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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
He underestimated how much Western Ukrainians hate Russian leadership. In other words, they would rather die than to be shepherded by Kremlin puppets. The objective remains the same.
And Ukraine was founded in 1991. People wonder why there's such consistently high patriotism. Even relatively young people in their 30s are basically founding fathers over there, and were literally alive to build this independence movement. They clearly have a major stake in it, and take pride in maintaining it.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Reporters in Kyiv from Sky News reporters on the ground believe by tomorrow morning, the Russians will have taken the capital.

The president of Ukraine is on the streets and is going to fight with his people. That is real leadership. Incredibly brave.


Gold Member
The president of Ukraine is on the streets and is going to fight with his people.
mel gibson braveheart GIF
And Ukraine was founded in 1991. People wonder why there's such consistently high patriotism. Even relatively young people in their 30s are basically founding fathers over there, and were literally alive to build this independence movement. They clearly have a major stake in it, and take pride in maintaining it.
Ukraine has been around as long as Russian Empire, but changed drastically once Stalin took over. These young martyrs will do as their predecessors and stand in the way of imperialistic ambitions with the same result. It is a tragedy.


Exemplary leadership from Ukraine. Anyone complaining about their leadership or their stance with NATO and how they should have surrendered need to STFU. Doubt any of those people would have fought tooth and nail for their country and family. They do not need to take lessons from anyone. Amazing people right there.
Anyone have any news regarding what was happening in the Donbass region prior to this? I'm looking at something on Ukraine in violation of the Minsk Agreement and am curious if anyone has more related info for extra background.


Has putin lost it or something ? Like does he has a terminal disease and just thinking fuck it? Let’s do it or something. Usually he seems to act if he is four levels ahead of everyone and playing people for fools. Now he just seems like he is without a plan
He's spent so much time isolating during Covid that he's completely lost the plot and succumbed to paranoia. It's like Dr Strangelove but without the jokes.


We (the West) have let Ukraine down. Repeated failures of leadership and diplomacy by our current and previous governments. Ultimately, Russia should be our ally in the world, given how Russian values align more closely with us than they do with say China, with whom they have now gone too. As well as the fact we stood side by side once against a common enemy.

It's a shame all round and I hope Ukraine deals them a blow even without our help.


Your "support" and their pride sealed their fate.
As I said you would probalbly have been the first to surrender and probably even turned traitor. Following their politics, giving them ressources, giving them access to kill your community who refuse to surrender. Nice mentality right there. You have no right to criticise them, they defend what they believe in. There have been numerous exemple in history where armies with higher morals and outmached still suceed in winning "unwinnable" battles.
Are your temporary privileges worth giving up a chance to steer the ship in the future and throwing away the future of your children given the circumstances?


Thank you for the insight.

I have no doubt Putin and many of these world dictators are horrible people capable of atrocious things, especially against their neighbors and own people. The problem I have is many in the US, based on what is told to us by the media, imagine these dictators as cartoonish villains literally ready to blow up the entire world on a whim, when rational people know the reality if much more complicated than that. Take North Korea for example. Way too many people mistake the Kim families saber rattling as actual unprovoked threats and get anxiety attacks every time they pop off with some insane sounding statement. Looking at it objectively, this is an isolationist country doing everything it can to preserve itself. You can recognize that Kim is a horrible leader but also acting fairly rationally based on the position he is in. If he weren’t developing nuclear weapons and threatening to rain hell upon America and South Korea, we 100 percent would have taken him out already. This is not defending his actions, obviously, but understanding our enemies motivations. He’s been very quiet ever since it’s been generally accepted that they have nukes now, that’s no coincidence. I just wish we were better educated on world affairs so we could look at these things under a more international lens and not just “bad man say bad thing, must destroy bad man.”
While it's wise to understand countries and their motivations, we can't act like these irrational moves and terrible leadership from these leaders is their "only option".

These leaders are in insane palaces and steal all the wealth from their people while their people starve.

They lock up or kill those that oppose them.

I'm not saying we have to only look at things one sided, but these selfish rulers 100% fit the description of the "cartoon villains" you mentioned.

Theyre isolated countries who have been extended an olive branch many time but choose to have a dictatorship model. These leaders don't care about anyone.
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Are your temporary privileges worth giving up a chance to steer the ship in the future and throwing away the future of your children given the circumstances?
What future ? As sub-russian citisen ? They will always be hated by russians for fighting against Russia. They will never have any job in any key position in Russia.


While it's wise to understand countries and their motivations, we can't act like these irrational moves and terrible leadership from these leaders is their "only option".

These leaders are in insane palaces and steal all the wealth from their people while their people starve.

I'm not saying we have to only look at things one sided, but these selfish rulers 100% fit the description of the "cartoon villains" you mentioned.
I 100% agree. I just think it’s counterproductive to view them as devoid of any logic or motives other than evil, however flawed they may be. The better we understand our enemy, the more we can influence and counter them. And before anyone accuses me of being a sympathizer yet again, fuck Vladimir Putin and fuck anyone supporting him. I hope he drops dead yesterday.
Are your temporary privileges worth giving up a chance to steer the ship in the future and throwing away the future of your children given the circumstances?

Are you fucking insane? Fuck you.

The National Socialists aren't that bad. Are your temporary French "privileges" -- the rest of us call those 'intrinsic human rights', btw -- worth giving up a chance to steer the Vichy ship in the future and throwing away the future of your children given the circumstances? I mean, objectively, the Germans did just conquer all of continental Europe?!

You are scum.

I've rarely heard something so fucking ignorant and stupid as to provoke a reaction like this out of me. My brain hurts.
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Are you fucking insane? Fuck you.

The National Socialists aren't that bad. Are your temporary French "privileges" -- the rest of us call those 'intrinsic human rights', btw -- worth giving up a chance to steer the Vichy ship in the future and throwing away the future of your children given the circumstances? I mean, objectively, the Germans did just conquer all of continental Europe?!

You are scum.

I've rarely heard something so fucking ignorant and stupid as to provoke a reaction like this out of me. My brain hurts.
There is no major military powers coming to their aid in the darkest hour.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Reporters in Kyiv from Sky News reporters on the ground believe by tomorrow morning, the Russians will have taken the capital.

The president of Ukraine is on the streets and is going to fight with his people. That is real leadership. Incredibly brave.
Yeah the video he put out was inspiring. I had expected him to head to the west of Ukraine or maybe even Poland. He said fuck that and decided to stay in the capital despite the obvious dangers to himself.

It's one thing to stay and fight when you have no choice and nowhere to go. But he has the ability to go to safety and refused despite knowing what will happen to him of he is captured. That is a special kind of bravery.


Report me if I continue to console war
Even if they are running over civilian cars with their tanks and and such? Doubt leadership ordered them to do that.

No doubt that some of them are asshole (which happens in nearly all armies at wartime, American soldiers did fucked up shit during Vietnam)

Blaming a soldier for the overall conflict Is like giving a cop shit because of the laws they enforce.
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