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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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In this fourth episode, Alex Stubb welcomes Nathalie Tocci, Director of the Italian Institute for International Affairs (Istituto Affari Internazionali). Alex and Nathalie discuss Elon Musk’s proposal for unilateral peace and the geopolitical implications of the latest battlefield developments. “Geopolitics with Alex” is a sequel to "Understanding the War" which ran from March to July 2022.



Gold Member
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The mobilization is going to backfire horribly for Russia. Imagine your son or father just living his life, suddenly being forced into mobilization, and then dying 2 weeks later without even being trained or prepared for the war ahead of time. I think this is going to be the breaking point for Russian society.

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The mobilization is going to backfire horribly for Russia. Imagine your son or father just living his life, suddenly being forced into mobilization, and then dying 2 weeks later without even being trained or prepared for the war ahead of time. I think this is going to be the breaking point for Russian society.

Also think about company's etc that will get heavily effected by lose of people that just randomly get culled and killed.


Gold Member
Lets be brutally fucking honest here… when we refer to ‘NATO’ what we actually mean is the USA, UK, with minor support from Baltic countries. France and Germany have to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing anything, and nobody else has much military or soft power.
Hey, the Nordic members have been doing their part too. Granted, that only includes Norway and Denmark, and Norway border Russia so know what shitty neighbours they are.


Im going to take this with a grain of salt, but if it ends up being true and Belarus directly joins the war then I think Lukashenko and his regime are done for

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Gold Member
The thing is the Pentagon is already paying for it: they agreed on the “business tier” for each antenna (500$) but he’s now demanding the “maritime tier” (4500$) per antenna.

Moscow Musk batting for the wrong team, again.

It's all so confusing, but even if you take the most generous (for Musk) version of events, it's still him being a greedy bastard at best.

Perhaps it's best just to relieve him of SpaceX. After all, he does sound like he needs a long break.


Gold Member
Elon musk is the wealthiest person on the planet 🤣 and a great BS artist .. now they depend on his tech in the Ukraine, he sees dollar signs 🤣
I like Musk's no balls attitude to whiners, but he is a total self promoting huckster. The biggest shameful plug he did was years back when those kids were trapped in the cave and he was harping on his submarines to get them out in which the more his name gets out there the more Tesla gets promoted as they go hand in hand. The second one of the rescuers cut up that idea as not logical, he came back insulting the guy on Twitter as a pedophile.


I lost respect for Musk when I actually listened to him speaking for a prolonged period on the Joe Rogan podcast (terrible combination, I know.) Guy was talking about his mile a minute big brain ideas yet all he was doing was regurgitating ideas from The Jetsons. None of which ever came to fruition.
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