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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Azov is a mercenary group. They were funded and armed by private donors. The only reason they have any kind of "official" status in the Ukrainian army is so that they can be punished for stuff like that.
That makes no sense whatsoever. The government is gloating about their racist actions in that tweet right there...


Gold Member
Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore? Who all have just joined in the sanctions? Whilst China (apparently Russia's greatest Ally, has abstained?). And Brazil holds what share of the world economy? 2.4%? Yea that won't do shit. The world is against Putin right now, eat crow.
Countries like Brazil have no stake in it as they are half way around the world. Like every other war or skirmish where countries band together to fight, Brazil and Argentina are nowhere to be found.

The president cares more about keeping his Russian farming fertilizer shipments going as if it's another day at the office in world news.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
That makes no sense whatsoever. The government is gloating about their racist actions in that tweet right there...
Someone with access to a twitter account posted that, I imagine it won't go well for that individual.
We'll have to see.


There is probably thousands of military theroests writing thesis on the propaganda going on right now. It is absolutely insane. Ukraine are absolute masters at this so far.
Oh no doubt. The weaponizing of memes in particular has been fascinating to witness.
I can't even imagine the psychological hellscape that will take form in the metaverse and similar VR/AR social media platforms of the near future.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
America is in decline, if it becomes clear we won't be waging wars abroad a lot of countries will be reconsidering their relationships with each other. Arguably if we don't jump in this war in the next 5 minutes we are about to suffer a huge reputation loss on the world stage.

What did anyone expect though? All that time in Afghanistan for nothing. Who would justify American intervention today?
The west is the most united it been in decades. And as it's been shown America does not need to intervene to make Russia regret it's actions. The Russian economy is in free fall and it has made itself into a pariah state.

And America has probably raised as reputation in the eyes of some by not getting involved for once. Especially considering the possible outcomes if they did. Nobody wants world war 3.


I started reading a bit more into the Ukrainian military and this rubbed me the wrong way.

How can a modern nation (mind you a nation, not some random racists in the country) have Nazis??? An entire military branch filled with Nazis. The equivalent of this would be if the US military had a KKK branch. wtf???

And then saw this as well... Tweeted by the National Guard

If a country wants to win the hearts, minds, and support of those abroad it really should not be doing this.

There is a context here, the azov batallion started as a civilian armed group, and took the fight to the russians. Wether they are nazis or not is not that important in wartime, you need people to fight, and these guys did that when very few others did. So people look past the nazi connection.

Also, the group they were fighting, the radical chechyn muslims, are insane people that putin use so he can say "its not us", and i think the ukranian were pleased someone targeted them, no matter their affiliation.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
That makes no sense whatsoever. The government is gloating about their racist actions in that tweet right there...
The Ukranian government does not support Neo-nazis or their ass backwards ideas. President Zelensky is Jewish. His family barely survived the Holocaust. All of this focus on a single group of privately funded isolated shit bags is just a Russian propaganda talking point.

This would be like Canada invading the US and using the KKK as a justification for doing it. Its fucking nonsense.


Massive ground forces closing in on the capital now. Expect bombing raids followed by ground invasion soon.



“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Unconfirmed report:

I believe them. They have been releasing drone footage left and right to show that they are doing some good work hitting the Russian forces.

It also helps them greatly because Russia seems content to just line up all of its forces along a very exposed highway while having no real anti-air forces to protect them.

Fare thee well

America is in decline, if it becomes clear we won't be waging wars abroad a lot of countries will be reconsidering their relationships with each other. Arguably if we don't jump in this war in the next 5 minutes we are about to suffer a huge reputation loss on the world stage.

What did anyone expect though? All that time in Afghanistan for nothing. Who would justify American intervention today?
All nations eventually decline as new ones rise; irrelevant. The point here is a global market/society that is built together and prepared together to dissuade aggressors and military invasions at every step, no matter what country starts it.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Not sure how much damage a molotov will do to an armored vehicle. And it looks like they set themselves on fire.

But it's the thought that counts
Molotovs can actually do quite a bit of damage to an armored vehicle when thrown in the correct places. Specifically anywhere near the engine, fuel supply, the exhaust ports, the tires, or the communications equipment.


Gold Member
The Ukranian government does not support Neo-nazis or their ass backwards ideas. President Zelensky is Jewish. His family barely survived the Holocaust. All of this focus on a single group of privately funded isolated shit bags is just a Russian propaganda talking point.

This would be like Canada invading the US and using the KKK as a justification for doing it. Its fucking nonsense.

In public debates it's just one of those tactics you do to try to win an argument - go after bogus or feel good topics.

It's like unions vs management. 99% of the time it's about money, pay hikes and job security. But the one thing they always bring up first publicly is job safety as if everyone at the office or in the factory are getting killed every week or getting a hand cut off.

Then the real details come out and it's about wanting X% pay boost over X # of years which is the real thing they care about.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
USA expelling 12 Russians from the UN for spying. Let’s see who will follow suit expelling Russian diplomats from embassies.

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Can we stop pushing the ridiculous propaganda that Ukraine is riddled with neo-nazis. Zelensky is Jewish. His family barely survived the Holocaust.

Its so fucking ridiculous.

As far as I can tell no one here has said Ukraine is "riddled" with neo nazis but there's no sense in burying your head in the sand, it isnt propaganda that the neo nazi Azov battalion exists. It's an actual thing.


Russia tells not a single lie that doesn't have at least an ounce of truth in it. That's the way propaganda works.

In Germany, all political parties associated with neonazism (Der dritte Weg, Die Rechte, NPD) are pro Putin these days.

In Ukraine, the national army has accepted the Azov Battalion in its ranks, which consists in part of both Ukrainian and foreign neonazis.

You can't make shit like this up if you tried.
I didn’t know that about Germany. Excuse my previous post, it seemed like you were passing off the idea of nazis in Ukraine.

You know, we’re really in a special time in history where we can talk like this, instead of following whatever is on the 8’oclock news and posters


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
As far as I can tell no one here has said Ukraine is "riddled" with neo nazis but there's no sense in burying your head in the sand, it isnt propaganda that the neo nazi Azov battalion exists. It's an actual thing.
I'm not saying it doesn't. I'm saying it doesn't matter. It has no bearing on the situation we are in right now. Its irrelevant.
Putin doesn't seem stab
Massive ground forces closing in on the capital now. Expect bombing raids followed by ground invasion soon.

I always wonder what's going through the troops heads that are about to head to a city to slaughter people. This war is literally an ego thing and has nothing to do with resources. It's simply a power trip, which is terrifying due to the amount of nukes Russia has. Power has consumed Putin and he's already threatened Nuclear war twice already. I hope he doesn't launch them just to prove how powerful he is. If he does launch them, however, may god have mercy on us all.


I'm not saying it doesn't. I'm saying it doesn't matter. It has no bearing on the situation we are in right now. Its irrelevant.

It is shocking to me...that many folks on the far right (and left) can some how whatabout their way right into somehow being okay with what Russia is doing to Ukraine. Its absolutely bonkers.

Are there other issues that continue to exist in the world and in those countries? Yup. In order of priority, do they need to be addressed this second while bombs are dropping and bullets are flying as a western leaning democracy fights for freedom over a dictator? Nope. They sure don't.


Authorized Fister
That makes no sense whatsoever. The government is gloating about their racist actions in that tweet right there...
What might be suprising is that many of these neo nazis are gay. About half of them are closet cases. There are event dating sites for skinheads too, a vast majority of them are gay. I was always surprised in bathhouses in London and Berlin how many guys had neo nazi tattoos or see skinheads kissing.


Gold Member

these guys are interesting because they spout conspiracy's pretty regularly themselves and when asked where they get there info you get.

However I think one of these things is not like the other, I actually waited for them to explain where the info for the old man getting run over and surviving was from. There line was "all Russian vehicles have a Z"

oh wow.... except they don't, case in point.

Some vehicles are unmarked others have Circles and some a simple White Stripe, the marking have their meanings, most likely to tell certain commanders who owns what and where they need to go, but to say its fake because the vehicle does not have a Z on it? well yeah.


I am still waiting for official confirmation from Ukraine on the old man story, the Snake Island has been confirmed fake (for 2 days now) as was the Ghost of Kyiv (by just reading the description of the original video upload), however this last one is still waiting and outside of twitter there has been no official word, until then I just default to it being true, I owe them at least that much.
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By the time all these countries finish the required paperwork and finish planning the operation, there will be no Ukraine. Everyone knows it, it's just posturing.

My concern too. They need this equipment, weapons, aid and more now.

Not in 2 days or in a week. Get this shit too them.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
By the time all these countries finish the required paperwork and finish planning the operation, there will be no Ukraine. Everyone knows it, it's just posturing.
Ukraine is not going anywhere. Even if Russia "wins" they will just try (emphasis on try) to put in a puppet government to run Ukraine on Putin's behalf.

It won't work obviously, but that is the plan. They don't want to destroy Ukraine or absorb it into Russia.
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