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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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China never one to let an opportunity go to waste. Guess they're going to let Russia cozy up to them and give them their energy.

Gazprom PJSC took a new step toward potentially its biggest-ever natural gas supply deal with China as nations around the world sever economic and political ties with Russia over the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Russian gas giant signed a contract to design the Soyuz Vostok pipeline across Mongolia toward China, Gazprom said in a statement. If Russia reaches a new supply agreement with China, Soyuz Vostok will carry as much as 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year to the Asian nation.


It most certainly is relevant in understanding how the situation has reached this point. If youre actually trying to honestly have a rational understanding of the situation then sticking your head in the sand and ignoring information isn't the way to do it. That just leaves you with a lack of information where you're stuck filling in the gaps with assumptions or some other method (usually based on emotions) to explain what's going on.
That is not what he is saying.

Nobody here is saying Ukraine is perfect. It isn't. But that does not mean you can whatbout not giving them support to defend themselves against hostile forces that are ultimately trying to destabilize the West.

If you really cared about their "nazi-sim", bring them closer to the West rather than pushing them under a dictator is a better way to address the issue.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Finns going for it.

Showing their sisu

If Finland and Sweden join NATO, Putin will get veery angry. One of the many strategic factors with Ukraine is that it represented the last place for NATO to find easy traversal for troops into russian plains.

The other one, is Finland.

Which means Finland is about to open the door Putin wanted to close.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
China never one to let an opportunity go to waste. Guess they're going to let Russia cozy up to them and give them their energy.

From the outside looking in is probably looks like China is supporting Russia and what it's doing. But realistically this is China desperately trying to keep its only major Ally from completely collapsing in on itself. Because if Russia completely and utterly collapses and Putin's regime and all of the puppets that it controls fall from power China becomes a very lonely place on the world stage.

In in fact I would go as far to say that realistically President Pooh Bear is probably fucking livid with Putin right now. Putin has United the West strengthened the ties of the various NATO members while simultaneously displaying just how weak and poorly run Russia actually is.


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
I started reading a bit more into the Ukrainian military and this rubbed me the wrong way.

How can a modern nation (mind you a nation, not some random racists in the country) have Nazis??? An entire military branch filled with Nazis. The equivalent of this would be if the US military had a KKK branch. wtf???

And then saw this as well... Tweeted by the National Guard

If a country wants to win the hearts, minds, and support of those abroad it really should not be doing this.

I don’t understand what this means


Putin has used the fact that the Ukraine national guard apparently has a neonazi battalion in its ranks as impetus to invade. It is an integral part of the "story" currently unfolding there. You need to pay more attention man.
I legit don't even understand how one of the most racist, anti lgbt nation in the world can use it as the reason. The only difference between neo-nazi groups in Europe and the whole Putin regime is that Putin doesn't use the symbols associated with nazi germany.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Can Putin get arrested for war crime ?
Technically? Yes.

Realistically? No.

In order for Putin to stand trial for any of this it would involve a complete overthrow of his Russian government and betrayal from within his inner circle. Because you would need Putin alive to be able to stand trial and there is about a million different ways that he dies between the coup and the stand.

Even if there was an uprising from within and he was captured and transferred to some kind of prison to await trial he would just become the next Herman Goring. Someone somewhere would either give him the means to kill himself or someone would expedite the process themselves in order to prevent him talking.
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Over time, every single Russian leader has gone crazy. Something in the water or creeping through the walls of the Kremlin. Now it has infected Putin. The world needs to remove him before he does something really scary and grow a beard to emulate his forefathers.
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Analysis of the Russian invasion so far by Michael Kofman, a Russian military expert (Director, Russia Studies at CNA. Senior Adjunct Fellow, CNAS.)

I recommend you click on the thread and read it.

That's what happens when you surround a world leader with "yes" men. You get a mis-informed world leader.

I don’t understand what this means
Lard is pig fat. Jews are not supposed to eat pork as it's against their religion. I can understand why this is a bad message considering that Ukraine's leader is also Jewish.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Over time, every single Russian leader has gone crazy. Something in the water or creeping through the walls of the Kremlin. Now it has infected Putin. The world needs to remove him before he does something really scary and grow a beard.
Nothing corrupts a human being more than money and power. Putin has both in a basically unlimited supply within Russia. It also doesn't help that Putin is former KGB and it took a very specific kind of person to be a part of the KGB.

Imagine taking a member of the CIA or the FBI and making them president for life in the United States. There is only one way that ends and that is very very badly.


I think Putin is unhinged and a part of me wishes that nuclear threats were not a thing.
It certainly seems so. I was just watching the BBC and one of the reporters mentioned that Putin seems much more paranoid since the outbreak of Covid, mentioning that for example he had Marcron take 3 PCR tests before meeting him recently. Also, normally, you are required to quarantine for 2 weeks to get a meeting with him. There are persistent rumours that he's immunocompromised and extremely scared of getting Covid. This has caused him to become extremely insulated over the past years.

Take it with a grain of salt, but I thought it was an interesting view
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I legit don't even understand how one of the most racist, anti lgbt nation in the world can use it as the reason. The only difference between neo-nazi groups in Europe and the whole Putin regime is that Putin doesn't use the symbols associated with nazi germany.

It's insane to see from the outside, and it makes me wonder if this rhetoric is more for the Russian people? "Look at the nazis right next door!"


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
That's what happens when you surround a world leader with "yes" men. You get a mis-informed world leader.

Lard is pig fat. Jews are not supposed to eat pork as it's against their religion. I can understand why this is a bad message considering that Ukraine's leader is also Jewish.
Oh ok because you can use grease on your rounds if your firearm is in poor condition to help prevent jamming


Nothing corrupts a human being more than money and power. Putin has both in a basically unlimited supply within Russia. It also doesn't help that Putin is former KGB and it took a very specific kind of person to be a part of the KGB.

Imagine taking a member of the CIA or the FBI and making them president for life in the United States. There is only one way that ends and that is very very badly.
I read somewhere that he may have more than 200 billion in cash stashed away. Yet he still can't afford to fix that balding problem. :messenger_tears_of_joy: Seriously though, so many "leaders" in the world corrupted by money.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I read somewhere that he may have more than 200 billion in cash stashed away. Yet he still can't afford to fix that balding problem. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Its because he would never allow himself to have the medical procedures needed to transplant hair. Just like how he uses a 50ft table to talk to people. The man is terrified that someone is going to off him.

I wouldn't be surprised if he has a food taster and walks around in a bulletproof vest.


Analysis of the Russian invasion so far by Michael Kofman, a Russian military expert (Director, Russia Studies at CNA. Senior Adjunct Fellow, CNAS.)

I recommend you click on the thread and read it.

I mean, aside from a logistical standpoint, politically any attempt to invade would have been terrible for Russia, regardless of the outcome, and it's why I was saying "they'll never do it." I may have overestimated Putin in being a much more cunning statesman than he's demonstrated. He has shown himself to be politically inept, unable to predict the consequences. He had very little political leverage, outside of Russian populations in the areas claimed. The claim to Ukraine is so murky and muddied in the history of the region, no sane person would have considered any pretext outside of an attack on Russia by Ukraine as justified. It amounts to nothing more than Russian geopolitical claims of "manifest destiny" and their grievances of the past for the West betraying them over the past century. It reads like a fanfic or some COD: Modern Warfare script.


Putin is a bully, he will push and push until he gets slapped, which is what West is doing right now. So that Russia would understand there are limits. And in a true Russian fashion you need to hammer it into them, otherwise they will not understand.
And this is where things get complicated: russians are known for blaming every single bad thing that happens to them as a west fault, and they only respect power. That kind of world view is almost the opposite of ours, which we blame ourselves if something bad happens to us. For that very reason, economic sanctions won't work on Russia.

Famine? it's west's fault.

Russian civilian losses? it's the west's fault.

Putin farted smellier than usual? It's the west's fault.

We'll always be "the bad guys" to them, no matter what, so we can expect this shitshow to continue for a loooooong time. There's too much hate towards NATO and the west there, and most of Russia's allies are trading with them, so even if the people of the country suffers, you can bet that Putin will get supply for his war.

Here's a list of Russia's top 5 export and import partners:


As I said before: as long as China is backing up Russia, this war will go on and on.
Rusia and China are the Major suppliers of fertilizers to the world. And Rusia has the control of Patassium based fertilizers

So you cant clase your borders to them specially when there is not other place ti find them.

Well, we have three quarters of the world phosphate reserves in Morocco, so this is a good opportunity for us to grow our fertilizers industry beyond its current scope. 🤔


This is Satan 2 liquid fueled nuclear missile. Only Russia has it and it's capable of destroying the whole world. If Putin gets angry enough to deploy this thing, even the cows in Daura go hear am.


Need to sabotage russia nuclear weapons before it happens
Man, I might never finish Elden Ring, don't do it Putin, there is millions of us playing through this game currently.

Putin find a new hobby, go invade middle earth and dictate the orcs instead, you can live your power fantasy in shadow of war instead.
Yeah there is no winning this for Russia anymore. Even if they "win" they will have an angry as fuck population armed to the teeth. That's not even mentioning the damage they have done to their image and their economy.

Putin has destroyed Russia. Ukraine was not worth what he has done.

Yep, he fucked up big time. He had been a shrewd politician up to this point, which leads me to believe -I know I will be ridiculed- that he fell into a trap devised by the US...The constant talk about Ukraine joining NATO was, imo, completely bogus...Putin felt he needed to act swiftly to ensure that no such thing would happen, encouraged by the rather tame american reaction to his absorbing Crimea, all things considered; He believed he would do the same here: Go in rapidly, enact a regime change and return home sporting a smile. Instead, his troups are stuck; his weapons supposed superiority has been shown to be a myth (who will line up to procure their weapons from Russia from now on?); his country has been isolated; his economy, already fragile, will hurt much more for years to come; he unified Europe and made a case for NATO; he lost the media war...
Whatever happens next...whichever way the war goes, he will be the biggest loser.
His ego will be his downfall. History does indeed repeat itself...


If Finland and Sweden join NATO, Putin will get veery angry. One of the many strategic factors with Ukraine is that it represented the last place for NATO to find easy traversal for troops into russian plains.

The other one, is Finland.

Which means Finland is about to open the door Putin wanted to close.

Baltics already did. Ukraine a different issue because it's next to the only warm sea front for Russia. Also the north countries are lightly populated and easy to take out.
Baltics already did. Ukraine a different issue because it's next to the only warm sea front for Russia. Also the north countries are lightly populated and easy to take out.
No country is easy to take out time and time again war has shown that if they have a will to fight it never easy
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Ultimate DQ Fan
Man, I might never finish Elden Ring, don't do it Putin, there is millions of us playing through this game currently.

Putin find a new hobby, go invade middle earth and dictate the orcs instead, you can live your power fantasy in shadow of war instead.

Calling bullshit on the Satan 2 being able to "destroy the whole world". There isn't a nuke around that could do that. Even the Tsar Bomba shot most of its energy into space.


Gold Member
I just have this horrible sense of dread right now.

I assumed a quick and decisive Russian victory, I have honestly been surprised by how little they have used their Artillery or shock and awe tactics. Instead they seem to be sending it small waves of mechanised infantry on long pushes without air or artillery support and... praying?! that they do the job.

The Ukrainians have done far better than expected, they have indeed come a long long way since 2014 and access to effective man portable anti armour like the NLAW has allowed them to effectively engage and destroy enemy Armor and mechanised troops.

However I feel like something is horribly wrong, like eventually Russia will just go "fuck it the world hates us anyway" and just use everything god awful they have access to and rain it down on Ukraine's towns and cities, the TOS-1 being my main source of worry, you cannot use one of those things ever without it being a warcrime, and Russia has been seen moving them into Ukraine.

0:05 in the video, that thing is a TOS-1

God I hope I am wrong, I hope the economic sanctions work swiftly and Russia backs down, but I just feel like sooner or later Putin's going to order that everything goes, damn the consequences.
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Gold Member
Calling bullshit on the Satan 2 being able to "destroy the whole world". There isn't a nuke around that could do that. Even the Tsar Bomba shot most of its energy into space.

Even all of the nukes on earth launched at once wouldn’t be enough to wipe out all life. Life on Earth has survived way worse than that. Humanity on the otherhand…


Ultimate DQ Fan
I just have this horrible sense of dread right now.

I assumed a quick and decisive Russian victory, I have honestly been surprised by how little they have used their Artillery or shock and awe tactics. Instead they seem to be sending it small waves of mechanised infantry on long pushes without air or artillery support and... praying?! that they do the job.

The Ukrainians have done far better than expected, they have indeed come a long long way since 2014 and access to effective man portable anti armour like the NLAW has allowed them to effectively engage and destroy enemy Armor and mechanised troops.

However I feel like something is horribly wrong, like eventually Russia will just go "fuck it the world hates us anyway" and just use everything god awful they have access to and rain it down on Ukraine's towns and cities, the TOS-1 being my main source of worry, you cannot use one of those things ever without it being a warcrime, and Russia has been seen moving them into Ukraine.

0:05 in the video, that thing is a TOS-1

God I hope I am wrong, I hope the economic sanctions work swiftly and Russia backs down, but I just feel like sooner or later Putin's going to order that everything goes, damn the consequences.

That's my read on it too. Russia has gone out of their way to not completely obliterate cities. That will change as they dig in more and more.


Yep, he fucked up big time. He had been a shrewd politician up to this point, which leads me to believe -I know I will be ridiculed- that he fell into a trap devised by the US...The constant talk about Ukraine joining NATO was, imo, completely bogus...Putin felt he needed to act swiftly to ensure that no such thing would happen, encouraged by the rather tame american reaction to his absorbing Crimea, all things considered; He believed he would do the same here: Go in rapidly, enact a regime change and return home sporting a smile. Instead, his troups are stuck; his weapons supposed superiority has been shown to be a myth (who will line up to procure their weapons from Russia from now on?); his country has been isolated; his economy, already fragile, will hurt much more for years to come; he unified Europe and made a case for NATO; he lost the media war...
Whatever happens next...whichever way the war goes, he will be the biggest loser.
His ego will be his downfall. History does indeed repeat itself...

actually this was the best time to make a move. world economies still recovering from covid. sanctions would also hurt the west and unsettle the populations even more. the current NATO policies are done quickly and without public debate. On their part European leaders are also sly and know their populations, they want to put them in a "matter of fact" situation before the shocks subside and they start asking questions. scary m0t#3r &k#rs all of them on both sides.
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