Macron doesn't know the difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing, but feels the need to lecture the whole world on its use.
Perhaps we should genocide the French and Germans. See how they like it.
I'm not suggesting a lot; just a little bit of genocide. We could go for tea afterwards. I know an excellent place.
Son homologue français, Emmanuel Macron, s'est voulu plus «prudent». «Je dirais que la Russie a déclenché d'une manière unilatérale une guerre brutale, qu'il est maintenant établi que des crimes de guerre ont été faits par l'armée russe et qu'il faut maintenant en trouver les responsables», a-t-il expliqué. «C'est une folie ce qui est en train de se passer, c'est d'une brutalité inouïe (...) mais je regarde en même temps les faits et je veux essayer au maximum de continuer à pouvoir arrêter cette guerre et à rebâtir la paix, donc je ne suis pas sûr que l'escalade des mots serve la cause», a-t-il ajouté.
With all the talk of Russia preparing a major offensive in the Donbas hopefully they can get it soonThat will probably depend on a lot of factors.
And one major one may be stores/depots getting hit. Hopefully the Ukrainians are spreading these out as soon as they enter the country.
Sheesh, Special plunder operation
Cucks continue to be the very worst people.
I must admit the Ukranian President is starting to grind my balls.
It's kind of like, you give a beggar $20, and he screams at you for not giving $50.
We OWE you nothing, Sir. Stop pointing fingers at those who you think don't gift you enough resources, and stop shaming them. Every country has their own issues it has to deal with, and not gifting you exactly what you demand the second you demand it doesn't mean it's out of malice or because one is Russia's vassal.
So..Ehhh one brother seems to be super bloodthirsty for Ukrainian blood though.
Yeah, I guess you are right. Apologies.He is trying to do as much for his people every day as the soldiers on the front lines. He is begging, pressuring, guilting, shaming, and whatever it takes to get every ounce of support for his people in an existential struggle. It is a strategy of trying to exhaust every possible avenue for his people that anyone with an ounce of common sense can see.
What would you do if you were a leader at this moment? Smile and accept the status quo that everyone gives you? Be too afraid to hurt someones feelings or ego while your casualties mount every day?
His country is fighting Europe's premier enemy that's been inexplicably funded and armed by certain European nations.
Germany has a knack for being on the wrong side of many political issues.Unfortunately, The German political mindset has already slipped into acceptance that Russia will partition Ukraine and they'll probably settle for the East of the country now that their initial, planned complete takeover of Ukraine has been thwarted. Which means things are beginning to slow down in the EU as regards action and supplying Ukraine with stuff as urgently as when it looked like the whole country would fall.
I have no doubt that the Germans will be putting pressure on the Ukrainians to accept the situation, as an easy way out for everyone.
Dude. Come on. He is fighting for the lives of his countrymen. He has to use every available tool. This is an extremely misguided take.I must admit the Ukranian President is starting to grind my balls.
It's kind of like, you give a beggar $20, and he screams at you for not giving $50.
We OWE you nothing, Sir. Stop pointing fingers at those who you think don't gift you enough resources, and stop shaming them. Every country has their own issues it has to deal with, and not gifting you exactly what you demand the second you demand it doesn't mean it's out of malice or because one is Russia's vassal.
Background information on the Quisling the Ukrainian's recaptured. Apparently he is one of Putin's most favourite pet kleptocrats, and the investigations into him might be a reason why the stupid little gangster got so worked up and angry in the first place.
Yes, she could post in on her blog in between listening to Linkin Park and playing on her PS2. I saw pictures of this dude going around and had no idea who he is, and this explains it16 tweets? Fuck that, dunno why anyone makes the time for that.
Post all the info, oh it's they won't start a blog. 2/4 fine, 16? Fuck off that's a life story. It won't be read.
Yeah but he can't just snip with his fingers and expect every country out there to immediately throw their decades old procedures, laws, agreements and what have you over board and give him whatever he demands that day. Stuff takes time, it's not as easy as a friend walking up to me "can you lend me five bucks?" "Sure, here you go".
I want my country, and every other country, to help Ukraine, even if it hurts "us", as I've said before, but the Ukranian President needs to accept that every one will help in the way and at the speed they can manage.
There is absolutely no indication that Russia will stop at the East….just that they are moving there now.
For reasons I stated in my earlier post....they are likely dreaming. Once again, Germany is wrong.Absolutely...Putin's tactics have changed, not his intent, But Germany is still naively hoping that Putin will see sense and settle for Eastern Ukraine and enough pressure can be applied to make the Ukrainians accept this.
BREAKING: Sweden will apply for NATO membership - SVD
It seems Finland will do it in a couple of weeks.
We can expect this from Russia:
While Russia's forces are bogged down in Ukraine, this is the best time for them to move. If they wait, they are in line to be conquered by Russia. Any non-NATO country on Russia's borders is at risk of being conquered in the next decade (if they win in Ukraine).BREAKING: Sweden will apply for NATO membership - SVD
It seems Finland will do it in a couple of weeks.
We can expect this from Russia:
Why should Ukrainians accept this? Have you not learnt from what's going on and how Russia views the west... you show those cunts weakness and they take take take, offering them part of Ukraine to stop attacking is not only giving Putin a win, its giving him an out of this clusterfuck he started. If the war has now largely moved to the East it is up to us in the West to ensure that Ukraine has every single piece of tech needed to start pushing into the Donbas region and kick the fuckers completely out of Ukraine. This is now a proxy war between Nato and Russia and we need to win this unfortunately on the backs of extremely brave Ukrainians, Russia is nothing more than a dying country and we need to hurry it the fuck up not give it a chance to recoverAbsolutely...Putin's tactics have changed, not his intent, But Germany is still naively hoping that Putin will see sense and settle for Eastern Ukraine and enough pressure can be applied to make the Ukrainians accept this.
The f*ck is wrong with you?
Would you people at least bother to read the whole quote. Here's the original:
He clearly states that Russia's brutal one-sided war is a war crime of the most atrocious order and that they will prosecute the ones responsible for it. According to Macron himself, he still wants to avoid the notion "genocide" as to not further endanger the peace talks or make a further armistice impossible. He said that "an escalation of words is not helpful right now".
Is it cowardice? Maybe. Make of these reasons what you will, but don't twist this into Macron denying or belittling the war crimes and human atrocities happening in Ukraine. And certainly don't wish f*cking genocide on others...
We've already had the White House rowing back on Biden's words.
I fear Ukraine is a proxy war in the same way the Spanish Civil War was for the fight against Fascism.Why should Ukrainians accept this? Have you not learnt from what's going on and how Russia views the west... you show those cunts weakness and they take take take, offering them part of Ukraine to stop attacking is not only giving Putin a win, its giving him an out of this clusterfuck he started. If the war has now largely moved to the East it is up to us in the West to ensure that Ukraine has every single piece of tech needed to start pushing into the Donbas region and kick the fuckers completely out of Ukraine. This is now a proxy war between Nato and Russia and we need to win this unfortunately on the backs of extremely brave Ukrainians, Russia is nothing more than a dying country and we need to hurry it the fuck up not give it a chance to recover
BREAKING: Sweden will apply for NATO membership - SVD
It seems Finland will do it in a couple of weeks.
We can expect this from Russia:
They had threatened Finland previously with a response if they decide to join NATO.I actually don't see this angering Russia as much as we think it will. I think the last few weeks have made it more evident that Russia was more interested in the destruction of Ukraine and everything that defines the country more than preventing them from joining NATO.
They had threatened Finland previously with a response if they decide to join NATO.
Russia is throwing him under the bus, as predicted .16 tweets? Fuck that, dunno why anyone makes the time for that.
Post all the info, oh it's they won't start a blog. 2/4 fine, 16? Fuck off that's a life story. It won't be read.
Your takes are always so bad. It's breath taking.
That's ironic coming from somebody who is rushing to the defense of someone else wishing "just a little genocide" on France and Germany and who recently suggested that Europeans should just "make a fire" to get through winter.
My takes are not bad, they just don't appeal to your particular type of zealotry and obsession with this thread.
I contribute enough in RL, so forgive me for not feeling the need of one-upping each other in outrage rhetoric, inflammatory commentary and virtue signaling on a frikkin' video game forum. Your hyperbolic speech contributes absolutely nothing of worth and certainly won't help the poor people in Ukraine.
I find it amazing how in times of war, human misery and humanitarian need you guys still manage to excel in such partisan rhetoric.
And glad you are "doing RL stuff" - don't even know what that means, or why you're denigrating "just a gaming forum" for rhetorical points. If you think this place isn't worth honest debate than why are you even here or even getting involved in this discussion? Seems you just derail shit every time and then point fingers when folks hard roll eyes at your oddly pro-RahRah positions for clearly bad commentaries and actions.
Ummm, the news here is that they aren't caving in.I hope Finland and Sweden don't cave in to Putin's empty threats and join NATO anyway.
Ummm, the news here is that they aren't caving in.
Hope so. While Macron has his faults, Le Pens belligerent policy is extremely not needed right nowPretty sure this is going to be campaign suicide for her. Macron is probably pretty ecstatic right now.