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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Frontline is so good: this is real journalism and it’s fucking terrifying.

Also Julia Ioffe is gorgeous and probably the smartest person in the documentary. Her full 45 minute interview is well worth watching.

If nothing else the last 60 seconds or so are again…fucking terrifying.

“If people think that he won't use them, I think they're mistaken. Everything Putin has showed us at every step of the last 22 years is that every time he think– we think he won't go that far, he does. We think he won't come back for a third term; he did. He won't annex Crimea; he did. He won't invade Ukraine; he did. He won't try to kill Navalny; he did. He won't try to subvert an American election; he did.

And so, why would we believe that this time he won't do what he says he'll do?

And then what, you know? If he– people are talking about what will we do if he strikes the US with a military– with a nuclear weapon? I don't think that's the question; I don't think he will strike the US with a nuclear weapon. What happens if he hits Kyiv with a tactical nuke? It's not an EU country. It's not a NATO country. But he used a nuclear weapon for the first time since World War II. How do we respond? Do we do nothing and wait for a second? Do we retaliate and get into this nuclear spiral?

I mean it's unthinkable. Like what he has opened up with this invasion is unthinkable. And because he is losing and because the sanctions and the Ukrainians are humiliating him, because he is backed into a corner, he is the most dangerous he has ever been because it is now existential for him. And if you think he doesn't know that everybody in the world understands that the only way to end this is to put a bullet between his eyes, he knows. And that makes him also much more dangerous.”

Most of my friends think that this shit will escalate pretty badly and a war will come to the west with russia. Practically all of them think nukes will happen.

So yea i can see the view on this front.

However i do think that putin applying nukes will probably be the end of him in his country and the west will 100% go for assassinating him, so not sure if he wants to risk it.


Has anyone confirmed that this is really what he's saying?
Like, what the fuck is that guy smoking? Launching an ICBM at the US will only lead to millions of dead Russians. That is an incredibly stupid idea.

Didn't Trump say something similar? Lots of dumb people are saying lots of dumb shit right now.

I doubt anyone takes it seriously.


Most of my friends think that this shit will escalate pretty badly and a war will come to the west with russia. Practically all of them think nukes will happen.

So yea i can see the view on this front.

However i do think that putin applying nukes will probably be the end of him in his country and the west will 100% go for assassinating him, so not sure if he wants to risk it.

I think Putin would be down to nuke if he sees no other way.

Luckily it's not that easy. Other people will have to be down for it too and hopefully they understand there isn't much point in boot licking anymore if it pretty much means the end of the world. And if they all support him and want to nuke, those old ass things that probably haven't been maintained still have to work. It's complicated tech, not like shooting a red barrel in a video game.

Obviously things we don't want to find out, but atleast it's not like Putin wakes up in a bad mood and pushes the nuke button on his desk.


I wonder not "if" but "when" we will see acts of terrorism in Russia, like Chechen but in a bigger scale.
They were 1M people, Ukraine is 45M. Someone in Ukraine is pretty upset lately.



Homer Simpson Cartoon GIF

Imagine thinking challenging the gun capital of the world to a shooting match is smart


Most of my friends think that this shit will escalate pretty badly and a war will come to the west with russia. Practically all of them think nukes will happen.

So yea i can see the view on this front.

However i do think that putin applying nukes will probably be the end of him in his country and the west will 100% go for assassinating him, so not sure if he wants to risk it.
The very best case for nuclear escalation is that Russia fires one to send a message somewhere not too populated. The nuke isn't a dud, which isn't a guarantee due to the bad state of the Russian equipment overall, so they don't feel the need to send ten more to "save face" or some crazy moon logic. Then NATO very fires one of their own in reply to also send a message. Then both messages sent, I guess nothing happens other than we all feel worse and the world is worse and Putin is happy for a tiny moment because he made everything more miserable and chaotic for everyone.

As for Russia pushing further west, they are already bogged down and the resistance they would meet would be a hellish response the likes of which the world has never seen before. The real problem of a world war is that every shitty dictatorship with a love of murder and humiliation will see this as their time to shine and launch their own grudge match conflicts with their neighbours.


Gold Member
We had a refugee visiting us at home here in Norway today. She's a lovely real human from Kharkiv (infamous for being senselessly carpet bombed by Russia) and luckily escaped physically unscathed via Poland just a few days ago. Thanks Poland you fucking rock! To keep her mind busy with as much uplifting stuff as possible she is kind enough to help us take care (and getting properly paid for it of course) of our 11 month old son for a while. All kinds of unsettling stories coming in from friends and family in Ukraine.. This is way too real..
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Putin’s little lapdog Lavrov talking about potential peace deals.

Are we starting to see sign of the inevitable climb down from the little shit stain, now he’s realised what a fucking dog’s breakfast he’s made of his country’s future?


Putin’s little lapdog Lavrov talking about potential peace deals.

Are we starting to see sign of the inevitable climb down from the little shit stain, now he’s realised what a fucking dog’s breakfast he’s made of his country’s future?

One can only hope. Hopefully they just claim mission accomplished and go home, because meanwhile:



Motherfuckrs were saying i guarantee Russia will not invade Ukraine wile putting 100k troops at the border just before the invasion lol
anything can happen we never know Putin might be that unhinged

Don't buy into fear propaganda being pushed for clicks.

We'll be back to arguing about videogames without a worry soon and for the rest of the year.


Are we starting to see sign of the inevitable climb down from the little shit stain, now he’s realised what a fucking dog’s breakfast he’s made of his country’s future?
No, it’s because the UK government kicked out his step-daughter out of the country and is looking into how she can effort an apartment of 20mln pounds paid in cash.

Same as the daughter of Putin’s spokesperson - 1000€ internship, luxury Instagram life (yes, they are that stupid), a few million pounds flat in London.
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Most of my friends think that this shit will escalate pretty badly and a war will come to the west with russia. Practically all of them think nukes will happen.

So yea i can see the view on this front.

However i do think that putin applying nukes will probably be the end of him in his country and the west will 100% go for assassinating him, so not sure if he wants to risk it.
Russia trying to dictate the tempo of the war by being the one to control escalation is one of the reasons that changed my mind to support the US establishing a no-fly-zone yesterday.
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Writing in the Washington Post, Ambassador Qin Gang denied this, saying “assertions that China knew about, acquiesced to or tacitly supported this war are purely disinformation.”
Since the invasion began, Beijing has walked a delicate line of neither supporting nor criticizing Moscow’s decision, abstaining from votes condemning it at the United Nations. At the same time, Chinese officials and state media have heavily boosted Russian conspiracy theories and justifications for the war, and Western leaders have accused Beijing of tacitly backing the invasion.

Ahead of a meeting with a top Chinese official this week, U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said “we have communicated to Beijing that we will not stand by and allow any country to compensate Russia for its losses from the economic sanctions.”
During a call with his Spanish counterpart Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said “China is not a party directly involved in the crisis, and it doesn’t want to be affected by sanctions even more.”
“China always opposes the use of sanctions to solve problems, let alone unilateral sanctions that have no basis in international law,” he said, according to a Chinese readout. “China has the right to safeguard its legitimate and lawful rights and interests.”

The Chinese economy is particularly vulnerable at the moment due to a combination of the war in Ukraine — which has sent oil and wheat prices skyrocketing — and new Covid lockdowns, concern over which dragged down Chinese stocks this week. The U.S., Canada and multiple other countries have already sanctioned certain Chinese officials and entities over Beijing’s actions in Xinjiang and Hong Kong.


We can all thank the human piece of shit Putin for reminding us of how much war totally sucks ass. War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

How did my younger self once hold pacifist ideals of "abolish all militaries"? I forgot that there's sentient human refuse that managed to wrest control of an entire country. That's why militaries exist, because humans are susceptible to mass deception. This timeline went to shit really fucking fast.

EDIT: Sorry, I posted this in anger after seeing Zelensky giving a speech live on multiple channels. I'm not mad at him, I'm just mad at the whole situation. Honestly, some of my disappointment is that Ukraine couldn't get enough of their shit together in recent years to allow the NATO application to go through. I feel like all the member nations want Ukraine in there, but they have valid reservations that prevent it. I can't put the blame on NATO for doing their due diligence.
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It really breaks my heart just reading about that the situation. I couldn't even imagine being there to experience that first hand. So much death and destruction. I'm really in awe of the absolute sadness of it all.
I made the mistake of reading the entire story. Brought me to tears. I think I need to disconnect from this shit for a while. Having young kids, it’s just too close to home



State television host Vladimir Solovyov is well-known as a fanatical pro-Putin propagandist and a top cheerleader for the war with Ukraine. He claims the Russians are acting in self-defense and liberating a Ukraine that poses an existential threat to Russia. Last month he railed against sanctions imposed on Russia, perhaps because they affected his ownership of villas in the Lake Como region of Italy. This week, he said that the sanctions should be answered with nuclear strikes, exclaiming, “I still think that those who took our money should be told, you have 24 hours to unfreeze our funds, or else we’ll send you what you know we’ve got. Your choice. Tactical or strategic, take a pick. You took our money, you’re the thieves, our talk is short with you: a bullet to the head.”

He then turned to geostrategy. He reminded viewers that Putin has demanded that NATO return to its 1997 configuration—that is, before the Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Baltic states, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia joined the Western military alliance. He suggested that after that occurs, nuclear weapons—presumably under Russian control—would be deployed in former Soviet bloc nations. The goal is the restoration of Russia as a nuclear superpower that dominates much of Europe, far beyond its current borders. That is, this war is about far more than keeping Ukraine from aligning with the West.

Solovyov spelled it out: “And if you think we’re going to stop with Ukraine, think 300 times, I will remind you that Ukraine is merely an intermediate stage in the provision of the safety of the Russian Federation.”

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Gold Member

State television host Vladimir Solovyov is well-known as a fanatical pro-Putin propagandist and a top cheerleader for the war with Ukraine. He claims the Russians are acting in self-defense and liberating a Ukraine that poses an existential threat to Russia. Last month he railed against sanctions imposed on Russia, perhaps because they affected his ownership of villas in the Lake Como region of Italy. This week, he said that the sanctions should be answered with nuclear strikes, exclaiming, “I still think that those who took our money should be told, you have 24 hours to unfreeze our funds, or else we’ll send you what you know we’ve got. Your choice. Tactical or strategic, take a pick. You took our money, you’re the thieves, our talk is short with you: a bullet to the head.”

He then turned to geostrategy. He reminded viewers that Putin has demanded that NATO return to its 1997 configuration—that is, before the Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Baltic states, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia joined the Western military alliance. He suggested that after that occurs, nuclear weapons—presumably under Russian control—would be deployed in former Soviet bloc nations. The goal is the restoration of Russia as a nuclear superpower that dominates much of Europe, far beyond its current borders. That is, this war is about far more than keeping Ukraine from aligning with the West.

Solovyov spelled it out: “And if you think we’re going to stop with Ukraine, think 300 times, I will remind you that Ukraine is merely an intermediate stage in the provision of the safety of the Russian Federation.”

Think we should take his words literally and as official Russian government policy. And say we'll act accordingly; neutralising a threat to the free world.

See how quickly he either changes his tune or disappears.


Junior Member
Surely its only a matter of time before the Russian people realize its all bullshit right? I seriously doubt Putin and his cronies can keep the truth buried for much longer.
The Russian people have been fed a steady diet of bullshit and lies for the past 20+ years through their State run media apparatus. Breaking such a cycle will be no small feat considering the crackdown on dissenters and complete blockage of foreign non state controlled media.

My aunt is always talking about consecrating Russia. It's something that Mary allegedly told people that we need to do ages ago, but there was never an official push to do it lol. Religion.
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Think we should take his words literally and as official Russian government policy. And say we'll act accordingly; neutralising a threat to the free world.

See how quickly he either changes his tune or disappears.
The current delays are eroding Russian forces and economy. UK took delivery of our own version of Patriot a few weeks ago (can hit a tennis ball travelling at the speed of sound 125km away)... increasing UK capability and freeing up USA production for other Nato allies; the longer we wait the better all of our defenses will be.
This talk of escalation from Russia signals their increasing desperation. Bitch slap them later, when we are ready.


Simps for Amouranth
why do people still go on about Nukes ffs, Putin is never gonna use them look at how the western world reacted to an invasion, you think China & India will continue to remain neutral if Russia went Nuclear? the entire world would go nuts ffs, sure he's a basket case but even him and his top generals know that nukes are purely for defensive purposes only, they are not an offensive weapon and i dare say someone would put a bullet in him before it ever came close to it.. also given the state of their military, half those nukes would probably go off in their own silo's and the other half would simply not work


Junior Member
why do people still go on about Nukes ffs, Putin is never gonna use them look at how the western world reacted to an invasion, you think China & India will continue to remain neutral if Russia went Nuclear? the entire world would go nuts ffs, sure he's a basket case but even him and his top generals know that nukes are purely for defensive purposes only, they are not an offensive weapon and i dare say someone would put a bullet in him before it ever came close to it.. also given the state of their military, half those nukes would probably go off in their own silo's and the other half would simply not work
While I agree that the likely hood of a Nuclear exchange is extremely unlikely, this is the closest we have been to such an exchange since the cold war. There is no denying that fact, or the bigger fact that all it takes is 1 Nuke going off from setting the world on fire. 1 nuke goes off, and all bets are off both domestically and internationally.

Don't mean to doom post, but also have to state out the facts around it..

Like I said, this is all extremely unlikely, but the chances are not 0.
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My aunt is always talking about consecrating Russia. It's something that Mary allegedly told people that we need to do ages ago, but there was never an official push to do it lol. Religion.

The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a specific act of a reigning Pope along with all the other Catholic bishops of the world was allegedly ordered in a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima in 13 July 1917. Sister Lúcia dos Santos, one of the three visionaries publicly stated that at different times the Blessed Virgin Mary had given her a message of promise, that the consecration of Russia (as a country) would usher in a period of world peace.



Gold Member

Just absolutely appalling.

This kind of shit is infuriating. Its so unnecessary and to think these kids have no understanding of what is happening around them. They die for being in the wrong place at the hands of little man Putin. One of these kids could have cured cancer or done other miraculous things. Instead, they are buried in their pyjamas.

Give me five minutes with little Putin. Serious.
I made the mistake of reading the entire story. Brought me to tears. I think I need to disconnect from this shit for a while. Having young kids, it’s just too close to home
As a father with a young child, I feel you. I feel compelled to read these stories though to try to feel and understand an ounce of the feelings these parents may be going through.


The very best case for nuclear escalation is that Russia fires one to send a message somewhere not too populated. The nuke isn't a dud, which isn't a guarantee due to the bad state of the Russian equipment overall, so they don't feel the need to send ten more to "save face" or some crazy moon logic. Then NATO very fires one of their own in reply to also send a message. Then both messages sent, I guess nothing happens other than we all feel worse and the world is worse and Putin is happy for a tiny moment because he made everything more miserable and chaotic for everyone.

As for Russia pushing further west, they are already bogged down and the resistance they would meet would be a hellish response the likes of which the world has never seen before. The real problem of a world war is that every shitty dictatorship with a love of murder and humiliation will see this as their time to shine and launch their own grudge match conflicts with their neighbors.

The problem my friends see is that putin isn't capable to win becuase of more resistance which will result in him deploying nukes for the simple fact of being out of options. Putin needs to win because otherwise the sharks are probably at his office to get rid of him. So he has to perform.

This is what makes it scary,

Another thing that makes it scary is that if russia gets ukraine, they are boardering with poland something poland probably doesn't want. So we could see poland escalate forwards and get a boarder area going with russia by invading ukraine for a small amount which could trigger putin but also poland to start going after eachother.

All with all, nukes are a very real option if you think about it. Putin will do whatever he needs to do to win.


Putin as a direct line to the nuclear subs. Don't be fooled by thinking that his command as to go through multiple people for it to happen, especially with icbm's.
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Gold Member
There seems to be a fifteen point neutrality plan being drawn up by Russia and Ukraine for Ukraine according to Financial Times.

My hope is that both sides have now taken so many hits that both want to declare victory and end this on peaceful terms.

It happens while they are still fighting, and shouting at each other, but fingers crossed.

-You are evil.

-No you are evil.

-Sign here?

-Okay then.
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