. Rupaul was a vision in this episode. I never tire of seeind her strut down that runway.

That was the worst snatch game ever, I think.

Only ChiChi, Thorgy, Derrick and Bob were vaguely acceptable. I was hoping for a 4-way lip-sync.



As bad as people claim season 7 was, at least their Snatch Game was great compared to this one.... and I'm really outraged at the elimination, this is even worse than Max and I was pretty upset at the Max elimination, I love Naomi but she bombed hard and Michelle finally clocked how similar her runway looks are, she's gorgeous and I'm not mad she stayed, I'm mad Betty left because she's great. Petition to have the lipsync not have as much of an impact on who goes home.

Naomi's body is snatched as fuck.
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