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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Oligarchs targeted to concentrate attention on the people responsible rather than the average Russian citizen. Sanctions will continue to intensify, administration working on retooling the entire energy pipeline for Europe and the US away from Russian supply. Not afraid of backing Putin into a corner; have to demonstrate that dictators can't get away with wars of aggression.


Gold Member
You see it all the time and a shame..... when you see footage of aggressors destroying awesome historical stuff like buildings, statues, churches etc...

Those stories you'd read where terrorists in mid east blowing up ancient statues is crazy to read. So big, they'd need explosives to destroy them as they'd be like 50 ft statues or whatever.

You cant rebuilt this no matter how hard people try to replicate it. And even if a group of builders do, it's not the same.

For reference..



I am Become Bilbo Baggins
This is interesting but not entirely surprising. Zelensky has been pleading and asking NATO to basically commit air or ground support for his troops. I remember an interview where he states that he can't do it alone.

Meanwhile, members of NATO and other countries have been saying we "stand with you" and "we support" Ukraine. His troops and civilians get killed for the fight while NATO is really saying"we won't die for you". So I can see where Zelensky is coming from. However, they never accepted him into NATO, and if they did, it would mean WW3. America just officially pulled out of a 20-year war, so it's understandable why we would shy away from getting involved in another war.

Putin also has made the threat of nuclear war, which was insane for him even to threaten that. No one wants to set off the spark to escalate the states of its war.

I agree. Yesterday, foreign ministers of NATO countries stood together for a photo shoot and a show of unity, but what sort of message is that giving to the Ukrainian people? If I was Zelensky or a Ukrainian citizen looking at that NATO dick waving while my country is being bombed into oblivion I'd be pissed off. As you said, it gives a message that NATO are united, but they're not willing to fight for Ukraine.

However, I understand NATOs position. Putting a no fly zone would mean having to engage Russian jets, which then pushes this conflict into total war with NATO against the CSTO. Nobody wants that.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

Oligarchs targeted to concentrate attention on the people responsible rather than the average Russian citizen. Sanctions will continue to intensify, administration working on retooling the entire energy pipeline for Europe and the US away from Russian supply. Not afraid of backing Putin into a corner; have to demonstrate that dictators can't get away with wars of aggression.

Although I understand something has to be done to try and break the Russian war machine and quickly end this war, but does anybody thinking backing Putin into a corner is a wise idea?

He's already threatened further action if the sanctions continue and has made a veiled threat of using nuclear weapons.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Although I understand something has to be done to try and break the Russian war machine and quickly end this war, but does anybody thinking backing Putin into a corner is a wise idea?

He's already threatened further action if the sanctions continue and has made a veiled threat of using nuclear weapons.
It’s a difficult situation, but standing up to him in some capacity is the only way to proceed. The west can always choose who it does business with, and we’re making that choice now.


Gold Member
Although I understand something has to be done to try and break the Russian war machine and quickly end this war, but does anybody thinking backing Putin into a corner is a wise idea?

He's already threatened further action if the sanctions continue and has made a veiled threat of using nuclear weapons.

What other choice do we have, honestly. He won't negotiate in good faith and even if we presume he would his overall behaviors have only escalated over time.

He needs an offramp, but his demands have been - up until now - impossible to agree to. He's backing himself into a corner at this point. And frankly, and leverage he expected has started to evaporate with his army.



Software engineer and biochemist volunteer to fight in the territorial defense force.

"Russians have enslaved this land since, I don't know, at least the 16th century. They've made their best to suppress our language, to suppress our culture, to prevent printing books in Ukrainian. And now they want to overthrow our state. Like, what other choice do we have? It's pretty obvious."

"They're hitting buildings where civilians are living. So we're in danger everywhere, and the only option we have left is to fight back and take as much of these bastards to hell as we can."

The Vice media that we deserve. Their series on the Donbass war was awesome


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but holy shit. These people are lucky to be alive. Trapped in the car taking a hail of bullets.




Oligarchs targeted to concentrate attention on the people responsible rather than the average Russian citizen. Sanctions will continue to intensify, administration working on retooling the entire energy pipeline for Europe and the US away from Russian supply. Not afraid of backing Putin into a corner; have to demonstrate that dictators can't get away with wars of aggression.

Yup , it needs to go this far! Maybe we can win without physical violence this time. It’s sad that the people of Russia will suffer though , and even doing it this way will create new Putins.
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Although I understand something has to be done to try and break the Russian war machine and quickly end this war, but does anybody thinking backing Putin into a corner is a wise idea?

He's already threatened further action if the sanctions continue and has made a veiled threat of using nuclear weapons.
Its probably the best action possible. You need him to fight his own backyard because fighting him directly is too dangerous

Starve him of support. Even a dictatorship will fall if the people turn.


74% of Americans want a war, until they don't
it’s not about wanting a war , but about standing up .. have you ever stood up against something on a personal level ? It’s not easy but sometimes it’s needed , most of the time after standing up you get more shit , but the long term is rewarding .. if you want.

Do you think Putin would stop? Hittler , Saddam ?
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it’s not about wanting a war , but about standing up .. have you ever stood up against something on a personal level ? It’s not easy but sometimes it’s needed , most of the time after standing up you get more shit , but the long term is rewarding .. if you want.

Do you think Putin would stop? Hittler , Saddam ?

you equate this to a "personal level" which tells me where your understanding is, and where probably 74% of Americans understanding is


it’s not about wanting a war , but about standing up .. have you ever stood up against something on a personal level ? It’s not easy but sometimes it’s needed , most of the time after standing up you get more shit , but the long term is rewarding .. if you want.

Do you think Putin would stop? Hittler , Saddam ?
Thing is, with a nuclear war there may not be a long term. It"s not about risking the life of some troops, it's about risking the life and viability of a large part of the planet.
Now some people think that Putin wouldn't want to take that risk himself, but it's hard to be sure with his latest "strange" choices.
Zelensky has condemns NATO and the west in a television address to the Ukrainian people.

"Knowing that new strikes and casualties are inevitable, Nato deliberately decided not to close the sky over Ukraine," he said in a video address from his office in Kyiv.

"Today the leadership of the alliance gave the green light for further bombing of Ukrainian cities and villages, refusing to make a no-fly zone."

Really strong words from the Ukrainian president, and I get it. It must be heartbreaking to see his people suffer, but I also get the NATO perspective as well.

Wonder how Ukraine will judge the west when this is over? Will these comments and lack of NATO action will push Ukrainian people away from the EU and NATO?

Zelenskyy needs to understand that's not happening. Anything other than NATO directly interfering is fair game. The EU and NATO are providing as much assisstance as they possibly can.

What's happening in Ukraine is absolutely despicable and horrible, but what he's asking for is dragging the rest of the world into this. Unfortunately, its up to the Ukrainian people to fight with all their might.
Impose no-fly zone! ...Russians are targeting civilians, that's more than enough reason to close the sky

With all due respect: Shut up about this.

This is absolutely not the way to go.
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Gold Member
I get what some of you are saying about not risking WW3.

But at what point is the time to stand up and clamp down on Russia?

Let's say Ukraine gets taken over and Russia goes after other non-NATO countries later. What's the tipping point? Never? Because right now, Ukraine so far isn't.

If Sweden and Finland got a Russian bullseye on their foreheads after Ukraine, are they worth saving? Or is the right move to send over supplies and let them duke it out with Russia?
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No Fly Zone mean NATO will shoot Russian Planes and Helicopters out of the sky that mean an act of war so WW3 will start there no way they will do a No Fly Zone

that's exactly what I mean, shoot those fuckers down.....Russia is bold, because they know NATO is soft, run by global corporation puppets, who have no interest in saving lives, whose interest only to protect their masters revenue. They're the ones who started this WW3 narrative
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I get what some of you are saying about not risking WW3.

But at what point is the time to stand up and clamp down on Russia?

Let's say Ukraine gets taken over and Russia goes after other non-NATO countries later. What's the tipping point? Never? Because right now, Ukraine so far isn't.

If Sweden and Finland got a Russian bullseye on their foreheads after Ukraine, are they worth saving? Or is the right move to send over supplies and let them duke it out with Russia?
Sweden and Finland wouldn't give NATO and EU much choice unless they violate their own treaties and significance. That's probably why the stance on logistical support and economic sanctions has been much stronger than expected with Ukraine, since that's the last chance of stopping Putin's expansion projects.
And even if it sucks for Ukraine, trying to get Russia's economy to its knees may be the best path than having full involvement in the fights. We don't want to stop Putin from advancing, we need to make him unable to do so.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I get what some of you are saying about not risking WW3.

But at what point is the time to stand up and clamp down on Russia?

Let's say Ukraine gets taken over and Russia goes after other non-NATO countries later. What's the tipping point? Never? Because right now, Ukraine so far isn't.

If Sweden and Finland got a Russian bullseye on their foreheads after Ukraine, are they worth saving? Or is the right move to send over supplies and let them duke it out with Russia?

Everyone is hoping sanctions cripple the Russian economy, which will hopefully strangle the Russian war machine and turn the population against Putin.

I understand what you're saying, but you need to understand the cost of a no fly zone or direct military action will be all out war. War that would result in far more deaths and a lot more destruction than we're already seeing.


*Refreshes biennially
that's exactly what I mean, shoot those fuckers down.....Russia is bold, because they know NATO is soft, run by global corporation puppets, who have no interest in saving lives, whose interest only to protect their masters revenue. They're the one who started this WW3 narrative

I expect to see your ass on the frontline when this happens and Russia invades a Visegrád Group or Baltic Assembly country.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
that's exactly what I mean, shoot those fuckers down.....Russia is bold, because they know NATO is soft, run by global corporation puppets, who have no interest in saving lives, whose interest only to protect their masters revenue. They're the ones who started this WW3 narrative

Do you want Europe and possibly the world engulfed by total war?
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that's exactly what I mean, shoot those fuckers down.....Russia is bold, because they know NATO is soft, run by global corporation puppets, who have no interest in saving lives, whose interest only to protect their masters revenue. They're the ones who started this WW3 narrative

Do you fucking understand the implications of that? The amount of civil lives would be far, far greater than what we see now.

You'd be part of that statistic by the way.


Thing is, with a nuclear war there may not be a long term. It"s not about risking the life of some troops, it's about risking the life and viability of a large part of the planet.
Now some people think that Putin wouldn't want to take that risk himself, but it's hard to be sure with his latest "strange" choices.
if even putin decide to give command to launch nuke theyr commanders won't do it. so it's basically threat nothing more.


You guys want some real mental pain? 🤪

God save this planet, but you already know god left ages ago if he was ever here lol

At 0:33, is that Corey Haim or Skrillex? Shit just got real depending on Haim dropping a new track with MJ moves or Skrillex DROPPING THE BASS. Either scenario is terrifying.

I'm stocking up on tinned goods again.
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I see a parallelism between this war and the 1979 war in Afghanistan. It was similar, except it was like URSS defended Ucrain and NATO the Donbass and Crimea.

They already had nuclear missiles back then. There was a reason why they didn't use it in that case and I hope they remember there is the same reason this time.

Prison Mike

that's exactly what I mean, shoot those fuckers down.....Russia is bold, because they know NATO is soft, run by global corporation puppets, who have no interest in saving lives, whose interest only to protect their masters revenue. They're the ones who started this WW3 narrative
Brady Bunch K GIF
that's exactly what I mean, shoot those fuckers down.....Russia is bold, because they know NATO is soft, run by global corporation puppets, who have no interest in saving lives, whose interest only to protect their masters revenue. They're the ones who started this WW3 narrative
Here is a better idea how about you volunteer and go fight with the Ukraine army instead of wishing for WW3 i swear you people are mental Russia has Nukes that can wipe out the entire country of Britain, France, Germany in under 6 minutes and they have enough nukes to wipe out all life on earth 5x over so stfu lol

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Airbus Jr


Duno if this is russian or ukrainian choper tho most likely russian since ukraine air presence are low and more focusing on anti air defence like javelin missile
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Do you want Europe and possibly the world engulfed by total war?

Do you fucking understand the implications of that? The amount of civil lives would be far, far greater than what we see now.

You'd be part of that statistic by the way.

Those humanitarian corridors are an excuse for Putin to say that anybody remaining in a surrounded city is a combatant, regardless of how true that is. Huge civilian casualties are imminent regardless of what the west does.

As for nukes, yea russia has a lot, do they work? Will the chain of command even follow such an order if there is no invasion threat to Russia and actions are limited to pushing Russian forces out of Ukraine and no further? I think the nuke threat is overblown.

We also know that the Russian supply chain is screwed and that they cannot even supply the forces in Ukraine right now, let alone any other forces they would need to deploy in defensive positions across other parts of their border.

I am still not sure if a No Fly Zone is the right thing to do though because there are a lot of moving and unknown to us parts to the equation but if the west changed its mind and went forward with one then I would not be that concerned.

As for the world being engulfed in war. Who exactly is going to come to Russia's aid here? I can't see anybody doing that if there are no incursions into Russian territory and everything is kept to removing forces for Ukraine / defending Ukrainian airspace.

So bottom line. Russia don't have the logistical capabilities to wage a war on multiple fronts, they cannot even keep this war up in Ukraine so it won't spread. I don't see Russia going with a 1st strike unless they get invaded and I don't see Russia being able to pursuade anyone to come to their aid.


For what I'm seeing who needs help is the russian army. They are displaying the biggest incompetence I've ever seen. How can an 21st century army can be this bad?
60km of junk. Those soldiers are going to die from the cold. UE should send some humanitary help to aid them.

Scotty W


“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,'” Kraft said.

Putin did not stop at admiring the ring, though. Kraft said when he signaled his desire for Putin to return the ring, it did not go over as planned.

“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out,” Kraft said.

According to the UK Mirror, Kraft said he had no intention of giving the ring to Putin, and he was not happy about losing it.
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