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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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“Whoever tries to interfere, or even more, create threats for our country and our people, should know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will lead to consequences like never before experienced in history.”


Apparently, the next round of sanctions will be announced later today.

If this leads to another nuclear disaster then that would be absolutely horrorific. Putin is out of his mind, but he can't be this insane.
Chernobyl is just inbetween Belarus and Kiew. Thats why
Ok so because you don't know about one of the biggest geopolitical scandals of the last century it just doesn't matter?
And one speech by Reagan which he of course did not write (or even understand) makes him the greatest leader the free word ever knew?
Dude respect yourself and stop posting please.

stop bullshiting ...biggest geopolitical scandal?!?! my ass ......at the end of the day what is iran contra long lasting legacy?!? nothing, zip, nada

meanwhile, he and his administration policies/decision helped re-united Germany and brought down USSR...so yea please educate yourself
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All experts said he wouldn’t invade , after this they said he wouldn’t take the whole country ..

He will take the whole country .. clueless as what ..


Fantastic. Keep that going for years please.

Not sure what it accomplishes though, "cyber warfare", besides annoyance.
Anyone care to explain please?
Just attack with cyber , communications and power , disconnect the internet .. disrupt gps and sats .. done .. I would imagine the West is smart .. but they let it happen and got played 🤣👍🏻

Instead Rusia invaded with a garbage army , with garbage material , but it has lots .

They even still have steam locomotives.
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Gold Member
Elucidate: to make something more clear, to explain.

Evacuate: what someone does with their bowels, or what you’ve done with your mouth by directly comparing the US to Putin’s Russia.
Your’re right. There is an intransitive from of the verb in english, which we don’t have in french, that has the meaning you gave it. My bad, i never have seen it used like that before, when i saw plenty of « care to elaborate ». Maybe you really wanted him to explain to you his point because you could not comprehend it by yourself.
Anyway dude i m sorry you are having a temper tantrum because i used a comparison you don’t agree with (very strongly i’d say ;) ), but you still do not explain why is the comparison wrong. I guess you have no arguments…

Edit because not bécasse ! Even though you’re quite the idiotic bird 😅
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Our National Security Council is having a meeting. They all remembered their masks for the picture. I wish they would stop doing that. Someone of Putins mindset will not see that the same way as whoever the photo op is for. This will not end, and China will be making it worse guaranteed, until they believe they have seriously dangerous people (to their power structure) stepping in.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Putin said this morning this wasn't an invasion of Ukraine, yet Russian paratroopers have taken an airbase just outside Kyiv.
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When it comes too all these military videos, you never know what to believe. When I first saw it I thought it was real myself.

Fake videos, misleading videos (real but from something 5 years ago) etc.... I'm amazed how weird people are trolling fake videos for a serious issue.

Yeah went and youtubed some more footage of that game and from certain angles/time of day its just amazing how good it looks for an older game. Actually considering downloading it now if my 2070S will run it.


Does anyone know how the previous Russian invasions are perceived? Were they victories/losses? 2014, 2008 I believe.


I just lefted because I needed to sleep. Since I left it seems that people have left messages such as if you intervene you are an Alpha male and if not you are a beta weak cuck p*ssy male. It seems like the IQ of some people in this topic has been seriously dropping down.


Who knows. A few months ago I would have thought it not possible. After today, and the fact we know the CCP backs Russia, it's probably very possible.
China tried taking Russian land just a few years ago. Vladivostok. Putin told them “we are strictly business partners, remember that”
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Gold Member
If we‘re lucky the Russians themselves will take care of him.
He’s less and less popular and is resorting to jail every russian who is out there protesting the war, which is a lot of people as this war is quite unpopular among russian who remember 2014… will he go full dictator or is there a way to oust him without killing him i don’t know, but he doesn’t have the support of the russian people for this aggression. (All of this gathered from talking to my russian lesbian postdoctoral student in religious anthropology friend/colleague so take it with a grain of salt)


Well he’s a former Navy intel officer & has legitimate inside sources in the White House, I would say very reliable.

I'm gonna be sincere right now: It sucks what is happening in Ukraine right now, but as long as the conflict is contained there, the damage to the rest of the world will not be too great.

But Taiwan?It would drag Japan, USA and the rest of Asia to a armed conflict, and that would be the same as starting a new World War.

I REALLY hope that he is wrong.


Gold Member

MiGs vs F-35s.
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