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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Looks like Germany has doubled their defense budget spend since this Ukrainian invasion by Putin.

Lol he's strengthening the Nato alliance. Good.

Let's hope he picks a fight with them so they can end him.
NATO needs to seriously build up their troops around thier borders. Not to strike, but to tell Putin "we are here and we are fucking ready if you try anything stupid on NATO soil."
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Neo Member
I'm wondering what was the cataclysmic event that Putin saw coming for Russia, that spurred this disastrous invasion. What is Putin trying to protect against, because this looks like a resource grab, rather than some old USSR nostalgia kick. Are there some commodity that Russia can corner a market on by capturing Ukraine? Like can they squeeze the grain or precious metals markets with Ukraine under their control? Because there should logically be a long-term contingency plan for recovering from the financial crisis that this invasion has incurred....right?


What is shocking is the fact that both the UK and USA have a signed agreement with Ukraine

Which has six main points

  1. Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.
  2. Refrain from the threat or the use of force against Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.
  3. Refrain from using economic pressure on Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine to influence their politics.
  4. Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".
  5. Refrain from the use of nuclear arms against Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.
  6. Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments.
The Budapest Memorandum was negotiated at political level, but it is not entirely clear whether the instrument is devoid entirely of legal provisions. It refers to assurances, but it does not impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties. It gives signatories justification if they take action, but it does not force anyone to act in Ukraine.

So essentially the USA and UK are choosing to argue the document is not legal and we despite offering "security assurances" should sit back and not engage with a foreign military power on Ukraine sovereign soil, but we do offer our "assurances".

1997: Russia lost war in Chechenia making it de facto independent
1997:Nato announces 3 new members by 1999
1998:Russia bankrupts ,NATO issues order on making plans to invade Yugoslavia,French general leaks plan to Yugoslavs postponing invasion.
1999:March 12 Czech Republic,Poland,Hungary join NATO entering east europe.
1999:March 24 NATO War on Yugoslavia
*Yugoslavia pro Russian country
*Kosovo occupied by NATO(Kosovo is one of best strategic places in south europe,it is from here old Empires use to control roads from europe to asia/africa)
*First time since 1945 country gets attacked by Superpower without UN approval or invitation from host country.(After it Iraq,Lyibia,Syiria)
2000:Color revolution in Yugoslavia,pro NATO government instaled.
2001:War in Macedonia ,NATO expanding influence ,The US exit Anti Balistic Missle Treaty with Russia.
2002:NATO announces 7 more countries joining by 2004.
2003:Color revolution in Georgia ,new pro NATO orientation
2003:Assassination of Serbian Prime Minister,new government tells Russians to withdraw its army from Kosovo.
*Bulgaria and Romania joins NATO making Russians lose last influence they had in South Europe
*Slovenia and Slovakia joins NATO making Russians lose Central Europe
*Lithuania,Lethonia,Estonia joins alliance, NATO at Russian borders
2004:Color revolution in Ukraine,pro NATO government
2005:Color revolution in Kyrgistan ending pro Russian government
2006:Montenegro(big Russian stronghold since 18 century with access to sea) leaves union with Yugoslavia,pro west government
2007:NATO Plans to instal missle shields in Poland and Czech to protect europe against Iran promising they wont be pointed towards Moscow.
2008:Kosovo declares independence supported by NATO and allies going against UN resolution they made in 1999.
2008:At NATO summit It was decided to postpone invitation to Georgia and Ukraine till December.
*Official reason :Germany objected,real reason Georgia had 2 breakaway republics(under Russian protection) and Russia had military bases in Crimea.
If Georgia conducted military operation and Russians did not respond they would be considered weak and Ukranians would terminate Crimea deal.War did not go well for Georgians and Ukraine told Russians they wont expand Crimea deal(ending in 2017)
Russians recognized 2 breakaway republics(Abhazia, South Ossetia) and invading Georgia without UN approval.
We are now at point were 4 outa 5 UN security council members are breaking international law.
2009:Albania and Croatia joined NATO.
2010:Elections in Ukraine ,pro west Yulia Timoschenko vs Pro Russia Victor Yanukovich,
*West Ukraine voted for Yulia and East Ukraine for Victor.Victor won by 3 percent.
*Crimea bases extended to Russians for 25 more years.

2011:Arab Spring,only Russian base outside former soviet union located in Syria
2012:Gas reserves found in Black sea would make Ukraine number 15 gas exporter in world and number 1 in europe(not counting Russia)
2013:EU and NATO pressuring Ukraine to pick side(Their side)
*Yanukovich asked 30 billion dollars,EU offered 600 millions and ordered change of laws in Ukraine.Russians offered 15 billion,30 percent gas price cut and no law changes.
*Russian offer accepted triggering demonstrations.
2014 NATO bombing of Isis in Syria but also targeting Assad regime.
2014:Revolution in Ukraine ,Yanukovich flees to Russia
*Crimea joins Russis
*War in Dobas
*Crimea hosts biggest port in Black sea and is only ice free port all year round,losing this makes them guests in Black sea,lost control over it south borders.
2015:Russia joins war in Syria on Assad side defending last base they have outside former soviet union.
2016:NATO missile shield in Poland and Romania
2017:Montenegro joins NATO
*NATO now in control of entire Adriatic sea sucsesfully blocking Russia from installing military bases in South Europe,
2018:Ukranian orthodox church splits from Russian.
2019:Venezuela crisis
*Last Russian ally in South America
*Venezuela almost got attacked by NATO countries
2020:Biggest anti government protest in Belarus supported by west.
*Lukashenko almost fell from power
2021:War in Donbas resumed after 2016,Ukranian forces getting ready to liberate Donbas
2022:Finland interested to join NATO.
2022:Russia invades Ukraine.

Around 80 percent of Russians live on 10 percent of territory between Belarus and Ukraine on West and Volga river on East,so if you are going to conquer Russia you only have to stab it at heart.
Tatars,Poles,Germans 2 times,French,various hordes failed in past because supply lines was too far away but if starting lines at Finland,Belarus and Ukraine that is game over ,no way you could defend that.

Main goal is this:

It was already tried 100 years ago during Russian civil war,

From Russian perspective they are the one been attacked here by NATO and west,we all know it they aint gonna stop at Ukraine,they made it pretty clear they will reset NATO back to 1997 one way or another.Lot of people here thinks that Putin went crazy that they started planing this year ago but truth is they been preparing for this for long time ,4d chess ,puzzle ,clash of civilizations but whatever happens i hope to get to play Elden Ring before everything goes into pieces.

PS:Hoping for alien invasion.

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I'm glad to see that number of the Russia apologists has dwindled down in this thread... It's fucking terrible that it took Putin to start killing civilians before it happened. The last 2 days have been terrible for Ukraine. Not because of any significant military losses. The army is doing OK there. But because the targeting of civilians has been dialed up by Putin. At this point it looks like his strategy is just to destroy as much as possible before... Well I don't even know before what... He dies?
I'm glad to see that number of the Russia apologists has dwindled down in this thread... It's fucking terrible that it took Putin to start killing civilians before it happened. The last 2 days have been terrible for Ukraine. Not because of any significant military losses. The army is doing OK there. But because the targeting of civilians has been dialed up by Putin. At this point it looks like his strategy is just to destroy as much as possible before... Well I don't even know before what... He dies?
Seems like Putin is content in conquering rubble. I've been appalled by the amount of destruction I'm seeing that it's getting hard to watch the news lately. That mother fucker denied humanitarian evacuation passages and still kept shelling the cities.
Seems like Putin is content in conquering rubble. I've been appalled by the amount of destruction I'm seeing that it's getting hard to watch the news lately. That mother fucker denied humanitarian evacuation passages and still kept shelling the cities.
He's looking to win a psychological battle as well going by how fierce Ukrainians are in their resistance.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
It's official. Putin committing war crimes in Ukraine is not a violation of the Twitter rules and they won't close his account.
Insane, tankies infest everything


Calm your tits. I was just refuting what was said by the person that quoted me. Not once did I try to make an equivalence to Russia. Nothing I posted was false. Even Winston Churchill started to seriously question the morality of strategic bombing due to the cost of civilian life. This is history whether you like it or not.

It is history... but I just don't think stuff from the second world war needs bringing up at all in a thread about what's happening in Russia right now. I know you're not one of the pro-Russian loons we seem to have lurking about around here, but your post felt along the same lines as some of the whataboutery being thrown around.
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Dan Carlin from Hardcore history had an excellent point about not being too hard on the appeasers like Neville Chamberlain pre WWII as well. Men like him lived through and fought in WWI and were earnestly trying to avoid that horrific level of bloodshed which only ended 21 years earlier at that point and in some ways they knew even then that Hitler was a direct result of overly harsh sanctions and petty land grab politics as a result of the treaty of Versailles. You really can’t judge historical figures unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.

Yep. It's way too easy for people in the modern, enlightened world to look back on the events of the 30s and 40s with a critical eye, and condemn actions on both sides.

What Putin is currently doing bears absolutely zero similarity with the actions of the allies in WW2. Zero.


I saw a post elsewhere that made a good point about nuclear power. It is definitely a downside to nuclear power if nothing can happen to it without causing a major radiation leak or meltdown. If a coal plant is bombed, hit with an earthquake or a tsunami, it isn't going to create a major meltdown or anything. I'm no expert, but I am pretty sure you can't just turn off a nuclear reactor. The workers at the these nuclear plants are basically hostages working to keep the plant up and running without a meltdown. I would not want to be in that situation.
Thorium fuel reactors. Thorium is not radioactive in the same way enriched uranium is. It needs to be bombarded with neutrons from an outside source to be able to continue chain reactions. If the plant falls into disrepair or the maintenance functions are disrupted/shut down/damaged it will stop receiving it's neutron stimulation and go back to being stable. No chance of meltdown. Only the reactor's core would be radioactive for a significant period of time afterwards and those are typically encased in several feet of concrete.

Fortunately/Unfortunately good old fashioned racism will keep that partnership limited. Looking down on non-Chinese is sadly widespread in the PRC and the old scare of the "yellow peril" is still alive in Russia.

Seems like Russia is going to disconnect from the global Internet.


People will always find a way to get away.
And how are they going to bring back those citizens? By force? 😂
Putin's reach is long. Very long.


I'm glad to see that number of the Russia apologists has dwindled down in this thread... It's fucking terrible that it took Putin to start killing civilians before it happened. The last 2 days have been terrible for Ukraine. Not because of any significant military losses. The army is doing OK there. But because the targeting of civilians has been dialed up by Putin. At this point it looks like his strategy is just to destroy as much as possible before... Well I don't even know before what... He dies?

Make no mistake, this war changes the dynamic of even online forums like this. Putin has effectively killed off any notion of a commonality between us in the west, and people in Russia. He's destroyed whatever constructive relationships we may have had with them. Cunt.
It is history... but I just don't think stuff from the second world war needs bringing up at all in a thread about what's happening in Russia right now. I know you're not one of the pro-Russian loons we seem to have lurking about around here, but your post felt along the same lines as some of the whataboutery being thrown around.
I was just responding to someone who quoted me on the matter. I'm not trying to derail this thread or engage in "whataboutery".If I really wanted to do that, I could endlessly talk about other controversial matters in American military history or other countries. Of which I'm not interested in. WW2 is just a subject that I know and take seriously. I promise not to talk about it further if no one else quotes me on the matter.


Neighbours from Hell
No one is better at talking about Ukraine Russia in an entertaining and funny way without being insensitive or disrespectful than Tim Dillon. In his latest pod he had a guest on, I forget who it was who said "Just wait til gas in the States goes up to $10 a gallon, then we'll be the ones going to war with Ukraine." :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Gold Member
1997: Russia lost war in Chechenia making it de facto independent
1997:Nato announces 3 new members by 1999
1998:Russia bankrupts ,NATO issues order on making plans to invade Yugoslavia,French general leaks plan to Yugoslavs postponing invasion.
1999:March 12 Czech Republic,Poland,Hungary join NATO entering east europe.
1999:March 24 NATO War on Yugoslavia
*Yugoslavia pro Russian country
*Kosovo occupied by NATO(Kosovo is one of best strategic places in south europe,it is from here old Empires use to control roads from europe to asia/africa)
*First time since 1945 country gets attacked by Superpower without UN approval or invitation from host country.(After it Iraq,Lyibia,Syiria)
2000:Color revolution in Yugoslavia,pro NATO government instaled.
2001:War in Macedonia ,NATO expanding influence ,The US exit Anti Balistic Missle Treaty with Russia.
2002:NATO announces 7 more countries joining by 2004.
2003:Color revolution in Georgia ,new pro NATO orientation
2003:Assassination of Serbian Prime Minister,new government tells Russians to withdraw its army from Kosovo.
*Bulgaria and Romania joins NATO making Russians lose last influence they had in South Europe
*Slovenia and Slovakia joins NATO making Russians lose Central Europe
*Lithuania,Lethonia,Estonia joins alliance, NATO at Russian borders
2004:Color revolution in Ukraine,pro NATO government
2005:Color revolution in Kyrgistan ending pro Russian government
2006:Montenegro(big Russian stronghold since 18 century with access to sea) leaves union with Yugoslavia,pro west government
2007:NATO Plans to instal missle shields in Poland and Czech to protect europe against Iran promising they wont be pointed towards Moscow.
2008:Kosovo declares independence supported by NATO and allies going against UN resolution they made in 1999.
2008:At NATO summit It was decided to postpone invitation to Georgia and Ukraine till December.
*Official reason :Germany objected,real reason Georgia had 2 breakaway republics(under Russian protection) and Russia had military bases in Crimea.
If Georgia conducted military operation and Russians did not respond they would be considered weak and Ukranians would terminate Crimea deal.War did not go well for Georgians and Ukraine told Russians they wont expand Crimea deal(ending in 2017)
Russians recognized 2 breakaway republics(Abhazia, South Ossetia) and invading Georgia without UN approval.
We are now at point were 4 outa 5 UN security council members are breaking international law.
2009:Albania and Croatia joined NATO.
2010:Elections in Ukraine ,pro west Yulia Timoschenko vs Pro Russia Victor Yanukovich,
*West Ukraine voted for Yulia and East Ukraine for Victor.Victor won by 3 percent.
*Crimea bases extended to Russians for 25 more years.

2011:Arab Spring,only Russian base outside former soviet union located in Syria
2012:Gas reserves found in Black sea would make Ukraine number 15 gas exporter in world and number 1 in europe(not counting Russia)
2013:EU and NATO pressuring Ukraine to pick side(Their side)
*Yanukovich asked 30 billion dollars,EU offered 600 millions and ordered change of laws in Ukraine.Russians offered 15 billion,30 percent gas price cut and no law changes.
*Russian offer accepted triggering demonstrations.
2014 NATO bombing of Isis in Syria but also targeting Assad regime.
2014:Revolution in Ukraine ,Yanukovich flees to Russia
*Crimea joins Russis
*War in Dobas
*Crimea hosts biggest port in Black sea and is only ice free port all year round,losing this makes them guests in Black sea,lost control over it south borders.
2015:Russia joins war in Syria on Assad side defending last base they have outside former soviet union.
2016:NATO missile shield in Poland and Romania
2017:Montenegro joins NATO
*NATO now in control of entire Adriatic sea sucsesfully blocking Russia from installing military bases in South Europe,
2018:Ukranian orthodox church splits from Russian.
2019:Venezuela crisis
*Last Russian ally in South America
*Venezuela almost got attacked by NATO countries
2020:Biggest anti government protest in Belarus supported by west.
*Lukashenko almost fell from power
2021:War in Donbas resumed after 2016,Ukranian forces getting ready to liberate Donbas
2022:Finland interested to join NATO.
2022:Russia invades Ukraine.

Around 80 percent of Russians live on 10 percent of territory between Belarus and Ukraine on West and Volga river on East,so if you are going to conquer Russia you only have to stab it at heart.
Tatars,Poles,Germans 2 times,French,various hordes failed in past because supply lines was too far away but if starting lines at Finland,Belarus and Ukraine that is game over ,no way you could defend that.

Main goal is this:

It was already tried 100 years ago during Russian civil war,

From Russian perspective they are the one been attacked here by NATO and west,we all know it they aint gonna stop at Ukraine,they made it pretty clear they will reset NATO back to 1997 one way or another.Lot of people here thinks that Putin went crazy that they started planing this year ago but truth is they been preparing for this for long time ,4d chess ,puzzle ,clash of civilizations but whatever happens i hope to get to play Elden Ring before everything goes into pieces.

PS:Hoping for alien invasion.

Thank you for that. Very meaty and substantial post. (y)(y)

(also hoping for alien invasion)


1997: Russia lost war in Chechenia making it de facto independent
1997:Nato announces 3 new members by 1999
1998:Russia bankrupts ,NATO issues order on making plans to invade Yugoslavia,French general leaks plan to Yugoslavs postponing invasion.
1999:March 12 Czech Republic,Poland,Hungary join NATO entering east europe.
1999:March 24 NATO War on Yugoslavia
*Yugoslavia pro Russian country
*Kosovo occupied by NATO(Kosovo is one of best strategic places in south europe,it is from here old Empires use to control roads from europe to asia/africa)
*First time since 1945 country gets attacked by Superpower without UN approval or invitation from host country.(After it Iraq,Lyibia,Syiria)
2000:Color revolution in Yugoslavia,pro NATO government instaled.
2001:War in Macedonia ,NATO expanding influence ,The US exit Anti Balistic Missle Treaty with Russia.
2002:NATO announces 7 more countries joining by 2004.
2003:Color revolution in Georgia ,new pro NATO orientation
2003:Assassination of Serbian Prime Minister,new government tells Russians to withdraw its army from Kosovo.
*Bulgaria and Romania joins NATO making Russians lose last influence they had in South Europe
*Slovenia and Slovakia joins NATO making Russians lose Central Europe
*Lithuania,Lethonia,Estonia joins alliance, NATO at Russian borders
2004:Color revolution in Ukraine,pro NATO government
2005:Color revolution in Kyrgistan ending pro Russian government
2006:Montenegro(big Russian stronghold since 18 century with access to sea) leaves union with Yugoslavia,pro west government
2007:NATO Plans to instal missle shields in Poland and Czech to protect europe against Iran promising they wont be pointed towards Moscow.
2008:Kosovo declares independence supported by NATO and allies going against UN resolution they made in 1999.
2008:At NATO summit It was decided to postpone invitation to Georgia and Ukraine till December.
*Official reason :Germany objected,real reason Georgia had 2 breakaway republics(under Russian protection) and Russia had military bases in Crimea.
If Georgia conducted military operation and Russians did not respond they would be considered weak and Ukranians would terminate Crimea deal.War did not go well for Georgians and Ukraine told Russians they wont expand Crimea deal(ending in 2017)
Russians recognized 2 breakaway republics(Abhazia, South Ossetia) and invading Georgia without UN approval.
We are now at point were 4 outa 5 UN security council members are breaking international law.
2009:Albania and Croatia joined NATO.
2010:Elections in Ukraine ,pro west Yulia Timoschenko vs Pro Russia Victor Yanukovich,
*West Ukraine voted for Yulia and East Ukraine for Victor.Victor won by 3 percent.
*Crimea bases extended to Russians for 25 more years.

2011:Arab Spring,only Russian base outside former soviet union located in Syria
2012:Gas reserves found in Black sea would make Ukraine number 15 gas exporter in world and number 1 in europe(not counting Russia)
2013:EU and NATO pressuring Ukraine to pick side(Their side)
*Yanukovich asked 30 billion dollars,EU offered 600 millions and ordered change of laws in Ukraine.Russians offered 15 billion,30 percent gas price cut and no law changes.
*Russian offer accepted triggering demonstrations.
2014 NATO bombing of Isis in Syria but also targeting Assad regime.
2014:Revolution in Ukraine ,Yanukovich flees to Russia
*Crimea joins Russis
*War in Dobas
*Crimea hosts biggest port in Black sea and is only ice free port all year round,losing this makes them guests in Black sea,lost control over it south borders.
2015:Russia joins war in Syria on Assad side defending last base they have outside former soviet union.
2016:NATO missile shield in Poland and Romania
2017:Montenegro joins NATO
*NATO now in control of entire Adriatic sea sucsesfully blocking Russia from installing military bases in South Europe,
2018:Ukranian orthodox church splits from Russian.
2019:Venezuela crisis
*Last Russian ally in South America
*Venezuela almost got attacked by NATO countries
2020:Biggest anti government protest in Belarus supported by west.
*Lukashenko almost fell from power
2021:War in Donbas resumed after 2016,Ukranian forces getting ready to liberate Donbas
2022:Finland interested to join NATO.
2022:Russia invades Ukraine.

Around 80 percent of Russians live on 10 percent of territory between Belarus and Ukraine on West and Volga river on East,so if you are going to conquer Russia you only have to stab it at heart.
Tatars,Poles,Germans 2 times,French,various hordes failed in past because supply lines was too far away but if starting lines at Finland,Belarus and Ukraine that is game over ,no way you could defend that.

Main goal is this:

It was already tried 100 years ago during Russian civil war,

From Russian perspective they are the one been attacked here by NATO and west,we all know it they aint gonna stop at Ukraine,they made it pretty clear they will reset NATO back to 1997 one way or another.Lot of people here thinks that Putin went crazy that they started planing this year ago but truth is they been preparing for this for long time ,4d chess ,puzzle ,clash of civilizations but whatever happens i hope to get to play Elden Ring before everything goes into pieces.

PS:Hoping for alien invasion.



Fortunately/Unfortunately good old fashioned racism will keep that partnership limited. Looking down on non-Chinese is sadly widespread in the PRC and the old scare of the "yellow peril" is still alive in Russia.
Not an issue. Asians all around learned to do business with different ethnic groups since the ancient silk road. the rule is do your business, respect your boundaries and just brush off the mud thrown at you.


There were people clinging to American planes leaving Afghanistan. Not sure if that one was so bad.
Gulf War I got to see the opening on tv in a lounge in Brooks. Berta Beef & 2 steppin whores.
Whatever the case. Different administrations and times. Can't be all looked at through the lens of 2022.
Kept the war economy going between world wars. While a bit surprised by the breadth & depth of delusional ferocity of the sudden attack on Ukraine. Anyone see NaZi projection coming? In general of world war in public mind there was to be expectations for something, but everyone was looking at China.


Gold Member

I love it. No woke bullshit and kneeling from the Ukranians. The more the Russians
kill, the tougher the tallk.

No bluepill BLM simping, no talk about masculinity being toxic, no talk about white people being born racist. Just good oldfashioned redpilled rage. Men being men, fighting. Women protecting the kids, just like Mother Nature intended. In war, we all revert back to our true biology.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
NATO needs to seriously build up their troops around thier borders. Not to strike, but to tell Putin "we are here and we are fucking ready if you try anything stupid on NATO soil."
I don't think Putin wants war with NATO or to conquer Europe. I think this is a stupid resource war, and Putin wrongly assumed because we had mostly been looking the other way on Ukraine for 8 years that it would be an easy win and not create too much trouble.

That was a grave miscalculation, to say nothing of underestimating Ukrainian resistance and resolve. But now that they're in it, they're not gonna leave until they eke out something they can spin as a win.
I don't think Putin wants war with NATO or to conquer Europe. I think this is a stupid resource war, and Putin wrongly assumed because we had mostly been looking the other way on Ukraine for 8 years that it would be an easy win and not create too much trouble.

That was a grave miscalculation, to say nothing of underestimating Ukrainian resistance and resolve. But now that they're in it, they're not gonna leave until they eke out something they can spin as a win.
I'm not a huge fan of NATO but let's be realistic here. NATO would destroy Russian army in minutes. Their only chance is nukes. So currently NATO actually has an upper hand. For the first time ever.
If NATO wants to invade Russia at some point the best thing to happen is Russian armed forces lose a shitload of men and equipment in Ukraine with just some ammo expended from NATO side.

Putin NATO asset confirmed.
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I'm not a huge fan of NATO but let's be realistic here. NATO would destroy Russian army in minutes. Their only chance is nukes. So currently NATO actually has an upper hand. For the first time ever.

Two comments:

1) Agreed, this conflict illuminates the crappy state the Russian military was actually in. This after an aggressive modernization program starting around 2010 and some experience in Syria. The fact is they are incapable of large scale strategic maneuver operations. The Russian v. NATO battleplans as outlined like the 1979 Seven Days to the River Rhine operation were optimistic when we thought they were a coherent fighting force and a sheer joke in light of what we see now. They would be repulsed in Poland and pushed back from the Baltic once NATO forces regrouped.

2) As of right now, Russia has committed a large amount of their armed forces and equipment to the Ukrainian conflict. They have moved parts of their military out of the Far-East Districts and put their in Europe -- I would suppose because of a combination of deterrence against NATO and domestic eventualities. In terms of deterrence against what Russia perceives as NATO aggression, they are stretched thin and vulnerable so more likely to rely on their nuclear deterrence. The so-called Stability-Instability paradox is breaking down and the risks of kinetic war are increasing between large powers.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Yeah. All this stuff about the Russian people not supporting this invasion where children are being butchered should probably be put lie to. Yes there are demonstrations, but an awful lot of Russians love this shit.

Russia is truly becoming fascist. Dictatorial power (let's be honest. Putin is Tsar in all but name), forcible suppression of opposition, strong regimentation of society, propaganda that has convinced a majority of the public to be on side......all sings point to fascism.

What's most concerning in that thread is the evidence that a large portion of the population are supporting Putin and this war.

A combination of extreme sanctions and propaganda against Russia was supposed to drain the moral of the Russian people. Worrying to see that it may the opposite effect and actually galvanise the Russian population against the west and NATO.


Russia is truly becoming fascist. Dictatorial power (let's be honest. Putin is Tsar in all but name), forcible suppression of opposition, strong regimentation of society, propaganda that has convinced a majority of the public to be on side......all sings point to fascism.

What's most concerning in that thread is the evidence that a large portion of the population are supporting Putin and this war.

A combination of extreme sanctions and propaganda against Russia was supposed to drain the moral of the Russian people. Worrying to see that it may the opposite effect and actually galvanise the Russian population against the west and NATO.
It’s more the brainwashing that has been going on for decades .. almost 70 years that’s the problem .. and all those older people have that attitude.. and the young are the minority..


"The corridor from Kyiv will lead to Russian ally Belarus, and civilians from Kharkiv will only have a corridor leading to Russia."
So people fleeing Kyiv and Kharkiv can only go to Russia or Belarus lol
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"The corridor from Kyiv will lead to Russian ally Belarus, and civilians from Kharkiv will only have a corridor leading to Russia."
So people fleeing Kyiv and Kharkiv can only go to Russia or Belarus lol
Mind games .. they are pissing over the western concepts …


"The corridor from Kyiv will lead to Russian ally Belarus, and civilians from Kharkiv will only have a corridor leading to Russia."
So people fleeing Kyiv and Kharkiv can only go to Russia or Belarus lol

Mind games .. they are pissing over the western concepts …
It's pretty obvious they're trying to take those people hostage, then use them in propaganda bullshots and as negotiation pieces.


In essence, Putin's war may not be primarily about Ukraine, but about the formation of a stronger counterforce (Russia, China, India, ...) against the West.

Through this war, Putin has virtually turned on the turbo to advance this development much much faster. Because of the war he can claim that the West made him do all the things he did with its sanctions and threats. Decoupling from the largest and most important payment service provider to China's UnionPay? The West is to blame with the suspension of SWIFT. Internet censorship and banning of Western media? The West first started banning all Russian media abroad.

All the justifications of these drastic measures are therefore, for many Russians, simply counter-reactions to the West's actions. Putin can easily present it as if he had no choice and only re-acted, not acted. He can act like he is not the aggressor or the one who started it.

With the war reason "denazification" he also hits a sensitive point among his people, since Russians certainly belong to one of the proudest peoples. At the same time, he portrays the "progressive" West as hypocritical, because the facts and reality clearly show that the Ukrainian government officially supports and trains far-right military groups.
Maybe Putin should check the SS tattoo of his Wagner Group buddy Dmitry Utkin before sending his army on a denazification campaign in Ukraine.

But in the end it has worked with the Russian population who have no other info and the useful idiots in the West who choose to push the narrative that Ukraine deserves to be invaded.
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