That's the thing. If Abandoned was a genuine indie then Sony would lean into it on the indie site given the hype generated or have killed it dead if it was a blatant fraud or lone guy in over his head.
This "mystery" treatment and the weird way the game site outlets interviewed Hasan seems to point in one direction (that this is something else).
If the silence continues during/after Gamescom next week then I might start to think it really is a lone guy blagging it and Sony/Epic/Nuare amazingly just let him get away with using their names for so long.
This "mystery" treatment and the weird way the game site outlets interviewed Hasan seems to point in one direction (that this is something else).
If the silence continues during/after Gamescom next week then I might start to think it really is a lone guy blagging it and Sony/Epic/Nuare amazingly just let him get away with using their names for so long.