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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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A war against Ukraine will be costly for Russia. How costly? Hard to know, but there's already footage of russian helicopters going down, plus russian tanks destroyed, and this in just a few hours. If Russia suffers heavy casualties, I don't see how Russian people can support this madness. Pair that, with heavy sactions and a complete isolation from the rest of the world. Depending on how this conflict unfolds, we might see in the future a split Russia, as not every territory in Russia is pro-Russia.

The West can't intervene, neither of the sides would want that. If there were US troops in Ukraine, this would lead to a huge conflict between two superpowers, with unthinkable consequences (possibly nuclear).

Btw, let's just get one thing clear: Ukraine never posed a threat to Russia. Is ilogical to think that a smaller/weaker/non-nuclear country would pose a threat to a nuclear superpower, period.

Now, and a bit off-topic, I would keep a close eye on China, who might take advantage of the world being distracted with the war on Ukraine, to invade Taiwan. Some other minor conflicts may occur as well.


A war against Ukraine will be costly for Russia. How costly? Hard to know, but there's already footage of russian helicopters going down, plus russian tanks destroyed, and this in just a few hours. If Russia suffers heavy casualties, I don't see how Russian people can support this madness. Pair that, with heavy sactions and a complete isolation from the rest of the world. Depending on how this conflict unfolds, we might see in the future a split Russia, as not every territory in Russia is pro-Russia.

The West can't intervene, neither of the sides would want that. If there were US troops in Ukraine, this would lead to a huge conflict between two superpowers, with unthinkable consequences (possibly nuclear).

Btw, let's just get one thing clear: Ukraine never posed a threat to Russia. Is ilogical to think that a smaller/weaker/non-nuclear country would pose a threat to a nuclear superpower, period.

Now, and a bit off-topic, I would keep a close eye on China, who might take advantage of the world being distracted with the war on Ukraine, to invade Taiwan. Some other minor conflicts may occur as well.
I am admittedly very naive on the subject, I know nothing of armed conflict, but I do wonder what might happen if this invasion does not go as Putin planned. I can’t imagine him staying in power. Its also hard to imagine how he’d respond to humiliation.
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A war against Ukraine will be costly for Russia. How costly? Hard to know, but there's already footage of russian helicopters going down, plus russian tanks destroyed, and this in just a few hours. If Russia suffers heavy casualties, I don't see how Russian people can support this madness. Pair that, with heavy sactions and a complete isolation from the rest of the world. Depending on how this conflict unfolds, we might see in the future a split Russia, as not every territory in Russia is pro-Russia.

The West can't intervene, neither of the sides would want that. If there were US troops in Ukraine, this would lead to a huge conflict between two superpowers, with unthinkable consequences (possibly nuclear).

Btw, let's just get one thing clear: Ukraine never posed a threat to Russia. Is ilogical to think that a smaller/weaker/non-nuclear country would pose a threat to a nuclear superpower, period.

Now, and a bit off-topic, I would keep a close eye on China, who might take advantage of the world being distracted with the war on Ukraine, to invade Taiwan. Some other minor conflicts may occur as well.
Once again, this was never about Ukraine posing a thread to Russia. Russia knows this, they're not dumb, it's about the possibility of NATO using Ukraine as a way to stay in Russia's doorstep. That's it, there's nothing more to it. Ukraine itself was never a threat to Russia.

And once again, China won't do shit. You can't plan an invasion of a fortress island while the world is looking the other way, it doesn't work like that. Not only that but China has already said multiple times, it wants to do it peacefully and without any confrontation.


Gold Member
I know we're not supposed to do politics, but FUCK PUTIN AND FUCK EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS HIM STRAIGHT TO HELL.

He's threatening to use nukes if anyone interferes. WW3 is a real possibility. Humanity had a good run.

I guess the only hope is that someone in the Russian government who's less fucking insane decides that enough is enough and takes him down.
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Winter John

I've always said we should've dealt with Putin a long time ago. It was obvious that guy should never have been allowed to stay in power. Now look where we are. It seems like the best thing we can do is go after Russia's economy, but Christ knows if that'll even hurt Putin


Xi Jinping and Putin really take advantage of weak Western leaders; the gender-confused, rainbow-loving left-wing leaders, and the deranged, spoiled brat Trump.

Strong leader like Reagan won the cold war and played crucial role in breaking up the USSR. Now Putin is trying to rebuild it back again. I think he wants that as his legacy,
The repressed unadulterated submissive homosexual strongman reverence from that post has a fabulous flair of self-hate.
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Von Hugh

Gold Member
Cost on Russia:

Deployment of the troops, Russian casualties, wreckage of the equipment, how many billion dollars?
Sanctions, near term and long term, how many billions?
Russian ruble tanking, loss of international business, how many billions today alone?
Psychosocial and cultural effects on the whole world in the long term causing migration from Russia and diminished willingness to conduct business with Russia, and other effects, how many billions?

Putler is a god damn lunatic. Anti-social, anti-human psychopath who doesn't even care for his own people.


lol we all know the USA wants ukraine for its resources, they could give three shits about its people. this is why they threaten russia. this is all about natural resources not about caring. biden is so full of shit.
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Gold Member
lol we all know the USA wants ukraine for its resources, they could give three shits about its people. this is why they threaten russia. this is all about natural resources not about caring. biden is so full of shit.

What resources? Ukraine is not a rich country, it doesn't have oil etc.


I really hope they're serious with the sanctions but I'm worried they won't do much about it ... which I feel is a likely case...

It's a bit ironic though, that the war happens in 2022, where we have Internet, and such things. I'd like to imagine the Internet users would have a hand in this, one way or another. For example, there has been posts telling what to say or do and not do during discussion of the war.


What resources? Ukraine is not a rich country, it doesn't have oil etc.
lol u think oil is the only valuable resource? come on man...look it up...it has plenty of minerals that are very vaulable. just ppl dont talk about that cause in school they were taught that russians are bad. fact is, none of what the usa does is for the people, its for their own enirichment. but thats all i am going to say cause politics in this forum is not allowed. which is a good thing.


Gold Member
lol u think oil is the only valuable resource? come on man...look it up...it has plenty of minerals that are very vaulable. just ppl dont talk about that cause in school they were taught that russians are bad. fact is, none of what the usa does is for the people, its for their own enirichment. but thats all i am going to say cause politics in this forum is not allowed. which is a good thing.

Almost sounds like you're defending what Russia is doing. In which case you can fuck right off.
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Cost on Russia:

Deployment of the troops, Russian casualties, wreckage of the equipment, how many billion dollars?
Sanctions, near term and long term, how many billions?
Russian ruble tanking, loss of international business, how many billions today alone?
Psychosocial and cultural effects on the whole world in the long term causing migration from Russia and diminished willingness to conduct business with Russia, and other effects, how many billions?

Putler is a god damn lunatic. Anti-social, anti-human psychopath who doesn't even care for his own people.
People really need to start viewing Putin this way. I think his internet PR campaign of trying to look tough riding a bear without his shirt and other efforts to sound like he’s a genius were unfortunately super effective.

The fact is he’s just a cunt. Being willing to do cunty things to gain power doesn’t make you smart, it makes you a cunt.


Poland would kick Russia's ass even without US help lmao. They are nothing like the Ukraine. They are well trained, well equipped, well led, and have a far larger reserve force than Ukraine. In fact, Poland could kick Germany's ass as well and it would be like a reverse WW2.
I hope you're just trolling for a laugh, but man you can't be further from the truth.
The only thing that holds the country together is NATO and if Russia decided to attack the only thing that would happen is that 36 milion people would shit their bed before even knowing the war was already over.
Seriously, no. Like NO. NOOOO.

Source: i fucking live here.

Sticks and stones may be better thsn any 40 year old tank that is immobile. So brb, gonna grab the biggest branch.


lol we all know the USA wants ukraine for its resources, they could give three shits about its people. this is why they threaten russia. this is all about natural resources not about caring. biden is so full of shit.

Well it's a fact that whenever an ex-USSR state, namely the Baltics, or a USSR satellite state(Poland, Slovakia, Hungary etc) moves away from Russia's sphere of influence and joins the EU, it witnesses significant economic growth. So whatever the motive, people definitely get to benefit when their country attaches itself to the West.
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People really need to start viewing Putin this way. I think his internet PR campaign of trying to look tough riding a bear without his shirt and other efforts to sound like he’s a genius were unfortunately super effective.

The fact is he’s just a cunt. Being willing to do cunty things to gain power doesn’t make you smart, it makes you a cunt.

Yeah, contrary to le funny online photoshop memes, Putin isn't some goofy ass harmless humpty dumpty motherfucker that rides or wrestles grizzly bears on a daily basis. He's a ruthless man whose been using mafia-like tactics and operations to run his country. People have been sleeping on this shit partly due to the ongoing nonsense that's taking space online.



Expect to see gas prices going sky-high and never returning to normal. =(

Damn... I pay US$1.3 per liter (roughly US$5.85 per gallon) of 95-octane gasoline and I don't even want to know how much more will it cost in the near future.

Honestly, I don't care; if it fucks with Russia's ability to fight, I will happily pay it.
Yeah its US fault Russia is invading Ukraine

Youre full of shit
Man, Russia is completely in the wrong here, but it's not like Putin woke up and was like "Fuck it, let's go invade Ukraine today". Everything has a god damn reason, and don't tell me it's because he wants the USSR back like many do because if he did, he would already start invading Kazakistan and Tajikistan first, for example. There are many countries he could invade first to actually form his USSR.

Every action has a consequence.

Hari Seldon

Oh no...


Sorry to burst your bubble here but I think you need to take a look at for example the polish PT-91 a modernisation of the T-72M1 and then compare it to say for example the comparable Russian modernisation with the T-90M, this is not even comparing with the even more modern T-14 with its unmanned turret. You will find that this essentially repeats itself across all comparable weapon systems from the FB Beryl to the F-16C's Russia has multiple options that are either one or two generations ahead.
Yeah man I do stand corrected. My knowledge of the Poles comes from working with a few of their soldiers and finding them extremely professional and capable, and how much they fucking hate russians, but I did not realize until lately how small their actual force is. Clearly they need to bulk up big time.


So the US was spending billions per day fighting in Afghanistan against farners with AKs, how long can Russia sustain against Ukraine? Are they more capable than Iraq(2nd war) and Afghanistan?


lol we all know the USA wants ukraine for its resources, they could give three shits about its people. this is why they threaten russia. this is all about natural resources not about caring. biden is so full of shit.
No sir. Get out of here Russian bot.


So the US was spending billions per day fighting in Afghanistan against farners with AKs, how long can Russia sustain against Ukraine? Are they more capable than Iraq(2nd war) and Afghanistan?
I doubt they respect human rights/rules of engagement the same way America does.
Civilian, military? Who cares. Just wipe them out.

This is very-very sad to see. I wish the west could do something, but I do not expect anything more than these sanctions.
Hopefully the russian people will get tired of this shit and beat Putin to death.

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