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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Fare thee well

They have been getting closer but they have been taking heavy casualties trying to do it.

Russia has embarrassed itself and destroyed it's economy just so it could unite the world against it. Unbelievable.
Let's not forget too, the ENTIRE population of Ukraine is still there for the Russian army to contend with, depending on how much resistance they put up. Russia may very well take major cities, but holding a few government buildings will mean very little with occupation guerilla warfare. Russia should just leave.


Mods, I hope you guys are checking this thread often, only a matter of time before someone here starts to post some of the more gruesome stuff.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Let's not forget too, the ENTIRE population of Ukraine is still there for the Russian army to contend with, depending on how much resistance they put up. Russia may very well take major cities, but holding a few government buildings will mean very little with occupation guerilla warfare. Russia should just leave.
Yeah there is no winning this for Russia anymore. Even if they "win" they will have an angry as fuck population armed to the teeth. That's not even mentioning the damage they have done to their image and their economy.

Putin has destroyed Russia. Ukraine was not worth what he has done.


They have been getting closer but they have been taking heavy casualties trying to do it.

Russia has embarrassed itself and destroyed it's economy just so it could unite the world against it. Unbelievable.
WESTERN ALLIED COUNTRIES, not "the world". In fact, as long as China, asian countries and non-allied western countries (like Argentina or Brazil) keep doing bussiness with them, sanctions won't do catastrophic damage.

People here seem to forget that there's A LOT more of "world" than their "westernized" world-view.


Yeah there is no winning this for Russia anymore. Even if they "win" they will have an angry as fuck population armed to the teeth. That's not even mentioning the damage they have done to their image and their economy.

Putin has destroyed Russia. Ukraine was not worth what he has done.
Even if they win the sanctions like you never saw before will still be there. This will wipe Russia's economy in a month. What does Putin think will happen, he takes Ukraine and the whole West goes 'ok, you win'?

Putin managed to do what NATO and the EU failed to do the past decade or so.

Germany has finally found its balls, Europe and the US are moving closer again. China has gone awfully quiet.
Hungary... Poland... frikkin' Turkey, this war has united people as never before, even the Swiss are joining the fun.

People finding new appreciation for their western values, international cooperation an supranational alliances.
Let's rock!
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
WESTERN ALLIED COUNTRIES, not "the world". In fact, as long as China, asian countries and non-allied western countries (like Argentina or Brazil) keep doing bussiness with them, sanctions won't do catastrophic damage.

People here seem to forget that there's A LOT more of "world" than their "westernized" world-view.
I'm not sure what world you live in but things are already catastrophic for the Russian economy. Its so bad for them that they have not opened their markets. The ruble is already worth less than a penny and it has not even been a full week yet. You have billion dollar companies pulling out of their Russian partnerships in droves. You have chip manufacturers cutting all business ties with the Russian industrial sectors. The EU has closed it's airspace to Russian flights. When they finally open their markets things will get even worse. It will free fall.

Russia has officially crippled its economy for at least the next decade thanks to this debacle.
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Yeah there is no winning this for Russia anymore. Even if they "win" they will have an angry as fuck population armed to the teeth. That's not even mentioning the damage they have done to their image and their economy.

Putin has destroyed Russia. Ukraine was not worth what he has done.
Depends on your definition of "winning". For example, Russia don't give a f*ck about the non-russian speaking part of Ukraine, and their economy was already bad, so it's kind of "meh" for them (as long as they can keep doing bussiness with Asia and non-allied countries). Their objective has always been having a "buffer zone", and in this case, would be having the Donbass region (which coincidentially is the one that's richest in gas and oil in Ukraine). A russian "win" would be getting that region, aligning the west and the east and downplay the west as much as possible, since they know the west (as a culture, economy, etc) is already in decline.

Heck, even countries in my continent (South America) are aligning and the two most important ones (Brazil and Argentina) are allies to the east. That says a lot.
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is on perm warning for being a low level troll
Anyone see this threat video from Anonymous?

To me it seems like a dick move if they could pull it off and something that could really trigger a Putin freak out especially if it’s mostly NATO members of anonymous initiating the attack. I’m all for a strong NATO response especially if Putin does something even more atrocious but a 3rd party attack seems like it could do far more harm than good if Putin blames it on the west.

It's fake



“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Depends on your definition of "winning". For example, Russia don't give a f*ck about the non-russian speaking part of Ukraine, and their economy was already bad, so it's kind of "meh" for them (as long as they can keep doing bussiness with Asia and non-allied countries). Their objective has always been a "buffer zone", and in this case, would be having the Donbass region (which coincidentially is the one that's richest in gas and oil in Ukraine). A russian "win" would be getting that region, aligning the west and the east and downplay the west as much as possible, since they know the west (as a culture, economy, etc) is already in decline.

Heck, even countries in my continent (South America) are aligning and the two most important ones (Brazil and Argentina) are allies to the east. That says a lot.
No matter how badly Putin wanted this "buffer zone" it was not worth the damage he has done to Russia. There is no coming out of this in a positive way.

They will of course paint it as a win, but it's a win that cost them their image, their economy, and thousands of dead Russian soldiers. That's not much of a win.
I have actually looked for these neonazis people keep talking about, and all I found were glowies, or larpers on telegram. Please show me these pro russian cheerleaders

As for Ukraine, true or not, is it really so surprising that Putin would use what is reported by western media against them?
Russia tells not a single lie that doesn't have at least an ounce of truth in it. That's the way propaganda works.

In Germany, all political parties associated with neonazism (Der dritte Weg, Die Rechte, NPD) are pro Putin these days.

In Ukraine, the national army has accepted the Azov Battalion in its ranks, which consists in part of both Ukrainian and foreign neonazis.

You can't make shit like this up if you tried.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
What's been crazy to see in this Russian invasion is the area of economic warfare. If this was 100 years ago, the whole of Europe would be deep within total war, but in 2022 nations can just financially cripple a country and indirectly turn the population of said country against its leaders.


Putin will go into history as the greatest clown dictator ever existed .. this blitzkrieg is not so blitz 🤡 All those 80s military material fits right in the 80s revival 🤣


What's been crazy to see in this Russian invasion is the area of economic warfare. If this was 100 years ago, the whole of Europe would be deep within total war, but in 2022 nations can just financially cripple a country and indirectly turn the population of said country against its leaders.
Don’t know .. most of the wars started like this .. and turn into a bigger war. The west is slow with response the past learned us.


Gold Member
Heck, even countries in my continent (South America) are aligning and the two most important ones (Brazil and Argentina) are allies to the east. That says a lot.
Not really. See my post above having to do with Brazil's president being hesitant to sanction Russia due to needing farm fertilizer from them.

If a country can't stand by ethics and denounce a country steamrolling another with tanks and rockets due to fertilizer it goes to show they have their balls in a vice from a country half way around the world.
No matter how badly Putin wanted this "buffer zone" it was not worth the damage he has done to Russia. There is no coming out of this in a positive way.

They will of course paint it as a win, but it's a win that cost them their image, their economy, and thousands of dead Russian soldiers. That's not much of a win.

America is in decline, if it becomes clear we won't be waging wars abroad a lot of countries will be reconsidering their relationships with each other. Arguably if we don't jump in this war in the next 5 minutes we are about to suffer a huge reputation loss on the world stage.

What did anyone expect though? All that time in Afghanistan for nothing. Who would justify American intervention today?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
What's been crazy to see in this Russian invasion is the area of economic warfare. If this was 100 years ago, the whole of Europe would be deep within total war, but in 2022 nations can just financially cripple a country and indirectly turn the population of said country against its leaders.
That's what is stupid about this invasion. Economic power is the new military power. Look at China, the only footage I have seen of them in a military conflict in recent years the armies were fighting with sticks. But everyone is deathly afraid of China because they are an economic powerhouse.


by the way he won't dare to take over any of the blue Country that is Nato the rest is fair game to him im afraid
Sure Jan GIF

Terrible wars started because one or both sides miscalculated. Kaiser famously said to his soldier in 1914: 'You will be home in time for Christmas'.
Putin is a bully, he will push and push until he gets slapped, which is what West is doing right now. So that Russia would understand there are limits. And in a true Russian fashion you need to hammer it into them, otherwise they will not understand.


Gold Member
they threw a molotov at the tank and it caught them on fire inside the car?

Not a tank an MT-LBu which is a amphibious specialist vehicle, cannot confirm the type or use of it as there are so many variants and I have never seen this one before, but normally they are used as a utility vehicle to augment other foces, such as Communication or Radar Monitoring/jamming, Fire control, mobile command post or less common fire support. This vehicle is none of those but it definitely has that iconic MT-LBu platform base. The sad thing is as the vehicle is amphibious its underside will be incredibly resilient to the Molotov, as its a flaming liquid, they should have gone for the top of the vehicle as that would have damaged the equipment on top and most likely naturalised it in terms of its ability to act as intended.


another variant as you can see the hull is a perfect match.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
What's been crazy to see in this Russian invasion is the area of economic warfare. If this was 100 years ago, the whole of Europe would be deep within total war, but in 2022 nations can just financially cripple a country and indirectly turn the population of said country against its leaders.

Cancel Warfare


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Putin will go into history as the greatest clown dictator ever existed .. this blitzkrieg is not so blitz 🤡 All those 80s military material fits right in the 80s revival 🤣
I have said it a few times now but we are witnessing the single greatest self own in modern history. Putin could have taken the two regions that declared independence and then supported the following civil war just like they did in Crimea. He could have done that and he would have been sanctioned, but nowhere NEAR as bad as what he has gotten now. The world would still have this mental image of the dangerous Russia that people have believed existed for decades.

Instead that lunatic launched a full scale invasion of a sovereign nation with an unprepared, poorly trained, and undersuplied army. He has completely destroyed the image of strength and ruggedness that the Russian military had. Not only that but they have also shown just how inept their military officers are. Their vehicles are poorly maintained, they can't keep them fueled, they move about unprotected, and they can't even cover their assets when they do finally take some ground.

And that's not even mention the economic damage. Its a weapons grade clusterfuck that they inflicted on themselves.


I started reading a bit more into the Ukrainian military and this rubbed me the wrong way.

How can a modern nation (mind you a nation, not some random racists in the country) have Nazis??? An entire military branch filled with Nazis. The equivalent of this would be if the US military had a KKK branch. wtf???

And then saw this as well... Tweeted by the National Guard

If a country wants to win the hearts, minds, and support of those abroad it really should not be doing this.
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Gold Member
That's what is stupid about this invasion. Economic power is the new military power. Look at China, the only footage I have seen of them in a military conflict in recent years the armies were fighting with sticks. But everyone is deathly afraid of China because they are an economic powerhouse.

If there's any country in that region that can steamroll other countries around it (all those poorer Asian countries) it's China. Yet, aside from Taiwan which they still havent done anything yet, China doe nothing really in terms of military. They'll show off parades of tanks and rockets, but never seem to bother using them.

They prefer to steamroll countries economically with giant surpluses of import/export balances raking in the money.

Russia can do that too (to a lesser extent) if they really wanted too. Hell, all they got is seemingly the biggest land mass and resources in the world. And with 144M people (google says so), that's plenty of people to build a powerhouse. It's not like they only got 14M people and an economy can only get so big.

But Russian government seems more corrupt and stubborn. So they lag. Even behind China, which 50 years ago was probably hardly anything.


Instead that lunatic launched a full scale invasion of a sovereign nation with an unprepared, poorly trained, and undersuplied army. He has completely destroyed the image of strength and ruggedness that the Russian military had. Not only that but they have also shown just how inept their military officers are. Their vehicles are poorly maintained, they can't keep them fueled, they move about unprotected, and they can't even cover their assets when they do finally take some ground.
Not the first time Russia did that, seems to be a pattern:

This part reads like a fucking deja vu:
After the hope of victory was quelled, he continued the war to preserve the dignity of Russia by averting a "humiliating peace." Russia ignored Japan's willingness early on to agree to an armistice and rejected the idea of bringing the dispute to the Arbitration Court at The Hague.

Fare thee well

WESTERN ALLIED COUNTRIES, not "the world". In fact, as long as China, asian countries and non-allied western countries (like Argentina or Brazil) keep doing bussiness with them, sanctions won't do catastrophic damage.

People here seem to forget that there's A LOT more of "world" than their "westernized" world-view.
Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore? Who all have just joined in the sanctions? Whilst China (apparently Russia's greatest Ally, has abstained?). And Brazil holds what share of the world economy? 2.4%? Yea that won't do shit. The world is against Putin right now, eat crow.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I started reading a bit more into the Ukrainian military and this rubbed me the wrong way.

How can a modern nation (mind you a nation, not some random racists in the country) have Nazis??? An entire military branch filled with Nazis. The equivalent of this would be if the US military had a KKK branch. wtf???

And then saw this as well... Tweeted by the National Guard

If a country wants to win the hearts, minds, and support of those abroad it really should not be doing this.

Azov is a mercenary group. They were funded and armed by private donors. The only reason they have any kind of "official" status in the Ukrainian army is so that they can be punished for stuff like that.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Why would you grease a bullet? The only reason I can think of is if your gun is a piece of shit and you are trying to stop it jamming without having the proper materials.


I started reading a bit more into the Ukrainian military and this rubbed me the wrong way.

How can a modern nation (mind you a nation, not some random racists in the country) have Nazis??? An entire military branch filled with Nazis. The equivalent of this would be if the US military had a KKK branch. wtf???

And then saw this as well... Tweeted by the National Guard

If a country wants to win the hearts, minds, and support of those abroad it really should not be doing this.

Personally, I agree with the occult interpretation that countries have a collective mind. I wish my country would adopt something similar to not only census them, but allow them to exist(as long as they absolutely don't threaten, intimidate or harm citizens), have a means of expression and an outlet and that they'll defend the nation and its people as others will defend the nation and protect them.

It's a strange thing and way offtopic and I have no idea if that's Ukrainian thinking.
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