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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


So him insisting the trailer he's talking about is the DS DC trailer is a lie, but his random "may be the shortest trailer" comment somehow proves it isn't DS DC? lol
Did you read the part "shortest trailer ever made"?
Not "my shortest trailer" nor "my shortest trailer this month".

"It may be the shortest trailer ever made."

When a guy like him says something like this, it has a meaning behind it. He likes that stuff.
I would dismiss it (like we all did), thinking it was Death Stranding DC trailer. Now we know this wasn't it.
The fact that Abandoned trailer came after this tweet, reinforces it.
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Plastic Train

Neo Member
I think Hasan claims in his FAQ the 5GB is for the full length trailer but they had to limit it to 4 seconds because of "technical" reasons. Though surely that should fixed by now so why not update it?
Because this whole thing has gone on too long. Abandoned was originally timed to go along with the Playstation event, which kept getting delayed. That's why this is getting old. Reality of delays has messed up the flow of this "arg" or whatever you want to call it.

That being said, it doesn't discount all of the evidence that there is more to this than just some "fraud" developer. Anyone thinking that Hasan is some real developer fooling Sony and the Dutch government to scam people, is believing in a much more clownish conspiracy than those that just want to play a new game that is hopefully Silent Hill, MGS, or something equally as awesome. I guess we'll know soon enough.


What? The Keighley trailer was a minute or so long... showed only that shadow moses look like area and the cardboard box MGS gag.
I don't think he counts those as his trailers, I think he was being literally with the word 'my'

P. S. 24.25hrs to go (???) not 100% sure what time the event is.
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Those were definitely from his team, as nobody else would be able to put in all the MGS references. Not that it matters since the quote doesn’t state it was his shortest trailer.

Again talking about the group vs the individual. His team could have definitely posted the summers games fest under his direction without him claiming it as his.


Or maybe.. since that was a month ago..

The trailer ended up being longer?

Do you guys know what the words "may be" mean?
Let's check the dates, shall we?
Tweet about the shortest trailer ever: August 9th
PT Anniversary : August 12th (with Kojima acknowledging it for the first time in 7 years).
Abandoned "WTF this was it? That was a few seconds long" trailer: August 13th
DS DC Trailer: September 8th.

What would make more sense? Commenting on a trailer that was only released a month later OR one that would drop in a few days?
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Apparently he did not directed it.
He said this trailer today is the first one since ds launch
Hold on, I think you're confusing edit with direct.
He definitely directed every trailer, but the big deal he was making on twitter was about him actually editing it (whatever trailer he was talking about). In any case, it is suspicious as hell that the trailer ends up being 4 minutes long, that's not even close to being a short trailer by his team's standards, much less "the shortest trailer ever made"

Plastic Train

Neo Member
You're telling me Kojima didn't direct the trailer full of MGS references?
So who did? Hasan?
Did Kojima say he didn't direct that trailer or that he didn't edit it? Those are two very different things.

Because it was a new scene, it still seems like a Kojima directed it. Someone else from Kojipro could have edited it.


Can’t Git Gud
Hold on, I think you're confusing edit with direct.
He definitely directed every trailer, but the big deal he was making on twitter was about him actually editing it (whatever trailer he was talking about). In any case, it is suspicious as hell that the trailer ends up being 4 minutes long, that's not even close to being a short trailer by his team's standards, much less "the shortest trailer ever made"
Edit, right.
It's the shortest trailer he edited then


It makes sense for him to comment on a trailer that he has edited.
He had many other tweets addressing him back editing again, right?
Taking one out of context isn't a good argument.
Again, look at the dates. Prior to him releasing the DS DC trailer he made a lot of comments about on twitter. He's still doing so.
He fucking announced the date of the trailer release.

Think about it for a second.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole




He started commenting about that trailer long before that as well..

The dude babbles about trailer editing on Twitter.. he's actually been doing it since 2010.. made many comments about the 2019 DS trailer as well he edited.

None of these tweets had some special meaning.. they are just him talking about...

Editing the trailers he's talking about.
And we are the ones moving the goal posts somehow, huh?
"It may be the shortest trailer ever made", followed by a 25 seconds trailer 3 days after and between the 7th anniversary of PT are 3 isolated things that the internet somehow duck tapped together.

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Again, look at the dates. Prior to him releasing the DS DC trailer he made a lot of comments about on twitter. He's still doing so.
He fucking announced the date of the trailer release.

Think about it for a second.


He started commenting about that trailer long before that as well..

The dude babbles about trailer editing on Twitter.. he's actually been doing it since 2010.. made many comments about the 2019 DS trailer as well he edited.

Editing the trailers he's talking about.

Like IP is suggesting above, there's no link between Kojima and Abandoned... so, why does it make any sense for him to so casually be talking about a trailer for a "secret" project? In and amongst tweets that are obviously related to DS?

That's not really reasonable, it doesn't stand on it's own legs. It's just selectivity on your part -- you're picking and choosing which tweets apply to which projects, just to suit this fanciful argument. It's silly.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
And we are the ones moving the goal posts somehow, huh?
"It may be the shortest trailer ever made", followed by a 25 seconds trailer 3 days after and between the 7th anniversary of PT are 3 isolated things that the internet somehow duck tapped together.

A trailer from another developer.. that didn't release on the PT anniversary as you all predicted... that was a completely pointless asset flip lol


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Like IP is suggesting above, there's no link between Kojima and Abandoned... so, why does it make any sense for him to so casually be talking about a trailer for a "secret" project? In and amongst tweets that are obviously related to DS?

That's not really reasonable, it doesn't stand on it's own legs. It's just selectivity on your part -- you're picking and choosing which tweets apply to which projects, just to suit this fanciful argument. It's silly.

The entire concept of Abandoned being related to Kojima at this point makes zero sense.

What is the point of all of it? Abandoned is.. nothing... it's a few words Hasan has written, a Teaser he later said wasn't actually the game.. then a short clip of a guy walking.

The description of the game is just a BS survival game concept.. that has been done 1000 times on Steam...

What in the world would be the point of Kojima referencing Abandoned at all?

Like later he reveals an actual game he's working on and goes "Hah! That whole time I was actually referencing Abandoned, which.. doesn't exist!"

If it's Silent Hill.. then.. I guess it's "Hah, remember that Starts with an 'S" ends with an 'L' tweet that came out AFTER people already were theorizing Abaonded was SH? WELL.... IT REALLY WASSS!"
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Like IP is suggesting above, there's no link between Kojima and Abandoned... so, why does it make any sense for him to so casually be talking about a trailer for a "secret" project? In and amongst tweets that are obviously related to DS?

That's not really reasonable, it doesn't stand on it's own legs. It's just selectivity on your part -- you're picking and choosing which tweets apply to which projects, just to suit this fanciful argument. It's silly.
A trailer from another developer.. that didn't release on the PT anniversary as you all predicted... that was a completely pointless asset flip lol
Again, this isn't "one thing" it's another on the pile of things of a guy who did this twice already and was bummed out about who quickly the internet broke the "code".

What I'm going about now and we all dismissed back then was "he was likely talking about DS DC trailer". Now we have proof he wasn't.
He's dropping hints, he knows that Abandoned is being associated with Konami, Sony and himself, yet none of them tried one bit to distance from this situation.

"Oh but Hassan said so", yeah, so did Moby Dick Studios.

It's funny how it's me who's is choosing what to present as "evidence" of this being tied together.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Again, this isn't "one thing" it's another on the pile of things of a guy who did this twice already and was bummed out about who quickly the internet broke the "code".

So bummed out that people figured out his last ruse, that after people were already theorizing Abandoned was SH on the internet.. he had Hasan make the tweet that this thread title refers to?

"Starts with an 'S' ends with an 'L'"

Amazing code there.


Again, this isn't "one thing" it's another on the pile of things of a guy who did this twice already and was bummed out about who quickly the internet broke the "code".

And again, a gigantic pile of pieces of poor evidence don't congeal into one good, reasonable argument. This is a fact that a conspiracy theorist will always struggle with, but it remains true -- doesn't matter if you're talking about 100 disparate things, each piece of evidence is appraised as credible on it's own merits, and that alone.

Now we have proof he wasn't.

This is not "proof".
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
It’s more evidence than Team Fake has.

We aren't the ones trying to prove something that is different from what is being stated at face value.

Your insistence that somehow Team Fake needs to supply "evidence" other than the endless facts showing Blue Box has been a shitty indie dev for 6 years working on crap that has nothing to do with Kojima, or Silent Hill, or MGS, or Konami, or anything...


We aren't the ones trying to prove something that is different from what is being stated at face value.

Your insistence that somehow Team Fake needs to supply "evidence" other than the endless facts showing Blue Box has been a shitty indie dev for 6 years working on crap that has nothing to do with Kojima, or Silent Hill, or MGS, or Konami, or anything...
Team Real don’t have to prove anything, it’s meant to be a fun game of following the clues.


So it boils down to TeamFake don't have to do anything more than "yeah this isn't enough proof".
After presenting the 284º "coincidence":
"Yeah, this one is just another coincidence, like the other 283 before it.
Stop moving goal posts, nothing is related because I said so. Can we close this now? Why is this thread still open? Any mods awake or something?

Must be nice. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Those "MGS" beats in trailer seem to be from new DS mode, with infiltrating camps and such. Don't remember exact phrasing, see Keighley latest show. If something seems out of place, its because it is new content that's been added, we're getting new missions and other stuff.

Kojima kept talking about his trailer all this time, set the date and released it today. This is clear. It's new self-edited full-blown trailer for DsDc with indie music, like he promised. Not sure where confusion comes from.

Anyway, would be fun if we could agree that tomorrow's the judgement day, so to speak... For those of Team Real brave enough to set the date, I raise glass, we're all having fun tomorrow. Hope no-one else will get banned! Stay polite all, its just one more day)))

For Silent Hill fans, there still exists (non insane) hope for new SH, unrelated to Hasan. Dusk Golem swore that advertising trailer exists at Sony for translation (possibly from 3d party dev) and while he's lame, maybe this time he'll be right, who knows.
Can't wait for the show!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Those "MGS" beats in trailer seem to be from new DS mode, with infiltrating camps and such. Don't remember exact phrasing, see Keighley latest show. If something seems out of place, its because it is new content that's been added, we're getting new missions and other stuff.

Kojima kept talking about his trailer all this time, set the date and released it today. This is clear. It's new self-edited full-blown trailer for DsDc with indie music, like he promised. Not sure where confusion comes from.

Anyway, would be fun if we could agree that tomorrow's the judgement day, so to speak... For those of Team Real brave enough to set the date, I raise glass, we're all having fun tomorrow. Hope no-one else will get banned! Stay polite all, its just one more day)))

For Silent Hill fans, there still exists (non insane) hope for new SH, unrelated to Hasan. Dusk Golem swore that advertising trailer exists at Sony for translation (possibly from 3d party dev) and while he's lame, maybe this time he'll be right, who knows.
Can't wait for the show!

OH! Tomorrow is 100% judgement day. I'm Team Real, so I'm not going to keep making excuses if nothing happens tomorrow. It's tomorrow or BUST!

Plastic Train

Neo Member
Those "MGS" beats in trailer seem to be from new DS mode, with infiltrating camps and such. Don't remember exact phrasing, see Keighley latest show. If something seems out of place, its because it is new content that's been added, we're getting new missions and other stuff.

Kojima kept talking about his trailer all this time, set the date and released it today. This is clear. It's new self-edited full-blown trailer for DsDc with indie music, like he promised. Not sure where confusion comes from.

Anyway, would be fun if we could agree that tomorrow's the judgement day, so to speak... For those of Team Real brave enough to set the date, I raise glass, we're all having fun tomorrow. Hope no-one else will get banned! Stay polite all, its just one more day)))

For Silent Hill fans, there still exists (non insane) hope for new SH, unrelated to Hasan. Dusk Golem swore that advertising trailer exists at Sony for translation (possibly from 3d party dev) and while he's lame, maybe this time he'll be right, who knows.
Can't wait for the show!
If Abandoned isn't explained at the event tomorrow, it's a marketing failure.
I will surrender if there is no news tommorow. If not we will never actually know the answer until the Game details are revealed and I am not willing to wait , ( especially for a game which was origionally slated for a Q4 2021 release)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Haha. Team fake haven't moved any goal posts, team real just keep shooting wide.

Team real pushing the reveal date (for sure this time) 77 times is moving the goal posts.

Lie! The reveal date was ALWAYS going to be the Playstation event. We just didn't know "when" the event was taking place. July, August, Sept, etc.
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