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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Which is why he won't take on any country in NATO. Even without the economy issues, Russia wouldn't stand a chance against NATO.

To start off with, all NATO nations combined have around 25,000 military aircraft to Russia's figure of around 5000. In modern war air superiority is king, and Russia would lose that right off the bat. NATO also has far more combat troops, tanks, ships, aircraft carriers etc etc..... basically NATO is superior in every field.

A war with Russia would mean other CSTO nations would have to come to Russia's aid, but it wouldn't make a difference and NATO still dominates.

The question then comes to nukes, but when we're talking about thousands of nuclear weapons, whoever has the most doesn't matter. If nukes start flying we all die. I don't know if Putin is crazy enough to hit the nuke button. I'd hope somebody in his close circle would understand this would be the desolation of Russia and prevent nukes ever being launched.
Without nuclear weapons on the conversations, USA alone could fuck him up good. There is not a chance he will hold that army. They're immense across the board. Navy, Airforce, Special forces, Artillery, etc.

This is not USSR anymore, it's just Russia, he is living on a utopia where he believes he has the might of the Soviet Union or even Russia before Soviet Union. Ukraine served to prove that is nowhere near that and never will be.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Yeah. All this stuff about the Russian people not supporting this invasion where children are being butchered should probably be put lie to. Yes there are demonstrations, but an awful lot of Russians love this shit.
People really underestimate the amount of extremism even from ordinary Russian. I understand that they probably not met many of them, but here they are quite a lot of them. Insane contrast to Ukranians here, might add to that.


Without nuclear weapons on the conversations, USA alone could fuck him up good. There is not a chance he will hold that army. They're immense across the board. Navy, Airforce, Special forces, Artillery, etc.

This is not USSR anymore, it's just Russia, he is living on a utopia where he believes he has the might of the Soviet Union or even Russia before Soviet Union. Ukraine served to prove that is nowhere near that and never will be.

It would be endless miles of burning Russian tanks. Literally, police and armed citizens are taking out their convoys now. I have my doubts the US military would lose that many considering what Russia has shown. Not to mention, the US military has been fighting enemies for the last 20 years that hide within civilian populations or in caves. These Russians are out in the open like cattle, not even trying to be deceptive or secretive about anything.
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Learning some basic survivalist/prepper skills is looking pretty attractive right now. Might be an overreaction, but still.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Learning some basic survivalist/prepper skills is looking pretty attractive right now. Might be an overreaction, but still.
Never hurts to have practical skills and a two week food and water supply. Came in handy during early Covid, comes in handy during natural disasters, can come in handy in the future. Living in fear is not the way to go, though.


Learning some basic survivalist/prepper skills is looking pretty attractive right now. Might be an overreaction, but still.
Remember to duck and cover. Some people say stock up on iodine pills, as they help stop isotopes building up the thyroid gland, but the real hardcore move is cyanide pills.


Can’t Git Gud
Never hurts to have practical skills and a two week food and water supply. Came in handy during early Covid, comes in handy during natural disasters, can come in handy in the future. Living in fear is not the way to go, though.
Yeah I am going to buy some water and canned food later. Just in case.
How much water does a man need to survive a month? Like 50 litera right?
And a can of beans and tuna a day. Nice
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Gold Member
Not even Stalin banned foreign journalists. Echo Moscow being shut down too which has an interesting history. Guess the next logical step is to not allow Russian citizens to leave and to reinstate SMERSH.

This must be horrific for those in Russia who have not bought into the propaganda machine Putin has pumped out. Obviously this has been unimaginable for those in Ukraine.

We have a lot to think about. We’ve allowed Putin into the G8 (before the Ukraine 2014 invasion), we’ve had multiple governments now legitimize him by photo ops and romantizing this notion of being some sort of democratic sympathizer, we’ve allowed him to consistently break his word since 2000, we have allowed ourselves to become dependent on their energy, we’ve allowed defence spending to lapse and most of NATO’s defences are not where they should be, and on and on.

Now we are in a situation of our own doing. We preach patience and use moral equivalencies in order to justify our reponses. We use straw man arguments to justify the threat of nuclear armaments. Meanwhile we are all in support of Ukraine.

I just heard an argument from a journalist that maybe we should start relying on oil more from other dictatorships as a lesser evil. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

I understand this is complex, but the signs were all there. This is a problem that most likely isn’t going to go away. Those who think Russian citizens will just dispose their leader, I fear have not studied Russian subjugation and its effectiveness. Those who think the oligarchs will just get rid of him probably haven’t heard exiled oligarchs explain the mechanisms of which Putin owns 95% of everything. Those who think Putin would never attack a NATO country have never studied the World Wars nor read much about Putin.
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Putin could definitely care less about the civilian deaths. Their first initial assault seemed logical and only military targets. Now, they are shelling and bombing entire cities indiscriminately. I think they are frustrated by local resistance and are now trying to break the morale of the civilians. The allies and axis powers did the same thing in WW2. They called it "strategic bombing."
Uh, no.

The strategic bombing the Allies did was aimed at hampering the Axis war effort. They targeted concentrations of munitions factories, tank factories, plane factories, oil refineries, railway junctions, etc. And they did it with 1940s level technology (imprecise "dumb" bombs that basically led to you bombing an area with the target in it instead of just the target, and that was during the day when you could see what you were trying to hit) and often without established air superiority. They had to bomb while dodging fighters and flak at altitudes of over 20,000 feet while basically eyeballing it. The British did it at night when they could not see shit. It was the best either of them could do.

Russia is shelling residential areas with the benefit of GPS precision, satellite imagery, thermal imagery/night vision and uncontested (no significant enemy fighter presence) air superiority. There is no reason to believe they are doing it on accident. Add in that Ukraine's military industry accounted for less than 1% of GDP in 2018 and it becomes apparent that the Russians honestly do not have many targets to hit beside the infantry of the Ukrainian army themselves. They already hit the Antonov airfield (destroying the world's largest ever plane in the process (bastards)) what more can they get? Old tank factories that barely make any tanks?

The only possible explanation to legitimize this is that they are trying to attack fleeing Ukrainian soldiers but even then we know they have taken over a power plant, which is civilian infrastructure. It is hard to give them the benefit of the doubt here.
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Uh, no.

The strategic bombing the Allies did was aimed at hampering the Axis war effort.
Not quite. While it is true military targets were intended. It still resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the allied commanders knew about the mounting pile of civilian deaths in these bombing campaigns.

"On the night of March 9, 1945, U.S. warplanes launch a new bombing offensive against Japan, dropping 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs on Tokyo over the course of the next 48 hours. Almost 16 square miles in and around the Japanese capital were incinerated, and between 80,000 and 130,000 Japanese civilians were killed in the worst single firestorm in recorded history."


Winston Churchill went so far as to write, "the destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing." While there were legitimate military targets in Dresden, how can one sanction the deliberate targeting of the civilian population? Frederick Taylor’s judgment still rings true: “When we think of Dresden, we wrestle with the limits of what is permissible, even in the best of causes.”



Russians are going to do to Ukrainian cities what they did to Warsaw after the uprising purely out of spite. The Ukrainian people will win but it will come at the cost of levelled cities.
Russia has literally gone back to the bad old days of the USSR in under a week. Economic and cultural isolation and a future of being China's bitch.
Hermit kingdom with nukes.
Enjoy the trabants or whatever the Chinese alternative will be.
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Not quite. While it is true military targets were intended. It still resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the allied commanders knew about the mounting pile of civilian deaths in these bombing campaigns.

"On the night of March 9, 1945, U.S. warplanes launch a new bombing offensive against Japan, dropping 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs on Tokyo over the course of the next 48 hours. Almost 16 square miles in and around the Japanese capital were incinerated, and between 80,000 and 130,000 Japanese civilians were killed in the worst single firestorm in recorded history."


Winston Churchill went so far as to write, "the destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing." While there were legitimate military targets in Dresden, how can one sanction the deliberate targeting of the civilian population? Frederick Taylor’s judgment still rings true: “When we think of Dresden, we wrestle with the limits of what is permissible, even in the best of causes.”

The allied bombings in WWII were indeed horrific and appalling. They were also done under duress and without really any other viable options. Any comparisons to what Russia is currently doing in 2022 are pretty much worthless given the vast chasm between what was then and what is now.

The allies did awful things, but they didn’t start the fight.


Learning some basic survivalist/prepper skills is looking pretty attractive right now. Might be an overreaction, but still.

Now? I've been doing that since the first Covid lockdown in China. I've developed a caution for further potential lockdowns and there have been many cases of "Heightened restrictions" since then but China hasn't gone full lockdown. What has been happening for some time here in China (and I believe elsewhere) is rising meat prices.

Prepping skills means you but bulk on any discounted long life of freezable products, so I'm good for a long time.


Gold Member
The allied bombings in WWII were indeed horrific and appalling. They were also done under duress and without really any other viable options. Any comparisons to what Russia is currently doing in 2022 are pretty much worthless given the vast chasm between what was then and what is now.

The allies did awful things, but they didn’t start the fight.

Reality is, they learned from it and don't do it anymore. Don't know why it's being brought up, except to create a whataboutism critique of Ukraine and NATO while Russia conducta the same errors - nearly a century later.


Not quite. While it is true military targets were intended. It still resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the allied commanders knew about the mounting pile of civilian deaths in these bombing campaigns.

"On the night of March 9, 1945, U.S. warplanes launch a new bombing offensive against Japan, dropping 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs on Tokyo over the course of the next 48 hours. Almost 16 square miles in and around the Japanese capital were incinerated, and between 80,000 and 130,000 Japanese civilians were killed in the worst single firestorm in recorded history."


Winston Churchill went so far as to write, "the destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing." While there were legitimate military targets in Dresden, how can one sanction the deliberate targeting of the civilian population? Frederick Taylor’s judgment still rings true: “When we think of Dresden, we wrestle with the limits of what is permissible, even in the best of causes.”


This seemingly endless re-litigation of the actions taken by allied forces during WW2 really does need to stop.

The modern context being applied to them totally warps and twists the reality of the situation they faced.

It was total war. A fight for the future of humanity. Millions were being butchered by the Axis forces.

We cannot sit here in 2022 and criticise what the allies did, because we have literally no knowledge of their lived experience. Yes, mistakes were made. Of course they were. But the Nazis, Italians and Japanese are the ones responsible for every single death incurred… because they started the damn war. The same applies here. Every Russian killed is Putin’s fault.

The only real purpose in critiquing allied actions in WW2 against Putin’a actions now, is to somehow try to justify what Russia are doing with whataboutery.

This is morally and intellectually wrong. Stop it.
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This seemingly endless re-litigation of the actions taken by allied forces during WW2 really does need to stop.

The modern context being applied to them totally warps and twists the reality of the situation they faced.

It was total war. A fight for the future of humanity. Millions were being butchered by the Axis forces.

We cannot sit here in 2022 and criticise what the allies did, because we have literally no knowledge of their lived experience. Yes, mistakes were made. Of course they were. But the Nazis, Italians and Japanese are the ones responsible for every single death incurred… because they started the damn war. The same applies here. Every Russian killed is Putin’s fault.

The only real purpose in critiquing allied actions in WW2 against Putin’a actions now, is to somehow try to justify what Russia are doing with whataboutery.

This is morally and intellectually wrong. Stop it.
Calm your tits. I was just refuting what was said by the person that quoted me. Not once did I try to make an equivalence to Russia. Nothing I posted was false. Even Winston Churchill started to seriously question the morality of strategic bombing due to the cost of civilian life. This is history whether you like it or not.
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This seemingly endless re-litigation of the actions taken by allied forces during WW2 really does need to stop.

The modern context being applied to them totally warps and twists the reality of the situation they faced.

It was total war. A fight for the future of humanity. Millions were being butchered by the Axis forces.

We cannot sit here in 2022 and criticise what the allies did, because we have literally no knowledge of their lived experience. Yes, mistakes were made. Of course they were. But the Nazis, Italians and Japanese are the ones responsible for every single death incurred… because they started the damn war. The same applies here. Every Russian killed is Putin’s fault.

The only real purpose in critiquing allied actions in WW2 against Putin’a actions now, is to somehow try to justify what Russia are doing with whataboutery.

This is morally and intellectually wrong. Stop it.
Dan Carlin from Hardcore history had an excellent point about not being too hard on the appeasers like Neville Chamberlain pre WWII as well. Men like him lived through and fought in WWI and were earnestly trying to avoid that horrific level of bloodshed which only ended 21 years earlier at that point and in some ways they knew even then that Hitler was a direct result of overly harsh sanctions and petty land grab politics as a result of the treaty of Versailles. You really can’t judge historical figures unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.
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Gold Member
Calm your tits. I was just refuting what was said by the person that quoted me. Not once did I try to make an equivalence to Russia. Nothing I posted was false. Even Winston Churchill started to seriously question the morality of strategic bombing due to the cost of civilian life. This is history whether you like it or not.

If you're not making an equivalency argument, and just sharing random history lessons then it's just a derail. Though you've made enough comments in this thread that has tried to find equivalency or pointed fingers at the west for what's happened I don't know if I believe your assertion youre just sharing facts.


Russians are going to do to Ukrainian cities what they did to Warsaw after the uprising purely out of spite. The Ukrainian people will win but it will come at the cost of levelled cities.
Russia has literally gone back to the bad old days of the USSR in under a week. Economic and cultural isolation and a future of being China's bitch.
Hermit kingdom with nukes.
Enjoy the trabants or whatever the Chinese alternative will be.

So maybe the best thing to do to spite Putin is to start collecting funds into a massive "rebuild ukraine" fund/charity. So that every building the russian army trashes is basically already paid for rebuilding.

I don't know if it's feasible but it would annoy the living hell out of Putin
If you're not making an equivalency argument, and just sharing random history lessons then it's just a derail. Though you've made enough comments in this thread that has tried to find equivalency or pointed fingers at the west for what's happened I don't know if I believe your assertion youre just sharing facts.
Dude, omg. Someone quoted me saying they only targeted military targets and while that is somewhat true, it still resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians. I provided proof of my statement with a quote from Winston Churchill that displays he knew about the devastating toll they cost and started to question the morality of the strategy.

How have I pointed fingers at the fucking west dude? Like seriously man. The west isn't even involved in this fucking conflict. You're looking for enemies in this thread where there are none.
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