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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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So basically is Russia gonna start threatening everyone who is not a nato member and may have the slighest idea in joining them?

If that's the case we might as well suit up.

gear up arnold schwarzenegger GIF
Honestly, I think its more Putin has lost the plot more than anything rational He's looking a little bloated and pale lately in the later interviews; I actually was curious if there was something going on with him that has put him in a position where he doesnt really care for consequences.

Because theres no real end game here. What is it Russia or in particular Putin stand to gain from this?


"China takes the first step to benefit financially from the war"

found a better title
Don't get me wrong, I don't think China has any love for Russia. They're just using them in whatever capacity that can benefit them the most. Russia being put into a position to become more reliant on China of course would be what they'd be most happy with.


Hmm, considering the importance Russia puts on Finnish non-alliance there may be a bargaining position to help the Ukraine conundrum.

edit: If Russia was ever planning not to invade that is.
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Don't get me wrong, I don't think China has any love for Russia. They're just using them in whatever capacity that can benefit them the most. Russia being put into a position to become more reliant on China of course would be what they'd be most happy with.
China will ask for some land that they used to own in Russia in exchange lol


NATO was a direct response to the Warsaw Pact. Of course, for us members it's only a defensive military alliance, but that's like asking a bear if he likes salmon. It stands to reason that not everybody regards it as such, especially not those who find themselves on the other side of the military alliance. Whether they are right from our perspective is irrelevant, what matters is understanding that not everybody shares this benevolent view of NATO due to historical reasons.

The one maintaining that clock would probably argue that Yugoslavia broke apart due to violent internal fragmentation of its own population. No other nations were involved, hence why it doesn't technically fit the classical definition of a war.
The reason it was formed was two-fold:
1. After two world wars most European countries could barely maintain their standards of living and needed the Marshall Plan to bail them out. They were in no condition to fight even small conflicts. A defensive alliance was the most practical solution when everything East of Berlin suddenly looks as Red as it gets.
2. Bolshevik Socialism had made it pretty clear that it's intent was to spread the "revolution" to every corner of the globe. Whether that was through direct conquest, proxy wars, or more subversive means. This was mostly narrative by 1949, however. Ironically, the west was lucky that it was Stalin that succeeded Lenin as he was no internationalist. He was more than happy to live like a king inside Russia with no threat to his power. Forming the Warsaw Pact in the first place was an act of opportunity. If WWII never happened it would have probably never been established.
If Trotsky had succeeded Lenin, for example, it is likely the tanks would have started rolling west the second the Reds had attained the bomb.

Still, they were not willing to risk Stalin not changing his mind or his successors not wanting to pick up the old torch. When Khrushchev said: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!" Who can blame them for uniting?

The people that view it otherwise can feel free to explain why NATO has a complete lack of offensive conflicts created on it's own accord in it's history. The vast majority of it's operations were in backing up UN resolutions, which Russia and China had the ability to veto. Their "historical reasons" are most likely to be propaganda that has been swallowed hook, line and sinker.

Warsaw Pact countries were invaded more times by the Soviet Union than they were by NATO (0). NATO has bordered Russia for decades now. The only question to ask someone who believes NATO is planning to attack Russia is: What are they waiting for?

By the time the fighting started in former Yugoslavia they certainly considered themselves different countries. Regardless; Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Cyprus. Plenty of "not peace" going on in Europe in the past 76 years. That clock is a fantasy.


not tag worthy
Has putin lost it or something ? Like does he have a terminal disease and just thinking fuck it? Let’s do it or something. Usually he seems to act if he is four levels ahead of everyone and playing people for fools. Now he just seems like he is without a plan apart from do as I say or I’ll nuke you.
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Has putin lost it or something ? Like does he has a terminal disease and just thinking fuck it? Let’s do it or something. Usually he seems to act if he is four levels ahead of everyone and playing people for fools. Now he just seems like he is without a plan
I think he just don't give a fuck anymore


Gold Member
"I do not support Hitler, I just provide him with food and weapons so he can fight better".
They are cashing in. US companies and some parts of the government did the same in WW1 and 2.

The only thing black and white is good vs evil, when it comes to enrichment however, there are many shades of grey.

I would however keep an eye on Taiwan.
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Putin underestimated how much Western Ukrainians hate Russian leadership. In other words, they would rather die than to be shepherded by Kremlin puppets. The objective remains the same.
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Time for people to remind us that Putin is actually a genius and is playing the whole world for fools in a way they are forced to admire.

LOL that song isn't about Vova.

It's about who Shakespeare referred to as the rightful Duke of Milan.

Right, Ariel?

But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game. :messenger_musical:
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