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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Neighbours from Hell
Russia saying any country allowing Ukranian jets to use airfields will be considered involved in the war.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.

You will get numb after a while. like how people carry on in other hot zones in the world.

Russia and China don't exactly like each other. That's not an alliance of trust (if it can even honestly be categorized as an alliance at all.) China WILL use this situation to manipulate Russia, which Putin will hate as long as he's in power, and which his successor will also want to counteract in any way that they can.
Russia saying any country allowing Ukranian jets to use airfields will be considered involved in the war.
Anything helping Ukraine from Putin's point of view is considered an act of war.

He'll be making a huge mistake if he's trying to bait the West into all out war.

The longer this war goes on the weaker Russia becomes with the increased pressure these sanctions apply to their economy. Ukraine dragging this on is absolutely bad news for Russia. The vice grip on Putin's balls is tightening every day.
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This is going to sound incredibly insensitive, but I'll give the Russian airpilots who pulled the trigger on bombing the civil areas the benefit of doubt. There seems to be some possible indicators that point towards the Russian military participants are being misled by their upper command into doing this under pretence of legitimate military exercise targets without knowing civilians are involved.

Some of these supposedly captured Russian troops legitimately sound like they don't know what the fuck they've been sent into.
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A supplemental quote for Orthodox Patriarch Kirill's comments:

...I’m ashamed that the name of Christ has ever been associated with a bomb or an AK47 for the simple reason that people who do that are not following Christ they are disobeying him. And historically I used to wonder why it is there’s so much detail in the New Testament not only about the death and resurrection of Christ but about his trial. And it’s then occurred to me that he was put on trial accused of terrorism – of fomenting political violence, which is exactly what many people, including the late Christopher Hitchens specifically, accused Christianity of. And the interesting thing about the history there is that he was exonerated by Pilate – who knew all about violence – because Christ said to him, look, my kingdom isn’t of this world, otherwise my servants would have been fighting. But to this end I was born, to this end I came into the world, so that I would bear witness to the truth. And Pilate had the sense to see, as anybody can see, that the one thing you cannot do by violent means is impose truth on people. So the two reactions I have are I’m ashamed of it, but I want to point out very clearly that it’s not Christian. People who do this kind of thing in the name of Christ are not Christian, because he said you mustn’t do it. And people say, well that makes it very difficult for folks to decide – yes, of course it does, and it’s very sad. But I sometimes say the existence of counterfeit money does not prove that the real stuff doesn’t exist, but it may make it a little bit hard to find. (Oxford professor/philsopher John Lennox)

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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.

What idiot is actually entertaining that question? Paying for most of Europe's defense for the last 60 years was an act of evil? All the aid we give to various governments around the world? Fucking MEDICAL AID given to poor countries? ,,HuRr DuRr AmErIcA bAd" has always been the credo of retards and edgy teenagers.


Gold Member
This is going to sound incredibly insensitive, but I'll give the Russian airpilots who pulled the trigger on the bombing civil areas the benefit of doubt. There seems to be some possible indicators that point towards the Russian military participants are being misled by their upper command into doing this under pretence of legitimate miliatry exercise targets without knowing civilians are involved.

Some of them legitimately sound like they don't know what the fuck they've been sent into.

Not insensitive, but not right. You can say that the conscripts in the front line are ignorant of things but not pilots. They are far better trained, and likely volunteers or career. So no, they are totally responsible for their bombing (and apartments are clearly not a military target for a bombing run).
Not insensitive, but not right. You can say that the conscripts in the front line are ignorant of things but not pilots. They are far better trained, and likely volunteers or career. So no, they are totally responsible for their bombing (and apartments are clearly not a military target for a bombing run).

Fair enough, if that's the case then there is absolutely no excuse.
Putin will pick on smaller countries, but the dude is a bitch. He doesn’t have the balls to escalate conflict with other nations regardless of how many veiled threats he makes. Help Ukraine.
He knows he'll be bent over and done dry if he escalated this war beyond Ukrainian borders and with a severely crippled economy they'll be running a train on him.


Apparently there's some data now:

3 billion dollars in destroyed equipment plus millions and millions in abandoned equipment now as well.

Billions in frozen Russian assets also that are outside Russia. Plus any rubles they have are worth maybe half of what is used to be.

Ten thousand Russian troops dead = priceless.

The noose around Putin's neck is getting real tight now I would believe.

Is $3 Billion in military equipment actually a notable loss for Russia? That's less than the Taco Tuesday Toilet Paper budget for the US, which for example spent nearly double that on BIPOC Bucks to BIPOC farmers for being BIPOC.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
He knows he'll be bent over and done dry if he escalated this war beyond Ukrainian borders and with a severely crippled economy they'll be running a train on him.
His boyfriend show that they want to venture to Moldova:


Which would suck for multitude of reason, first they would take it in less than a day (poor country), and those UA refugees would probably experienced something even worse than Ukraine.


His boyfriend show that they want to venture to Moldova:


Which would suck for multitude of reason, first they would take it in less than a day (poor country), and those UA refugees would probably experienced something even worse than Ukraine.

Are there nazis in Moldova as well? Nukes? Oppressed russians perhaps?


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
He knows he'll be bent over and done dry if he escalated this war beyond Ukrainian borders and with a severely crippled economy they'll be running a train on him.

Which is why he won't take on any country in NATO. Even without the economy issues, Russia wouldn't stand a chance against NATO.

To start off with, all NATO nations combined have around 25,000 military aircraft to Russia's figure of around 5000. In modern war air superiority is king, and Russia would lose that right off the bat. NATO also has far more combat troops, tanks, ships, aircraft carriers etc etc..... basically NATO is superior in every field.

A war with Russia would mean other CSTO nations would have to come to Russia's aid, but it wouldn't make a difference and NATO still dominates.

The question then comes to nukes, but when we're talking about thousands of nuclear weapons, whoever has the most doesn't matter. If nukes start flying we all die. I don't know if Putin is crazy enough to hit the nuke button. I'd hope somebody in his close circle would understand this would be the desolation of Russia and prevent nukes ever being launched.


Gold Member
Is $3 Billion in military equipment actually a notable loss for Russia? That's less than the Taco Tuesday Toilet Paper budget for the US, which for example spent nearly double that on BIPOC Bucks to BIPOC farmers for being BIPOC.

That's a weird analogy you gave there, but yes, $3B is a lot for Russia - losing that much hardware for any country is a lot when it indicates you're losing the war (against a cheaper, smaller military).


Is $3 Billion in military equipment actually a notable loss for Russia? That's less than the Taco Tuesday Toilet Paper budget for the US, which for example spent nearly double that on BIPOC Bucks to BIPOC farmers for being BIPOC.
$3 billion in equipment, somewhere in the ballpark of 10,000 troops KIA and a completely crippled economy in week 1? They thought they’d have Zelensky’s head and their puppet government running Kyiv by now.

Maybe plan Z was the perfect branding.


His boyfriend show that they want to venture to Moldova:


Which would suck for multitude of reason, first they would take it in less than a day (poor country), and those UA refugees would probably experienced something even worse than Ukraine.

Marco Rubio basically confirmed on Twitter that Moldova is Putin's next target.


$3 billion in equipment, somewhere in the ballpark of 10,000 troops KIA and a completely crippled economy in week 1? They thought they’d have Zelensky’s head and their puppet government running Kyiv by now.

Maybe plan Z was the perfect branding.
Not 10k killed. 10k total casualties. This includes killed, wounded, captured, desertions, missing (by 'missing' they usually mean the ones that got gibbed so hard, there's nothing left of them).

It's still bad, though, for barely over a week of combat.


Russia and China don't exactly like each other. That's not an alliance of trust (if it can even honestly be categorized as an alliance at all.) China WILL use this situation to manipulate Russia, which Putin will hate as long as he's in power, and which his successor will also want to counteract in any way that they can.
Russia/China joint statement ahead of the Beijing Olympics:
“Friendship between the two States has no limits [and that] there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation [...]”
Which is why he won't take on any country in NATO. Even without the economy issues, Russia wouldn't stand a chance against NATO.

To start off with, all NATO nations combined have around 25,000 military aircraft to Russia's figure of around 5000. In modern war air superiority is king, and Russia would lose that right off the bat. NATO also has far more combat troops, tanks, ships, aircraft carriers etc etc..... basically NATO is superior in every field.

A war with Russia would mean other CSTO nations would have to come to Russia's aid, but it wouldn't make a difference and NATO still dominates.

The question then comes to nukes, but when we're talking about thousands of nuclear weapons, whoever has the most doesn't matter. If nukes start flying we all die. I don't know if Putin is crazy enough to hit the nuke button. I'd hope somebody in his close circle would understand this would be the desolation of Russia and prevent nukes ever being launched.
Then why the 'declaration of war' nonsense Putin keeps flaffing on about. Everything Nato or the west does nowadays is a declaration of war according to the sick bastard.
I almost wish the war does get escalated to beyond Ukrainian borders just so this sad sack of shit gets spanked and spanked hard.

Of course that results in more lives lost. Its such a tricky situation and I absolutely hate whats happening right now.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Russia/China joint statement ahead of the Beijing Olympics:
“Friendship between the two States has no limits [and that] there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation [...]”
Grim times ahead. Sanctions should be widened to against not only Russia and Belarus, but China as well. But then the world will be even more destabilised.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Russia/China joint statement ahead of the Beijing Olympics:
“Friendship between the two States has no limits [and that] there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation [...]”
Why are you quoting propaganda at me?


Grim times ahead. Sanctions should be widened to against not only Russia and Belarus, but China as well. But then the world will be even more destabilised.
That’s partially why it would make sense to deal with Putin now and call his bluff otherwise China will be the ones putting sanctions on the west for interfering in their inevitable takeover of Taiwan and Russia will back them up with Nukes to get them what they want. Cutting off China from swift would fuck over companies like Apple that build all their shit in China. Sanctions work in Russia because it’s a closed economy for the most part and not a rich consumer or labor market making US and EU companies rich unlike China.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

A supplemental quote for Orthodox Patriarch Kirill's comments:


That article Brit Hume quoted is interesting. The most fascinating part to me (bolding my own):
Sometimes, unusual and extreme events mark the separation between old and new ways of thinking and being. This week, the Berlin-based journalist Elizabeth Zerofsky remarked that the current moment reminded her of the memoir The World of Yesterday, written by the Austrian novelist Stefan Zweig as World War II loomed. In it, he recalls the twilight of the Austro-Hungarian Empire with an almost naive fondness. On the first day of the Ukraine invasion, I happened to be speaking to a group of college students who had no memory of September 11. I told them that they may be living in history. Those students, like all of us, are bearing witness to one of those rare events that recast how individuals and nations alike view the world they inhabit.

The coming weeks, months, and years are likely to be as fascinating as they are terrifying. In a sense, we knew that a great confrontation was coming, even if we hadn’t quite envisioned its precise contours. At the start of his presidency, Joe Biden declared that the battle between democracies and autocracies would be the defining struggle of our time. This was grandiose rhetoric, but was it more than that? What does it actually mean to fight such a battle?


Gold Member
Russia saying any country allowing Ukranian jets to use airfields will be considered involved in the war.

Honestly, based on Russian responses and capabilities NATO might as well turn a blind eye to Ukrainians using airfields in NATO countries. All these nations would be doing is the air equivalent of supplying arms and supplies to Ukraine, if the Russian MOD has an issue with what the Ukrainians are doing with their own weapons in their own country, they can talk with the Ukrainian President.

A Russian strike into NATO territory to disable aide of any kind to Ukraine should be enough reason for for installing a no-fly zone in Western Ukraine and to safeguard a humanitarian corridor to help fleeing civilians that the Russians are shooting at and killing.


Gold Member
You know all of this No Fly Zone = WWIII talk from both sides of the aisle in the US is eerily similar to the US not wanting to get involved in WWII until Pearl Harbor was attacked.

What is shocking is the fact that both the UK and USA have a signed agreement with Ukraine

Which has six main points

  1. Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.
  2. Refrain from the threat or the use of force against Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.
  3. Refrain from using economic pressure on Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine to influence their politics.
  4. Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".
  5. Refrain from the use of nuclear arms against Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.
  6. Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments.
The Budapest Memorandum was negotiated at political level, but it is not entirely clear whether the instrument is devoid entirely of legal provisions. It refers to assurances, but it does not impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties. It gives signatories justification if they take action, but it does not force anyone to act in Ukraine.

So essentially the USA and UK are choosing to argue the document is not legal and we despite offering "security assurances" should sit back and not engage with a foreign military power on Ukraine sovereign soil, but we do offer our "assurances".
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is on perm warning for being a low level troll
What is shocking is the fact that both the UK and USA have a signed agreement with Ukraine

Which has six main points

  1. Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.
  2. Refrain from the threat or the use of force against Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.
  3. Refrain from using economic pressure on Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine to influence their politics.
  4. Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".
  5. Refrain from the use of nuclear arms against Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.
  6. Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments.
The Budapest Memorandum was negotiated at political level, but it is not entirely clear whether the instrument is devoid entirely of legal provisions. It refers to assurances, but it does not impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties. It gives signatories justification if they take action, but it does not force anyone to act in Ukraine.

So essentially the USA and UK are choosing to argue the document is not legal and we despite offering "security assurances" should sit back and not engage with a foreign military power on Ukraine sovereign soil, but we do offer our "assurances".

Well Russia signed that agreement too so I guess we know what value it holds today.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Like Xi Jinping's internet shutdown? Seems communist totalitarian regimes are reverting back to their former selves, no?
China's Great Firewall strategy also involved making equivalent platforms to Google, Facebook, eBay, etc., and blocking the western versions, which had a benefit for China's economic development (as well as their levers of control). It doesn't seem likely that Russia can pull off that plan.
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