Another warning in Swedish press that Putin is looking to use the Tjernobyl casket to cause a nuclear disaster.
It's getting to be, too many sources are stating the same thing, and we all know Putin doesn't care, despite the winds for the next week.
(When I grew up, I always thought it would have been "cool" to have experienced stuff like WW2, now, I am old and tired and just want the world to figure it's shit out, and become peacefull, boy, we learn shit when we grow older).
(*Before people write about it just being old storage, reactors have been shutdown since forever, there is the 'Lot 3', that is a nuclear waste storage site.
IAEA for some reason, never mentions Lot 3.
The ICSRM comprises four facilities. 'Lot 0' is temporary storage for low- and intermediate-level long-lived waste as well as high-level waste. This is within the Liquid and Solid Waste Storage Facility and was commissioned in 2010.
'Lot 1' will retrieve solid wastes from an existing solid waste storage facility. It will handle 3 cubic metres of waste per day over an operational life of 30 years.
'Lot 2' will sort solid wastes and process low- and intermediate-level wastes at the rate of 20 cubic metres per day. Some solid and liquid wastes will be incinerated, and some will be cemented. It can package 1.5 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level long-lived waste per day, and can store 3500 cubic metres of them and high-level waste.
'Lot 3' is a near-surface storage facility for low- and intermediate-level short-lived waste with a capacity of 55,000 cubic metres. It will accept waste for 30 years and store it for 300 years.
The facility has been in commissioning since May 2014)