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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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@KingGhidorah will be punching nukes out of the sky
I guess kaijus really do post on the internet. Who knew.

Those humanitarian corridors are an excuse for Putin to say that anybody remaining in a surrounded city is a combatant, regardless of how true that is. Huge civilian casualties are imminent regardless of what the west does.

As for nukes, yea russia has a lot, do they work? Will the chain of command even follow such an order if there is no invasion threat to Russia and actions are limited to pushing Russian forces out of Ukraine and no further? I think the nuke threat is overblown.

We also know that the Russian supply chain is screwed and that they cannot even supply the forces in Ukraine right now, let alone any other forces they would need to deploy in defensive positions across other parts of their border.

I am still not sure if a No Fly Zone is the right thing to do though because there are a lot of moving and unknown to us parts to the equation but if the west changed its mind and went forward with one then I would not be that concerned.

As for the world being engulfed in war. Who exactly is going to come to Russia's aid here? I can't see anybody doing that if there are no incursions into Russian territory and everything is kept to removing forces for Ukraine / defending Ukrainian airspace.

So bottom line. Russia don't have the logistical capabilities to wage a war on multiple fronts, they cannot even keep this war up in Ukraine so it won't spread. I don't see Russia going with a 1st strike unless they get invaded and I don't see Russia being able to pursuade anyone to come to their aid.

Maybe its time to lay off the gaming for a while and step outside and breathe in some fresh air. Some of you think in Otakon fashion: "this is just like one of my [video games] (pew pew)".

In all your wisdom, would you gamble on that? This isn't poker where a loss is just tough luck. One misunderstanding in this conflict would have lethal consequences for all of us. The inconvenient reality is that there's absolutely not enough grounds to justify it. Civil lives in this war is injust, I really don't like it either, but for now there isn't much we can do about this.

Btw, sounds like you got the inside scoop about Russia's nuke status and definitive info about their foreign relations. So, in essence you seem to be saying is "he's bluffing, them nukes are just as rusty as my old bike. Bring it on buddy boy, yeehaw", and if he isn't... then what?
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I get what some of you are saying about not risking WW3.

But at what point is the time to stand up and clamp down on Russia?

Let's say Ukraine gets taken over and Russia goes after other non-NATO countries later. What's the tipping point? Never? Because right now, Ukraine so far isn't.

If Sweden and Finland got a Russian bullseye on their foreheads after Ukraine, are they worth saving? Or is the right move to send over supplies and let them duke it out with Russia?
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Russia will either make more mistakes, which we can exploit. Or they will do the right thing and become our best friends. But it is the strategy of the US to do the right thing after they have tried everything else, while to the Russians it seems that doing the right thing is just a weak strategy for weak nations.


I guess kaijus really do post on the internet. Who knew.

Maybe its time to lay off the gaming for a while and step outside and breathe in some fresh air. Some of you think in Otakon fashion: "this is just like one of my [video games] (pew pew)".

In all your wisdom, would you gamble on that? This isn't poker where a loss is just tough luck. One misunderstanding in this conflict would have lethal consequences for all of us. The inconvenient reality is that there's absolutely not enough grounds to justify it. Civil lives in this war is injust, I really don't like it either, but for now there isn't much we can do about this.

Btw, sounds like you got the inside scoop about Russia's nuke status and definitive info about their foreign relations. So, in essence you seem to be saying is "he's bluffing, them nukes are just as rusty as my old bike. Bring it on buddy boy, yeehaw", and if he isn't... then what?

If countries cannot even muster support for Russia at a UN resolution then what chance do they have of getting anybody to actually join in the war with them? Ukraine are finding that impossible despite almost unanimous support and with how badly this is going for Russia I am not convinced they would be able to do any better.

As for the nukes. I am sure some work. I am not so sure that an order would be executed if there was no threat to Russian territory. IE if NATO did get invovled it would need to be restricted to removing the invading forces from Ukraine and nothing more.

Also what part of.

I am still not sure if a No Fly Zone is the right thing to do though because there are a lot of moving and unknown to us parts to the equation

did you not grasp? Despite me thinking that the nuclear threat is pretty small if any counter engagement is kept to removing the invading forces from Ukraine and that Russia could not persuade anybody to join them I do not have anywhere near enough information to make any kind of informed judgement on that. Like I said though if NATO change their minds and do decide to implement a no fly zone or to put boots on the ground (less likely) then I won't be that concerned because it would have been agreed on by people who do have the information to make that call with more accuracy and they seem to have made pretty good calls so far.


Gold Member
For what I'm seeing who needs help is the russian army. They are displaying the biggest incompetence I've ever seen. How can an 21st century army can be this bad?
60km of junk. Those soldiers are going to die from the cold. UE should send some humanitary help to aid them.

Russians soldiers at this point are the biggest victim of this invasion. Putin send them to die... Ano no one gives a shit.


Here's a story from our biggest newspaper. A Russian mother saying her son was fooled and didn't even know he was going to a war.

Google translate it if interested.


And another one where the journalists escape Kiov with a family:




“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,'” Kraft said.

Putin did not stop at admiring the ring, though. Kraft said when he signaled his desire for Putin to return the ring, it did not go over as planned.

“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out,” Kraft said.

According to the UK Mirror, Kraft said he had no intention of giving the ring to Putin, and he was not happy about losing it.
Lmao Putin thinks he's the main character. Except he kind of has the power for that to be true

Airbus Jr

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So the White House denied that USA will stop buying oil and gas from Russia, saying it'll negatively affect the economy... but they support Europe to cut the import and halt the Nord Stream project, because, well you fuck Europe.
Real allies.
Our prices have become INSANE.
I'm just waiting they announce that we'll start importing gas from USA who will just repackage russain gas and we'll get fucked over twice. There were already attempts at this a few years ago, but it was so expensive and environmentally insane that the thing fell through.

Fun times.


So the White House denied that USA will stop buying oil and gas from Russia, saying it'll negatively affect the economy... but they support Europe to cut the import and halt the Nord Stream project, because, well you fuck Europe.
Real allies.
Our prices have become INSANE.
I'm just waiting they announce that we'll start importing gas from USA who will just repackage russain gas and we'll get fucked over twice. There were already attempts at this a few years ago, but it was so expensive and environmentally insane that the thing fell through.

Fun times.

Always the same shit. US wants to cripple EU ecenomy by making EU sanction Russia.

But when china comes around the corner or russia and it hits them, its nothing to see there fokes.

Airbus Jr

Ok someone asked me to delete the gory pict so i delete it

Hope the wars over


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Russians soldiers at this point are the biggest victim of this invasion. Putin send them to die... Ano no one gives a shit
I really feal sorry for them, I really do. Young boys send to die for no reason. This whole situation enrages me. Hundreds of thousands of dead, people suffering, just to satisfy the imperialistic needs of a few. Since when wars made average people lives better? Most people don't give a shit about territories, they just want to live their lives. It's the resposability of their leaders to provide them with good lives and that is not achieved with war. Will the average russian life improve by taking Ukraine? I don't think so. Rich will get richer and that's all. Russia already has all the resources it needs to be a great country do live on.
Humaking still has a long way to go...
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Not sure if this has been posted yet, but holy shit. These people are lucky to be alive. Trapped in the car taking a hail of bullets.

This is 100% fake. Stuart Ramsay faked a 2016 documentary about arms dealers in Romania. He and his cameraman paid some dudes to wear ski masks and wave legal hunting weapons around. They also faked an evacuation of Kabul segment by shooting in front of greenscreen and describing the arrival offscreen Taliban (the camera didn't even pan lul).


Some comparison on civilian casualties so far:

Russian Invasion of Ukraine (up to date): 331

Operation Allied Force (NATO bombing of Serbia -24 March – 10 June 1999) : 500+

Operation Enduring Freedom (invasion of Afghanistan 2001 - initial bombing campaign only): 1000+ (there are much higher estimates around)

2003 US/Allies Invasion of Iraq (just the invasion stage, not the occupation): 3,230 - 4,327 (although some go as high as 7,500)

Russian/Georgian War 2008 (12 days): 200-300?

Chechen Wars - ??? (hard to parse these, but if anyone has the time to do the research it would be interesting to see)

The invasion of Ukraine has been going on for a shorter time than any of these so far, so the civilian casualties could well end up much higher if the war continues.

I would be really worried if I were a western journalist in Ukraine right now. Back in the bombing of Serbia, NATO deliberately targeted a TV station, killing 16. Who knows if Russia will now do the same:


So the White House denied that USA will stop buying oil and gas from Russia, saying it'll negatively affect the economy... but they support Europe to cut the import and halt the Nord Stream project, because, well you fuck Europe.
Real allies.
Our prices have become INSANE.
I'm just waiting they announce that we'll start importing gas from USA who will just repackage russain gas and we'll get fucked over twice. There were already attempts at this a few years ago, but it was so expensive and environmentally insane that the thing fell through.

Fun times.

European and US interests are not necessarily aligned in this whole Ukraine/Russia situation, so Europe needs to make sure they do what's best for them, not what's best for Biden.
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“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,'” Kraft said.

Putin did not stop at admiring the ring, though. Kraft said when he signaled his desire for Putin to return the ring, it did not go over as planned.

“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out,” Kraft said.

According to the UK Mirror, Kraft said he had no intention of giving the ring to Putin, and he was not happy about losing it.

"it would really be in the best interest of US-Soviet relations if you meant to give the ring as a present.”

Story seems legit.


That picture doesn't really show a Ukrainian killed him does it now.

I said it in the beginning of this thread and ill say it again:

In war, the truth always dies first.
He was shot in front of the court in Kiev. Who else? Not like he was shot in Ru area.


Gold Member

My parents understand that there is some sort of war going on here. But they say: the Russians have come to liberate you. They won't destroy anything, they won't touch you. They only target military bases, she added.



Bruh... Putin is doing some official meeting at the table with female employees of Aeroflot and explaining why they are invading Ukraine. Wtf even is this circus? And obviously lying through his theeth.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
This is 100% fake. Stuart Ramsay faked a 2016 documentary about arms dealers in Romania. He and his cameraman paid some dudes to wear ski masks and wave legal hunting weapons around. They also faked an evacuation of Kabul segment by shooting in front of greenscreen and describing the arrival offscreen Taliban (the camera didn't even pan lul).

You being serious? You can see a bullet hit the door. You telling me they paid people to shoot live rounds at their car?

Are you wearing a tinfoil hat?

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Man... I am having difficulty staying focused. Elden ring gets me very very angry and it shouldn't. I love it...
I am just noticing I have a hard time not thinking about the end of fucking europe going on.
I am in Poland on the North. I live near a very big city and if something happens, my city will be one of first to go.
And once there is no electricity or anything, there is no food shopping, no water. Nothing. just like in Ukraine now.
I work 2km away, I bicycle to my work. It's a big international company so they will gtfo if something bad happens...
I am not even sure what to do? I already have all my data backed up so I can grab the hdd if I have to go. But what about documents? what about money if there was no work? where would I escape? I don't even have any abroad family to run away to.
Russia is not looking to invade Poland next. Unless they discover oil, then RIP.
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Man... I am having difficulty staying focused. Elden ring gets me very very angry and it shouldn't. I love it...
I am just noticing I have a hard time not thinking about the end of fucking europe going on.
I am in Poland on the North. I live near a very big city and if something happens, my city will be one of first to go.
And once there is no electricity or anything, there is no food shopping, no water. Nothing. just like in Ukraine now.
I work 2km away, I bicycle to my work. It's a big international company so they will gtfo if something bad happens...
I am not even sure what to do? I already have all my data backed up so I can grab the hdd if I have to go. But what about documents? what about money if there was no work? where would I escape? I don't even have any abroad family to run away to.
Dude, if Russia invaded Poland it’s a whole other ball game (nato). The US along with the rest of nato would demolish Russian troops.

That said, might be time to make a “bug out” bag. Just in case.
European and US interests are not necessarily aligned in this whole Ukraine/Russia situation, so Europe needs to make sure they do what's best for them, not what's best for Biden.
In the end they will do whatever the US wants. Their defense is basically paid by Americans tax money.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Reagan is charismatic, articulate, bold, and straight to the face. He exudes confidence. His personality dominates Gorbachev's. They met many times. And he's the dominant alpha.

Leaders we have today are nothing like him. Today's Western leaders are nothing but puppets of the big corporations (FYI, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are already buying cheap Russian bonds, they're trying to make profits already and in essence they're supporting Russian ruble and the oligarches)

JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are already buying cheap Russian bonds, they're trying to make profits already and in essence they're supporting Russian ruble

The one true leader we have right now is defending his country in Kyiv

The US has been owly transforming into an Oligarchy in the Russian model. We now have 400 of so people who control about half the wealth in this country. Those are oligarchs.

And without a doubt Reagan is the single person most responsible for that being the case. Reagan was certainly charismatic, but almost every negative trend in the country can be traced to his administration, skyrocketing wealth inequality, flat middle class wages, increasing racial disparity, declining fertility rates, all of it started with his bullshit magical thinking economic policy.

Even beyond the policy he enacted in his day his rhetoric and people nostalgic for his presidency has been the main thing propping up popular support for this sort of trickle down kleptocracy despite demonstrably failing over and over.

Oligarchs targeted to concentrate attention on the people responsible rather than the average Russian citizen. Sanctions will continue to intensify, administration working on retooling the entire energy pipeline for Europe and the US away from Russian supply. Not afraid of backing Putin into a corner; have to demonstrate that dictators can't get away with wars of aggression.

We can try to insulate everyday people from this. It’s going to be a challenge because the commodities markets are dominated by China and Russia. It’s not just Russian oil. It’s aluminum and copper and lithium and nitrogen based fertilizer. This is going to have long last consequences for everybody. It’s going have an impact on global quality of life. Particularly if you’re poor. Doesn’t mean it isn’t necessary, but people need to understand that we are just at the beginning of the ramifications of all this.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Who knows what Putin is looking for.. he seems senile, if he is looking to build an empire .. who knows which countries he invades.
Just because you don't know what he wants doesn't mean he's just mad. There's a clear explanation.

Ukraine discovered large oil deposits off the coast of Crimea in 2012. They didn't have the tech or resources to tap it so they courted foreign investors to come in. So Russia invaded and annexed Crimea.

Not long after they found oil in and around Donbas. So Russia started a conflict in that region to discourage foreign investors from tapping it as well.

If Ukraine tapped into this oil successfully they could become one of the largest threats to Russia's dominance as the supplier of oil to Europe, especially as much if it's oil passes through pipelines in Ukraine that they pay to use.

Russia is more or less a petro state, like Saudi Arabia. If they lose that, or it gets seriously undercut it could collapse an economy already on the brink. So in that sense, Ukraine is a huge threat, not because of border security but economically.

So Russia moving in on the borders around the eastern half of the country. Their goal is probably not to annex all of Ukraine but to demilitarize them and annex the eastern regions to get at this oil.

This is an economic/resource war, and that's why I am happy that our response has been all out economic warfare for them. Make this not be worth it to them.


°Temp. member
One thing I don’t get - why does Russia have so many nukes? Once you get past 50 is there any point y to having more? They have 6000+


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
One thing I don’t get - why does Russia have so many nukes? Once you get past 50 is there any point y to having more? They have 6000+
Because they've been governed by absolute lunatics for the last 100 years.
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