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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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NSFW russian soldier hit by rocket


93! For the Phantom Queen.
I just can't wrap my head around the strategic planning involved anymore, like, what the heck?

Comprehension requires thinking like a Soviet Colonel.


Considering that the Russian army sell everything they are given on the black market, including their rations, it just may be conceivable that they are being paid by the Ukrainians to strike Belarus. Real Catch-22 plot twists.


Gold Member

Modern ?????
Removed Twitter links.

First one means we've truly entered the Clown World phase of the Ukraine conflict.

Second one is also a joke because Russia's 'modern' equipment is mostly outdated, not maintained, and not in the hands of capable operators. Paper Tiger theory some of us had from the Georgia campaign turns out to be true.

Along with the second point, I really hope there's a Ukrainian counter attack after local volunteers are trained and professional international volunteers get cohesive and then reclaim all the territories from prior to the 2014 proxy invasion.

I also really hope the Russian troops realize they're not going to be paid or treated like deserters anyway and they should turn those armor columns around and go back to Moscow. I know there are some people there and a 'president' with some valuables, as well as a really nice summer retreat that I'm sure has a lot of salvageable metals.


Another warning in Swedish press that Putin is looking to use the Tjernobyl casket to cause a nuclear disaster.

It's getting to be, too many sources are stating the same thing, and we all know Putin doesn't care, despite the winds for the next week.

(When I grew up, I always thought it would have been "cool" to have experienced stuff like WW2, now, I am old and tired and just want the world to figure it's shit out, and become peacefull, boy, we learn shit when we grow older).

(*Before people write about it just being old storage, reactors have been shutdown since forever, there is the 'Lot 3', that is a nuclear waste storage site.

IAEA for some reason, never mentions Lot 3.

The ICSRM comprises four facilities. 'Lot 0' is temporary storage for low- and intermediate-level long-lived waste as well as high-level waste. This is within the Liquid and Solid Waste Storage Facility and was commissioned in 2010.

'Lot 1' will retrieve solid wastes from an existing solid waste storage facility. It will handle 3 cubic metres of waste per day over an operational life of 30 years.

'Lot 2' will sort solid wastes and process low- and intermediate-level wastes at the rate of 20 cubic metres per day. Some solid and liquid wastes will be incinerated, and some will be cemented. It can package 1.5 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level long-lived waste per day, and can store 3500 cubic metres of them and high-level waste.

'Lot 3' is a near-surface storage facility for low- and intermediate-level short-lived waste with a capacity of 55,000 cubic metres. It will accept waste for 30 years and store it for 300 years.

The facility has been in commissioning since May 2014)
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Gotta say that first video is terrifying and probably best war combat video I've seen. Bullets in real life have way scarier sound than in games.
When you hear that smacking sound you are very close to the bullets flying past.

It is scary as fuck.
I have only experienced it when in a well protected trench marking the hits for other shooters. The smack is loud as hell.


Here's an absolutely excellent interview with Stephen Kotkin, a man who has far more knowledge than the rest of us about the situation:

The Weakness of the Despot An expert on Stalin discusses Putin, Russia, and the West.

I'd encourage every one to read it. It underlines the fragility and stupidity of Putin and this war.

Also, particularly struck by this quote:

"How do you define “the West”?

The West is a series of institutions and values. The West is not a geographical place. Russia is European, but not Western. Japan is Western, but not European. “Western” means rule of law, democracy, private property, open markets, respect for the individual, diversity, pluralism of opinion, and all the other freedoms that we enjoy, which we sometimes take for granted. We sometimes forget where they came from. But that’s what the West is. And that West, which we expanded in the nineties, in my view properly, through the expansion of the European Union and nato, is revived now, and it has stood up to Vladimir Putin in a way that neither he nor Xi Jinping expected."


There are in effect no negotiations happening. It's a show. Only one side is negotiating in good faith, the other has no power to make decisions as evidence by Lavrov's ridiculous comments yesterday and by the Ukrainian's foreign minister's reactions. This is a typical Putin tactic to appease people into thinking that he is open to negotiations.

Ukrainian's aren't fighting for Ukraine anymore. They are fighting for a higher purpose. Democracy and the free world.
I don’t disagree.

But all of this takes work and time

Rat Rage

Once again, Fu Russia! And if there is any russian here on this forum, please put me on youre ignore, couse i dont want to spend my time to put you on my ignore in the future:)

Dude, most russians appose this stupid war. There are millions of russian people and only a tiny fraction of that which are either close to putin, deluded nationalists or mecenaries who are just there for the money are in favor of it.
Dumb generalized comments/hate like that only fuel nationalistic racism.


Dude, most russians appose this stupid war. There are millions of russian people and only a tiny fraction of that which are either close to putin, deluded nationalists or mecenaries who are just there for the money are in favor of it.
Dumb generalized comments/hate like that only fuel nationalistic racism.
They can start a revolution…
The Russian government and its system grows increasingly more broken by each passing day. The parliament adopted a bill that bans leaders of "extremist" organizations from running for presidency by five years after ruling. All it needs is a vote and signature from the punt. The bill implies [Alexei] Navalny will not be permitted to run for presidency for at least a while. The man is infinitely more fit to be the leader of Russia.

People "affiliated" or "involved" with "extremist" organizations will also be banned from voting at elections too. That potentially renders/rendered all those who partake or partook in protests as uneligible for voting in elections.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
They can start a revolution…
I had to double check if I had logged into ERA.

Russians have a military police that has no qualms about dealing with the government's opposition. The Russian government opposition has been beaten into submission through excessive use of force and multiple incarcerations over the years.

Also, did America "revolt" when we went to take a shit on Iraq? Funded war crimes on Yemen? Helped Israel destroy Palestine?


Dude, most russians appose this stupid war. There are millions of russian people and only a tiny fraction of that which are either close to putin, deluded nationalists or mecenaries who are just there for the money are in favor of it.
Dumb generalized comments/hate like that only fuel nationalistic racism.

Gee. I guess all those videos of Russians cheering for Putin and sporting Z symbols must be faked.


Ok but my point is there is a war for the future of their nation being invaded i doubt many if at all anyone in Ukraine is caring much about covid where they can die the very next minute from a airstrike
The family unit is the foundation of a nation.
While not explicit that basic medical attention implies a range of services providing health and safety.


Taking pictures of the dogs feeding on the corpses and figuring out how to show them to the Russians back home would sure be a quick way to change their opinion on the war.
In what direction though?

That could breed hatred too. If Russia wasn't so focused on portraying itself as flawless that could be used as top tier propaganda material.
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In what direction though?

That could breed hatred.
It's wild dogs and wildlife. The Russians don't want to collect their dead. Packs of smokes are worth more than lives to them. They brought incinerators for their soldiers, but all things considered in the philosophy of their plan those could have been planned to serve more than one purpose.
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I had to double check if I had logged into ERA.

Russians have a military police that has no qualms about dealing with the government's opposition. The Russian government opposition has been beaten into submission through excessive use of force and multiple incarcerations over the years.

Also, did America "revolt" when we went to take a shit on Iraq? Funded war crimes on Yemen? Helped Israel destroy Palestine?
There were mass protests against Iraq. Some people say it was the largest protest ever, but spread around cities in the world. You do not even see that sort of protest against Russia, but then people think their voice has little value in terms of stopping a foreign despot who launched a crazy attack without warning and can't even admit it is a war.

It seems true that if you want to look at the sort of protests that turn mean, persist and become a threat to a regime, they are more likely to be about people not being able to pay their bills or buy food. A hippy grandma with a sign on the street is perhaps someone a despot can think they can safely lock up and beat up, while the regular sort of mean bitter asshole just points and laughs. But when even the mean assholes are on the street demanding something?


I think Covid is the last thing on the mind of the people in Ukraine right now lol
Not strictly comparable but it was a European war that mutated the Spanish flu from something mainly affecting the elderly to something that aggressively killed healthy people and ended up killing 50 million
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