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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I had to double check if I had logged into ERA.

Russians have a military police that has no qualms about dealing with the government's opposition. The Russian government opposition has been beaten into submission through excessive use of force and multiple incarcerations over the years.

Also, did America "revolt" when we went to take a shit on Iraq? Funded war crimes on Yemen? Helped Israel destroy Palestine?

Please log out here and log into Era. do you think freedom is a given ? Iraq, Afghanistan,Yemen where/are dictatorial states .. some regularly send terrorists over .. why would the people of the USA revolt over these wars?

This is more about a countries revolution.
Every counties had their internal wars .. freedom is earned . America had its revolution centuries ago for example .. europe also , but recently about 70 years ago .. If you do nothing, nothing changes .. that’s also okay , if you want that as a people and the future of your children. You gotta start somewhere.
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That can't be right surely, that's gotta be a Photoshop, no way would the Kremlin release a picture like that showing their strong fearless righteous leader holding a meeting way out on his ownsome like some frightened little bitch

that's just how he rolls these days



"How do you define “the West”?

The West is a series of institutions and values. The West is not a geographical place. Russia is European, but not Western. Japan is Western, but not European. “Western” means rule of law, democracy, private property, open markets, respect for the individual, diversity, pluralism of opinion, and all the other freedoms that we enjoy, which we sometimes take for granted. We sometimes forget where they came from. But that’s what the West is. And that West, which we expanded in the nineties, in my view properly, through the expansion of the European Union and nato, is revived now, and it has stood up to Vladimir Putin in a way that neither he nor Xi Jinping expected."

This guy gets it.

Bill Murray Applause GIF by MOODMAN

The West has been achieving cultural victory in true CIV fashion and Putin is so very salty about that.

Ukraine is fighting our war and protecting us from the rise of illiberal democracy, authoritarianism and Russia's newfound fascism. This is as much a geopolitical conflict as it is an ideological one. Russia never left the cold war behind as Putin is living in the past, never having gotten over the ignominious crumbling of the Soviet Union.

I'm as concerned about our Ukrainian fellows as I am about the fascist worldview that has been cultivated in Russia over the years. If you ever wondered what fascist ideology looks like, this should remind you of something eerily familiar:

Putinism is a truly frightening ideology. Russia has completely turned into an autocracy and the ingredients of fascism are already there: high level of nationalism, an appeal to the nation, the defense of Russians and the Russian land, racism against ‘blacks’ in the Caucasus, the re-creation of old strength, the cult of violence and virility, the condemnation of liberalism and Western decadence all mixed together with unrestrained propaganda and educational brainwashing.

Armed conflicts are hard to solve, but ideologies are just as bad once a rotten idea has taken hold in people's minds.

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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Impotent little bitch can get it done himself and needs to bring in outside help.

Ukraine is showing to the world Russia is a giant walking on mud shoes.


I didn't want to post this as it makes some references about contemporary political leaders that some might find triggering, and could be bitterly argued about all day to no end, but I think it has some points about why autocrats tend to despise democracy as "weak" or "in decline".

As Ian Hughes (2018) points out in his book Disordered Minds, the aim of democracy is to try to protect the mass of people from disordered authoritarian leaders. This is why, as Hughes also points out, authoritarian leaders with psychopathic or narcissistic traits distrust democracy. Once in power, they do their utmost to dismantle and discredit democratic institutions, including the independence of institutions and the freedom and legitimacy of the press. Moreover, such leaders are unable to comprehend the principles of democracy, since they regard themselves as superior, and see life as a competitive struggle in which the most ruthless deserve to dominate others.



Dude, most russians appose this stupid war. There are millions of russian people and only a tiny fraction of that which are either close to putin, deluded nationalists or mecenaries who are just there for the money are in favor of it.
Dumb generalized comments/hate like that only fuel nationalistic racism.
Dont give me that shit about racism, ok dude??? Russia is invading and killing civillians in Ukraine, and im gonna do my small part to show my hate on it! The only way the world is acting is by locking russia out, putting presure on them, and i gonna do atleast something to do that in my way. It wont do anything, but atleast i do something, here and on other places. And most russians are against it? I dont think so!
Dude, most russians appose this stupid war. There are millions of russian people and only a tiny fraction of that which are either close to putin, deluded nationalists or mecenaries who are just there for the money are in favor of it.
Dumb generalized comments/hate like that only fuel nationalistic racism.

60 to 70% of the Russian population support the war and only 23% are strictly against it (and no these aren't even the Kremlin numbers).
No hate, but we have to face the facts. Russians have fallen victim to their own state propaganda.

Only hope is that Ukraine keeps on resisting so that their liberation narrative falls apart. For a people that seemingly want to desperately be liberated, there certainly is a lot of resistance to the Russian invasion. That is why Putin is getting nervous, he wanted this to be over much sooner so that they could present it as evidence to their "denazification" propaganda.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Dude, most russians appose this stupid war. There are millions of russian people and only a tiny fraction of that which are either close to putin, deluded nationalists or mecenaries who are just there for the money are in favor of it.
Dumb generalized comments/hate like that only fuel nationalistic racism.
It's called xenofobia (even tho, hating slavs is a thing, I experienced it), however may I ask you how many Russians (actual ones) you met? Because a lot them, fuck most of them hold very hardcore believes and...

< text which is inappropriate />

...yes it's due to state wide propaganda, but you can't tolerate the intolerance.


Gold Member
They are going to have to negotiate.

My bet: the two “independent” regions, recognition of Crimea, and assurances Ukraine won’t join NATO.

That’s a pretty good deal right there to stop the bloodshed
You typed that under the assumption:
1. The Russians are negotiating in good faith.
2. The Russians have reasonable demands (they don't; one of their main ones is demilitarisation of Ukraine)
3. That the Ukrainian people will accept such a deal. At this point, even those in what would be the occupied regions may not accept it.

Airbus Jr

60 to 70% of the Russian population support the war and only 23% are strictly against it (and no these aren't even the Kremlin numbers).
No hate, but we have to face the facts. Russians have fallen victim to their own state propaganda.

Only hope is that Ukraine keeps on resisting so that their liberation narrative falls apart. For a people that seemingly want to desperately be liberated, there certainly is a lot of resistance to the Russian invasion. That is why Putin is getting nervous, he wanted this to be over much sooner so that they could present it as evidence to their "denazification" propaganda.
Suporting putin war out of fear

It is not clear if these voice are genuine

Not to mention the brainwashing there by putin right now are insane

Anyone who dare to opose him there..well you know....
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Gold Member
It's called xenofobia (even tho, hating slavs is a thing, I experienced it), however may I ask you how many Russians (actual ones) you met? Because a lot them, fuck most of them hold very hardcore believes and...

< text which is inappropriate />

...yes it's due to state wide propaganda, but you can't tolerate the intolerance.

True. I don't know any Russians personally but some people I know do, and they often liked them as persons but there was no point in talking about politics with them because they pretty much always were very nationalistic and supported Putin. Russian people were always fucked up by their rulers and this trend will never change I think...



Not to mention the brainwashing there by putin right now are insane

In almost every military FPS it's the world vs Russia. what do you think will be the effect on young Russians who play those games?

Here's an absolutely excellent interview with Stephen Kotkin, a man who has far more knowledge than the rest of us about the situation:

The Weakness of the Despot An expert on Stalin discusses Putin, Russia, and the West.

Also says the spiral of escalation must stop. Israeli PM advised Ukraine take Putin's deal but was rejected. Back to square one.


You typed that under the assumption:
1. The Russians are negotiating in good faith.
2. The Russians have reasonable demands (they don't; one of their main ones is demilitarisation of Ukraine)
3. That the Ukrainian people will accept such a deal. At this point, even those in what would be the occupied regions may not accept it.
They aren’t negotiating in good faith now. But again, it’s a process.

You can demand a lot. Doesn’t mean they will agree to it. (Also wasn’t part of the deal I suggest)

The third point, yup, you are right. Don’t know. Never claimed I did know.

Look, I don’t know what the continued military capabilities are of both counties. That is what dictates what a deal looks like.


Gold Member

Syrian mercenaries, Belarusian soldiers, Chechen jihadists, Wagner Group PMC’s, Ukrainian Separatists, Russian National Guard, Russian Conscripts, and a rejected request for Kazakh soldiers.

So what’s wrong exactly with the Russian Army?

Is their actual volunteer army much smaller than what’s on paper or is Putin afraid a large number of military deaths will shatter the propaganda at home?
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"How do you define “the West”?

The West is a series of institutions and values. The West is not a geographical place. Russia is European, but not Western. Japan is Western, but not European. “Western” means rule of law, democracy, private property, open markets, respect for the individual, diversity, pluralism of opinion, and all the other freedoms that we enjoy, which we sometimes take for granted. We sometimes forget where they came from. But that’s what the West is. And that West, which we expanded in the nineties, in my view properly, through the expansion of the European Union and nato, is revived now, and it has stood up to Vladimir Putin in a way that neither he nor Xi Jinping expected."
So... according to that definition, Latin America isn't part of the west.

Good to know. 👍


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
True. I don't know any Russians personally but some people I know do, and they often liked them as persons but there was no point in talking about politics with them because they pretty much always were very nationalistic and supported Putin. Russian people were always fucked up by their rulers and this trend will never change I think...
No I understand the appeal on empathy, that's obviously a good thing. However the situation in countries like Russia, didn't allow of liberal news/ideas to flow into their heads. One of the example is treating of gay people, the lynching isn't done by some police and so on, but the general public. And I don't think we can have that. Weird thing is, that at least in here, during Bolshevik, you could get trans operation, there were publicly gay restaurants and so on. So in many instances, Russia is actually devolved from it's Bolshevik era. Which is terrifying to me.

There are many of such issues and I didn't choose it because it's a trendy topic, but because of the it's exposure to news in west. This has been widely publicized. So one example for all.

And yes general Russian, think about Ukrainian as a less than him. Which is probably all it's need to be said.

These are the arguments I can present to people who are no in central/eastern europe, because our personal/countries grievances towards Russia, will be only understood from history books.
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Gold Member

In almost every military FPS it's the world vs Russia. what do you think will be the effect on young Russians who play those games?

Also says the spiral of escalation must stop. Israeli PM advised Ukraine take Putin's deal but was rejected. Back to square one.

Oh look, he has something in common with the west (gov/corporation), loving that Chinese model. 🤭


Gold Member
No I understand the appeal on empathy, that's obviously a good thing. However the situation in countries like Russia, didn't allow of liberal news/ideas to flow into their heads. One of the example is treating by gay people, the lynching isn't done by some police and so on, but the general public. And I don't think we can have that. Weird thing is, that at least in here, during Bolshevik, you could get trans operation, there were publicly gay restaurants and so on. So in many instances, Russia is actually devolved from it's Bolshevik era. Which is terrifying to me.

There are many of such issues and I didn't choose it because it's a trendy topic, but because of the it's exposure to news in west. This has been widely publicized. So one example for all.

And yes general Russian, think about Ukrainian as a less than him. Which is probably all it's need to be said.

These are the arguments I can present to people who are no in central/eastern europe, because our personal/countries grievances towards Russia, will be only understood from history books.

Polish people are much more conservative than average "westerner" but still much more tolerant (for LGBT, other races etc.) than someone from Russia (and Ukrainians are in between).

Central/eastern Europe countries hate Russians for centuries of oppression and quality of life under them was always worse than in Prussia or Austria-Hungary empire (before Hitler of course LOL). Russians suck this "greatness" of their nation from school, their parents and tv. They are like Japanese or Germans before WWII in this regard (or north Korea as modern example) and history shows us what atrocities people are capable of even when enemy looks just like them but is labeled as worse than them:

I found different movie about this but holy shit at the images there.... I don't think it's good idea to watch this


Dont give me that shit about racism, ok dude??? Russia is invading and killing civillians in Ukraine, and im gonna do my small part to show my hate on it! The only way the world is acting is by locking russia out, putting presure on them, and i gonna do atleast something to do that in my way. It wont do anything, but atleast i do something, here and on other places. And most russians are against it? I dont think so!

So stunning!!! So brave!!!


Simps for Amouranth
People are so fucking stupid it's actually insane.

Yeah I know propaganda and all that but come on....
Tbf I've seen worse come out of America on an almost daily basis... Qanon anyone? All I'm seeing here is ultra nationalist brianwashed kids supporting their country as naïve and stupid looking as it is to us it's to be expected


Oh look, he has something in common with the west (gov/corporation), loving that Chinese model. 🤭
In the west, there should be more education about what that Chinese economic growth model is because it was engineered by westerners who went over there to advise the Chinese. I remember one of these experts saying that the Chinese are hitting the limits of what we can teach them about industrialization. And that the main reason why Russian growth has been so tame compared to China is not that China has some secret authoritarian ability to "make the trains run on time" but that China had much more regional autonomy which often just ignored what was coming from Beijing.


Gold Member
True. I don't know any Russians personally but some people I know do, and they often liked them as persons but there was no point in talking about politics with them because they pretty much always were very nationalistic and supported Putin. Russian people were always fucked up by their rulers and this trend will never change I think...
Interesting, I’ve had the complete opposite experience. They have nothing positive to say about Putin.

Buggy Loop

True. I don't know any Russians personally but some people I know do, and they often liked them as persons but there was no point in talking about politics with them because they pretty much always were very nationalistic and supported Putin. Russian people were always fucked up by their rulers and this trend will never change I think...

Had same experience with a Kazakhs at work. He believed every goddamn Russian propaganda. There was an Ukrainian guy working there too, I no longer work there, but I wonder if there’s any tensions nowadays.
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True. I don't know any Russians personally but some people I know do, and they often liked them as persons but there was no point in talking about politics with them because they pretty much always were very nationalistic and supported Putin. Russian people were always fucked up by their rulers and this trend will never change I think...

Obviously can't speak for everyone but yeah, Putin always was and still is very popular in Russia. If they held legit elections he probably still would've won easily.

And I'm talking about Russians in other country who shouldn't get as heavily influenced by russian media, but being told that everyone is against them from young age seems impossible to get out of their heads.

Tbf I've seen worse come out of America on an almost daily basis... Qanon anyone? All I'm seeing here is ultra nationalist brianwashed kids supporting their country as naïve and stupid looking as it is to us it's to be expected

Sure, idiots are everywhere. That was just the dumbest thing I've seen today.
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