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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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About 10400 people have been arrested so far for anti-war protests in Russia.

oh yeah sanctions are fully hitting people... but they can't protest because they will go to jail

"i'm not starving, yet."

This dude has no idea what's coming. The Russian people will reminisce the depression of the 90's like some cozy holiday.

The ones that see what's coming are already leaving. I'd honestly advise any Russian to visit some distant relative for a while.
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According to Putin. Other acts of war: not sneezing into a handkerchief, keeping shoes on inside the house, looking at his dog funny, being unable to say "red lolly, yellow lorry" 20 times quickly...

Yeah, he's completely lost it.

At this stage, if we're not going in to stop this shit, I wonder if we'll be evacuating all of Ukraine and let the Russians take it.

Von Hugh

Cost on Russia:

Deployment of the troops, Russian casualties, wreckage of the equipment, how many billion dollars?
Sanctions, near term and long term, how many billions?
Russian ruble tanking, loss of international business, how many billions today alone?
Psychosocial and cultural effects on the whole world in the long term causing migration from Russia and diminished willingness to conduct business with Russia, and other effects, how many billions?

Putler is a god damn lunatic. Anti-social, anti-human psychopath who doesn't even care for his own people.

Apparently there's some data now:

3 billion dollars in destroyed equipment plus millions and millions in abandoned equipment now as well.

Billions in frozen Russian assets also that are outside Russia. Plus any rubles they have are worth maybe half of what is used to be.

Ten thousand Russian troops dead = priceless.

The noose around Putin's neck is getting real tight now I would believe.
  • Thoughtful
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I hope the reports of shortages of food for the Russian army are true, going to be harder and harder to keep the soldiers in line, if you don't even feed them anymore.

(Interesting, for me atleast, Sweden did a inventory on its over 65000 bombshelters, 5% have been found to be in good condition. We have aloooooot of work to do, after 30 years of neglecting our civil defence, alongside the military. All started with the green party here too, "you don't need a military anymore, and nuclear power is DANGEROUS!!").


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
About 10400 people have been arrested so far for anti-war protests in Russia.

"i'm not starving, yet."

This dude has no idea what's coming. The Russian people will reminisce the depression of the 90's like some cozy holiday.

The ones that see what's coming are already leaving. I'd honestly advise any Russian to visit some distant relative for a while.
Preferably south of the equator.
New images of anti-war protests in Russia from today.




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I think it's important to separate civilians from government when looking at this conflict. Civilians on both sides, the truly innocent. The Ukranian government and armed forces aren't a bunch of peaches themselves, and are truly full of corrupt individuals themselves. That's without even mentioning the nazi-ism rife within it.

Speaking of..



Woops. Not a good look!

As a quasi related aside I must say though it's amusing to see leaders across the world tripping over themselves to virtue signal as fast and hard as they can without doing the most basic of research. One of the funniest has been our very own finance minister Chrystia Freeland showing just how gosh darn hard she supports Ukraine. She did it while holding the red and black pro nazi UPA flag. Whoops again!


No worries. She deleted the tweet once everyone pointed out the stupidity. Ah well. Regardless, fuck the Ukrainian government, fuck the Russian government. They both don't have innocent civilians in their minds as they make their decisions, par for the course really. What government ultimately does? Let's hope this conflict comes to an end sooner than later to avoid more civilian casualties.
I'm absolutely with you on this one.

I know a lot of people seem to be unaware that there really is a rise in neo nazism in modern Ukraine prior to the invasion.

Not saying it was at the level of the Nazi party ruling Germany, but it does exist, and they were holding Neo Nazi rallies, in full military gear, in certain parts of the country - but definitely not to the level of Putin making it seem like hes eradicating an entire nation of Neo Nazis.

Theres reports of people of color being discriminated at the border as we speak.

Now again, let me be clear, I am against this invasion.

But I have a huge spot of annoyance for all these blanket Pro-Ukraine posts showing up literally everywhere I go online these days.

It wouldnt be so annoying if it wasnt the fact that a lot of people are swallowing it whole with open arms where we begin to relish in the feel good news of everything Pro-Ukraine - fake news or not, and then completely dismiss anything that may actually be credible coming out of Russia's own reports.

If anything, I'm extremely interested to see what the giant consequences are in the long run and what exactly comes to light once the dust settles in.

I wouldnt be surprised if what comes out Ukraine and the reports of what's being done unto Ukrainians by Ukrainians becomes heart wrenching to listen to.

Everything is anti-Russia to the point where there are honest to god people who believe no war crimes are being done by Ukrainian themselves.

It's a war. It always gets dirty, always.

Anyway, that's all ill post in this thread.

Get enough coverage on this war without being in NeoGaf of all places.


Now again, let me be clear, I am against this invasion.

But I have a huge spot of annoyance for all these blanket Pro-Ukraine posts showing up literally everywhere I go online these days.

It wouldnt be so annoying if it wasnt the fact that a lot of people are swallowing it whole with open arms where we begin to relish in the feel good news of everything Pro-Ukraine - fake news or not, and then completely dismiss anything that may actually be credible coming out of Russia's own reports.
I don't think there's anything relevant coming from the Russian side because they are the instigators, who are invading another nation. If the neo-nazi problem in Ukraine was worth considering, that would be addressed by the Ukrainian government as they continue to try to get NATO membership. Russia did not need to intervene at all, and any of their reporting to the contrary is outright bullshit not worth considering.

I can understand if this was an insurgency or a civil war, but this is a clear invasion by one side, and any claims of war crimes against Ukrainians at this point will be met with a "serves you fucking right" because you can't walk into the lion's den to pick a fight, and then cry foul when you get bit. There's always going to be more sympathy for the side that is the defender. Ukraine did nothing wrong to warrant invasion, and I'm not sure what point there is in entertaining such claims.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I guess... good luck to Israel and their negotiations.

Personally, I find the best way to improve the situation is to STOP INVADING A SOVEREIGN NATION. Idk, call me old fashioned.

Old fashioned would be the whole of Europe embraced in all out war. Thankfully that's not happening.

Apparently there's some data now:

3 billion dollars in destroyed equipment plus millions and millions in abandoned equipment now as well.

Billions in frozen Russian assets also that are outside Russia. Plus any rubles they have are worth maybe half of what is used to be.

Ten thousand Russian troops dead = priceless.

The noose around Putin's neck is getting real tight now I would believe.

I highly doubt ten thousand Russian troops have died in less than ten days.

Propaganda is a useful tool in a war and the Ukrainian government are using it to their advantage. If Russian troops or the population hear that ten thousand troops have already died then it destroys morale on the Russian side. Same with the Ghost of Kyiv and the snake Island story. Propaganda to boost the morale of the Ukrainians.

With both sides ramping up their propaganda and misinformation campaigns, it's really hard to figure out what's true. However, it does appear the Russians are thankfully losing the propaganda war and also struggling in the combat area as well.

I'm also not against mind games . If I was in charge of Ukraine I'd be running the same propaganda campaign to kill off the morale of the Russian forces and win the the psychological war as well.
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Can’t Git Gud
Old fashioned would be the whole of Europe embraced in all out war. Thankfully that's not happening.

I highly doubt ten thousand Russian troops have died in less than ten days.

Propaganda is a useful tool in a war and the Ukrainian government are using it to their advantage. If Russian troops or the population hear that ten thousand troops have already died then it destroys morale on the Russian side. Same with the Ghost of Kyiv and the snake Island story. Propaganda to boost the morale of the Ukrainians.

With both sides ramping up their propaganda and misinformation campaigns, it's really hard to figure out what's true. However, it does appear the Russians are thankfully losing the propaganda war and also struggling in the combat area as well.

I'm also not against mind games . If I was in charge of Ukraine I'd be running the same propaganda campaign to kill off the morale of the Russian forces and win the the psychological war as well.
yeah at this point, it is impossible to say what is true.
I'm absolutely with you on this one.

I know a lot of people seem to be unaware that there really is a rise in neo nazism in modern Ukraine prior to the invasion.

Not saying it was at the level of the Nazi party ruling Germany, but it does exist, and they were holding Neo Nazi rallies, in full military gear, in certain parts of the country - but definitely not to the level of Putin making it seem like hes eradicating an entire nation of Neo Nazis.

Theres reports of people of color being discriminated at the border as we speak.

Now again, let me be clear, I am against this invasion.

But I have a huge spot of annoyance for all these blanket Pro-Ukraine posts showing up literally everywhere I go online these days.

It wouldnt be so annoying if it wasnt the fact that a lot of people are swallowing it whole with open arms where we begin to relish in the feel good news of everything Pro-Ukraine - fake news or not, and then completely dismiss anything that may actually be credible coming out of Russia's own reports.

If anything, I'm extremely interested to see what the giant consequences are in the long run and what exactly comes to light once the dust settles in.

I wouldnt be surprised if what comes out Ukraine and the reports of what's being done unto Ukrainians by Ukrainians becomes heart wrenching to listen to.

Everything is anti-Russia to the point where there are honest to god people who believe no war crimes are being done by Ukrainian themselves.

It's a war. It always gets dirty, always.

Anyway, that's all ill post in this thread.

Get enough coverage on this war without being in NeoGaf of all places.

If people would dig a bit deeper than Twitter/Facebook/Neogaf etc you'll find more than enough shit that will open your eyes to what the Ukrainian government and armed forces are doing. I mean, just do a cursory search for what Azov battalion members are up to during this conflict. Enough videos and images out there. Zelensky being Jewish or not obviously means nothing when you consider the filth that permeates their government and this rise of nazism has been going on for longer than people think.

Like you said, look at how Indian and Pakistani people are being treated at the border. It's disgusting. A lack of nuance and simplistic takes during a complex situation like this does no one any favors. Then again, look at the times we are living in. It's all just npc like takes regurgitated over and over in social media. Lines in the sand are drawn, which side are you on buddy? Better pick the right one, with zero room for deviation or critical thought, lest you be labeled as a Putin sympathizer!

In the end you have Ukrainian citizens dying and being displaced, their homes and neighborhoods destroyed. You've got Russian civilians watching their economy crumble, and everything that goes along with that. This is all incredibly disheartening.
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In Iran there have been bigger and more constant worker demonstration as a result of sanctions that started many years ago and are still going. but the regime isolated the effect from their military organizations and kept on with their external war activities. and the sanctions are about to be lifted soon without addressing the IRGC war activities.
Russia learned from this that sanctions are momentary. the Ruble is back up the past couple of days after hitting a resistance point after the panic. the Russian economy is too big to effectively sanction.
To anyone emphasizing Ukraine's and the West's shortcomings in order to play devil's advocate,

  • Nothing, absolutely nothing justifies Putin's nuclear threats.
  • Nothing excuses the use of vacuum bombs and thermobaric missiles.
  • There is no f*cking reason to attack nuclear power plants, especially not in a country that suffered through one of the worst nuclear catastrophes in human history.

Does Ukraine's military have a problem with far-right extremism? Certainly, but so does Germany and many other countries. Sure it's a problem, but does that mean they need to be "denazified" too now? This is frikkin' absurd!

All these issues pale in comparison to Putin's chief propagandists like Aleksandr Dugin:

Dugin disapproves of liberalism and the West. He asserts: "We are on the side of Stalin and the Soviet Union". He describes himself as being a conservative: "We, conservatives, want a strong, solid State, want order and healthy family, positive values, the reinforcing of the importance of religion and the Church in society". He adds: "We want patriotic radio, TV, patriotic experts, patriotic clubs. We want the media that expresses national interests".

He stated in 2007: "There are no more opponents of Putin's course and, if there are, they are mentally ill and need to be sent off for clinical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, and Putin is indispensable". It was voted number two in flattery by readers of Kommersant.

In the Kremlin, Dugin represents the "war party", a division within the leadership over Ukraine. Dugin is an author of Putin's initiative for the annexation of Crimea by Russia. He considered the war between Russia and Ukraine to be inevitable and appealed for Putin to start intervene in the War in Donbas. Dugin said: "The Russian Renaissance can only stop by Kiev."

This is the ideological underpinning of Putin's world-view and the moral justification of his actions. Russia's entire intelligentsia, from schools to academia, has been replaced by ideological zealots similar to Dugin. Alexander Prokhanov would be another such example. A human that is born into this ideological framework, encircled by an all-encompassing people's party from school to hobby and leisure, has no hope of ever escaping thhis enormous extent of state organized brainwashing.

War is not only waged on the battlefield between soldiers, it is also waged in your mind. The scary part is that Putin himself is trapped into this closed ideological feedback-loop feeding him ever increasing illusions of grandeur. If you must accuse the West of any wrongdoings, then it is our own naivety of not recognizing the rise of this insidious fascist and extremist thinking earlier.

If you think Putin's decisions are rational, you simply have no idea of the brutal, dehumanizing, irrational and archaic intellectual framework that is supporting all of it.


I think it's important to separate civilians from government when looking at this conflict. Civilians on both sides, the truly innocent. The Ukranian government and armed forces aren't a bunch of peaches themselves, and are truly full of corrupt individuals themselves. That's without even mentioning the nazi-ism rife within it.

Speaking of..



Woops. Not a good look!

As a quasi related aside I must say though it's amusing to see leaders across the world tripping over themselves to virtue signal as fast and hard as they can without doing the most basic of research. One of the funniest has been our very own finance minister Chrystia Freeland showing just how gosh darn hard she supports Ukraine. She did it while holding the red and black pro nazi UPA flag. Whoops again!


No worries. She deleted the tweet once everyone pointed out the stupidity. Ah well. Regardless, fuck the Ukrainian government, fuck the Russian government. They both don't have innocent civilians in their minds as they make their decisions, par for the course really. What government ultimately does? Let's hope this conflict comes to an end sooner than later to avoid more civilian casualties.
Again, Russia invaded a sovereign country under false pretexts. I don't see a grey area here, if you do, i don't know what to say.


Russia learned from this that sanctions are momentary.
Biggest sanctions is about oil and gas and so far USA is ready to allow payments via 3rd parties. So... Eh? China is happy, USA is kinda happy too. While EU and RU will struggle for nothing.


Respect to all the people working in hospitals around the conflict areas, that's a hellish job right now.

The house of this couple got bombed, this picture is when they run into the hospital with their 2-year-old kid. The kid died shortly after.

Just wait for the "both sides" guys to come in here and justify how it is Ukraine's fault really or how it's propaganda. The ghost of Kyev is propaganda, and the small wins framed as big wins. This shit here is pure pain on a level no one wants to feel.
Sanctions and company exoduses continue to amass and tighten around Russia. There are more coming, I'm certain.

His response is *always* to sabre-rattle his nuclear capabilities, but I think everyone has realized that's all he has.

He will not win this war without considerable losses and has condemned his own country to many years of darkness and poverty.

Everyone talks of a "no fly zone" and that act would constitute NATO involvement and World War III, which is an accurate statement.

But to me, Putin is unhinged and near his own end(he's 69; average Russian male life expectancy is 71), which doesn't factor in the reports from intelligence that he may indeed be ill.

But see--he now wants to point to sanctions as a declaration of war; next will be the support we(and all other countries) give the Ukrainian people, so on and so forth. He now attacks civilians DURING a ceasefire, etc.

Point is I think he *wants* that conflict, that last "bang" of a man who sees his own end, either by natural means or another.

He seems to keep baiting for it, even though the consequences would be dire for the world at large, even IF the big ones are never fires.
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Can’t Git Gud
Sanctions and company exoduses continue to amass and tighten around Russia. There are more coming, I'm certain.

His response is *always* to sabre-rattle his nuclear capabilities, but I think everyone has realized that's all he has.

He will not win this war without considerable losses and has condemned his own country to many years of darkness and poverty.

Everyone talks of a "no fly zone" and that act would constitute NATO involvement and World War III, which is an accurate statement.

But to me, Putin is unhinged and near his own end(he's 69; average Russian male life expectancy is 71), which doesn't factor in the reports from intelligence that he may indeed be ill.

But see--he now wants to point to sanctions as a declaration of war; next will be the support we(and all other countries) give the Ukrainian people, so on and so forth. He now attacks civilians DURING a ceasefire, etc.

Point is I think he *wants* that conflict, that last "bang" of a man who sees his own end, either by natural means or another.

He seems to keep baiting for it, even though the consequences would be dire for the world at large, even IF the big ones are never fires.
I think he wants all of western companies to exodus. It will be just like ussr....


Just wait for the "both sides" guys to come in here and justify how it is Ukraine's fault really or how it's propaganda. The ghost of Kyev is propaganda, and the small wins framed as big wins. This shit here is pure pain on a level no one wants to feel.
Those cowards can both sides my dick, cockmeat sandwich style.

Here's what Putler's zombies do to defenseless civilians trying to flee: video on Streamable (removed direct play due to graphic content)

And the aftermath. (WARNING: page has a full size photo of covered dead bodies)
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Has Russia asked for their dead back?

You do know their are several accounts now that confirm public executions were planned with this invasion?
The last news I saw was Russia was sending mobile incinerators into Ukraine to burn bodies. I haven't seen a confirmation or an update saying that that was propaganda yet.



aka" Its not my fault your people are falling on top of Russian bullets"


What he says can’t be trusted , agreements made with representatives of his government also can’t be trusted .. he pulling the west’s legs 🤣 he basically has became a 🤡 and is stalling to get more time ..
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Jesus fucking christ, it's all over the news, people evacuating to buses and artillery falling behind them, what the hell it this at this point????
Same trick they used in Syria. Pretend they allow evacuations, then shell the convoys. It's specifically designed to literally mindbreak the people, both non-combatant civvies, and resistance troops.


Sanctions and company exoduses continue to amass and tighten around Russia. There are more coming, I'm certain.

His response is *always* to sabre-rattle his nuclear capabilities, but I think everyone has realized that's all he has.

He will not win this war without considerable losses and has condemned his own country to many years of darkness and poverty.

Everyone talks of a "no fly zone" and that act would constitute NATO involvement and World War III, which is an accurate statement.

But to me, Putin is unhinged and near his own end(he's 69; average Russian male life expectancy is 71), which doesn't factor in the reports from intelligence that he may indeed be ill.

But see--he now wants to point to sanctions as a declaration of war; next will be the support we(and all other countries) give the Ukrainian people, so on and so forth. He now attacks civilians DURING a ceasefire, etc.

Point is I think he *wants* that conflict, that last "bang" of a man who sees his own end, either by natural means or another.

He seems to keep baiting for it, even though the consequences would be dire for the world at large, even IF the big ones are never fires.
Well he goes into the history books as a dictator that had nothing in the end 🤣


Jesus fucking christ, it's all over the news, people evacuating to buses and artillery falling behind them, what the hell it this at this point????
Take a deep breath. A lot of shit is "all over the news". So what?

Who's artillery it is?

What gains Russia by keeping civilians locked down in cities? Bad PR.

What gains Ukrainian national guard from it? Nice meat shield and good PR.

Mind you, I don't say Ukrainian military. I say national guard. Azov. People for whom Putin came. There's no way they're getting out there alive. So why would they let people leave?


Same trick they used in Syria. Pretend they allow evacuations, then shell the convoys. It's specifically designed to literally mindbreak the people, both non-combatant civvies, and resistance troops.
What is fucking griding my gear is this: " who says that? The Ukrainians? Propaganda?" when it''s clearly visible what is going on, they started shelling civilians without giving a fuck.


What is fucking griding my gear is this: " who says that? The Ukrainians? Propaganda?" when it''s clearly visible what is going on, they started shelling civilians without giving a fuck.
So let me get this straight.

There's no way for Ukrainian side to do anything despicable?

There's no way you will believe in anything Russia says?

Whatever happens in reality, all is good as long it benefits Ukrainian narrative and hurts Russian narrative regardless of reality?



Take a deep breath. A lot of shit is "all over the news". So what?

Who's artillery it is?

What gains Russia by keeping civilians locked down in cities? Bad PR.

What gains Ukrainian national guard from it? Nice meat shield and good PR.

Mind you, I don't say Ukrainian military. I say national guard. Azov. People for whom Putin came. There's no way they're getting out there alive. So why would they let people leave?
You know what, you keep fucking that chicken. I won't interact with you no more.

It's one thing to say that there is a lot of propaganda on both side, this shit is on another level, they're killing children and here you stand asking who said it was the Russians or trying to find angles about this.

Then act all sanctimonious acting like you're all neutral, no you're not, you clearly are trying to put he Azov guard angle to justify everything. There are a lot of extreme right all over europe, do you think it justifies invading those countries too and kill civilians? In my country the 3rd most voted party has right wing propaganda which i fucking hate with all my strength. Maybe we should ask Russia to invade us and take care of those bastards.


So let me get this straight.

There's no way for Ukrainian side to do anything despicable?

There's no way you will believe in anything Russia says?

Whatever happens in reality, all is good as long it benefits Ukrainian narrative and hurts Russian narrative regardless of reality?

No, not right you dumbshit. You didn't saw me applaud the death of Russian soldiers and those are soldiers. You on the other hand, you are excusing the bombshell of civilians.


You on the other hand, you are excusing the bombshell of civilians.
When or where I excused hurting civilians? From the very beginning I called for peace talks.

I just don't think that Azov is as small / irrelevant as you imagine.

And I don't see them letting people go knowing what will happen to them next.


Take a deep breath. A lot of shit is "all over the news". So what?

Who's artillery it is?

What gains Russia by keeping civilians locked down in cities? Bad PR.

What gains Ukrainian national guard from it? Nice meat shield and good PR.

Mind you, I don't say Ukrainian military. I say national guard. Azov. People for whom Putin came. There's no way they're getting out there alive. So why would they let people leave?
I don't know who broke the ceasefire first.
From the BBC:

"Russia and Ukraine had agreed in principle to evacuate civilians, but had failed to agree the detail of how the evacuation would take place, the ICRC said.

In particular, it said, the two sides had not agreed on:

  • Specific time, locations and evacuation routes
  • Who may be voluntarily evacuated
  • Whether aid can be brought in, not just the evacuation of civilians out"
Sounds like they never had a proper deal in the first place. In which case I'm not sure why they would send out civilians to evacuate. Especially literally the day after the previous ceasefire and evacuation totally failed.
There is very little detail on what happened for things to break down, just both sides saying the other side shot first. I could envision a situation where some people evacuating had weapons, or where people were trying to bring supplies into the city, and so Russia broke the ceasefire. I could also envision a situation where the Ukrainian government supports the evactuation, but the troops in the city do not. After all, if there are no civilians in the city, then Russia can just blow it to hell and back again without having to worry about civilian casualties. Who knows the details.
However, I disagree that Russia has nothing to gain from keeping civilians locked down in the city. If there is no food or supplies to go around, everybody starts starving etc, there will be no choice but to surrender. This is kind of the whole point of sieging a city. Furthermore, many of these civilians could leave the city, go somewhere else in the country under Ukraine control still, pick up arms and join the fight against the Russians.


I could also envision a situation where the Ukrainian government supports the evactuation, but the troops in the city do not. After all, if there are no civilians in the city, then Russia can just blow it to hell and back again without having to worry about civilian casualties
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