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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Really throughout video on "fog of war"

His videos are really good. He always tries to balance the mainstream POV.

But besides the "fog of war" imho the main point is that even "strategically losing" the Ukrainians are giving one unexpected bloody nose to the Russian forces. The more this drags on without the Russian achieving their objectives, the more they bleed. The Ukrainians knows that and fight accordingly.


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what does this remind me of......oh yes: HItler

I think it would be closer to something Tito or Xi Jin Pin have said. After all, China IS preparing their youth for war.

Putin as a direct line to the nuclear subs. Don't be fooled by thinking that his command as to go through multiple people for it to happen, especially with icbm's.
For ICBMs, the order has to go through only 3 people: Putin, Lavrov and a General in Kremlin. Each of 3 has one key to a system that only works when 3 keys are combined.

The thing is that right now, Lavrov is 120% with Putin, and I think the russian general is also aligned with him, so it's not out of the question for the 3 of them to "push the button".
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Putin as a direct line to the nuclear subs. Don't be fooled by thinking that his command as to go through multiple people for it to happen, especially with icbm's.
I highly doubt he has a direct line as to press a button and boom. Highly doubt.


Rodent Whores

Animation Lying GIF

That's a pretty ridiculous claim to make when Ukraine gave up their nukes a long time ago in exchange for protection from Russia and other parties.


"give up your nukes and we won't invade you"

*invades you*


Putin's last speech is as unhinged as it gets. I don't see him backing down anytime soon, even If Ukraine agrees to being neutral.


°Temp. member
What would happen if some non-nato country jumps in and starts fighting against Russia (in Ukraine), and then russia actually launched a nuke at them? Would the rest of the world stay out of it or is it a nuclear free for all at that point?
What would happen if some non-nato country jumps in and starts fighting against Russia (in Ukraine), and then russia actually launched a nuke at them? Would the rest of the world stay out of it or is it a nuclear free for all at that point?
If it is a non-nato country, I do not think he will nuke Ukraine but could nuke them as a deterrent from others to do the same. For example, let's say Georgia decides to fight back, I do see them getting nuked.


What would happen if some non-nato country jumps in and starts fighting against Russia (in Ukraine), and then russia actually launched a nuke at them? Would the rest of the world stay out of it or is it a nuclear free for all at that point?
Ideally, the world watches on in horror but still does nothing.


Gold Member
Most of my friends think that this shit will escalate pretty badly and a war will come to the west with russia. Practically all of them think nukes will happen.

So yea i can see the view on this front.

However i do think that putin applying nukes will probably be the end of him in his country and the west will 100% go for assassinating him, so not sure if he wants to risk it.
Nukes are not gonna happen.

Like you said, they are gonna kill\stop him first unless russia is so mongoloid to give nuke control to a single man with something simple like a button that he can press when he want.

IF he is gonna be crazy enough to order a nuclear attack, whoever is gonna be responsible to physically press the button is simply gonna say no.

No hardcore russian soldier or russian oligarch want their land transformed into a meteroite crater because of a single man.


Nukes are not gonna happen.

Like you said, they are gonna kill\stop him first unless russia is so mongoloid to give nuke control to a single man with something simple like a button that he can press when he want.

IF he is gonna be crazy enough to order a nuclear attack, whoever is gonna be responsible to physically press the button is simply gonna say no.

No hardcore russian soldier or russian oligarch want their land transformed into a meteroite crater because of a single man.

Yea that's what i think about it also, lets hope its the case.


Gold Member

Hopefully the switchblade Drones are part of the package.

Equally curious about the drones. "Tactical" Drones. My question is how fast can this shit get to the Ukrainians. Hopefully fast - and that's a shit tone of Stingers - and my understanding some of these will have greater capability than what had previously been provided. This, along with the S300 are great news at clearing the skies of flies. SU25s are basically sitting ducks at this point which is a huge % of Russian's air force.

FUCK PUTIN. This is intolerable. Can't wait until someone poisons him or he trips on a bullet.

Meanwhile, UA is rescuing their own and tweeting about it. Russia is an embarrassment, and love knowing a bunch of child killers are getting slaughtered while the good guys come home for tea.


Junior Member
Equally curious about the drones. "Tactical" Drones. My question is how fast can this shit get to the Ukrainians. Hopefully fast - and that's a shit tone of Stingers - and my understanding some of these will have greater capability than what had previously been provided. This, along with the S300 are great news at clearing the skies of flies. SU25s are basically sitting ducks at this point which is a huge % of Russian's air force.

If its the switchblades, it would be a fucking game changer.
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Gold Member
The twitter thing is very busy today

:messenger_grinning_sweat: Le Spy

Armor getting hammered in Mariupol

I know it's morbid, but watching that dude crawling away from the tank... hope they POW him, but after Russian troops have killed civilians surrendering, I don't know what tolerance UA folks have right now. Still... tank go boom.


I think Putin would be down to nuke if he sees no other way.

Luckily it's not that easy. Other people will have to be down for it too and hopefully they understand there isn't much point in boot licking anymore if it pretty much means the end of the world. And if they all support him and want to nuke, those old ass things that probably haven't been maintained still have to work. It's complicated tech, not like shooting a red barrel in a video game.

Obviously things we don't want to find out, but atleast it's not like Putin wakes up in a bad mood and pushes the nuke button on his desk.

The very best case for nuclear escalation is that Russia fires one to send a message somewhere not too populated. The nuke isn't a dud, which isn't a guarantee due to the bad state of the Russian equipment overall, so they don't feel the need to send ten more to "save face" or some crazy moon logic. Then NATO very fires one of their own in reply to also send a message. Then both messages sent, I guess nothing happens other than we all feel worse and the world is worse and Putin is happy for a tiny moment because he made everything more miserable and chaotic for everyone.

As for Russia pushing further west, they are already bogged down and the resistance they would meet would be a hellish response the likes of which the world has never seen before. The real problem of a world war is that every shitty dictatorship with a love of murder and humiliation will see this as their time to shine and launch their own grudge match conflicts with their neighbours.

I guarantee Russia will never launch any nukes because of this conflict.
People need to realize he’s not threatening nuclear Armageddon by striking major EU and US cities but crossing the line of using tactical nukes with a low megaton threshold on the battlefield or against relatively small civilian targets. Nuke a hamlet first then if that doesn’t have the desired effect nuke a small city and then escalate till he gets what he wants. Still devastating but the damage would be pretty confined to Ukraine as a warning message…now if NATOs response is to fire off ICBMs that would be crazy. Putin would likely bet the reaction of NATO would be to do nothing and for Ukraine to surrender and agree to peace talks like imperial Japan in WWII.

This going to sound stupid but to use a gaming analogy: CIV’s military victory end game is just like this: you don’t win with infantry you win by bombing the shit out of each city and taking out their defenses then moving in troops. Nukes destroy all the defenses at once and provide a disincentive to deploying more troops and resistance.
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People need to realize he’s not threatening nuclear Armageddon by striking major EU and US cities but crossing the line of using tactical nukes with a low megaton threshold on the battlefield or against relatively small civilian targets. Nuke a hamlet first then if that doesn’t have the desired effect nuke a small city and then escalate till he gets what he wants. Still devastating but the damage would be pretty confined to Ukraine as a warning message…now if NATOs response is to fire off ICBMs that would be crazy. Putin would likely bet the reaction of NATO would be to do nothing and for Ukraine to surrender and agree to peace talks like imperial Japan in WWII.
You may be correct. But wow that would be a risky move on his part. Nuclear weapons have been used 2 times almost 80 years ago and never again for good reason. Let’s hope that cat stays in the bag.


And 100 are coming... they need more, but this is a good start.

They need to confirm which model, there's Switchblade 300 and 600. The 300 is weaker and doesn't have the anti-armor capabilities of the 600, so im hoping they sent the latter and not the former.


Who is the international court of justice? Do they have any power militarily or otherwise?
It is a body that deals with disputes between countries. They don't actually have any direct power. If a country fails to comply with a decision, then it goes to the UN Security Council to enforce it. But Russia has a veto, so it will never actually pass the Security Council.
As an example, there was a case between Nicaragua and the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaragua_v._United_States
The ICJ ruled in favour of Nicaragua, but the US refused to comply. It was brought before the Security Council to enforce, but the US just said Nah, and vetoed it. Multiple times.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
What would happen if some non-nato country jumps in and starts fighting against Russia (in Ukraine), and then russia actually launched a nuke at them? Would the rest of the world stay out of it or is it a nuclear free for all at that point?
If Russia launches a nuke at anyone they're getting invaded. I don't even think China would stand aside after that.

Nuclear weapons are not a sane option for Putin. That doesn't mean he's sane enough not to use them, but if he does, Russia will very quickly stop being a country.


Gold Member
The problem my friends see is that putin isn't capable to win becuase of more resistance which will result in him deploying nukes for the simple fact of being out of options. Putin needs to win because otherwise the sharks are probably at his office to get rid of him. So he has to perform.

This is what makes it scary,

Another thing that makes it scary is that if russia gets ukraine, they are boardering with poland something poland probably doesn't want. So we could see poland escalate forwards and get a boarder area going with russia by invading ukraine for a small amount which could trigger putin but also poland to start going after eachother.

All with all, nukes are a very real option if you think about it. Putin will do whatever he needs to do to win.
The sharks are gonna eat him alive if he cause the annihilation of his country aswell.

Russian government can still save the face if they substitute him with another guy because they can put all the fault on him and the damage is not irreparable yet, but how do you save face for starting ww3?



If this guy actually believes what he’s saying, then he’s insane. If not then he’s cynical to the point of it making little difference.

This is a tiny, weak man who’s terrified of being Gaddafi’d and is going right to the same playbook of every despot’s endgame, except he’s got nukes.


Gold Member
Putin as a direct line to the nuclear subs. Don't be fooled by thinking that his command as to go through multiple people for it to happen, especially with icbm's.
He still need another person\multiple persons to actually pull the trigger, he doesn't have a switch on his desk (i hope)

Are those persons crazy\brave enough to be responsible for ww3?? even the most hardcore soldier is gonna ask himself if following putin command is the right thing to do, in their mind they know that if they push that button, their life and the life of every person they care (and their beloved country) are dunzo, if there is something that can convert even the most putin-nutsucker soldier is being responsible for potentially starting the end of modern world.
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