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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


What I sincerely hope is happening is that...

- Kojima is mad at Hasan for copying his previous ARG and PT shit,
- he's mad that this guy is pretending to be associated with Silent Hills,
- he's mad that Hasan made his character look like Big Boss,
- he's mad at Hasan for failing to make it clearer faster that they were not associated,

... so Hideo Kojima has decided to fuck with Hasan, just as a big "fuck you."

Would be hilarious if Kojima is just trolling Hasan's lying ass.
What I sincerely hope is happening is that...

- Kojima is mad at Hasan for copying his previous ARG and PT shit,
- he's mad that this guy is pretending to be associated with Silent Hills,
- he's mad that Hasan made his character look like Big Boss,
- he's mad at Hasan for failing to make it clearer faster that they were not associated,

... so Hideo Kojima has decided to fuck with Hasan, just as a big "fuck you."

Would be hilarious if Kojima is just trolling Hasan's lying ass.

Tactical Trolling Operations
It’s unbelievable that team fake still believe that it’s nothing although they are unable to explain a lot of things
Team Real can at least present a reasonable story or theory for everything.
Team fake is fixated on Hasan and his past so they don't feel that they need to look beyond that. Everything else is coincidence and conjecture .

If this was a Steam game I would be with them. The only thing keeping me on team real is the fact that Sony has not pulled the plug yet or mentioned anything about the shitstorm.

H . R . 2

What I sincerely hope is happening is that...

- Kojima is mad at Hasan for copying his previous ARG and PT shit,
- he's mad that this guy is pretending to be associated with Silent Hills,
- he's mad that Hasan made his character look like Big Boss,
- he's mad at Hasan for failing to make it clearer faster that they were not associated,

... so Hideo Kojima has decided to fuck with Hasan, just as a big "fuck you."

Would be hilarious if Kojima is just trolling Hasan's lying ass.
that would be unprofessional

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
But hasan told in nme interview all there is to it.
There is no reason to believe it is Kojima

Again, I am with you on this that the interview has convinced me that this is all just nothing.

BUT, again we have seen Kojima straight out lie before

Lying is not ilegal, it's unethical perhaps or immoral to be playing these types of games. Is that Hasan or Kojima or maybe even someone else, we are not definitive on that yet, well at least I am not.

There's nothing wrong with that, the amount of aggression from some people in here is ridiculous at times. No one should be calling anyone stupid because clearly whoever this is, it is a deliberate attempt to deceive.
It's coming...it's coming... Silent Hill confirmed
Somethings coming from Hasan alright.
Poop Diarrhea GIF
But hasan told in nme interview all there is to it.
There is no reason to believe it is Kojima
Are you seriously believing this interview? First why would Hasan from all outlets choose this one from a magazine which is in Europe mostly unknown.

Did you actually read the interview? The reason the other stuff is against a photo because of the talk he is a scammer? If there would be proof of more people there he would not be seen as a scammer and even if that would be case, that does not explain why these people are all ghosts without any internet presence.

Also according to this interview the game is great, do you also believe that? So Hasan from zero to hero? I tell you this interview was setup by Sony, they have no problem with pulling something like this with all their connections.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I'm just talking about Sony's strategy; clearly THEY dont think these events are that important.. as they stopped going to E3 in 2019 and majorly scaled back events in general even before COVID.

I'm not sure why you don't think they'll do another big video presentation this year, when they feel they have some good stuff to show off.

Hell maybe even some surprise announcements and the usual fun stuff.

I do tend to agree w/ that strategy and don't agree that their popularity stemmed from events that 99% of their customers didn't attend... not sure why you are so certain that fan events are the key to their success? Why would PSVR2 need to be at conventions? Those VR demos are the most cumbersome of the bunch.. very few people end up getting to do them.. have you ever been to a trade con?

Hell E3 for instance wasn't even open to the general public for how long? Wasn't it only 2018 where that re-started?

Lets relate this to sports. So basically you're stating that since Sony "won" a championship with the PS4 and is in 1st place in the next regular season (ie the PS5), there's no need for them to practice anymore? I don't get anything that you are saying. It's becoming clear to me that you are probably reading Sony correctly, but it's hard for me to understand why you and some other think this "don't be visible" era that Sony is doing in 2021 is smart.

Please E3 was great (before it became open to the public) strictly because the press was able to showcase new games and gamers would watch and listen about that stuff on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, G4TV, and through podcasts. That stuff does matter.
That's not how any of this works. I doubt 1% of PSVR buyers used one at a trade show before purchasing it. I know I didn't. It will sell based on the games they show and there is no incentive for them to show games for it until it's near launch.

It's not able everyone physically being able to use a PSVR2 in person. It's about the converstations that happen because they are visible and in stores or in mobile units that set up all across different countries to show it off. You guys are stating that basically marketing is all a lie and publicly doesn't matter any more. I (along with thousands of companies, two being Nintendo and Microsoft) disagree.
1. Hasan is European, remember?
2. Why would a European publication be lesser?
3. NME are English
4. NME are absolutely not mostly unknown.
I grew up in Germany not far from the Netherlands and I have never heard of them before.

There are so many video game outlets which are more known in the Netherlands, which Hasan would have surely asked first. And if he did and all rejected him, why would from all the Outlets there NME agree to do an interview.

But yes I get team fake, if they are asked for reasons which they cannot explain (e.g. how does Hasan make money with this scam) they just ignore the questions. Really is it so hard to believe that Kojima is behind it withe all these coincidences? You always mention if it would be Kojima it would be a really stupid ARG, yet it is exactly doing what it was supposed to do, throw you off and make you rather believe in a guy who pay to buy assets, but has apparently no idea how to get the money back. I hear from team fake one of 3 stories (which are just too absurd to believe:

1.. There is no game and Hasan is only burning his money for fun.
2. There will be a great game. Hasan changed and is suddenly a super talented developer.
3. There is a game and it is absolute shit, but Hasan is a super talented video editor and can make from a pice of shit a trailer which looks like it is from the game of the year.
I grew up in Germany not far from the Netherlands and I have never heard of them before.

There are so many video game outlets which are more known in the Netherlands, which Hasan would have surely asked first. And if he did and all rejected him, why would from all the Outlets there NME agree to do an interview.

But yes I get team fake, if they are asked for reasons which they cannot explain (e.g. how does Hasan make money with this scam) they just ignore the questions. Really is it so hard to believe that Kojima is behind it withe all these coincidences? You always mention if it would be Kojima it would be a really stupid ARG, yet it is exactly doing what it was supposed to do, throw you off and make you rather believe in a guy who pay to buy assets, but has apparently no idea how to get the money back. I hear from team fake one of 3 stories (which are just too absurd to believe:

1.. There is no game and Hasan is only burning his money for fun.
2. There will be a great game. Hasan changed and is suddenly a super talented developer.
3. There is a game and it is absolute shit, but Hasan is a super talented video editor and can make from a pice of shit a trailer which looks like it is from the game of the year.
Look, as much as I absolutely love making fun of Hasan and Team Real, I just think he’s an indie dev. Maybe he secured investment to get a more professional product, I have no idea, and I genuinely wish him the best, again, as much as I love taking the piss out of him.
there's no mystery, he’s just an indie dev hyping things up and hustling and tagging onto the crazies, that’s it.


I grew up in Germany not far from the Netherlands and I have never heard of them before.

There are so many video game outlets which are more known in the Netherlands, which Hasan would have surely asked first. And if he did and all rejected him, why would from all the Outlets there NME agree to do an interview.

But yes I get team fake, if they are asked for reasons which they cannot explain (e.g. how does Hasan make money with this scam) they just ignore the questions. Really is it so hard to believe that Kojima is behind it withe all these coincidences? You always mention if it would be Kojima it would be a really stupid ARG, yet it is exactly doing what it was supposed to do, throw you off and make you rather believe in a guy who pay to buy assets, but has apparently no idea how to get the money back. I hear from team fake one of 3 stories (which are just too absurd to believe:

1.. There is no game and Hasan is only burning his money for fun.
2. There will be a great game. Hasan changed and is suddenly a super talented developer.
3. There is a game and it is absolute shit, but Hasan is a super talented video editor and can make from a pice of shit a trailer which looks like it is from the game of the year.

There is a long list of "!" and "?" around Hasan but I'll start by asking this:

Why is it that the BBGS and Hasan Kahraman Twitter accounts where started in 2015 and 2013 but only started Tweeting in April and July this year?

At least that is what going through Tweets and replies shows for me.
This shit is unprofessional and disrespectful to gamers. I hope it ends soon. Making me not even want a new Silent Hill if it is Silent Hill.
Come on…disrespectful to gamers?? What does that even mean??
There is nothing going on other than nonsense by team real, making something out of nothing.
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if Kojima's next "Good Morning" tweet in a few hours is showing a song played on a mp3-player then I would guess that we will see 27 as seconds for the time the song has run e.g. xx:27; 00:27; 01:27 ..

If that's true then his good morning tweets no longer represent a countdown, but instead a counter.

I think the countdown endet with this tweed and since then he is counting



You know what.

My rational mind really wants to crucify Hasan as a con artist for facts exposed...

But my heart keeps telling me theres more to this than that...

If its all just coincidences and obcessed people drawing crazy parallels... Damn, some of you should REALLY be into game dev 'cause you are creating a pretty ominous, clever meta-game already.


Well its true that so many project by indie developers get cancelled every hour of the day. But no one cares or notices it. Its just that he got a stage because of the Sony thing, and the rumours that did their job very well and he lighted up himself. But what you see here is an indie dev that is just going through the hell that is gaming development.

However a few things. CreateQ does not exist. Its not a registered studio. So this part is suspect. To me it seems like he wanted hands off, and just placed it under some fake ass studio name on Steam.
The S___L thing, the eye patch dude, that onus is on him. Ofcourse he did that because the KojiPro rumours had surfaced already. His first project was clearly based on PT to begin with. But you are an upstart, with no experience, people accuse you of being HK. I would probably roll with it to some extent as well.

But outside of these practices I think it all lines up reasonably well. This is a dude without PR management, who now faces expectations he can't meet. He's probably not a scammer, but he just can't deliver. And so far he doesn't deliver with Abandoned either.

I firmly believe this guy has nothing to do with Hideo. It just doesn't make a lick of sense.
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You know what.

My rational mind really wants to crucify Hasan as a con artist for facts exposed...

But my heart keeps telling me theres more to this than that...

If its all just coincidences and obcessed people drawing crazy parallels... Damn, some of you should REALLY be into game dev 'cause you are creating a pretty ominous, clever meta-game already.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride, I never got too invested either way but it was a fun time speculating


Lol, at this point if you're still going on about Abandoned being anything Konami/Kojima related, you're actually a simpleton.

That isn't going to stop this thread though 😂

For a long time the poll was in favor of real. But I think as time went on more and more people start to realize this is nothing. And thats usually the best way as placing any expectations on this will only end up in disappointment no matter what the outcome is. SH isn't even worth an ARG so drawn out as this.


Gold Member
I hope people here learn from the power of confirmation bias. This connecting the dots of unrelated events is how we get people believing the moon landings were fake and etc. Every conspiracy theory starts like this and the people involved really start to believe. All the dots they connected, "there is no way it could be a coincidence. It has to be real".
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