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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member
Xi Jinping and Putin really take advantage of weak Western leaders; the gender-confused, rainbow-loving left-wing leaders, and the deranged, spoiled brat Trump.

Strong leader like Reagan won the cold war and played crucial role in breaking up the USSR. Now Putin is trying to rebuild it back again. I think he wants that as his legacy,
are you serious ?
Do you think the Iran-contra fiasco was good foreign politics?
Reagan was a tool, and Gorbatchev did more for the collapse of USSR than him.

Anyway, no vforeign power can do anything with the nuclear threats. The only people capable of stopping Putin are the Russians themselves. I hope they do it quick.


*Refreshes biennially
While some of the reasons behind American military action in the past few decades can rightly be regarded as questionable, to compare any of them to the blatant warmongering being prosecuted by Putin on an entirely innocent nation, makes anyone who does so an absolute fucking moron.

Yeah, right. 😅 Because invasion on Iraq was all about weapons of mass destruction and nothing else. What a bunch of hypocrites.

That said, God bless Ukraine.


Gold Member
Care to elucidate on which invasions by western nations you‘re speaking about that parallel what the Russians are doing?
I think you meant "elaborate", and do we really have to?
Russia is like the US, an imperialistic power hell-bent on monopolizing ressources wherever they are. The only difference is the coat of bullshit varnish US government likes to placate on their declarations. Putin just doesn't care.
are you serious ?
Do you think the Iran-contra fiasco was good foreign politics?
Reagan was a tool, and Gorbatchev did more for the collapse of USSR than him.

Anyway, no vforeign power can do anything with the nuclear threats. The only people capable of stopping Putin are the Russians themselves. I hope they do it quick.

no one remembers what Iran contra is about, I had to look it up to refresh what that shit is about......

Reagan's legacy will always be the Fall of Berlin Wall and the Breaking up of the USSR. That speech he made in Berlin will live forever, long after history forgets what the shit Iran contra is about
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Gold Member
If the west does nothing, i can easily see the start of WWIII

It would basically mean that China would have free pass to invade Taiwan.


Gold Member
no one remembers what Iran contra is about, I had to look it up to refresh what that shit is about......

Reagan's legacy will always be The fall of Berlin Wall and breaking up of the USSR. That speech he made in Berlin will live forever, long after history forgets what the shit Iran contra is about
Ok so because you don't know about one of the biggest geopolitical scandals of the last century it just doesn't matter?
And one speech by Reagan which he of course did not write (or even understand) makes him the greatest leader the free word ever knew?
Dude respect yourself and stop posting please.


Yeah, right. 😅 Because invasion on Iraq was all about weapons of mass destruction and nothing else. What a bunch of hypocrites.

That said, God bless Ukraine.

While the WMD stuff was of course bullshit, to equate Iraq from twenty years ago as a nation state, to Ukraine as a nation state today, belies a complete lack of understanding of both nations, and the geopolitical situations around them at the time of invasion.

The Iraq war was a gross error of judgement, but to equate the actions and the intent of the Americans then with the Russians now, is grossly idiotic, and is the kind of knee jerk stupidity I’d expect from anyone who just looks at social media posts.
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Putin tells the West that if the West interferes in Ukraine, the West will see consequences greater than we have ever seen.

As Ukraine isnt a NATO member, no NATO troops will enter Ukraine, however NATO have been supporting Ukraine for the last 10+ years and due to this invasion more support will come from NATO.

It will be for Putin to determine if this support from NATO will be seen as 'interferance' in his eyes, if he does then this may lead to attacks in NATO territory and if that happens. then its all out war in Europe.


I think you meant "elaborate", and do we really have to?
Russia is like the US, an imperialistic power hell-bent on monopolizing ressources wherever they are. The only difference is the coat of bullshit varnish US government likes to placate on their declarations. Putin just doesn't care.

No. I didn’t mean elaborate. And if you truly think the US is as bad as Russia, then welcome to the collection of Putin’s useful idiots that are already clogging up this thread.
If anyone is being load of shit its you. Just go ahead and say what you truly wanted to say with that reply and say "fuck Ukraine I dont want a global war". Fuck off dude. EU leaders are a bunch of pussies. Anyone saying otherwise is a dumbass.

I fucking swear, some people are drunk on Call of duty Michael Bay fiction. The leaders are currently, doing everything in their power to mitigate the possibility of WW3.

The sanctions won't be felt today or even tomorrow. They won't have an immediate effect. Its a long sighted move to deplete Russia and incapacitate their ressources. The end goal is to deter Russia. Worst part is that only the Russian people will be affected by this like Fluo Fluo . Putin doesn't give a shit.

Its unfortunate, but, for now, Ukraine stands mostly alone in this. If NATO forces were to set as much as a foot over the Ukrainian border, that would be both a declaration and escalation into global War. Do you seriously consider something like that as a reasonable countermeasure?
What do you know?

I'm from Timisoara, not that far and I was a kid when nato bombed it. My parents and their families are even closer, to the border. No one wants a war, but it starts with Ukraine, then whats stopping from going to Finland? Moldova? and other ex russian sites? A bully does not stop. He wants more. Maybe we wont live to see it but this is the beggining of the end if no one stops him.


If anyone is being load of shit its you. Just go ahead and say what you truly wanted to say with that reply and say "fuck Ukraine I dont want a global war". Fuck off dude. EU leaders are a bunch of pussies. Anyone saying otherwise is a dumbass.
You´re the living proof that neanderthals haven`t actually died out with your warmongering bullshit.
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I think you meant "elaborate", and do we really have to?
Russia is like the US, an imperialistic power hell-bent on monopolizing ressources wherever they are. The only difference is the coat of bullshit varnish US government likes to placate on their declarations. Putin just doesn't care.
The difference is the US isn’t trying to annex countries through aggressive force like Russia and China are. We’re not without our sins and mistakes, but there’s really no comparison here.


Gold Member
Putin is garbage. I wish I could sleep this off and everything will be fine in the morning, but even as a Dutchman this will affect me, especially in gas prices. Shit's already sky high and it ain't just taxes.
I can't see a way out of this. Surely they'll cut Russia off from Swift, but that's just Western finances right?


Everything rests with Putin now as to whether or not he wants to fuck the world over. Beyond their close relations with Russia there is another really good reason why the CCP aren't condemning the invasion of Ukraine.

This ends well for no one.
Thats never going to happen.

Really? So, I guess you think economy just be some "funny" business with numbers going "up-and-down" without any meaning on society.

Plus, it seems like you're sitting on some exclusive knowledge regarding the upcoming sanctions the west hasn't announced/activated yet.


The difference is the US isn’t trying to annex countries through aggressive force like Russia and China are. We’re not without our sins and mistakes, but there’s really no comparison here.
I´d not necessarily see war for power and war for territory as entirely separate things.....both are forms of imperialism. Power plays at the cost of civilian lives.
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Both democrat and republican US administrations over the past thirty years have allowed Putin's Russia to reach this point.

The current administration is distracted and has been from the moment they took office.

I feel Putin will eventually lose this gamble. Russia's economy is pretty meager and I don't think it can withstand both the sanctions and with maintaining an occupation of a country nearly the size of Texas and with 44 million hostile people. Russia might even get bogged down militarily if Ukraine's army can get dug in and hold its largest cities, or later tie Russia down with an insurgency. With the pandemic still going on and choking the world economy, it's a bad time for military adventurism. I know it seems like Putin is winning tonight but he has pot-committed his country in the face of world opposition and it's easy to envision a dozen ways this could backfire.

I'm not going to speak on whether or not the "pandemic is still going on" but the economic impact the pandemic has had means that an expensive military war is the last thing most western countries want - they simply can't afford it. To that end, along with the weak socialist leadership that plagues much of the west at the moment, Putin has timed this perfectly. He's being opportunistic at the moment and what makes this scary is the fact that nobody knows how far he'll really go.

Just a few days ago sone people were saying it's all just posturing and he won't actually invade with military force, and now look. People are underestimating him at their own peril.
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*Refreshes biennially
While the WMD stuff was of course bullshit, to equate Iraq from twenty years ago as a nation state, to Ukraine as a nation state today, belies a complete lack of understanding of both nations, and the geopolitical situations around them at the time of invasion.

The Iraq war was a gross error of judgement, but to equate the actions and the intent of the Americans then with the Russians now, is grossly idiotic, and is the kind of knee jerk stupidity I’d expect from anyone who just looks at social media posts.

To regular people... women, men and children living in Keiv the shit that's happening now it's exactly the same shit that happened in Baghdad. It's not the fucking intent that matters. It's the end result. What it will be? Well, time will tell. Bye, hypocrite.
The difference is the US isn’t trying to annex countries through aggressive force like Russia and China are. We’re not without our sins and mistakes, but there’s really no comparison here.
Always always, it's the same shit. US and Russia are not very different from each other, both are imperialist, but using different methods.

One is not better than the other. They are both imperialist, full stop.


Gold Member
No. I didn’t mean elaborate. And if you truly think the US is as bad as Russia, then welcome to the collection of Putin’s useful idiots that are already clogging up this thread.
Well you can elucidate a crime or an enigm when you resolve it, but you elaborate on what you say when you develop an idea more profoundly (at least in the French acception of those words). Care to elaborate on your use of the word elucidate ?

I never judged the goodness or badness of the US or Russia. I said they are two imperialistic powers hell-bent on monopolizing ressources. If you think something is false in this proposition tell me what and don't put words in my mouth just so you can hate me for my supposed "wrongthink".
Finally i have no stakes on this. I believe the war is already over and Putin won this one. I doesn't make me happy. The only thing i feel is sadness for the Ukranians (but that doesn't amount to anything).

Anyway i'd rather be an useful idiot (using ad hominem means you lost the argument by the way), than one of you neocon hawks, who cannot see that everything you say about Russia's warmongering ways can be paralleled (that does'nt mean it's exactly the same, that means it goes the same way with more or less the same shape) with US foreign politics of the last 50 years (thanks in a large part to that cunt Kissinger).
I'm from Timisoara, not that far and I was a kid when nato bombed it. My parents and their families are even closer, to the border. No one wants a war, but it starts with Ukraine, then whats stopping from going to Finland? Moldova? and other ex russian sites? A bully does not stop. He wants more. Maybe we wont live to see it but this is the beggining of the end if no one stops him.
Again, the Ukraine already had armed conficts with Russians their border region for years now. Apparently over 14.000 people died because of that in the past 10 years. How is it surprising that big papa Russia gets involved one day? Why should we risk and all out war in Europe because of that?
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When you are getting bullied, and at war, lemme know if you feel the same way. Until then, keep your petty insults to yourself.
riiiiight because you have to know the feeling of getting "bullied" to really appreaciate all out war in a time when all contrahents have enough nuclear warheads to eradicate all of humanity twice.
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Again, the Ukraine already had armed conficts with Russians their border region for years now. Apparently over 14.000 people died because of that in the past 10 years. How is it surprising that big papa Russia gets involved one day? Why should be risk and all out war in Europe because of that?

I dont want a war either dude but we also cant ignore this either. We're fine for now, but in the long run? Doubt it.
riiigth because you have to know the feeling of getting "bullied" to really appreaciate all out war in a time when all contrahents have enough nuclear warheads to eradicate all of humanity twice.

they would have as much to lose as we do if theyd go nuclear. No one is going to do that lmao. You think they can use their billions of cash on cockroaches? Cmon, Putin isnt some fucking North Korean child. THis is just a fucking game. Im not saying nuke his ass or bombard him, but defending Ukrain is the least we can do. Jesus dudes.


Well you can elucidate a crime or an enigm when you resolve it, but you elaborate on what you say when you develop an idea more profoundly (at least in the French acception of those words). Care to elaborate on your use of the word elucidate ?

I never judged the goodness or badness of the US or Russia. I said they are two imperialistic powers hell-bent on monopolizing ressources. If you think something is false in this proposition tell me what and don't put words in my mouth just so you can hate me for my supposed "wrongthink".
Finally i have no stakes on this. I believe the war is already over and Putin won this one. I doesn't make me happy. The only thing i feel is sadness for the Ukranians (but that doesn't amount to anything).

Anyway i'd rather be an useful idiot (using ad hominem means you lost the argument by the way), than one of you neocon hawks, who cannot see that everything you say about Russia's warmongering ways can be paralleled (that does'nt mean it's exactly the same, that means it goes the same way with more or less the same shape) with US foreign politics of the last 50 years (thanks in a large part to that cunt Kissinger).

Elucidate: to make something more clear, to explain.

Evacuate: what someone does with their bowels, or what you’ve done with your mouth by directly comparing the US to Putin’s Russia.
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they would have as much to lose as we do if theyd go nuclear. No one is going to do that lmao. You think they can use their billions of cash on cockroaches? Cmon, Putin isnt some fucking North Korean child. THis is just a fucking game. Im not saying nuke his ass or bombard him, but defending Ukrain is the least we can do. Jesus dudes.
Military intervention would mean direct confrontation between the NATO and Russia. That is just not an option anyone would or should be willing to go for.
The escalation potential is immeasurable.
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they would have as much to lose as we do if theyd go nuclear. No one is going to do that lmao. You think they can use their billions of cash on cockroaches? Cmon, Putin isnt some fucking North Korean child. THis is just a fucking game. Im not saying nuke his ass or bombard him, but defending Ukrain is the least we can do. Jesus dudes.

This stopped being a game the moment he decided to flip the switch and give the ok for a military invasion.

The worst thing anyone could do right now is continue to underestimate him and call his bluff.
Military intervention means direct confrontation betwen NATO and Russia. That is just not an option anyone would or should be willing to go for.
The escalation potential is immeasurable.
This stopped being a game the moment he decided to flip the switch and give the ok for a military invasion.

The worst thing anyone could do right now is continue to underestimate him and call his bluff.

It's a gamble with the devil sure I can agree with that. Anyway I've said my piece, I think in the long run, just "condemning him and sanctioning him" right now will not be enough. I hope we dont get to see that day. As for our fellow Ukrainians...I'm sorry :(


I don’t expect and certainly pray this doesn’t lead to a large war. The fact that this could happen, though, I think it does represent another major shift in the global power structure. As sad as this is to see, the threat of mutually assured destruction has really been a blessing on the human race, at least in the short term. Lots of sympathy for the people of Ukraine right now, what a horrible situation.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I dont want a war either dude but we also cant ignore this either. We're fine for now, but in the long run? Doubt it.

they would have as much to lose as we do if theyd go nuclear. No one is going to do that lmao. You think they can use their billions of cash on cockroaches? Cmon, Putin isnt some fucking North Korean child. THis is just a fucking game. Im not saying nuke his ass or bombard him, but defending Ukrain is the least we can do. Jesus dudes.
Going nuclear doesn't just mean global thermal nuclear war. What if he uses a tactical nuke on NATO forces that are 'illegally' in the Ukraine? We aren't just gonna nuke Russia off the face of the earth for that (hopefully). So we what? Use a tactical nuke on Russian forces illegally in the Ukraine? Russian forces in Russia? If we ever have a global thermo nuclear war, it will likely start with tit for tat tactical nukes
I dont want a war either dude but we also cant ignore this either. We're fine for now, but in the long run? Doubt it.
Doubt whatever you want. Fact is that if we intervene now we won‘t be fine any more. We should not risk that for an escalating conflict that has apparently been brewing for years.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
My biggest fear is good old Boris (sarcasm) decides to grow a pair. In the hopes of saving his job. Dreams of being compared to Churchill and decides to face down Putin. By sending in British troops to the Ukraine off his own back.

Climate Change GIF by GIPHY News

Doubt it. Johnson talks the talk, but he's under the thumb of Putin. The Tory party received millions in donations from Russian oligarchs.


so far China, India, Israel refuse to condemn or even criticize Russia....

China - we have enough resources; you guys go bomb the fuck out of one another and we'll clean up whats left
Isreal - don't give a fuck if it ain't about us
India - too busy side eyeing Pakistan

I don't even know what the smart move is at this point. Maybe cede Donetsk with an ultimatim that that's all they will get before an Allied force escalates it to all out war is about the only option. I don't see any other option. If they let Russia take it by force, they'll have conceded on Russias terms.


As someone living in the end of the world (Chile), I'm literally in the position of "if it takes fucking Ukraine to not get into WW3, then fuck Ukraine", not because it would affect me or my country directly (heck, my country would be one of the last places on earth that would be "radiation-safe"), but it would affect the entire northern hemisphere (80% of the population) and we would be fucked as a country (we depend for nearly everything from others). It'd be literally going back 100 years or more (but at least we would live in the surface).

Damn Putin....


Gold Member
Poland would kick Russia's ass even without US help lmao. They are nothing like the Ukraine. They are well trained, well equipped, well led, and have a far larger reserve force than Ukraine. In fact, Poland could kick Germany's ass as well and it would be like a reverse WW2.

Oh no...


Sorry to burst your bubble here but I think you need to take a look at for example the polish PT-91 a modernisation of the T-72M1 and then compare it to say for example the comparable Russian modernisation with the T-90M, this is not even comparing with the even more modern T-14 with its unmanned turret. You will find that this essentially repeats itself across all comparable weapon systems from the FB Beryl to the F-16C's Russia has multiple options that are either one or two generations ahead.

Russia has invested heavily in there military and have been showing results, especially in Armored Vehicle, small arms and Aircraft, they have some of the most modern technology available in all areas, while most countries are still using upgraded equipment that are over 3 decades old at their heart.

Do not underestimate how much of a diffrence a technological advantage can bring to the Battlefield especially when not restricted with things like morality towards potential civilian casualties caught in the crossfire.

To help give a visual indicator of what I mean here is an example of the two programs to upgrade the T-72 MBT

Polish PT-91


Russian T-90M


There is literally generational leaps in terms of technology in what the packages include.
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As someone living in the end of the world (Chile), I'm literally in the position of "if it takes fucking Ukraine to not get into WW3, then fuck Ukraine", not because it would affect me or my country directly (heck, my country would be one of the last places on earth that would be "radiation-safe"), but it would affect the entire northern hemisphere (80% of the population) and we would be fucked as a country (we depend for nearly everything from others). It'd be literally going back 100 years or more (but at least we would live in the surface).

Damn Putin....
You do know that Russia won't just take Ukraine and call it a day, right? This doesn't stop here regardless of inaction from outside parties. Putin wants all of the USSR territory back.


You do know that Russia won't just take Ukraine and call it a day, right? This doesn't stop here regardless of inaction from outside parties. Putin wants all of the USSR territory back.
He'll have to call it a day, since the rest of neighbouring countries are NATO allies and we all know what happens when article 5 gets triggered: WW3 (that nobody...not even Russia wants).
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