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Russian-made fps KREED found to be using gfx data from Q3, RTWC, Doom 3 and JK2


In Russia, game developpers copies YOU

Because the game is shock full off Q3, RtCW, JK2, CoD files, all sorts. And there are so many there... Fuck, theres even Doom 3 ALPHA stuff in there :|

So somebody PLEASE GOD tell me that Kreed is based on the Q3 engine, and so id have given them the right to use this stuff?

I was worried because FarCry used the conchars from Q3, lol, but this is something else... Its whole SFX foilder is just of ripped media. Every blood effect is either from Q3, or worse, the Doom 3 leak...


more details in the thread. THis really sucks if its true because the game looked cool
It's a bunch of public domain textures that those others games used as well. Big deal.

Though that series of Duke Nukem 3D flame Targas made me laugh.
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