Sweden has delivered more Bamse, and RBS-70 systems, and 200 PSG 90, hope each one is handed out to a good sniper.
Hope it hurts the RuSSians as hell.
On a personal note, it is not easy to deal with refugees, we were trying to help some of the families we have given apartments to, give the old TV's and laptops, one of the women walks in, see's our cats, and just breaks down.
She had to leave her cat in Ukraine. Out of all the things, and I can understand it, it really shook us all here trying to help, she totally broke down.
Atleast we had a nice ending of it all, since our cats decided to just walk up to this bawling woman and climbed all over her. Moments like theese, it is just more, fuck me, and fuck RuSSia. Despicable country with despicable human beings that don't even try anymore.
When you see the results of warfare, it really can do a number on you, for me, I am just going to try to help out more Ukrainian families.
And, yeah, might hold a grudge towards Russians for the rest of my life, but, they deserve it. Fuck Russia, you are not even a civilized country anymore.