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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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let's be real here - if the bombs don't kill us, the radiation will. I played enough Fallout to know that :cool:

All I wonder is what happens below USA, Mexico and from there how much radiation can happen. All videos are always USA/Europe, but what about the rest of the world. Philipines, Central / South America. How bad will be for those places?



"Feeding is another form of fighting"
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Simps for Amouranth
Surely NATO should be shipping in a load of drones, slapping a Ukrainian flag on the side and having them piloted from EU countries and just bomb the sweet fuck out of all the Russian armour, if it where me I'd call the cunts bluff and implement a nofly zone, if this war has taught us anything it's that Russia ain't got shit that could pose a threat to the west, it's all been smoke a mirrors, his army is a joke and there logistics are laughable, they'd be tore to shreds.. fuck him, starting shooting down there planes


Gold Member
So the White House denied that USA will stop buying oil and gas from Russia, saying it'll negatively affect the economy... but they support Europe to cut the import and halt the Nord Stream project, because, well you fuck Europe.
Real allies.
Our prices have become INSANE.
I'm just waiting they announce that we'll start importing gas from USA who will just repackage russain gas and we'll get fucked over twice. There were already attempts at this a few years ago, but it was so expensive and environmentally insane that the thing fell through.

Fun times.

US oil consumption of Russia oil is less than 5% of it's overall imports. The White House has already said the door to cut that off is open - and the US has the ability to produce a lot more oil so it's likely just a matter of time. It's different for Europe where the % is huge. US and Canada should increase output and help the EU, and I don't think that's off the table. So no, it won't be repackaged Russian oil.

Libya were probably stupid to get rid of theres.

Libya never had nukes.

Suuure. A dangerous spy. Then it's ok.

So it's confirmed he was a Russian spy if you're complaining.

I'd also note that, generally, spies aren't protected as explicitly under Geneva convention rules and are subject to local laws and other "in state" legal status (e.g. not afforded the full international law protection). Sort of a fuck around and find out scenario that varies. Looks like this dude ran - but honestly - could have also been shot in the face. Considering Ukraine is under martial law, likely a very legal scenario.

So yeah, fuck Russian spies.

Hari Seldon

The US can produce a ton of oil with fracking, but they will have to ramp that back up. A lot of that seemed to have shit down when oil prices fell. I think it is just inherently more expensive than normal drilling.


I'm very concerned about this man shot for treason. What we should do is have Russia withdraw from Ukraine so international observers and war crime experts can be sent in to investigate. If there were any war crimes in Ukraine they need to be prosecuted as a priority, we can all agree.


All I wonder is what happens below USA, Mexico and from there how much radiation can happen. All videos are always USA/Europe, but what about the rest of the world. Philipines, Central / South America. How bad will be for those places?
Funny enough, a nuclear war is actually the best-case scenario for central and southern Argentina, central and southern Chile, and Uruguay, since our southernmost location prevents any debris or radiation that could come from a nuclear war, making us effectively "the last survivors" or "the last place on earth".

If it's about water, both Argentina and Chile have THE most abundant fresh water source in the world (patagonian glaciars), as well as rich agricultural soils. In the case of Chile, even the water from the ocean wouldn't be THAT bad, since Humboldt Current is the richest marine ecosystem in the world, comes from south to north and, if need arises, could be used as a fresh water source using desalinization plants (we already have them here in Chile)

So, our backwater, end-of-the-world, 3rd world countries would become paradise. Hahaha.


Surely NATO should be shipping in a load of drones, slapping a Ukrainian flag on the side and having them piloted from EU countries and just bomb the sweet fuck out of all the Russian armour, if it where me I'd call the cunts bluff and implement a nofly zone, if this war has taught us anything it's that Russia ain't got shit that could pose a threat to the west, it's all been smoke a mirrors, his army is a joke and there logistics are laughable, they'd be tore to shreds.. fuck him, starting shooting down there planes
You're not a parent aren't you?


One of the most glorious photos in all wartime history. Russian soldiers being trapped in an industrial elevator by the Ukrainian maintenance staff cutting power to the building.

In the middle of all this tragedy there are things that are incredibly funny!! Hahaha what a joke!!
Surely NATO should be shipping in a load of drones, slapping a Ukrainian flag on the side and having them piloted from EU countries and just bomb the sweet fuck out of all the Russian armour, if it where me I'd call the cunts bluff and implement a nofly zone, if this war has taught us anything it's that Russia ain't got shit that could pose a threat to the west, it's all been smoke a mirrors, his army is a joke and there logistics are laughable, they'd be tore to shreds.. fuck him, starting shooting down there planes
Dude hold your tits. Calm the fuck down lol


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Retired Admiral William McRaven, former head of US special forces, on Ukraine's chances.

-No-fly zone would drastically escalate the conflict, so cannot be done "for now."
-Russia plainly outmatches Ukraine in combat power.
-When the fighting turns primarily urban, i.e. an occupation, Ukraine will have the advantage. They're tough and know the playfield.
-Zalenskyy has shown remarkable courage and inspired the world.
-Putin's repeated attempts at assassinating Zalenskyy would be a huge mistake, only creating a martyr.
-Putin outmaneuvered the west over the past decade, but he crossed the line with this move. He has become an international pariah, subject to withering economic sanctions, the Russian people largely do not support the war, the Ukrainians are willing to fight, and NATO is becoming stronger.
-Putin, while sometimes reckless, was always a rational actor. Have to wonder if he's still a rational actor, since attempting to take Kiev and subjugate the Ukrainian people is a huge strategic error. Either irrational or merely a miscalculation. Can't discern yet whether he is unbalanced.


This is why I support knowledge tests for voting. The tricky part is taking the human bias out of it.
I think it the best thing to do would be to develop an AI program that would develop IQ tests. we could do focus group experiments with thousands of people of different backrounds recognizing and defining what different objects and stuff are. And then all the data is inputed into the software that then generates various test questions and when the user takes the test they input different information about themselves like where they grew up, etc., and it would spit out a custom tailored exam for that particular person.



Retired Admiral William McRaven, former head of US special forces, on Ukraine's chances.

-No-fly zone would drastically escalate the conflict, so cannot be done "for now."
-Russia plainly outmatches Ukraine in combat power.
-When the fighting turns primarily urban, i.e. an occupation, Ukraine will have the advantage. They're tough and know the playfield.
-Zalenskyy has shown remarkable courage and inspired the world.
-Putin's repeated attempts at assassinating Zalenskyy would be a huge mistake, only creating a martyr.
-Putin outmaneuvered the west over the past decade, but he crossed the line with this move. He has become an international pariah, subject to withering economic sanctions, the Russian people largely do not support the war, the Ukrainians are willing to fight, and NATO is becoming stronger.
-Putin, while sometimes reckless, was always a rational actor. Have to wonder if he's still a rational actor, since attempting to take Kiev and subjugate the Ukrainian people is a huge strategic error. Either irrational or merely a miscalculation. Can't discern yet whether he is unbalanced.

“Former head of us special forces” freakin badass. Even “McRaven” is bad ass
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Fools idol


Retired Admiral William McRaven, former head of US special forces, on Ukraine's chances.

-No-fly zone would drastically escalate the conflict, so cannot be done "for now."
-Russia plainly outmatches Ukraine in combat power.
-When the fighting turns primarily urban, i.e. an occupation, Ukraine will have the advantage. They're tough and know the playfield.
-Zalenskyy has shown remarkable courage and inspired the world.
-Putin's repeated attempts at assassinating Zalenskyy would be a huge mistake, only creating a martyr.
-Putin outmaneuvered the west over the past decade, but he crossed the line with this move. He has become an international pariah, subject to withering economic sanctions, the Russian people largely do not support the war, the Ukrainians are willing to fight, and NATO is becoming stronger.
-Putin, while sometimes reckless, was always a rational actor. Have to wonder if he's still a rational actor, since attempting to take Kiev and subjugate the Ukrainian people is a huge strategic error. Either irrational or merely a miscalculation. Can't discern yet whether he is unbalanced.

a fair few experts are indeed questioning whether Putin has some sort of mental illness. It's the worst nightmare when a dictator with nukes loses his mind /
- however we can hope his inner circle has more than a few Jamie Lannisters.


It's just routine at this point, another Russian tank or aircraft smoked.

Instakill, from hit to ground impact only a few seconds.

Rumor has it, it's the new polish system, the Piorun (Thunderbolt). A modified, Westernized copy of the Russian Verba (one of the best MANPAD systems in the world), same as its predecessor (the Grom) was a modified copy of the Russian Igla.
Apparently the US has bought a bunch of them to complement the existing Stingers.
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It’s a difficult situation, but standing up to him in some capacity is the only way to proceed. The west can always choose who it does business with, and we’re making that choice now.
I think the ultimate question is how long will these sanctions last? Will every country continue to follow these sanctions? Will this tactic actually be effective in the long run and can Russia make up for it in other markets? Tactics like these have been used before, but nations eventually falter and continue to trade with the other country that is forbidden.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

How are they going to control this?

This is so fucked up. What is the end game?

They won't control it. The ability to clamp down on and impose your will on a conquered territory relies on either having the numbers necessary to do so by force or the local population has to fear you enough to not fight back. Russia simply does not have the number of soldiers necessary to hold territories right now and from what I can see the Ukranians aren't afraid of anything. They would rather die than be subjugated.

Putin and his cronies severely underestimated the will of the people and overestimated their able to squash it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I think the ultimate question is how long will these sanctions last? Will every country continue to follow these sanctions? Will this tactic actually be effective in the long run and can Russia make up for it in other markets? Tactics like these have been used before, but nations eventually falter and continue to trade with the other country that is forbidden.
Russia's neighbors have good reason to be concerned about Russia's expansionism long-term, other than China which has no issues defending itself. Farther away, e.g. Germany and the US, if they retool their energy imports they will have no reason to go back to Russia later on.


In the recent 'Putin talking to stuertesses' video, Putin's hand goes through the microphone at around 17 seconds:

Hmmm, somebody that knows video should be able to tell, could it be an encoding artifact? Seems awfully laborious to CGI in Putin for something so insignificant?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I think the ultimate question is how long will these sanctions last? Will every country continue to follow these sanctions? Will this tactic actually be effective in the long run and can Russia make up for it in other markets? Tactics like these have been used before, but nations eventually falter and continue to trade with the other country that is forbidden.
They obviously won't last forever, but the evidence so far is that they don't have to last very long. The Ruble already cratered, businesses all over are cutting ties, and the Russian are so afraid of the damage that they refuse to open their markets. As for making up for the damage in other markets they could help mitigate the damage so long as countries keep buying their oil, but that is a band aid on a bullet wound. There is no recouping all they have lost.

The real damage however is going to be in the economic confidence of Russia. After seeing everything that the Russian government has done since these sanctions have been put in place such as not opening their markets for example has completely destroyed any confidence that foreign investors would have had in the country. Which is one of the reasons why you see companies pulling out in droves. Of course it's PR related, but it's also because Russia has shown itself to be an unreliable financial partner. That is something that is going to take years and years to even partially recover from. The modern world is a global market and if most of the globe doesn't trust you or your economic stability then you are going have a bad time trying to rebuild your economy.

Von Hugh

Hmmm, somebody that knows video should be able to tell, could it be an encoding artifact? Seems awfully laborious to CGI in Putin for something so insignificant?

Eh, I don't know, the whole table including the pitcher/jug and the mics already look very out of place for the whole duration of that clip.

But certainly, someone who knows about video magic, please confirm.


I think it the best thing to do would be to develop an AI program that would develop IQ tests. we could do focus group experiments with thousands of people of different backrounds recognizing and defining what different objects and stuff are. And then all the data is inputed into the software that then generates various test questions and when the user takes the test they input different information about themselves like where they grew up, etc., and it would spit out a custom tailored exam for that particular person.

like the cookies in our browsers and the stuff we click on. yah that's already being done.
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