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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Just copying and pasting your previous lines of madness?

fight club work GIF

I answered his question. Team fake isn't even discussing evidence or giving informed opinions they are just making attacks and ruining the discussion. Go elsewhere if you have nothing to add. Oh, and

Hasan is NOT an actor. He is also NOT the director of Abandoned/Silent Hill.

Kojima spotted him while researching horror games and decided to use him as an unknowing surrogate for his next game due to his initials and work in the horror genre.

Kojima is the private investor that is giving Hasan money to make this game but Hasan is unaware of Kojima's Involvement. He is using a third party to make Hasan think he is making this game using outside studios.

In truth Hasan is in charge of nothing and is unaware of the actual game being made. His entire purpose was to get the app on the PlayStation store and to be the face of the campaign to keep Kojima in the shadows.

This is why he didn't know if the game was linear or open world. Why his studio's address is just his apartment. Why his Psn account shows he spends all day playing video games rather than making them. This is why he has told several media outlets what he thinks he is making but is swearing them to secrecy. His benefactor told him to keep Abandoned a secret because what he thinks he is making is not the real game that is being made.

Everything Hasan says is what he is being told to say by his investor who is in fact secretly Kojima. Hasan is the mouthpiece for a game he knows nothing about.

No real investor would give Hasan money to make a game when he has no track record of actually releasing one.
And yet Nuare is working on the project. The project is real. Kojima and others are hinting at the reality of the project. The blog was real, the self published app is real, the video clip we have seen is real.
how are they losers though? are they losers for being passionate about their favourite game and wanting it enough to gather around and celebrate it even if some fake news is the reason for it?
the only losers are people who cannot tolerate others' happiness
most team real members know deep down that nothing might come out of this whole thing but it is an excuse to feel joy.
if you do not share the passion, you don't need to visit the page regularly to see if you have won so maybe you can feel slightly better about the other bad decisions you have made in life

I would never try to ruin anyone's fun
They would be losers because they lost the bet. They’re not right. It was never Kojima, Silent Hill, or MGS.


Hasan is NOT an actor. He is also NOT the director of Abandoned/Silent Hill.

Kojima spotted him while researching horror games and decided to use him as an unknowing surrogate for his next game due to his initials and work in the horror genre.

Kojima is the private investor that is giving Hasan money to make this game but Hasan is unaware of Kojima's Involvement. He is using a third party to make Hasan think he is making this game using outside studios.

In truth Hasan is in charge of nothing and is unaware of the actual game being made. His entire purpose was to get the app on the PlayStation store and to be the face of the campaign to keep Kojima in the shadows.

This is why he didn't know if the game was linear or open world. Why his studio's address is just his apartment. Why his Psn account shows he spends all day playing video games rather than making them. This is why he has told several media outlets what he thinks he is making but is swearing them to secrecy. His benefactor told him to keep Abandoned a secret because what he thinks he is making is not the real game that is being made.

Everything Hasan says is what he is being told to say by his investor who is in fact secretly Kojima. Hasan is the mouthpiece for a game he knows nothing about.

No real investor would give Hasan money to make a game when he has no track record of actually releasing one.
And yet Nuare is working on the project. The project is real. Kojima and others are hinting at the reality of the project. The blog was real, the self published app is real, the video clip we have seen is real.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I hope people here learn from the power of confirmation bias. This connecting the dots of unrelated events is how we get people believing the moon landings were fake and etc. Every conspiracy theory starts like this and the people involved really start to believe. All the dots they connected, "there is no way it could be a coincidence. It has to be real".

He CREATED the connections. Not sure what you mean here.


Gold Member
I don’t think Sony is financially backing them. They might have third-party financing, external financing. I don’t think Sony is backing them directly, no.
Someone is financing everything and the game they are supposedly making that they intend to sell is PS5 exclusive. Why would any other publishers back them?
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Someone is financing everything and the game they are supposedly making that they intend to sell is PS5 exclusive. Why would someone else back them?
I have no idea why anyone would back them. That doesn’t mean someone didn’t.
I have no idea why Google and other huge investors backed magic leap. It sounded like shit to me back then, and it ended up on the shit heap - although maybe they’ll make a go of non-commercial.
I don’t know why anyone does anything. That doesn’t mean people don’t do things every day that make no sense to me. They do.
right :))
this is by far the most childish thing I have heard recently
you sound like a teenage bully

it's ok, you have won, don't come back here
That’s how bets work - there’s a winner, and there is a loser. This is how all games/bets work. That’s why there were teams.
I know - it’s sad, someone has to lose. But someone gotta lose, my friend. And it’s been team real.
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No. That is not team fakes argument. It’s that this has nothing to do with Kojima, Konami, MGS, and Silent Hill.
I’ll happily widen it to be, Abandoned has nothing to do with Blue Point.
That was never team fakes argument.
Don’t try to twist it. Embrace the L.
Uhm, TeamFakes argument is that BB Games is not related to anything.
TeamReals argument is that BB Games is either related to Kojima, Sony, Konami or BluePoint, or all at once.

The marketing for Silent Hill and MGS has worked flawlessly - intentional or unintentional - maybe we'll never know, but TeamReal stays on the throne.


Gold Member
I have no idea why anyone would back them. That doesn’t mean someone didn’t.
I have no idea why Google and other huge investors backed magic leap. It sounded like shit to me back then, and it ended up on the shit heap - although maybe they’ll make a go of non-commercial.
I don’t know why anyone does anything. That doesn’t mean people don’t do things every day that make no sense to me. They do.
And let alone a PS5 exclusive right? If it were a small indie title it should also work on PS4 with little to no effort. And if someone other than Sony was involved then that, at least should be most certainly be the case, right? Nobody else would have reason to restrict platforms in order to bring out the best return… UNLESS!!!????

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
That’s how bets work - there’s a winner, and there is a loser. This is how all games/bets work. That’s why there were teams.
I know - it’s sad, someone has to lose. But someone gotta lose, my friend. And it’s been team real.

nothing has been won or lost yet, as nothing tangible has been delivered and I for one would like to see how long Hasan can financially continue without releasing “something”.

until then all bets are still on. As some have said this could be just the beginning. People will now forget about this somewhat. That is maybe what the interview with IGN was meant to do. Cool the jets.

H . R . 2

That’s how bets work - there’s a winner, and there is a loser. This is how all games/bets work. That’s why there were teams.
I know - it’s sad, someone has to lose. But someone gotta lose, my friend. And it’s been team real.
I don't recall betting on anything and apparently, those who think they did can't remember what the bet was. also, it was not the people here who decided to turn this into a competition, it was the OP. I remember I came here because I was excited to see my favourite game unveiled. Moreover, any rational mind would constantly alternate between the two possibilities because nothing is certain and that has been intentional because that is part of the fun.


Gold Member
He CREATED the connections. Not sure what you mean here.
He created one of the dots without context. Everything afterwards was the community. Even the blurry image, it's a dead ringer for a guy with an eye patch AFTER your primed to see that. I saw it before the comparisons and it just looked like blurry background. It's the way our brains just work, pattern recognition. That's why we see Jesus on toast and dragons in the clouds.


I'm not specifically team real or team fake. I'm team this is bigger than a lone (or 2, 10, 50....) dev with possibly Kojima/Keighley being involved somehow but still a much bigger/different game than presented so far.

The latest IGN article reinforces this in many ways for me but *if* Hasan is 100% honest and legit in what he claims in the article then I really do think his investor, Sony or any of the other big companies he has name dropped (Epic/Unreal etc) need to step in and save the bloke from himself TBH.

Right now I don't believe for a second there is a big investor that has given him 10s or 100s of thousands of € to do what we've seen so far. At least I hope not in the way he presents it here.


What if there's something hidden in the small reveal clip hasan shared on ps5? Maybe he's waiting for us to find it, like... Ehm, like p.t.' hidden Silent hills reveal...
The "only" relations to P.T I could find in the trailer, is the "(talking)paperbag" on the floor and the door and table in the blurred image shown right after the trailer is finished.

Sums up to this:


I should have been on TeamReal with the moving goal posts. By the end of the month and nothing is shown I'm sure they will say "if any one is working on Silent Hill or MGS right now or in the future we won boys"
What's with the victory laps i'm seeing from some vocal elements of #teamfake ??

Can anyone fill me up, did Abandoned get a shadow drop and turns out is just some indy turd?? What did I miss?


What's with the victory laps i'm seeing from some vocal elements of #teamfake ??

Can anyone fill me up, did Abandoned get a shadow drop and turns out is just some indy turd?? What did I miss?
Just another *sobbing* Hasan interview from IGN. Must be hard for him with all this attention. He just didn't knew how to promote his game, so he started promoting other IP's. Guess you need an education in marketing to see that's a bad idea... - But what can you do - being in an industry where investments of $200K is not enough to make a indie game, and have to give the money back to the investor, just to give the old game away for free - cause the marketing has been bad for the new game.

Makes perfectly sense!


Gold Member
Although team fake still didn't give a clear answer what Hasan's goal is. Team fake is constantly saying there is no game, but how is he is getting the money he spend on Nuare then back? I don't know but last time I checked the app is completely free.
I'll take a shot at this question. Game developers get paid to make games, while indie devs pay to make games.

With the amount of attention this is getting, it would be easy to get some smaller investors to help out. If I were Hasan, I'd point them to the view counts on this thread, Reddit, etc. I'd show them that people think my production quality is as good as famed developer Hideo Kojima. On top of that, I'd tell them to check out my new PS5 real-time experience app that has hundreds of thousands of downloads. I mean, this has taken me from the bowels of Steam early access to the front page of big publications. Money is pouring in, and the more I deny it, the better it gets.


I can't believe this is still going on, if its a marketing ploy by Kojima he has really misplayed it.
I do believe Kojima is working on something cool and possibly Silent Hill related but this Abandoned app is not it.

For one thing, Sony should be all over this like a rash, its achieved alot of clout and attention not just from games media but also the NME, the app is essentially a shell of nothing on the store and taking up space on peoples SSD.

I will personally be deleting it, I hate seeing it there in my library as its essentially shovel ware.

I have a few theories.

1. Hasan is a real person but a one person dev team, he's doing this all alone, there is not a chance he has a team who put a 4s trailer together in 3 days.

2. Hasan probably assumed there would be a PS state of play by this point and has been following rumours of announcements from "insiders" too closely. Once he realised nothing would happen in August or be announced he pulled his idea for a fully fledged trailer and botched a teaser.

3. He is now promising a new trailer with gameplay. I don't think we need to guess that it will never happen.


The end game for this whole saga will be when BlueBox finally release their full time trailer app and it turns out to be stock assets on rails and be extremely buggy, it will get pulled and it will never see the light of day again.

I do strongly believe Hasan deserves to be taken on by a development studio in at least a marketing capacity, he clearly has some dormant talent but is horribly misguided or deluded, with a bit of guidance he may have alot of potential.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
I see a lot of people on here dictating what each team believes and no one quite captured my understanding, so....

I'll just say I've been team real from the start and still am, but what that means to me is there is something really going on behind the scenes that is bigger than just a single guy pulling some kind of scam. It doesn't mean Kojima or silent hill specifically, but if course that would be awesome (and hilarious).


I personally always took team fake's stance to be that it is just a single guy who has stumbled into catching people's attention through a comedy of errors and the end result will just be another asset flip garbage product.


Not sure that lines up with anyone else's impression, but I thought it might be helpful to share that not everyone on a specific team buys into everything posted on this thread.
Just another *sobbing* Hasan interview from IGN. Must be hard for him with all this attention. He just didn't knew how to promote his game, so he started promoting other IP's. Guess you need an education in marketing to see that's a bad idea... - But what can you do - being in an industry where investments of $200K is not enough to make a indie game, and have to give the money back to the investor, just to give the old game away for free - cause the marketing has been bad for the new game.

Makes perfectly sense!
Thought we might have a photo of him with all his team together to prove they are a real thing... or that Keighley finally got those images he was due any minute now... or Jason Schrier did his undercover investigation shit... but no... nothing, how surprising :messenger_tears_of_joy:

The party goes on!!!!!!!!



Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Thought we might have a photo of him with all his team together to prove they are a real thing... or that Keighley finally got those images he was due any minute now... or Jason Schrier did his undercover investigation shit... but no... nothing, how surprising :messenger_tears_of_joy:

The party goes on!!!!!!!!

Keighly did an interview just 2 days ago where he repeated that he still hasn't gotten anything, and re-iterated he knows nothing and that it's all appears to be an indie dev in over his head.

Schrier also made recent tweets repeating his opinion this is just an indie as well.

He made fun of the 5 second trailer on Twitter.. and he doesn't seem to really think there's a big story here.

I don't think anyone in the media is paying enough attention to see that this guy is also a blatant liar who may be defrauding people like Nuare studios, and not just a harmless indie dev in over his head.

In the end even if he is a lying ass dipshit there's not going to be that much harm done.. but the likes of Nuare really should distance themselves lol
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Keighly did an interview just 2 days ago where he repeated that he still hasn't gotten anything, and re-iterated he knows nothing and that it's all appears to be an indie dev in over his head.

Schrier also made recent tweets repeating his opinion this is just an indie as well.

He made fun of the 5 second trailer on Twitter.. and he doesn't seem to really think there's a big story here.

I don't think anyone in the media is paying enough attention to see that this guy is also a blatant liar who may be defrauding people like Nuare studios, and not just a harmless indie dev in over his head.

In the end even if he is a lying ass dipshit there's not going to be that much harm done.. but the likes of Nuare really should distance themselves lol
If you are right Sony should have killed it ages ago. My belief in #teamreal mostly hangs on them letting this go on for so long with no comment.

Smoke -> fire

If you are right, Sony are the ones looking like amateurs in all this 🤡

Let's see though :messenger_winking:


Keighly did an interview just 2 days ago where he repeated that he still hasn't gotten anything, and re-iterated he knows nothing and that it's all appears to be an indie dev in over his head.

Easy to connect the dots.

Kojima hoped P.T. were harder to crack.

"P.T. was a mysterious game, created by a mysterious studio, with no previous announcement or information, so it used forbidden techniques to increase fear. It was a one-off thing, so we cannot reuse that method again." - Hideo Kojima

Maybe he went with combining the last two ARG's from Moby Dick and 7780 to make Blue Box? He's got a "Joakim Mogren" in Hasan Kahraman and an unknown studio coming out of nowhere tweeting about an unknown game.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
If you are right Sony should have killed it ages ago. My belief in #teamreal mostly hangs on them letting this go on for so long with no comment.

Smoke -> fire

If you are right, Sony are the ones looking like amateurs in all this 🤡

Let's see though :messenger_winking:

Well his lies outside of a few are impossible to prove, the ones that are provable are buried in archive.org.

It doesn't help that actual media stories aren't doing much but repeat his claim that he's an indie, and a victim of people not believing he isn't Kojima.. instead of making concise articles showing how obvious he is part of why the conspiracy theory is happening.. or maybe.. I dunno.. doing their part to actually research his "facts" lol


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole

Easy to connect the dots.

Kojima hoped P.T. were harder to crack.

"P.T. was a mysterious game, created by a mysterious studio, with no previous announcement or information, so it used forbidden techniques to increase fear. It was a one-off thing, so we cannot reuse that method again." - Hideo Kojima

Maybe he went with combining the last two ARG's from Moby Dick and P.T. to make Blue Box? He's got a "Joakim Mogren" in Hasan Kahraman and an unknown studio coming out of nowhere tweeting about an unknown game.

I don't understand why anyone thinks this is similar.

Keighley got involved in a publicity stunt that had 100 times the production value of this Abandoned/Hasan garbage..

And why would Kojima want to so obviously use the same person anyways? Keighley is barely involved.. has commented twice about it and made a couple of resetera posts.. and is in no way acting like he's playing along w/ some elaborate scheme.

Apparently "Team Real" thinks the point of this ruse is just to have so much garbage history / lies associated with it that only die-hards believe it? Like.. what is this even supposed to be? The links to SH/Kojima are blatantly obvious, not in any way clever.. the bumbling idiot behind it all keeps contradicting himself, lying, etc... his 6 year history fits the idea of.. a guy who lies, and contradicts himself. and occasionally cribs Kojima.

I really don't understand Team Real brothers <3


I don't understand why anyone thinks this is similar.

Keighley got involved in a publicity stunt that had 100 times the production value of this Abandoned/Hasan garbage..

But the social media attraction is way higher this time, cause no one has spilled the beans. If I were Kojima and tried different approaches to market a game under the radar, I would make sure people had a much harder time to crack the code.

And why would Kojima want to so obviously use the same person anyways? Keighley is barely involved.. has commented twice about it and made a couple of resetera posts.. and is in no way acting like he's playing along w/ some elaborate scheme.

Cause it links to something familiar, but Keighley acting different may throw people off - just what Kojima wants?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
But the social media attraction is way higher this time, cause no one has spilled the beans. If I were Kojima and tried different approaches to market a game under the radar, I would make sure people had a much harder time to crack the code.

"Starts with an S, ends with an L"




Are tough codes to crack?

The SH conspiracy theory blew up with the most blatantly obvious hint ever.. S___ ___L..

The MGS conspiracy theory blew up with an obvious reference to MGS in a barely blurred picture lol

If this is Kojima, the "joke" seems to be "yeah it was too obvious, so you didn't think it was me, did you?"
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If this is Kojima, the "joke" seems to be "yeah it was too obvious, so you didn't think it was me, did you?"

But still the poll shows the majority thinks otherwise. Even the big media outlets is coming out saying BB Games is just an indie developer - with no proof whatsoever, other than Hasan Kahramans words.
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