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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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And if NATO engages in this matter (they won't), that will be a perfect time for Xi Jinping to make his move on Taiwan.

It drives me crazy that we have people all over the world that post here and many other forums on a variety of subject matter and by and large, we all get along fine due to common interests. And then we have...the fucking governments and politicians who's an entirely different story.
It is what it is everyone is afraid of World War 3


Yeah the response is milquetoast as fuck but you understand that if they roll into Ukraine that this conflict could balloon into something much much worse

Of course. Europe is tired of their interference anyway. It's a goldmine for Russia, collapsing economies, highest inflation on food, energy and property ever across the board, along with trying to recover from a pandemic. The time is ripe for Russia. Accounts of their strength is that they're weak, I have to question that. Putin might be many things but stupid he is not. I'm not a fan either but that's just the reality as he continually proves.


This is why it's important to have America as the world police, and why countries should invest in the military, half the world is still run by mad people, and the overwhelming power of the U.S. has kept the world in check for a long time.


Of course. Europe is tired of their interference anyway. It's a goldmine for Russia, collapsing economies, highest inflation on food, energy and property ever across the board, along with trying to recover from a pandemic. The time is ripe for Russia. Accounts of their strength is that they're weak, I have to question that. Putin might be many things but stupid he is not. I'm not a fan either but that's just the reality as he continually proves.
And you think his economy doesn't suffer from the pandemic ? It seems that there are a lot of Putin simpatisers in this topic.


And Taiwan is certainly a WW3 event that would impact everyone directly in the worst possible way.

Well, for all of our sakes the F'ING planet better pile on Putin and Russia and condemn all of this horse shit taking place like NOW.

The Russian people need to fucking revolt against this shit in Russia. Only way to halt this fing madness.
Is Ukraine even fighting back ? so far i have not see a single thing about Ukraine fighting back

Not only that but it's surreal to watch the livecams of Kiev as it goes about it's morning. Traffic going around normally and seeing people in the street every so often. You'd think there'd be more urgency or that people would be getting out of there ASAP. When I thought an alarm was finally going off it was just a car honking it horns like a car alarm or an ambulance rushing by.


Well, for all of our sakes the F'ING planet better pile on Putin and Russia and condemn all of this horse shit taking place like NOW.

The Russian people need to fucking revolt against this shit in Russia. Only way to halt this fing madness.
One problem : Nuclear


They're overwhelmed. Putin appears to have gone full blitzkrieg on this.
That strategy was published and expected.

A sensible response strategy would be for forces to not reveal themselves, be mobile and hunkered down during the opening.
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And you think his economy doesn't suffer from the pandemic ? It seems that there are a lot of Putin simpatisers in this topic.
It’s nuanced you truly can say Hitler was crazy and stupid but Putin is diabolically smart like a
damned super villain. He’s operating on logic and knowledge of his opponents and gambling the west won’t do anything more than issue strongly worded speeches and sanctions which don’t really affect Russia in a meaningful way. The EU really doesn’t have the balls to do something draconian like banning all exports fo Russia because they’re so reliant on them for oil. You don’t have to agree with Putin to acknowledge he’s got a solid strategy if his gamble that the west won’t militarily respond pans out.


If this is another Taliban thing where they don't even fight back then what is the point of helping them
i am not too clued up on the politics of the region, someone please correct me if wrong, but i believe they have been actively fighting pro-Russian insurgents for years, I recall seeing a clip on tv stating that Ukraine has lost around 14 000 soldiers over the years.

There is only so much they can do vs a rogue superpower.
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Is Ukraine even fighting back ? so far i have not see a single thing about Ukraine fighting back
Contrary to what all the armchair experts might tell you there is incredible discrepancy between Russian and Ukrainian militaries, or Russian and almost all armies for that matter (except US, China, maybe France and Germany). This would just mean Ukrainians dying.


Is Taiwan apart of Nato if not then im afraid US will not risk World War 3 with China over them

No, however, Taiwan has more of a direct strategic impact to every country due to the gigantic impact on the semiconductor industry.

Taiwan is a national strategic interest to the U.S. and others, Ukraine in comparison is not. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way regarding Ukraine, I wish the very best for the Ukrainian people in this horrible ordeal.
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