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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


What if Hideo Kojima, has actually just been an actor hired by the mastermind game designer Hasan Kahraman this entire time, and he chose Kojima as his stand-in because of the name translation thing?

The Realtime Trailers app is going to end w/ the amazing reveal showing 3 decades of footage of Hasan making games, and coaching Kojima on how to act like a game designer in interviews.

Kojima recently asked to retire from his role.. and has lost the drive to continue the charade. Which is why in his recent Twitter photos he looks like a guy not even trying that hard to look like he's actually in his own office doing work. Hasan is just trying to get him to play along just long enough to create an amazing reveal w/ the Realtime Trailers app.
But will this still lead to Silent Hill and a butthole pic? If yes then i'm game. Hasan, Kojima? Whatever, HK is HK


and another clue:


Cyprus Lighthouse is a location in Western Ormideia, It is an inaccessible area in MGS V

Lighthouse at night.

It was first visible during the March 11, 1984, horseback sequence where Venom Snake fought off "the man on fire". The second appearance is seen in the background during one of the final cutscenes in the game with Big Boss and Ocelot, revealing that the player has been playing a body double.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
You know.. I feel like this is all Konami playing games with us..

In.. the summer (sorry southern hemisphere you guys don't matter.)


The Tokyo (KOJIMA), Summer Games...


A new Hideo Kojima produced:

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What if Hideo Kojima, has actually just been an actor hired by the mastermind game designer Hasan Kahraman this entire time, and he chose Kojima as his stand-in because of the name translation thing?

The Realtime Trailers app is going to end w/ the amazing reveal showing 3 decades of footage of Hasan making games, and coaching Kojima on how to act like a game designer in interviews.

Kojima recently asked to retire from his role.. and has lost the drive to continue the charade. Which is why in his recent Twitter photos he looks like a guy not even trying that hard to look like he's actually in his own office doing work. Hasan is just trying to get him to play along just long enough to create an amazing reveal w/ the Realtime Trailers app.
This makes zero sense, how is a CGI character going to design games?


You know.. I feel like this is all Konami playing games with us..

In.. the summer (sorry southern hemisphere you guys don't matter.)


The Tokyo (KOJIMA), Summer Games...


A new Hideo Kojima produced:

I wouldn't say no...would be nice to have some fun games to play again...Imagine the 80$ replacement controller sales SONY would have...


Reseterror Resettler
The AIs are taking over.




Snake: Colonel, I've been getting strange calls from a frequency I don't know.

Colonel: They're using burst transmission. They must be inside Sony Headquarters. Snake, don't you know what this means?!

Snake: Burst...transmission? Inside...this base?

Otacon: Snake! LOOK OUT! Master Kahraman isn't who he claims!

Snake: Then...

Kahraman: Uhhsnakuu. Did you...rike my sungrasses?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Decipher this:

Back to the black and white theme I see - and something with blue boxes.

Is that Nicolas Winding Refn on the monitor and phone?

Do you all not see the obvious fear in his eyes?

Meanwhile Hasan is cool, calm and collected in his video's he posted.

You all thought Kojima was off to the side pointing a gun at him.. but I think it's Hasan pointing the gun, at Kojima.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Don't get your hopes up, he's been moving the goalposts, so now it has to be some crazy connection.
Wait what?


I haven't moved any goalposts..

Literally all I've ever said is that "Team Fake" represents the idea that BlueBox/Hasan have nothing to do with SH or Kojima.

So if this is Silent Hill and/or Kojima, I lose this bet.

What goalpost did I move kind sir?

Team Real is the one who keeps changing their minds about what this is the entire time.. I've been saying from the start.. it's just Hasan doing what he's been doing since 2015.. releasing crap and sometimes trying to hint he's Kojima (like he did in 2015, poorly, on Kickstarter.)
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Ask me about my Stream Deck
Wait what?


I haven't moved any goalposts..

Literally all I've ever said is that "Team Fake" represents the idea that BlueBox/Hasan have nothing to do with SH or Kojima.

So if this is Silent Hill and/or Kojima, I lose this bet.

What goalpost did I move kind sir?

Team Real is the one who keeps changing their minds about what this is the entire time.. I've been saying from the start.. it's just Hasan doing what he's been doing since 2015.. releasing crap and sometimes trying to hint he's Kojima (like he did in 2015, poorly, on Kickstarter.)

Maybe you meant this as a separate bet then?
What if Hideo Kojima, has actually just been an actor hired by the mastermind game designer Hasan Kahraman this entire time, and he chose Kojima as his stand-in because of the name translation thing?

The Realtime Trailers app is going to end w/ the amazing reveal showing 3 decades of footage of Hasan making games, and coaching Kojima on how to act like a game designer in interviews.

Kojima recently asked to retire from his role.. and has lost the drive to continue the charade. Which is why in his recent Twitter photos he looks like a guy not even trying that hard to look like he's actually in his own office doing work. Hasan is just trying to get him to play along just long enough to create an amazing reveal w/ the Realtime Trailers app.

There will be an entire archive of butthole pics supplied if my new theory is correct.


Can’t Git Gud
You all do realize the game already had a trailer with footage right ?

But I have my doubts if it's manipulated fmv or what :p


You all do realize the game already had a trailer with footage right ?

But I have my doubts if it's manipulated fmv or what :p

"Hasan Karahman even said that the footage revealed in the trailer was not actually of their upcoming game. According to him, he rushed the trailer out to meet Sony’s deadline, and that’s why a lot of people don’t actually believe Karahman despite him claiming that he has nothing to do with Silent Hill or Hideo Kojima."


Snake Oil Salesman
From the Reddit. He is really leaning in by not denying it. If he would be really an indie he should know that this would backfire, when it turns out to be nothing big.

How does increasing eyeballs on your product result in a backfire?

How many indie games come and go without anyone noticing?
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