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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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They just keep setting new records.. :eek:


it's a mind-bogglingly large number, I struggle to wrap my head around Russia's level of incompetence, not that it isn't a good thing in this situation, but like no functional country would tolerate these losses
Answered your own question.


Ukrainian forces launched assaults in the #Donetsk-#Zaporizhia Oblast border area on November 16 and made confirmed advances on an unspecified date.

Watch carefully the timeline of Allied arms supplies to Ukraine in terms of the type of systems: our govts deliberately slow-walked the provision of strike capabilities in terms of range. In the Spring of 2022, Allies supplied howitzers with a range of around 40 km (M777 and Caesar) and into the summer they supplied MLRS with about double that range (HIMARS and M270s). And then aid was frozen in terms of range for almost an entire year.

The Netherlands just allocated 2bil euro's for supporting Ukraine in 2024.


Major News of US Aid to Ukraine. Both the Senate and House have announced that they are going to a conference committee on the NDAA. Both Houses passed #UkraineAid in their versions of the DOD authorization bill, although the Senate number was larger.

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A really thoughtful and important interview about the state of the war, by former Ukr Defense Minister @Andriypzag. He is spot on that Ukraine can win the war, the real question is whether Ukraine's partners are willing to commit to that.
He summarizes his views with these three points at the end of the interview (the whole thing is worth a read, he makes some very important reflections on what General Zaluzhny was saying in his paper/interview lately). The first point about Ukraine's partners is crucial.

First of all, we need the coalition to want Ukraine to win this war and stop being hesitant about that. Because that hesitation is just pathetic, to be honest, in many cases. The coalition invested hundreds of billions into Ukraine and they still cannot entertain the idea of its victory. It’s long past due for us to get on the same page of where we’re going.
Secondly, people have to throw away the idea that negotiation off-ramp is possible. It is not.
Thirdly, when we decide that we’re going to win (and Ukraine decided that from the very beginning), we need to have a technological fulfillment of the requested capabilities.

Another day with just nuts numbers..

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Tears in the rain
At this point, Putin should be careful. Kill too many people around you. and at some point those who are still alive will start thinking they are next and...That's how you fall out a window Vladimir


At this point, Putin should be careful. Kill too many people around you. and at some point those who are still alive will start thinking they are next and...That's how you fall out a window Vladimir
None have the balls in Russia.. why do you guys keep thinking this ? Nothing will change from the inside over there. If we want change, it means full out war.


Fundamentally, it's a prisoner's dilemma. The downsides for anybody attempting to ice Poots are humongous, the benefits exceedingly slim. Say you take your shot. Should you fail, you get horrifically tortured to death alongside your entire family. Should you succeed, you've now started the hunger games with the rest of the inner circle, some of whom want you dead for whacking their meal ticket, some of whom want you dead because you now have a higher standing than them (for managing to pull of what they couldn't).


Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 19, 2023
Ukrainian and Russian forces are continuing combat operations in eastern and southern Ukraine, although the rainy weather will likely continue to slow the pace of combat operations until winter conditions fully set in.



Gold Member
Fundamentally, it's a prisoner's dilemma. The downsides for anybody attempting to ice Poots are humongous, the benefits exceedingly slim. Say you take your shot. Should you fail, you get horrifically tortured to death alongside your entire family. Should you succeed, you've now started the hunger games with the rest of the inner circle, some of whom want you dead for whacking their meal ticket, some of whom want you dead because you now have a higher standing than them (for managing to pull of what they couldn't).

That is correct, but Russia did a revolution a century ago, where they deposed the Tsar and instituted a democratic system. Though it only lasted a few months, until the communists destroyed everything.
The issue is that today, Russians have a stronger serf mentality, than a century ago.


Estimated 120K dead, 170-180K wounded for the Russkies, reported in August..

All in all, there are around almost half a million casualties so far in the conflict.. :\

The river crossing beach-head appears to cause alot of problems for the RuSSkies, it has pushed the RuSSkie artillery further from the front in the region.

Denmark may block access to markets for oil tankers from Russia.

Insane how the oil is *still* flowing!!

This is pretty shamefull, Russia’s killer drones still boast Swiss components. How come?

The Swiss don't give a fuck. This happens all the time with that country. Either selling war components to a 3rd party then playing dumb or hiding money/gold for terrorists.

It's a beautiful country but their policies are really fucked. They honestly need to be sanctioned for money laundering



Even if the Ukrainians are exaggerating Russian losses, 1/10 of what Russia has lost would be insane (the ussr lost like 15k men 200 tanks in the 15 years of Afghanistan)
300000 men lost is bananas like 3% of males age 18 to 30
When the war is over the sheer loss of able bodied men will take years maybe decades to recover from, though plenty of brides will be available for china


AFU received the first 3,000 FPV drones from "Operation Unity", - Fedorov

I think the Russian offensive in #Avdiivka is pretty much done for now...

WarGonzo's early morning update on Krynky.
"In the Kherson-Crimean direction, Ukrainian marines, supported by artillery, attacked from Krynky on the left bank of the Dnipro and entered the forest belt near this village. The goal is to reach the M-14 highway. If success is achieved, the RF Armed Forces will have serious problems."
This adds up to other sources claiming Ukrainian troops are pushing forward through the forest and advanced already.



Ukrainian Artillery Batteries Have Turned The Battle Of Avdiivka Into A Game: Who Can Kill More Russians?


Ukrainian forces repelled a large assault south of Andriivka destroying several large infantry groups of Russian forces.

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I don't know if Putin's losses are accurate to a T (I hope they are) But if they are, how much longer does he intend to keep this up? is he at risk of losing his entire army over this? If that happens, then what? Does he off himself in a bunker? Does he hit the red launch button on his way out? What is his official endgame if everything finally dawns on him?


I don't know if Putin's losses are accurate to a T (I hope they are) But if they are, how much longer does he intend to keep this up? is he at risk of losing his entire army over this? If that happens, then what? Does he off himself in a bunker? Does he hit the red launch button on his way out? What is his official endgame if everything finally dawns on him?
He will keep it up sadly , don’t underestimate him. Russia will probably continue even if they hit 2 million loses. He will go out like Hitler.

We the west , send all the good stuff way to late, like I said almost 2 years ago. F16S should have been almost day one, advanced nasams, Himars and even 90s stealth stuff, apaches .. but i think they like how this is going ..
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I don't know if Putin's losses are accurate to a T (I hope they are) But if they are, how much longer does he intend to keep this up? is he at risk of losing his entire army over this? If that happens, then what? Does he off himself in a bunker? Does he hit the red launch button on his way out? What is his official endgame if everything finally dawns on him?

That's the problem, he will keep this shit up forever unless ukraine and the west starts to punish russia severely by straight up starting escalating and start hitting power grids and other shit they need in russia for the winter.
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The #Russian MoD & Russian officials are struggling to subdue Russian hysteria around #Ukrainian operations in the east (left) bank of #Kherson Oblast.

Volodymyr Zelensky says he's survived 'five or six' assassination attempts by Putin's forces.

Probarly a few more than that.
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^Man, that is actually kind of scary. Never heard of the woman before. Was she a pro putin stooge for real, or someone who had to pretend to be? Either way, one more death on putins hands that did not need to be. Does not seem to be a good idea to be russian these days.


Gold Member
Was she a pro putin stooge for real, or someone who had to pretend to be?
For real, I guess

On her social media page, she actively talked about her love for Soviet films and Russian culture.

"As a six-year-old girl, I loved watching the program 'I Serve the Soviet Union' with my grandfather and then discussing it," she writes.
Polina Menshikh regularly traveled to the enemy-occupied Donbas and supported Russian soldiers at the front.


With the onset of winter in Ukraine, ill-equipped mobilised Russians are appealing to the governors of their home regions for assistance in dealing with the cold and a plague of mice.

Finland to close all but one Russia border crossing to stop asylum seekers
Helsinki accuses Moscow of guiding refugees across border in apparent act of revenge for it cooperating with US

Norway might follow #Finland's lead and close its land border crossings with Russia 'if necessary,' Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre stated, as reported by the Norwegian channel TV2.



Gold Member
With the onset of winter in Ukraine, ill-equipped mobilised Russians are appealing to the governors of their home regions for assistance in dealing with the cold and a plague of mice.


Norway might follow #Finland's lead and close its land border crossings with Russia 'if necessary,' Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre stated, as reported by the Norwegian channel TV2.


"Russians are appealing to the governors of their home regions for assistance in dealing with the cold and a plague of mice."

the governors can send them this


Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Reportedly after spending days and masses of troops attempting to conquer a position near aavdivka (sp?) all the Russians found were remote controlled machine guns which explains why the “Ukrainians” were able to return fire while being shot by artillery.

Turns out that the only time the position was manned was once every few days when they’d replenish the ammunition and swap the battery.
Reportedly after spending days and masses of troops attempting to conquer a position near aavdivka (sp?) all the Russians found were remote controlled machine guns which explains why the “Ukrainians” were able to return fire while being shot by artillery.

Turns out that the only time the position was manned was once every few days when they’d replenish the ammunition and swap the battery.


Reportedly after spending days and masses of troops attempting to conquer a position near aavdivka (sp?) all the Russians found were remote controlled machine guns which explains why the “Ukrainians” were able to return fire while being shot by artillery.

Turns out that the only time the position was manned was once every few days when they’d replenish the ammunition and swap the battery.



Reportedly after spending days and masses of troops attempting to conquer a position near aavdivka (sp?) all the Russians found were remote controlled machine guns which explains why the “Ukrainians” were able to return fire while being shot by artillery.

Turns out that the only time the position was manned was once every few days when they’d replenish the ammunition and swap the battery.

KSP88 with auto aim/camera mount. Wasn't supposed to come out what system it was, but, it has been in use for over a year, took the RuSSkies long enough to figure it out. Same weapon is on the CB90. Another SAAB/Bofors weapon.

There are now better systems in use though (FN minime) :p I wish that NATO could send a few thousand of their M2 equivalents, they supposedly have like half a million ready guns.
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Reportedly after spending days and masses of troops attempting to conquer a position near aavdivka (sp?) all the Russians found were remote controlled machine guns which explains why the “Ukrainians” were able to return fire while being shot by artillery.

Turns out that the only time the position was manned was once every few days when they’d replenish the ammunition and swap the battery.

going way off topic for moment because every time I see that, I get annoyed that they removed it from the dvd and blu ray releases I have. That scene should have not been removed from the film, and also that other one where Bill Paxton boasts about the weapons and grenade types they have.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic.
Yeah, i forgot that some people may not have any idea where that gif is from!

When watching Alien, watch the theatrical version (no egg morphing scene!), whereas Aliens should be the extended version

When invading another country, don't pick Ukraine as your target

That's all the advice I have for this morning folks!


Russia's Rising Artillery Losses in Ukraine Leave Forces 'Totally Depleted'

‘Trucks Full of Wounded’ – Russian Soldier Reveals Huge Casualties in Avdiivka

Will probarly keep the cannibals fed and happy. Putin pardons two cannibals because they fought against Ukraine.

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 24 November 2023.



Russia's Rising Artillery Losses in Ukraine Leave Forces 'Totally Depleted'

A different take: https://www.onet.pl/informacje/onet...yleryjskich-155-mm-ta-liczba/heyw33w,d18cb688

Quick Deepl translation:

Germany has announced the transfer of 20,000 155mm artillery shells to Ukraine.

This figure gives a good indication of where we are in this war today. A couple of quick numbers:

Since the beginning of 2023...

The US has handed over 1 million of these missiles to Ukraine

The EU has transferred 500,000 of these missiles to Ukraine.

In comparison, during the same period:

Russia has produced 2 million eastern 152mm caliber missiles for itself

North Korea handed over 1 million to Russia

Iran handed over 300,000 to Russia.

Why are artillery shells so important? Because we are currently fighting a positional war in which artillery is responsible for 60-80 percent of all operational tasks.

155/152mm artillery is just one determinant, but how important.

So. here we are in this war.
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