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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Iran sending Fateh-110 is very bad news. This is the bad guy HIMARS esque weapon.

2018 version has range from 300-500KM. And accurate upto is 6m while carrying a 500Kg load.

The US have no excuse for ATACM now. And time for Patriot training to commence.

Although I’m surprised how far behind the west is in anti drone tech.

Russia will be sending swarms of Drones to overwhelm AA before sending in the Iranian SRBM’s to cause max damage to civilian infrastructure.

The shitty thing is if they launch them from Belarus then all western weapon logistics is in trouble.
Western weapons will be easily overthrown by gobbled togetter Iranian stuff with 2 stroke engines 🤡
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They aren't as overwhelming as indoassassin is hyping them. They are basically a buzz bomb with loitering capabilities. They are very loud, and can be shot down with stingers, etc. But if you throw enough of them at your target they can easily overwhelm... If Iran is that committed here than yeah, it could be a problem... But my guess is it's not true, since they still are slinging them at civilians. If they actually had a significant amount, they'd be used in high risk targets but successfully disrupting the actual battle lines. They aren't, it's all for media and show.

Settle down. There is no way they were on any significant trajectory even with the Shah, and tend to recall Iran being subjects of Mongols for hundreds of years. Doesn't really matter, their tech isn't that good, and really underwhelming compared to Israel, NATO, Japan, etc.

Fateh-110 are Short Range Ballistic Missiles unless you are talking about the drones?

Ukraine doesn’t have any means of shooting down Ballistic Missiles. Which will make defending their logistic infrastructure impossible.

These can also be apparently redirected mid flight which makes it harder for even Patriot missiles to shoot them down.
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Gold Member

Fateh-110 are Short Range Ballistic Missiles unless you are talking about the drones?

Ukraine doesn’t have any means of shooting down Ballistic Missiles. Which will make defending their logistic infrastructure impossible.

These can also be redirected mid flight which makes it even harder for even Patriot missiles to shoot them down

I was talking about their drones, which are being fired at Kyiv right now.

Fact is, this is not a capability Russia didn't already have. It's not a game changer, except frequency as to Russia having more more available arsenal, though Iran has production issues on most of their rockets so unsure how much Russia really benefits.

Long story short, it's just more terrorism that doesn't really change the trajectory of this war. More civilians are dying, and causing visible outrage, but the battle lines continue to grind towards Kherson and into Russian lines. If they could manage to target a HIMARS launch system, then sure, but their intelligence is so bad even if they knew where the launchers were at they'd be miles away by the time they launched a missile.... Hence, apartment buildings.
I was talking about their drones, which are being fired at Kyiv right now.

Fact is, this is not a capability Russia didn't already have. It's not a game changer, except frequency as to Russia having more more available arsenal, though Iran has production issues on most of their rockets so unsure how much Russia really benefits.

Long story short, it's just more terrorism that doesn't really change the trajectory of this war. More civilians are dying, and causing visible outrage, but the battle lines continue to grind towards Kherson and into Russian lines. If they could manage to target a HIMARS launch system, then sure, but their intelligence is so bad even if they knew where the launchers were at they'd be miles away by the time they launched a missile.... Hence, apartment buildings.

The drones can be countered by WW2 tactics. Having AA machine guns protecting every square inch of the city and getting ready to fire once they are heard since they make a loud noise like Propeller planes. This will save on cost inefficiency of using precious AA missiles. But this requires a shit ton of AA guns.

Iran has been developing Fateh missiles since 2002. So they may have enough inventory to cause a major dent in logistics.

Russia is down to their strategic reserves for Islanders hence why they’ve stopped using them.
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It is nice of the Americans to leave a single pipe from the nord stream 2 undamaged
German engineering? American incompetence? Both?

BTW How many countries are investigating the explosions so far?

If anybody had any proof linking this to Russia, we would have heard about it already.
German engineering? American incompetence? Both?

BTW How many countries are investigating the explosions so far?

If anybody had any proof linking this to Russia, we would have heard about it already.

Sweden, Germany, Denmark, and Norway are investigating. Germany and Denmark are doing a joint investigation. While Sweden is doing its own investigation. Same with Norway
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Fools idol

Could be stock price manipulation tbh. TSLA is oversold now, which could prompt a buyback.
Trust me, Tesla has a long way to fall down from here. I fully expect China's retaliation to the chip exports sanction to be some form of factory shutdown / production halt on companies like Apple, Tesla. etc. We'll see in time I suppose but Elon is playing with fire with his latest tweets. The short seller algorithms are powerful these days.

This is what I’m talking about with drone attacks. How economically they are not feasible. Spending $3 million to take out a $5K piece of equipment. But there needs to be something done soon as $5K spent to take out $500 million equipment. Even the West can’t afford that type of war.

And having systems of NASAMs will not be economically feasible long term against constant swarms of them.

Unfortunately NATO has no answer as of now. Whatever they have to fight off swarms is still in proof of concept stage.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

This is what I’m talking about with drone attacks. How economically they are not feasible. Spending $3 million to take out a $5K piece of equipment. But there needs to be something done soon as $5K spent to take out $500 million equipment. Even the West can’t afford that type of war.

Your sources suck. This guy is obviously a bullshitter propagandist conspiracy theorist for the bad guys. He claims Zelenskyy is a hologram.



Your sources suck. This guy is obviously a bullshitter propagandist conspiracy theorist for the bad guys. He claims Zelenskyy is a hologram.
Sadly, while that... individual appears to be a Zbot, the video of a suicide drone hitting an S-300 emplacement seems genuine. Which is hugely unfortunate, given their value.
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As always, pro-Russian are compelled to lie even when giving objectively good news for them. An S-300 launcher does not cost 500 million dollars. Ukraine started the war with 100 batteries with 4 launchers each. Here, two launchers are destroyed, based on the 1 billion dollar contract Egypt signed for 4 batteries (16 launchers plus expensive radars) it's unlikely to be 1/5th of that cost.


As always, pro-Russian are compelled to lie even when giving objectively good news for them. An S-300 launcher does not cost 500 million dollars. Ukraine started the war with 100 batteries with 4 launchers each. Here, two launchers are destroyed, based on the 1 billion dollar contract Egypt signed for 4 batteries (16 launchers plus expensive radars) it's unlikely to be 1/5th of that cost.
It's not so much their cost, but the near-impossibility to replace any losses. The Greeks refuse to sell theirs (want to keep them against Turkey), Egypt definitely refuses to sell theirs (for a multitude of reasons), and other sources are pretty much dried out.
They might as well cost $1, but if you can't source replacements, you're stuck without them.
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We are likely days away from escalation. Let us hope it is not nuclear.

This truly is the end times my friends.

It’s not because of Nuclear It’s either that they expect the force in Belarus to invade, or they expect Russia to ramp up destruction of Kyiv with Drones and SRBM’s to try to scare the citizens into giving up like they did in Syria, Georgia, and Chechnya.

Your sources suck. This guy is obviously a bullshitter propagandist conspiracy theorist for the bad guys. He claims Zelenskyy is a hologram.

Ok here’s a better source. I don’t follow that dude it’s just his Twitter was quicker to find then the Reddit post.
It's not so much their cost, but the near-impossibility to replace any losses. The Greeks refuse to sell theirs (want to keep them against Turkey), Egypt definitely refuses to sell theirs (for a multitude of reasons), and other sources are pretty much dried out.
They might as well cost $1, but if you can't source replacements, you're stuck without them.
Cost is a major factor as well. Spending $1.2 million to shoot down $30K worth of equipment is not feasible in the long run.

Ukraine has received some Vampire Anti-Drone weaponry from the US which is far more cost effective since it’s only $28K per missile. But there has been no news or videos about it’s effectiveness against drones yet.
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Wouldn't this be a nice gift from America? I bet these would destroy those drones in an instant?
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It's not so much their cost, but the near-impossibility to replace any losses. The Greeks refuse to sell theirs (want to keep them against Turkey), Egypt definitely refuses to sell theirs (for a multitude of reasons), and other sources are pretty much dried out.
They might as well cost $1, but if you can't source replacements, you're stuck without them.
So, without S-300 Ukraine now has to surrender to Putin? This somehow undoes all the defeats the Russians suffered at the front and Odessa will fall next month? It's a blow for sure but the loss of eight S-300 missiles is presented here as a Battle Of Kursk level victory. While Russia is firing dozens of these same "500 million dollar missiles" at appartment blocks in Zhaporizhna.

Keep in mind the Americans dropped the equivalent of 500,000 Shaheed-136 drones in 11 days on Hanoi during Linebacker 2. And while that killed a ton of people it did not make much of a difference in the end. Like North Vietnam, Ukraine is determined to fight and is receiving support from friendly Great Powers across an untouchable border.
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I’m not any kind of expert but the land-based versions we have probably would:

Possible downside is that that wall of bullets comes down somewhere heavily populated.

The rounds explode after a certain distance to prevent collateral damage. Phalanx vs drones is difficult because it has trouble with low speed targets. The system is made to be the final line of defense on a warship being targeted by fast moving missiles. Slower moving objects may not be prioritized and picked up in time to be intercepted.


Your sources suck. This guy is obviously a bullshitter propagandist conspiracy theorist for the bad guys. He claims Zelenskyy is a hologram.

And yet he has a blue checkmark

Anyway saw s300s and thought pretty sure those are old and yesin Ukraine are largely old soviet left overs, they have tons of them

A more German gepards should be arriving soon, should keep bombers and helicopter off cities, but drones and dumb artillery are still the big threat just due to numbers, Ukraine will need more crams going forward, hopefully Italy will send some porcupines


So, without S-300 Ukraine now has to surrender to Putin? This somehow undoes all the defeats the Russians suffered at the front and Odessa will fall next month? It's a blow for sure but the loss of eight S-300 missiles is presented here as a Battle Of Kursk level victory. While Russia is firing dozens of these same "500 million dollar missiles" at appartment blocks in Zhaporizhna.
It's obviously been blown up for agitprop purposes, like pretty much every Russian point score. The real danger is twofold: 1) long-range Ukrainian air defenses, which rely on the S-300, become degraded enough via attrition that the Russians become emboldened enough to start sending planes through the gaps; 2) the Ukrainian army spreads them out even more, and has to constantly musical chair them, which makes them less effective and more vulnerable to getting randomly ganked by drones.
Keep in mind the Americans dropped the equivalent of 500,000 Shaheed-136 drones in 11 days on Hanoi during Linebacker 2. And while that killed a ton of people it did not make much of a difference in the end. Like North Vietnam, Ukraine is determined to fight and is receiving support from friendly Great Powers across an untouchable border.
Very true, but the cost for Ukraine risks ramping up significantly, absent proper (that is, cost-effective) countermeasures.


And yet he has a blue checkmark

Honestly surprised by that. Verification stopped because a white surpremacist got through the ideology filter. I clicked through to that guy's website and holy shit its half covid-denial and half pakistani ultra nationalism. The bar for validation must be low these days. I wonder if some Twitter employee just saw "muslim activist" and gave him the check.
It's obviously been blown up for agitprop purposes, like pretty much every Russian point score. The real danger is twofold: 1) long-range Ukrainian air defenses, which rely on the S-300, become degraded enough via attrition that the Russians become emboldened enough to start sending planes through the gaps; 2) the Ukrainian army spreads them out even more, and has to constantly musical chair them, which makes them less effective and more vulnerable to getting randomly ganked by drones.

Very true, but the cost for Ukraine risks ramping up significantly, absent proper (that is, cost-effective) countermeasures.
I doubt the skies over Kyiv and Lviv or any other place are going to see any Russian planes over them any time soon. This whole drone offensive which delivers all the terror at a fraction of the cost and none of the losses may in fact be the end of the Russian manned airframes role in doing anything more then bombing the frontlines.


I doubt the skies over Kyiv and Lviv or any other place are going to see any Russian planes over them any time soon. This whole drone offensive which delivers all the terror at a fraction of the cost and none of the losses may in fact be the end of the Russian manned airframes role in doing anything more then bombing the frontlines.
It's important not to confuse the Shahed near-dumbfire flying bombs with more advanced suicide drones like the Lancet. Shaheds are primarily terror weapons but, by having to intercept them, Ukrainian air defenses risk a) slipping up and letting more dangerous munitions through; b) potentially running out of ammo and letting said munitions through.


Gold Member
The drones can be countered by WW2 tactics. Having AA machine guns protecting every square inch of the city and getting ready to fire once they are heard since they make a loud noise like Propeller planes. This will save on cost inefficiency of using precious AA missiles. But this requires a shit ton of AA guns.

Iran has been developing Fateh missiles since 2002. So they may have enough inventory to cause a major dent in logistics.

Russia is down to their strategic reserves for Islanders hence why they’ve stopped using them.
1. Iran have been under sanctions that entire time. A lot of it severe sanctions (hence their drones using two-stroke engines like old tuktuks).

2. They daren't sell Russia too much, as pretty much none of their neighbours like them, and Israel have no qualms striking at any sign of weakness (any consequences to others be damned).


I’m not any kind of expert but the land-based versions we have probably would:

Possible downside is that that wall of bullets comes down somewhere heavily populated.

The rounds self-destruct after a certain time/distance, so the amount of debris shouldn't be insane. That said, I have questions about the efficiency rate on that self-destruct. They fire so many rounds, even a small percentage landing intact could be brutal.


Gold Member
Contrary to what I IndoAssassin is spouting, Ukraine seem to be doing okay shooting these drones down.

Of course, more anti-air weaponry would be great, and no defence will ever be perfect. It's not some seachange though.


They aren't as overwhelming as indoassassin is hyping them. They are basically a buzz bomb with loitering capabilities. They are very loud, and can be shot down with stingers, etc. But if you throw enough of them at your target they can easily overwhelm... If Iran is that committed here than yeah, it could be a problem... But my guess is it's not true, since they still are slinging them at civilians. If they actually had a significant amount, they'd be used in high risk targets but successfully disrupting the actual battle lines. They aren't, it's all for media and show.

Settle down. There is no way they were on any significant trajectory even with the Shah, and tend to recall Iran being subjects of Mongols for hundreds of years. Doesn't really matter, their tech isn't that good, and really underwhelming compared to Israel, NATO, Japan, etc.

The drones were first reported to be used in the Zaphorizia region and ended up destroying some vehicles and equipment belonging to the Ukranian army. We only hear about the civilian infrastructure being hit, but they're definitely being used to chip away at military targets as well.


Contrary to what I IndoAssassin is spouting, Ukraine seem to be doing okay shooting these drones down.

Of course, more anti-air weaponry would be great, and no defence will ever be perfect. It's not some seachange though.
He's not wrong, though. The Russians are adept at using the firehose of bullshit, both in a metaphorical way (via their insane propaganda) and in the very physical way, by attempting to overwhelm defenders with garbage.

The drones were first reported to be used in the Zaphorizia region and ended up destroying some vehicles and equipment belonging to the Ukranian army. We only hear about the civilian infrastructure being hit, but they're definitely being used to chip away at military targets as well.
Those drones weren't Shaheds. Those can only hit buildings due to their lack of actual targeting sensors.
They used the Russian sorta-equivalent of the Switchblades.


He's not wrong, though. The Russians are adept at using the firehose of bullshit, both in a metaphorical way (via their insane propaganda) and in the very physical way, by attempting to overwhelm defenders with garbage.

Those drones weren't Shaheds. Those can only hit buildings due to their lack of actual targeting sensors.
They used the Russian sorta-equivalent of the Switchblades.

I misspoke, those drones were the Mohajer type which are basically like the equivalent of a TB2.


I misspoke, those drones were the Mohajer type which are basically like the equivalent of a TB2.
Those are hard to spot, since they fly a couple km up in the sky, unlike the suicide drones. You need actual short-range air defense radars to detect them.
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Gold Member

This is what I’m talking about with drone attacks. How economically they are not feasible. Spending $3 million to take out a $5K piece of equipment. But there needs to be something done soon as $5K spent to take out $500 million equipment. Even the West can’t afford that type of war.

And having systems of NASAMs will not be economically feasible long term against constant swarms of them.

Unfortunately NATO has no answer as of now. Whatever they have to fight off swarms is still in proof of concept stage.

This is not true.

Your narrative is all wrong on so many levels. NATO uses EW to counter drones along with a wide range of other counter measures. It's not like cheap $500 drones are new, they were used in Iraq and Afghanistan - they didn't suddenly overwhelm coalition forces.

And as others have said, only a handful of these are getting through with the vast majority getting shot down. Germany and others are backfilling with even more AA that'll be capable as well.

It's almost like you take 1 small detail and overlay this weird "but Russia is gonna win now, let's be concerned" narrative. Nothing has changed - Russia still has no response yet to change the actual complection of this war other than terrorism (and no surprise Iran is involved in that too).


Your narrative is all wrong on so many levels. NATO uses EW to counter drones along with a wide range of other counter measures. It's not like cheap $500 drones are new, they were used in Iraq and Afghanistan - they didn't suddenly overwhelm coalition forces.

And as others have said, only a handful of these are getting through with the vast majority getting shot down. Germany and others are backfilling with even more AA that'll be capable as well.
In fairness, EW works well against guided drones, since it fucks up the operator's datalink (heck you could even hijack it and get a free drone, at least if said drone can land without self-destructing). It's mostly useless against Vergeltungswaffen like the Shahed. And the problem isn't that they get shot down, the issue is that, at least currently, far more valuable weapons are expended to bring them down, than the cost of those tuktuk-powered atrocities. What they need is more Gepards, a heck of a lot more of them.
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Gold Member
Kidnapping raping genocidal terrorists.... Nothing legal about Russia.
Yeah but they are not filming any of that with a joyful music in the background.

I thought something so nasty would have been kept with the same level of secrecy.
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Sadly, while that... individual appears to be a Zbot, the video of a suicide drone hitting an S-300 emplacement seems genuine. Which is hugely unfortunate, given their value.
But the 500M price tag is not accurate. At least read replies to his tweet before spreading false info. Also this works both ways. Ukraine has destroyed billions in Russian equipment with cheap drones.

Iran don't have unlimited stock piles either. If Russia blow threw all their missiles, rockets and artillery in 12 months they won't be long blowing through Belarus stockpiles, Iranian stockpiles. What's that leave, North Korea? What happens in 2 year's when they've blown threw all of the above with 150k dead and most of their best fighter jet/Heli pilot's and tank commanders dead?

Bottom line this war is unsustainable for them.


Time to ban Elon from twitter.
But the 500M price tag is not accurate. At least read replies to his tweet before spreading false info. Also this works both ways. Ukraine has destroyed billions in Russian equipment with cheap drones.

Iran don't have unlimited stock piles either. If Russia blow threw all their missiles, rockets and artillery in 12 months they won't be long blowing through Belarus stockpiles, Iranian stockpiles. What's that leave, North Korea? What happens in 2 year's when they've blown threw all of the above with 150k dead and most of their best fighter jet/Heli pilot's and tank commanders dead?

Bottom line this war is unsustainable for them.
Doesn't Iran have to keep some stock? They can't sell it all to ruzzia.
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