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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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This whole conflict seems off to me. Some of the videos I am seeing really paint Russia as inept. I really do find it hard to believe they are that badly organized and trained. So many abandoned vehicles and what appears to be stray vehicles that are lost and alone. That goes against common sense military tactics. As ex-US Army myself, seeing these lone vehicles is suspicious to me. Like they are hoping to get destroyed or captured. A proper combat unit has a mix of different units, which cover each other's weaknesses, and behind the combat units are support units. I was part of a support unit in the US Army, and we followed about a mile behind the action. You could see the battle in the distance. We would pick up any broken down vehicles and would also provide fuel and other supplies.

It looks more like a video game BF battle, where a tank spawns and some guy just grabs it and gets it stuck and then runs off on foot. Or gets disconnected from the server. It just looks so sloppy and ridiculous. And yet the Russians do appear to be capturing more territory and advancing. So maybe everything I am seeing is very Ukrainian biased.

What your seeing is a large, but poorly maintainedm trained and motivated military force, very slowly defeating a far smaller but better maintained, and well motivated force. Russia would get wiped of the face of the earth if the goat fucker didn’t have nukes.


This whole conflict seems off to me. Some of the videos I am seeing really paint Russia as inept. I really do find it hard to believe they are that badly organized and trained. So many abandoned vehicles and what appears to be stray vehicles that are lost and alone. That goes against common sense military tactics. As ex-US Army myself, seeing these lone vehicles is suspicious to me. Like they are hoping to get destroyed or captured. A proper combat unit has a mix of different units, which cover each other's weaknesses, and behind the combat units are support units. I was part of a support unit in the US Army, and we followed about a mile behind the action. You could see the battle in the distance. We would pick up any broken down vehicles and would also provide fuel and other supplies.

It looks more like a video game BF battle, where a tank spawns and some guy just grabs it and gets it stuck and then runs off on foot. Or gets disconnected from the server. It just looks so sloppy and ridiculous. And yet the Russians do appear to be capturing more territory and advancing. So maybe everything I am seeing is very Ukrainian biased.
It has been explained that Russia has a lot of stuff because they want to "maintain" as much of what they had at the height of the Soviet Union so as not to feel they have lost global status. No doubt, Russia has some very effective military forces, but unlike other militaries they have not modernized and learned to do more with less. One rumour said they are aware of this, so send in all the units they think of as chaff first to make their enemies waste resources on them. But they also seem to be wasting their own resources and creating a traffic jam of their own advance.


Yea I’m really not buying the crazy/unhinged Putin narrative anymore. With covid winding down it’s time for the next round of fear porn to blast onto western screens for ratings and clicks. Evil and power hungry? Absolutely. But he knows exactly what he’s doing and this is probably the culmination of his plans years in the making. What he seemingly didn’t account for is the strong Ukranian resistance and just how far the west would go to isolate Russia.
There hasn't been any evidence of cogent thought or competence from Russia.
Everything Putin talks about sounds Cranberries ptsd.

There could be another threat that is moving things and Russia is a puppet.


It has been explained that Russia has a lot of stuff because they want to "maintain" as much of what they had at the height of the Soviet Union so as not to feel they have lost global status. No doubt, Russia has some very effective military forces, but unlike other militaries they have not modernized and learned to do more with less. One rumour said they are aware of this, so send in all the units they think of as chaff first to make their enemies waste resources on them. But they also seem to be wasting their own resources and creating a traffic jam of their own advance.
Units consisting of conscripts made up of school teachers that were told they were going on mandatory exercises for 3-5 days not the front lines.

And units are being disbanded in the field.
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There hasn't been any evidence of cogent thought or competence from Russia.
Everything Putin talks about sounds Cranberries ptsd.

There could be another threat that is moving things and Russia is a puppet.
I get that, but keep in mind he’s talking to(or thinks he’s talking to)a Russian population completely brainwashed by the propaganda model he himself helped create. Gotta hit those Russian nationalism boxes when he speaks.


Something else I’ve contemplated…we’ve been hearing for years about Russian misinformation, American politicians supposedly being Russian assets…we never hear about what we might be doing in Russia…and why would we, they completely control the narrative and wouldn’t want to make themselves out to be weak. It was always laughable to me how the media made us out to be under a huge threat in this way, and the American intelligence community, arguably the best in the world, wouldn’t be hitting back HARD.

I wouldn’t at all be surprised if many close to him, including oligarchs, have been compromised by the west. Or at the very least there’s the fear of it, causing him to make poor decisions.
Something else I’ve contemplated…we’ve been hearing for years about Russian misinformation, American politicians supposedly being Russian assets…we never hear about what we might be doing in Russia…and why would we, they completely control the narrative and wouldn’t want to make themselves out to be weak. It was always laughable to me how the media made us out to be under a huge threat in this way, and the American intelligence community, arguably the best in the world, wouldn’t be hitting back HARD.

I wouldn’t at all be surprised if many close to him, including oligarchs, have been compromised by the west. Or at the very least there’s the fear of it, causing him to make poor decisions.
One thing I noticed in these pictures where he is sitting 20 feet away from his advisers at those giant tables. It’s not hard to imagine he’s pretty paranoid of being poisoned, considering all the people he’s done it to himself.
Can someone translate whats this about, why is this woman so heartbroken? All I can figure is that shes some hot zone war reporter?

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You have to remember a couple of things. First Russia engages differently than the US. They do seem more disorganized because they are. The US is really good at war. Better than anyone has ever been.

Second, Ukraine isn’t a pushover. The US steamrolled Iraq and Afghanistan. It wasn’t really a war anymore than you beating up an 8 year old would be a fight. This is going to be messy because wars are usually messy.

Third, what we see online is a snapshot. You know how if you know what you’re doing, you can take a picture of the hottest woman on earth and make them look horrible? That can happen here too. Don’t buy into whole narratives being built on the basis of individual photos or video clips. This is a huge war in a big country. It’s hard to wrap your arms around it in real time. Especially if you’re relying on intel from Twitter.

I would pit the first gulf war Iraq military against these Russians and could not say who would win with total confidence. Russia has a ton of shit, but we're seeing thats all it is. Shit that they cannot force project that sits in mud without gas.

Hari Seldon

This whole conflict seems off to me. Some of the videos I am seeing really paint Russia as inept. I really do find it hard to believe they are that badly organized and trained. So many abandoned vehicles and what appears to be stray vehicles that are lost and alone. That goes against common sense military tactics. As ex-US Army myself, seeing these lone vehicles is suspicious to me. Like they are hoping to get destroyed or captured. A proper combat unit has a mix of different units, which cover each other's weaknesses, and behind the combat units are support units. I was part of a support unit in the US Army, and we followed about a mile behind the action. You could see the battle in the distance. We would pick up any broken down vehicles and would also provide fuel and other supplies.

It looks more like a video game BF battle, where a tank spawns and some guy just grabs it and gets it stuck and then runs off on foot. Or gets disconnected from the server. It just looks so sloppy and ridiculous. And yet the Russians do appear to be capturing more territory and advancing. So maybe everything I am seeing is very Ukrainian biased.
I was also highly confused, from reading and listening to various sources the issues are:

1. Corruption - the money that was supposed to going to maintenance and supplies was probably being siphoned away by corrupt officers. The evidence is that their vehicles keep breaking down due to shitty tires that have had no maintenance.
2. Morale - historically Russian morale is TERRIBLE unless they are pissed off after being on the defensive. There was no 9/11 in Russia, no real reason at all for the invasion. Just some made up crap from Putin about neonazis that only a complete moron would believe. Therefore no reason for an ordinary Joe to risk their life.
3. Russia tried tactics that they are not good at, are not trained for, and do not have the equipment for. Like having infantry that are trained to act aggressively and seize the momentum. Russia has none of that. And they don't have enough PGMs to limit casualties.

So now they are going back to ye olde USSR tactics which are basically to have your untrained infantry stand around and wait until shit is leveled by the arty.
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thats exactly what we did in the middle east. why is this different?
Ah there it is. So you think USA entered foreign countries to get rid of fake bad people and threatened the rest of the world with a nuclear holocaust? Is that what you're saying?


Can someone translate whats this about, why is this woman so heartbroken? All I can figure is that shes some hot zone war reporter?

  • She speaks about civil war that was going on for 8 years in Ukraine.
  • She speaks about Ukrainian government shelling its own population.
  • She's saying "yes it's Ukrainian government doing it now still"
  • She says she doesn't have a political agenda, she's just stating facts.
  • She shows photos and videos of dead civilians from Eastern Ukraine she took by herself.
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Gold Member
still no reason.
Ah there it is. So you think USA entered foreign countries to get rid of fake bad people and threatened the rest of the world with a nuclear holocaust? Is that what you're saying?
no im saying the usa entered forigen contries to get rid of fake bad people to control natural resources with fear of fake nuclear war. And failed. now when someone else does it they are the bad guy.
Ah there it is. So you think USA entered foreign countries to get rid of fake bad people and threatened the rest of the world with a nuclear holocaust? Is that what you're saying?

The USA has a good history of invading foreign countries to install puppet regimes, from South America to Iraq. The difference being the lack of nuclear threat to anyone else wanting to get involved.

But it is irrelevant here and don't get drawn into it. A cheap whatabout technique from either someone that doesn't understand what's going on or wants you to not understand it. It doesn't have anything to do with the current war and only serves to district from it at best, and excuse it at worst.
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  • She speaks about civil war that was going on for 8 years in Ukraine.
  • She speaks about Ukrainian government shelling its own population.
  • She's saying "yes it's Ukrainian government doing it now still"
  • She says she doesn't have a political agenda, she's just stating facts.
  • She shows photos and videos of dead civilians from Eastern Ukraine she took by herself.

In English for people who are interested.
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still no reason.

no im saying the usa entered forigen contries to get rid of fake bad people to control natural resources with fear of fake nuclear war. And failed. now when someone else does it they are the bad guy.
This is in no way an endorsement of the US invasions but: Saddam Hussein a fake bad guy? Was Osama bin Laden actually a nice guy? I don’t think Zelensky gassed his own people or carried out multiple terrorist attacks.

Our misadventures after 9/11 were folly, but the bad guys were real.


still no reason.

no im saying the usa entered forigen contries to get rid of fake bad people to control natural resources with fear of fake nuclear war. And failed. now when someone else does it they are the bad guy.
Still no reason? Listen to his speech. As far as i'm concerned (and i'm very far from being a US supporter) they did get rid of bad people and they did got there with 2nd intentions, the whole europe was always very critical of this. I know you acting coy. To me while highly incorrect i can't remember US sending 18 year old men to die just because, bombing civillian buildings and also threatening everyone around to use nuclear bombs, if you can't see the fucking difference i don't even know what to say to you.


Rodent Whores
thats exactly what we did in the middle east. why is this different?
There are many similarities, yes, but what does that have to do with the current conversation? You asked what Putin's end game is, and I answered with what I believe is the best current interpretation.


The USA has a good history of invading foreign countries to install puppet regimes, from South America to Iraq. The difference being the lack of nuclear threat to anyone else wanting to get involved.

But it is irrelevant here and don't get drawn into it. A cheap whatabout technique from either someone that doesn't understand what's going on or wants you to not understand it. It doesn't have anything to do with the current war and only serves to district from it at best, and excuse it at worst.
Yes, on my very 1st reply i recognized the tactic this sort of people use, with the not so innocent question, i answered the 1st time my thoughts.


I would pit the first gulf war Iraq military against these Russians and could not say who would win with total confidence. Russia has a ton of shit, but we're seeing thats all it is. Shit that they cannot force project that sits in mud without gas.
And Vova is out there saying all is going to plan as if having Russia begging for exchange from China was part of the plan.

Unless selling out Russia to China is the plan...
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  • She speaks about civil war that was going on for 8 years in Ukraine.
  • She speaks about Ukrainian government shelling its own population.
  • She's saying "yes it's Ukrainian government doing it now still"
  • She says she doesn't have a political agenda, she's just stating facts.
  • She shows photos and videos of dead civilians from Eastern Ukraine she took by herself.
Thanks. Now it makes sense why I got this sent to me. You'd think this would be all over legitimate news outlets.


While we have someone here trying to equate US folly after 9/11 entering Iraq to Russia invading Ukraine.

We have this shit going on right now... FUCK

Gentleman and ladies it has been a true honor.

Seriously though could Russia deliberately or inadvertently set off a megaton blast at this plant or Chernobyl without actually dropping a nuke by shelling and or setting off a bomb and then blaming it on an errant ukranian missile or something? I have no idea how big the explosion would be but in my mind it sadly gives them the nuclear strike like terror without actually using icbms or tactical nuclear weapons along with plausible deniability?
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Junior Member
Gentleman and ladies it has been a true honor.

Seriously though could Russia deliberately set off a megaton blast without actually dropping a nuke by shelling and or setting off a bomb? That gives them the nuclear strike like terror without actually using icbms or tactical nuclear weapons?

Honestly, at this point I don't think they even know themselves..

Don't want to sound too alarmist but.....
Anyone with just a very light knowledge or understanding of Chernobyl(RIGHT THERE IN UKRAINE), knows the consequences of an uncontrolled Nuclear Reactor, which indiscriminent shelling could precipitate.

edit... Add another one to the pile of evidence that Putin and Russia have no fucking clue wtf they are doing in Ukraine.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Gentleman and ladies it has been a true honor.

Seriously though could Russia deliberately or inadvertently set off a megaton blast without actually dropping a nuke by shelling and or setting off a bomb and then blaming it on an errant ukranian missile or something? I have no idea how big an explosion would be but in my mind it sadly gives them the nuclear strike like terror without actually using icbms or tactical nuclear weapons along with plausible deniability?

Right now it's not even the blast that needs to be worried about. Its the fallout. That power plant isn't only the largest in Ukraine it's one of the largest Nuclear Power Plants in the world.

Which I believe makes it larger than Chernobyl. 😐


Rodent Whores
Seriously though could Russia deliberately set off a megaton blast without actually dropping a nuke by shelling and or setting off a bomb or blaming it on an errant ukranian missile or something? I have no idea how big an explosion would be but in my mind it sadly gives them the nuclear strike like terror without actually using icbms or tactical nuclear weapons?
Probably not. The mechanisms involved in a nuclear reactor are different from what's necessary for a nuclear weapon size explosion.



This whole conflict seems off to me. Some of the videos I am seeing really paint Russia as inept. I really do find it hard to believe they are that badly organized and trained. So many abandoned vehicles and what appears to be stray vehicles that are lost and alone. That goes against common sense military tactics. As ex-US Army myself, seeing these lone vehicles is suspicious to me. Like they are hoping to get destroyed or captured. A proper combat unit has a mix of different units, which cover each other's weaknesses, and behind the combat units are support units. I was part of a support unit in the US Army, and we followed about a mile behind the action. You could see the battle in the distance. We would pick up any broken down vehicles and would also provide fuel and other supplies.

It looks more like a video game BF battle, where a tank spawns and some guy just grabs it and gets it stuck and then runs off on foot. Or gets disconnected from the server. It just looks so sloppy and ridiculous. And yet the Russians do appear to be capturing more territory and advancing. So maybe everything I am seeing is very Ukrainian biased.
Just a guess but I think they are mixing low level units to cover captured ground or sweep. and save the vanguard and elites for the serious missions. Russian military ideology seems to accept a high rate of expendable units. This could explain why they seem inept but also keep progressing.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Probably not. The mechanisms involved in a nuclear reactor are different from what's necessary for a nuclear weapon size explosion.

Yeah there can be a blast when a Nuclear plant goes critical, but it's a steam based explosion I believe. That's what happened at Chernobyl if I remember right.

Its the contaminated air that you need to worry about. That's why Chernobyl was such a fucking disaster. The contamination spread over thousands of miles. And this plant is LARGER.


Right now it's not even the blast that needs to be worried about. Its the fallout. That power plant isn't only the largest in Ukraine it's one of the largest Nuclear Power Plants in the world.

Which I believe makes it larger than Chernobyl. 😐
Yeah that’s true I mean in a sick and evil way Putin would get the devastation and fear from fallout of a nuclear strike without actually bombing which kills more than a single bomb blast anyway and he can just blame it on Ukraine. Fuck…


Junior Member

Confused Liam Neeson GIF
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Gold Member
This is in no way an endorsement of the US invasions but: Saddam Hussein a fake bad guy? Was Osama bin Laden actually a nice guy? I don’t think Zelensky gassed his own people or carried out multiple terrorist attacks.

Our misadventures after 9/11 were folly, but the bad guys were real.
Where any of our leaders any better? Was Bush Snr or Jnr a nice guy? Blair ? Thatcher? did any of these people go to war on anything other than a lie? All im asking is whats the difference? The answer is not much. Just question the bullshit the media feeds you.

I was in Iraq. Those people are worse off now before we stuck our noses in.


Junior Member
Where any of our leaders any better? Was Bush Snr or Jnr a nice guy? Blair ? Thatcher? did any of these people go to war on anything other than a lie? All im asking is whats the difference? The answer is not much. Just question the bullshit the media feeds you.

I was in Iraq. Those people are worse off now before we stuck our noses in.

Yeah I am sure they were just as bad /s

You know what is more important? In the case of all the people you mentioned, they at least answered to someone.. Their citizens...

In the case of Sadam and now Putin.. They answer to no one but themselves.
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I'm no expert (obviously) in Nuclear Powerplants, but from the CCTV they seem to be fighting near the entrance, there are some cars parked there etc. From the aerial view it seems a bit far from the refrigeration towers (??). Are the reactors located beneath those towers?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I'm no expert (obviously) in Nuclear Powerplants, but from the CCTV they seem to be fighting near the entrance, there are some cars parked there etc. From the aerial view it seems a bit far from the refrigeration towers (??). Are the reactors located beneath those towers?
Yeah it seems that the fighting is mostly in the administration areas and not near the reactors themselves, but the fact that they are using stuff like Mortars or RPGs to try and take a nuclear plant is legitimately insane.

One wrong move. One bad shot. That's all it takes.


Junior Member
Reporter for CNN in Ukraine just now talking about the Powerplant... (They have the live feed, and I am hoping they will bring some Nuclear experts to speak)

Anyways, the guy pretty much had my exact same facial expression when talking/reading this.. WIDE EYED WTF look.
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