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Rupaul's Drag Race Season 8 [OT] No Tea, No Shade, No Pink Lemonade

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World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
That show was on a whole new level of cringe. It'll probably get a second season tho, just because of Ru.

Its odd because the show looks cheap as fuck and would probably benefit from being longer, but paying for that many guests (no matter how much of a hew they are) can't be cheap


Watching untucked and Derrick is a fucking lunatic

I can't with this bitch


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
what is wrong with hot glue


irresponsible vagina leak
Untucked is giving me more life than the show this week tbh. Derrick is such a mess. "I hemmed everything" and "I wouldn't be proud of hot glue."


Derrick needs to GO! the only praise she has gotten this entire time has been she did Britney well in Snatch Game. It's not even a favortism thing like with Adore. Adore had potential and Ru kept her. Derrick is just a one trick pony, like who she impersonates.


irresponsible vagina leak
Derrick needs to GO! the only praise she has gotten this entire time has been she did Britney well in Snatch Game. It's not even a favortism thing like with Adore. Adore had potential and Ru kept her. Derrick is just a one trick pony, like who she impersonates.

Tatiana did better Britney than her. All Derrick has from Britney is looks and choreo because the mannerisms and gesturs he didnt nail them.
Does anyone feel like Thorgy is gonna be the second "shock" elimination soon? She's my favorite but she hasn't won a challenge yet despite being "high" or safe the entire time. If that 5th place curse hits us in a third consecutive season I'm gonna be so pressed, lol

Robbie's elimination was fair, didn't dislike her at all (in fact I found her really entertaining) but she definitely lost that lip sync. Derrick being the unequivocal villain of the season has been fun to watch so I'm glad he pulled a little bit of a victory tonight. It'll make next week's tumble even more delicious.

Next week's challenge:
They have to get in teams of two and create political attack ads against each other. The teams are: Bob and Derrick, Thorgy and Chi Chi, Naomi and Kim

Speculation on next episode:

I can't imagine Bob and Derrick winning, that would be the most confusing result because Bob would have three wins and Derrick will have one, making it harder for him to get eliminated next episode. If Naomi and Kim win then that's two wins each which would tie them with Bob, which supports my guess that they're gonna be the top 3. If Thorgy and Chi Chi win then Thorgy's finally in play, but Chi Chi would definitely end up being top 4. Looking at it the other way around, assuming they'll be judged in pairs, Bob would send Derrick home, and Naomi would send Kim home. Thorgy vs Chi Chi would destroy the stage.

Besides, I think we all wanna see Bob send Derrick home, so pleeeeeease let this happen


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Literally screaming at the TV for untucked. Derrick is dangerously deluded and was straight up bullying Chichi. What the hell was she supposed to say? She couldn't pick herself for elimination.


Edit: Frustrated that Derrick's such a good dancer because I was over her in the first episode. Wanted Chichi to lipsync so that she could get another kill, but unless they were doing the fucking Charlston Robbie had no chance.


Derrick shows her immaturity with the whole "who do you think should go home" question when she retaliates saying something along the lines of 'all three who said me'.

I'm not a huge fan of Robbie and I like Chi Chi but Chi Chi was giving that bit of give up attitude again, her outfit was basic and she could've spicened it up a little bit. She should've been in the bottom with Derrick but whatevs. Robbie going wasn't a surprise.

I don't know how I feel about the rest of the competition. I honestly believe top 3 will be
Kim Chi, Naomi and undecided between Bob and Thorgy / 'shock' elimination for 5th or 4th place? Meh.

I would actually loose it with this show if Derrick made top 3


After watching Untucked, I want Derrick to stick around until the bitter end. Somehow. She's clearly cracking and it's super entertaining.
I was ok with whomever went out of the bottom 2, Derrick for being crappy and Robbie for his terrible fucking wiglines. Was his outfit not just a rubbish version of Kim Chi's episode one look?

Bob looked awful like it was his first time in drag. I actually liked what Thorgy did with the glasses it was very Willy Wonka almost, I just wish there was more to it, it was 60% of what I wanted it to be. Naomi was really the only one that read exactly what the character was, job well done there.

I read some rumour about this episode that I'm glad turned out to be fake, but I wonder if it's about a future episode and they got it mixed up with the Oz challenge (which was correctly identified in the rumour/spoiler):
Derrick wins over Thorgy in the lipsync
- Hope that's not true ever!


Robbie looks always ranged between busted to just ok imo. She didn't really have any standout qualities.


At first I was pissed Robbie threw her wig, that is lipsync suicide, but watching closely she almost lost it in a spin and very quickly just threw it off, you cannot tell in the episode, only in untucked where it is slowed down, pretty quick reaction on her part.

She never brought it but Derrick is far worst, if she makes top 3 she'll be more hated than Phi Phi and Roxxxy combined, she has been absolutely mediocre and everyone sees it, what the hell show, her insecurity is off the charts, she has no business in this.

I`m also disappointed they are trying to cram in that awful cheap editing they used to do in the old Untucked, with reactions so painfully out of place you feel insulted, we are not that stupid.
At first I was pissed Robbie threw her wig, that is lipsync suicide, but watching closely she almost lost it in a spin and very quickly just threw it off, you cannot tell in the episode, only in untucked where it is slowed down, pretty quick reaction on her part.

She never brought it but Derrick is far worst, if she makes top 3 she'll be more hated than Phi Phi and Roxxxy combined, she has been absolutely mediocre and everyone sees it, what the hell show, her insecurity is off the charts, she has no business in this.

I`m also disappointed they are trying to cram in that awful cheap editing they used to do in the old Untucked, with reactions so painfully out of place you feel insulted, we are not that stupid.

Seriously, it's so obviously edited to amp up the drama.

Derrick: Y'all were so quick to choose me-
*SHAKAKAKAAAA* (shade noise)
(8,000 looks of disapproval)
(Very long pauses)


I need to call out Visage though. Using homemade to mean it looks like shit.... Girl..... Homemade stuff can be amazing. Like fresh baked cookies.


At first I was pissed Robbie threw her wig, that is lipsync suicide, but watching closely she almost lost it in a spin and very quickly just threw it off, you cannot tell in the episode, only in untucked where it is slowed down, pretty quick reaction on her part.

She never brought it but Derrick is far worst, if she makes top 3 she'll be more hated than Phi Phi and Roxxxy combined, she has been absolutely mediocre and everyone sees it, what the hell show, her insecurity is off the charts, she has no business in this.

I`m also disappointed they are trying to cram in that awful cheap editing they used to do in the old Untucked, with reactions so painfully out of place you feel insulted, we are not that stupid.

No, she won't.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I was kinda disappointed with Kim Chi's outfit. She could have done so much more with the evil witch and then she came out as beetlejuice

Photo Ruview


The Roxxxy hate is so ridiculous in hindsight. She S L A Y E D T season 5, had the biggest impact on drag makeup of any recent queen and she better be on AS2 to claim her rightful crown.


I say Derrick won't be as hated as PhiPhi or Roxxxy because the show is not giving her a villain edit. Remind that most people won't bother to watch Untucked on the long run, so that's already less poison coming from Derrick on the show.


I say Derrick won't be as hated as PhiPhi or Roxxxy because the show is not giving her a villain edit. Remind that most people won't bother to watch Untucked on the long run, so that's already less poison coming from Derrick on the show.
She's not, but she's not coming off well on the show.
The Roxxxy hate is so ridiculous in hindsight. She S L A Y E D T season 5, had the biggest impact on drag makeup of any recent queen and she better be on AS2 to claim her rightful crown.

Don't forget HAIR. I think Roxxxy had the best hair of that season as her shit was ALWAYS laid. I loved Roxxxy... I don't understand her hate either.

But DERRICK HAS TO GO! I'm sick of his shit. If robot knee was this damn disgusting I couldn't manage listening to her music. But for an impersonator this is basically shitting on what is otherwise a nice ass person. Derrick HATES the heat in the kitchen and can't stand when thinks of him as unpolished. Then his thinly veiled racist ass snap backs.... Ugh... I can't... He needs to go and I hope when he gets sent packing.. Ru gives him that same smug ass look she gave to acid who was at least more tolerable than this bitch...
But it doesn't matter, it is a classic reference. Would make it her looks a lot more like the Dorothy that most people know.
True. I was just giving her the benefit of the doubt of being more clever!

Really the only one who read as their character was Naomi.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
The Roxxxy hate is so ridiculous in hindsight. She S L A Y E D T season 5, had the biggest impact on drag makeup of any recent queen and she better be on AS2 to claim her rightful crown.

she has?
Bianca, Adore, Milk, Fame, Trixie, Violet, Pearl... I feel like they've had more impact on drag makeup lately than Roxxxy. Agree to disagree tho


I say Derrick won't be as hated as PhiPhi or Roxxxy because the show is not giving her a villain edit. Remind that most people won't bother to watch Untucked on the long run, so that's already less poison coming from Derrick on the show.

Oh I don't think it would be because she is a bitch, she even fails at that, it would be that if she reaches top 3 it means she would have eliminated or outperform two of these queens:

Chi Chi
or Kim Chi

Look at that list, Derrick eliminating any of these queens would cause an outrage.

I also think people are already looking pass the edit even if they only watch the show, like is anyone really believing that forced Thorgy vs Bob edit? I refuse to believe people can be that clueless.
Is Bob still everyone's favorite or are we soured on her now?

I mean, I like Bob but she's really just okay for me. Her jokes are chuckle-worthy but not that amazing. Fashion wavers between alright and great (haven't watched Mondays ep to see the apparent trainwreck yet though). I like Thorgy so much more.

It's weird, coming into this season I felt like it had so much talent and it really felt like anybody's game but now looking at who's left it's sort of like...
If Thorgy isn't in the top 3 I don't really care who wins? I'd just prefer it not to be Naomi or Derrick.

I miss Acid Betty.


I don't think that Derrick eliminating Naomi would be an outrage, it'd be the second bottom-two for both and Derrick is a performer.
The Roxxxy hate is so ridiculous in hindsight. She S L A Y E D T season 5, had the biggest impact on drag makeup of any recent queen and she better be on AS2 to claim her rightful crown.
People didn't like Roxxxy because she was one of the dumbest queens ever on the show and she seemed not only proud of being that dense but bitter and confused that wit and intelligence actually count for something in the competition.


People didn't like Roxxxy because she was one of the dumbest queens ever on the show and she seemed not only proud of being that dense but bitter and confused that wit and intelligence actually count for something in the competition.

Exactly. Roxxxy's looks were great and she's a talented natural performer, but her attitude about learning from other people on the show was horrific to watch. She didn't really listen to the judges' critiques, she learned nothing from losing challenges to "comedy queens" (aka the ones most likely to have real career after the show), and was generally a terrible person to just be around. The hate aimed at her and PhiPhi will be a highwater mark to clear for any future "villain" on the show.

At this point, I'm pretty sure that Derrick is in the same boat, only this time WoW understands how badly the villain edit impacted previous villain queens' careers and is a little more reluctant to fuck somebody over like that again, unless their like Acid Betty and is clearly, intentionally doing it from day one.
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