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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Nukes where never ever brought to this table, leave the talk of nukes and ww3 to the tabloids so they can wind up the morons and simple folk, most rationale people know that no matter where this war goes itll never go full retard

Who said anything about nukes? You can never say never when it comes to an invasion. All it takes is for Russia to start committing atrocities of war, NATO gets involved. Putin has little control over what happens on the ground. Nukes were not my main concern, crippling world economies are. If you haven't noticed, the world economy is very fragile and with world resources already hampered, a long campaign and sanctions from all sides are counterproductive to everyone. We literally might not recover from this if it escalates. There's literally no gain except for Russia, everyone else loses, and that loss could be huge.


One of the green rats
I seriously doubt a war will happen But... Russia will get some or all of the land, a new treaty will be signed after... which will give room for China to aquire tiwan in the same manner. Biden's group will continue to hide in the corner and the banks will be okay with it all.


Putin did Stress his nuclear prowess, even stating that if Ukraine got into NATO and wanted Crimea back bombs would fall “before you could blink” and that EU will be dragged in a war even if they don’t want to - where everybody loses.

Watch the press conference with him and Macron.

He did put the Cold War pizza from the freezer to the fridge.


I seriously doubt a war will happen But... Russia will get some or all of the land, a new treaty will be signed after... which will give room for China to aquire tiwan in the same manner. Biden's group will continue to hide in the corner and the banks will be okay with it all.
not going to happen with Taiwan with those chips. Too much money on the line



Fools idol

If we look back through the smoldering ruins and this turns out to have been the prelude to WW3...well, it's been an honor, ladies and gents.
Not to fear monger but a market maker friend of mine who works at Citadel said this has been planned for a long time. Klaus Schwab and great reset phase one or some shit. They all went short the market in November.


Please watch this.

Putin pretty much says he'll use nukes if NATO gets involved.

This guy is completely insane, but he’s right about there being no winners in this scenario. To throw it out there as a threat is total sociopathy. You’re really gonna throw your dick on the table about superior nuclear power? How many nukes would you be willing to accept being dropped on Russia? Because any nuclear exchange would be absolutely horrific and devastating, and the West has more bud.

It’s just so stupid to even contemplate doing this by choice. I’m sorry God didn’t make you taller and you have to wear big shoes to appear tough, Vlad, but you’re a cunt and we all know it.


That's okay.

Send Natalia Poklonskaya.

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Is it really all that hard to figure shit out without blowing up children? You know? Could we please just not kill each other?

That’s all I got to say, it’s insanely upsetting that people are in charge who are willing to go through with such despicable violence.

How do you think they got in charge in the first place? By willing to do anything.


How do you think they got in charge in the first place? By willing to do anything.
Not everyone. I think it’s overly cynical to say everyone that rises to power does so by being willing to commit atrocities…but Putin? Yes, absolutely, he’s a real life comic book villain.


This whole situation is horrible, I've been watching Steve Lookner's coverage on YouTube and I have to be honest... things seem bleak and I'm getting scared.
It also doesn't help that I have just watched the movie Threads less then a week ago. :lollipop_confounded:
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Putin pretty much says he'll use nukes if NATO gets involved.

Putin is invoking the prisoners' dilemma in order to enforce a militaristic stalemate.

I also think that people here are wholly unaware of how popular Putin really is, especially in the Donbas region. Not everything is propaganda, Putin is genuinely liked by many eastern Europeans. The reasons for this are multiple and probably as irrational as Trump's popularity in the US.

One key factor is that Russia has been sending a lot of financial and economical support to its eastern neighbors. In contrast, the EU has done very little for the prosperity of many eastern countries, oftentimes sanctioning them when they didn't satisfy the conditions for membership or keeping them on the waiting list for far too long.

Believe it or not, but many Crimeans are actually happy with the annexation most notably because of the 20 billion dollars that Russia invested in the region:

In Crimea itself, the annexation was popular, especially among Crimea’s large population of older ethnic Russians. More than five years later, and billions of rubles of investment later, it remains popular. Here’s what we found from surveys in December 2014 and December 2019. The conditions under which the March 2014 referendum in Crimea was conducted were far from ideal. Yet, most observers acknowledge that the majority, though certainly not all, of Crimeans supported the peninsula joining Russia (Russia’s government bans use of the word “annexation” to describe these events). In 2020, after an estimated $20 billion in investment from Moscow and alignment with Russian infrastructure, have attitudes toward the annexation changed? The short answer is no. Crimea’s three largest ethnic groups are, by and in large, happy with the direction of events on the peninsula.

Also people underestimate how insanely important Kiev is for Russian people, so it is no wonder that Putin is finding a lot of support among his own population and military:

Firstly, there’s the obsessive stalking of Kyiv, which is deified as the “mother of all Russian cities,” and then castigated either as a prostitute who has sold out to the West, or a sort of zombie-mummy, manipulated by “dark forces” who have turned her into a tool against Russia. Then there’s the oft repeated definition of Ukrainians and Belarussians as Russians’ “younger Brothers,” a definition at once patronising and suffocating, with the insistence that all these different countries are actually “one people,” one mass destined to be locked forever in the communal apartment of the Russian state (of mind).

If you truly want to understand this conflict, you need to understand how Putin is viewed from a East-European perspective, where the EU is largely fallen into disfavor and Russia is sending a lot of support to the ex-members of the now defunct Warsaw pact.
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Not everyone. I think it’s overly cynical to say everyone that rises to power does so by being willing to commit atrocities…
It’s just reality ; power attracts a certain kind of person.

Someone that just wants freedom is probably not going to want to be in government. Someone that wants to control others, yes.


Putin is crazier than Kanye West and Kim Jong Il combine.
Next thing you know he'll just nuke Ukraine because he's fed up
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Can someone not just snipe Putin?
You do know that's literally how WW1 started, right?

I'm scared, starting to at the very least. Stay stron ukrainians, we have our differences and bad history in the past, but as a pole and human being, I don't envy you in the past years and days


Can someone not just snipe Putin?

I've wondered the same thing, you'd think the world could come up with something to make it look like a heart attack. I just can't see why they would allow this to go on for as long as it has.

Please watch this.

Putin pretty much says he'll use nukes if NATO gets involved.

Shit, anyone know if there are enough missile defense systems in Europe to knock them all down if it ever came down to it? Do we have any idea just how many nukes Russia has and what sort of range they have?


Gold Member
Putin is invoking the prisoners' dilemma in order to enforce a militaristic stalemate.

I also think that people here are wholly unaware of how popular Putin really is, especially in the Donbas region. Not everything is propaganda, Putin is genuinely liked by many eastern Europeans. The reasons for this are multiple and probably as irrational as Trump's popularity in the US.

One key factor is that Russia has been sending a lot of financial and economical support to its eastern neighbors. In contrast, the EU has done very little for the prosperity of many eastern countries, oftentimes sanctioning them when they didn't satisfy the conditions for membership or keeping them on the waiting list for far too long.

Believe it or not, but many Crimeans are actually happy with the annexation most notably because of the 20 billion dollars that Russia invested in the region:

Also people underestimate how insanely important Kiev is for Russian people, so it is no wonder that Putin is finding a lot of support among his own population and military:

If you truly want to understand this conflict, you need to understand how Putin is viewed from a East-European perspective, where the EU is largely fallen into disfavor and Russia is sending a lot of support to the ex-members of the now defunct Warsaw pact.

Don't think Putin is all that popular in Ukraine right now. And Kyiv (not Kiev, that's Russian spelling bullshit) is important to Ukrainians - you know- the people who fucking live there.

Pretty sure you're a Russian troll at this point.
And to fucking think that Trump wanted the US to withdraw out of NATO. It makes it even more plausible now that Russia or China were factually involved with election interference way back and wanted to conveniently bring someone like Trump in a position of significant power.

Good grief, he would've given Putin complete free reign.

Please watch this.

Putin pretty much says he'll use nukes if NATO gets involved.

This is one of the reasons why Ukraine will not and can not join NATO in the foreseeable future. Any sane leader wants to avoid that scenario in any way possible.

Putin is pushing the boundaries to see how much shit he can get away with. Its absolutely reprehensive how he didn't fret to wave the idea of threatening with nuclear deployment in public.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Except for this one guy Volodymir Putin it seems :/
That's the thing though Putin does not want a confrontation with NATO. The whole reason that he is invading Ukraine right now is because he wants to do it before they become a member of NATO because he knows that once they are a member of NATO he can't really touch them.

Putin is a lunatic but even he isn't crazy enough to want World War 3.


Gold Member
Did you check my sources?
By your logic the Washington Post, Time and frikkin' Reuters are "Russian trolls" too.

If you want to remain ignorant, that's fine by me but then don't go pissing on other people's legs.

You're an apologist. No eastern European nation gives a shit about vague popularity of Putin when Russia is an existential threat to their ability to be independent. Estonia and Poland and Romania aren't clamoring for shit.

I don't need to get into a "read my sources" pissing match when guns and bombs are about to kill thousands for "the incredibly important meaning of Kyiv to Russians". So important they'll level it or kill those who live there.

It's disgusting that you keep shifting away from the actual issue at hand for history lessons where literally parrot a "well to be fair to Russia..." position. Pretty sure Ukraine knows it's history and what it wants it's future to be. They are about to die for it too so maybe get some perspective.


Honestly if there is a war will be just in Ukrania territory , it wont scalate to other places because would be catastropic for Europe. But really hope wr no comes....because ukranians do not deserve it after 2 years of Covid 19 suffering. Peace needs to find a way


Honestly if there is a war will be just in Ukrania territory , it wont scalate to other places because would be catastropic for Europe. But really hope wr no comes....because ukranians do not deserve it after 2 years of Covid 19 suffering. Peace needs to find a way
I really hope you’re right. I think the only problem here is that the people running the show don’t think the catastrophe will affect them, so they’re not dissuaded to cause misery and suffering because it’s someone else’s problem.

That’s the problem with sociopaths.


This whole situation is horrible, I've been watching Steve Lookner's coverage on YouTube and I have to be honest... things seem bleak and I'm getting scared.
It also doesn't help that I have just watched the movie Threads less then a week ago. :lollipop_confounded:

Jesus, that film? It's a masterpiece of fallout. Anyone who hasn't already watched it, please do.

Used to be on YouTube but after looking there is only clips now. It's brilliant but not in a nice way.

A scene;

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You're an apologist.

Understanding why something happens and the motivations behind it has nothing to do with being apologetic.

You're the one attacking anybody who tries to bring some understanding to this situation because in your small-minded view you cannot tolerate anything else than people joining your Two Minutes Hate.

If this is all you can muster, then maybe stay away from this thread.

I don't need to get into a "read my sources" pissing match when guns and bombs are about to kill thousands for "the incredibly important meaning of Kyiv to Russians". So important they'll level it or kill those who live there.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you're above decent sources. I guess your blind self-righteous hatred is sufficient enough to cope with the tragedy that is going down. At the very least you could try to understand what you hate.
Relying on good information matters, especially when serious stuff goes down.

Your ignorant attitude is what is truly insulting to all the poor souls involved in this conflict.

I don't need to get into a "read my sources" pissing match when guns and bombs are about to kill thousands for "the incredibly important meaning of Kyiv to Russians". So important they'll level it or kill those who live there.
It's disgusting that you keep shifting away from the actual issue at hand for history lessons where literally parrot a "well to be fair to Russia..." position.

Of f*ck right off you dimwitted fool, your sophistic appeal to emotion is nothing but a manipulative rhetoric to keep people from discussing the origins of this conflict. The only disgusting behavior is you maliciously equating political analysis with defending the killing of civilians. People like you are the reason why political discussions turn into these sh*tshows.

Are you ranting in the same way about political analysts for trying to make sense of this situation?

Because in doing so, you're making it actually harder for people involved in this discussion to understand what is going on and most importantly why. If simplistic "war bad" comments is all you can stomach, maybe go look for some cozy information bubble on twitter or something. There are better places to indulge in your moral seething.

Pretty sure Ukraine knows it's history and what it wants it's future to be. They are about to die for it too so maybe get some perspective.

Unlike you, I've actually been to these places and know people there. You're the one who is seriously lacking in perspective!
Now I'm trying to remain civil. I strongly suggest you do the same and if you're unable to do so, feel free to ignore my comments!
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