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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Zelensky has condemns NATO and the west in a television address to the Ukrainian people.

NATO and The Western leaders are bunch of puss!!! They should close that sky and NO, don’t give me that fucking excuse ‘we don’t want to escalate this…’ bullshit…..as far as I’m concerned it’s already escalated and the blame is squarely on PUTIN…..if there’s a WW3, it’s all on PUTIN

Care to tell us where you live? Just wondering if the fact you wouldn’t be caught in the nuclear fire, or dosed with a fatal level of radiation, might be colouring your judgement a bit on this statement.


Ooof. I understand Serbia have a pro Russian population, but they also have aspirations to join the EU and NATO. Not a good look.
Ethnically Slave and Orthodox in religion. Always identified most with Russians. They resent Europe for what they see as destroying Yugoslavia. and leaving them landlocked in the partition. It's actually one of motivations for Russia. Ukraine invasion is also a revenge story. Specialists predict i will be a new front in the conflict with Russia. many actually thought it would start in the Balkans not Ukraine.

Zelensky has condemns NATO and the west in a television address to the Ukrainian people.

NATO and The Western leaders are bunch of puss!!! They should close that sky and NO, don’t give me that fucking excuse ‘we don’t want to escalate this…’ bullshit…..as far as I’m concerned it’s already escalated and the blame is squarely on PUTIN…..if there’s a WW3, it’s all on PUTIN

NATO vs Russia would just be a ballistic Nuke exchange. Since Hiroshima the big powers avoid direct war because of mutual destruction. instead war is fought by an expendable proxy. that is now Ukraine. it's playing the exact role it was set up to do.


Zelensky has condemns NATO and the west in a television address to the Ukrainian people.

NATO and The Western leaders are bunch of puss!!! They should close that sky and NO, don’t give me that fucking excuse ‘we don’t want to escalate this…’ bullshit…..as far as I’m concerned it’s already escalated and the blame is squarely on PUTIN…..if there’s a WW3, it’s all on PUTIN

No fly zone potentially means shooting down Russian air forces if they violate that zone. NATO wants to draw the line on its borders and strictly follow its rules in order to avoid fueling Putler's paranoia about NATO being something hostile.


Some Ukranian warning the russians

Translation: Welcome to the cooling ponds, soldat!

St. Javelin/NLAW doing their work.

Nah, Spetsnaz are very good. Our own special forces have been around them in a peaceful/training environment and spoken highly of them.

If Sweden and Finland joins NATO Russia will have to take action.
Nah, Putin is just shook and posturing. He wants no smoke with Finland. He knows what happened the last time Moscow tried to bully the Finns. Ukraine is shaping up to be the new Winter War. Russia will win eventually but with an embarrassing amount of effort and casualties.
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Gold Member
Zelensky has condemns NATO and the west in a television address to the Ukrainian people.

"Knowing that new strikes and casualties are inevitable, Nato deliberately decided not to close the sky over Ukraine," he said in a video address from his office in Kyiv.

"Today the leadership of the alliance gave the green light for further bombing of Ukrainian cities and villages, refusing to make a no-fly zone."

Really strong words from the Ukrainian president, and I get it. It must be heartbreaking to see his people suffer, but I also get the NATO perspective as well.

Wonder how Ukraine will judge the west when this is over? Will these comments and lack of NATO action will push Ukrainian people away from the EU and NATO?

This is interesting but not entirely surprising. Zelensky has been pleading and asking NATO to basically commit air or ground support for his troops. I remember an interview where he states that he can't do it alone.

Meanwhile, members of NATO and other countries have been saying we "stand with you" and "we support" Ukraine. His troops and civilians get killed for the fight while NATO is really saying"we won't die for you". So I can see where Zelensky is coming from. However, they never accepted him into NATO, and if they did, it would mean WW3. America just officially pulled out of a 20-year war, so it's understandable why we would shy away from getting involved in another war.

Putin also has made the threat of nuclear war, which was insane for him even to threaten that. No one wants to set off the spark to escalate the states of its war.


Gold Member
Zelensky has condemns NATO and the west in a television address to the Ukrainian people.

NATO and The Western leaders are bunch of puss!!! They should close that sky and NO, don’t give me that fucking excuse ‘we don’t want to escalate this…’ bullshit…..as far as I’m concerned it’s already escalated and the blame is squarely on PUTIN…..if there’s a WW3, it’s all on PUTIN
They are being calculating. If you want to act all tough, then please go ahead and fight for Ukraine.


They are being calculating. If you want to act all tough, then please go ahead and fight for Ukraine.
It’s a little hypocritical that they aren’t afraid to supply anti aircraft weaponry to Ukraine but are afraid to shoot planes down themselves by enacting a no fly zone. It’s weird logic to think that one shot fired by NATO = a full blow retaliatory nuclear first strike by Russia. Call his bluff.
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Gold Member
It’s a little hypocritical that they aren’t afraid to supply anti aircraft weaponry to Ukraine but are afraid to shoot planes down themselves by enacting a no fly zone. It’s weird logic to think that one shot fired by NATO = a full blow retaliatory nuclear first strike by Russia. Call his bluff.
No it isn’t. Proxy wars are often fought with sides supplying other fighters. I get your point, but ultimately NATO is not stepping foot into a country that it never had a deal with.

Fare thee well

It’s a little hypocritical that they aren’t afraid to supply anti aircraft weaponry to Ukraine but are afraid to shoot planes down themselves by enacting a no fly zone. It’s weird logic to think that one shot fired by NATO = a full blow retaliatory nuclear first strike by Russia. Call his bluff.
It's a crazy game to play poker with. My guess is shooting down aircraft wouldn't escelate to nukes. Putin is mad to restore Russia's 'former glory,' but he would be accomplishing the end of it by launching a nuke.
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It’s a little hypocritical that they aren’t afraid to supply anti aircraft weaponry to Ukraine but are afraid to shoot planes down themselves by enacting a no fly zone. It’s weird logic to think that one shot fired by NATO = a full blow retaliatory nuclear first strike by Russia. Call his bluff.
It is not hypocritical. It is no different than the Soviets and PRC funneling AKMs to the North Vietnamese. That did not mean they were fighting a direct war against the United States.

NATO/Western Countries have done everything but pick up the weapons and fire them themselves. Zelensky can not seriously expect more than that and I doubt he honestly does. He is just desperate. Trying to drum up sympathy in their populations/shame them into taking more direct action. It will not happen.
Zelensky has condemns NATO and the west in a television address to the Ukrainian people.

NATO and The Western leaders are bunch of puss!!! They should close that sky and NO, don’t give me that fucking excuse ‘we don’t want to escalate this…’ bullshit…..as far as I’m concerned it’s already escalated and the blame is squarely on PUTIN…..if there’s a WW3, it’s all on PUTIN
This is going to seem harsh, but if you think I want to risk nuclear war on my own country and family to protect Ukraine, you’re sadly mistaken. World War 3 will be on us all if it happens. There won’t be anyone left to accept the blame.


This is going to seem harsh, but if you think I want to risk nuclear war on my own country and family to protect Ukraine, you’re sadly mistaken. World War 3 will be on us all if it happens. There won’t be anyone left to accept the blame.
Then the empire has already won. Putin would be crazy to nuke the world because of the threat of one plane getting shot down in the no fly zone. He’s a spoiled child threatening to piss in the sandbox to maintain his status as chief bully you don’t reward bad behavior you call his bluff. If all he has to do is threaten using nukes he can get whatever he wants including the sanctions revoked.

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Vladimir Putin, WHO IS LITERALLY COMMITTING WAR CRIMES, still has an active Twitter account in both English and Russian posting Russian state propaganda and he hasn’t been deplatformed or banned from the service. FUCK TWITTER
They banned Trump though!
In Soviet Russia its the president who bans Twitter


Then the empire has already won. Putin would be crazy to nuke the world because of the threat of one plane getting shot down in the no fly zone. He’s a spoiled child threatening to piss in the sandbox to maintain his status as chief bully you don’t reward bad behavior you call his bluff. If all he has to do is threaten using nukes he can get whatever he wants including the sanctions revoked.

Even if nukes weren't part of the equation we still wouldn't go to war over Ukraine. Sorry if that sounds mean.


You think so? Serious question
We aren't going to send thousands of NATO men and women to die fighting for a country we have no alliance with. NATO would only intervene against an enemy that didn't have the ability to fight back. Doesn't matter if NATO could defeat russia in the end or not.

Fare thee well

And yet the Dems today voted to not reopen the Keystone XL pipeline to provide some relief. Go figure. It's almost like they wanna destroy this country and are pursuing some ulterior agenda no matter the cost to the American people. Almost.
Gotta admit. It is going to hurt us bad to not get that pipeline going. Someone will probably have to mandate it as some emergency exec order. Both parties are so afraid to lose any fraction of their voter block. So here we are. 🤪


Gold Member
Remember that 64Km column north of Kyiv? It may become biggest traffic jam/the most embarrassing military disaster of the last 50 years unless the Russians act fast.

This thread is hilarious to read through. If even half of it right then Russia seriously miscalculated.. like on everything. It was a stupid invasion and it only gets reflected here.

It reminds me of stealing ships in Homeworld.

Current NATO and Western leaders are incompetent pussies, cowards! .......to those who said NATO shouldn't get involved, here's the thing what you should worry more......if NATO didn't come for Ukraine a large country with 45 million people, what makes you think they would come for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania tiny countries with less than 5 million population combined?!? .....do you really think they would come for them just because they're NATO members?? ....ha!!! ....Russia would swallow them in half a day, while NATO scheduling/preparing their emergency meeting
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Gold Member

Current NATO and Western leaders are incompetent pussies, cowards! .......to those who said NATO shouldn't get involved, here's the thing what you should worry more......if NATO didn't come for Ukraine a large country with 45 million people, what makes you think they would come for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania tiny countries with less than 5 million population combined?!? .....do you really think they would come for them just because they're NATO members?? ....ha!!! ....Russia would swallow them in half a day, while NATO scheduling/preparing their emergency meeting

You ok? May want to take a stroll or something.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Software engineer and biochemist volunteer to fight in the territorial defense force.

"Russians have enslaved this land since, I don't know, at least the 16th century. They've made their best to suppress our language, to suppress our culture, to prevent printing books in Ukrainian. And now they want to overthrow our state. Like, what other choice do we have? It's pretty obvious."

"They're hitting buildings where civilians are living. So we're in danger everywhere, and the only option we have left is to fight back and take as much of these bastards to hell as we can."


Gold Member
to suppress our culture
You see it all the time and a shame..... when you see footage of aggressors destroying awesome historical stuff like buildings, statues, churches etc...

Those stories you'd read where terrorists in mid east blowing up ancient statues is crazy to read. So big, they'd need explosives to destroy them as they'd be like 50 ft statues or whatever.

You cant rebuilt this no matter how hard people try to replicate it. And even if a group of builders do, it's not the same.


Vladimir Putin, WHO IS LITERALLY COMMITTING WAR CRIMES, still has an active Twitter account in both English and Russian posting Russian state propaganda and he hasn’t been deplatformed or banned from the service. FUCK TWITTER
So with that we can officialy conclude that "hate crimes" are worse than "war crimes" for Twitter?
Damn man, Trump must have said some reeeealy nasty things to get permed.
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